How to be nice and polite

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Conversation Lesson | How To Be Polite & Show Respect in English
Video: Conversation Lesson | How To Be Polite & Show Respect in English


Being nice and polite is often easier said than done.Sometimes you already have enough worries besides smiling at people and saying please and thank you. So why be polite? Trust me, it will make you feel better and will pave the way for good relationships with other people. If this is not enough for you, think about the fact that others are more likely and more willing to help polite and nice people. So, read on to find out where to start.


Part 1 of 3: Be Polite in Your Everyday Life

  1. 1 Smile and be positive. Having a positive attitude can help you stay happy even if you have a bad day. Smiling makes you more attractive and makes you appear more confident and satisfied with your life. Plus, the people you smile at will feel better too! Well, plus to everything, no one likes the one who only does what he complains about his problems.
  2. 2 Greet other people. When you walk by someone, even a stranger, greet them with “hello,” “hello,” or just nod. Saying hello to a person shows your politeness and makes them feel a little more special.
    • If you are walking through a crowded city, it is difficult to greet everyone. At least try to be polite to people next to whom you will sit on the bus or plane, or with those whom you accidentally bump into.
    • Say good morning to your classmates and teachers or colleagues when you walk into school or work in the morning. You will soon develop a reputation for being polite.
  3. 3 Be a good listener. Listen when other people talk to you. It is impolite to ignore other people's opinions and stories. If you want people to listen to you, learn to listen yourself.
    • If you feel that the person is becoming rude or overly assertive, never cover your mouth with your hands or make a rude expression on your face. Just wait politely for the person to finish talking and change the subject.
    • Being polite does not mean being bullied. If you're talking to a stranger who makes you feel uncomfortable, you can excuse yourself and walk away.
  4. 4 Be courteous and helpful. Always say please, thank you and not at all. Be patient, observant, and considerate. Treat people with respect, even those you don't want to know at all.
    • Do not forget to always say “sorry” and not shout “OFF THE ROAD!” When someone stands in your way (unless we are talking about some kind of dangerous situation for others). People are not land that you can just spit on, they are living beings, just like you. As a rule, if you treat a person with respect, then he responds in kind.
    • If you are on public transport and an elderly person, disabled person, or pregnant woman walks in, make way. It's polite.
    • If you see that someone needs help, you need to lift something or get it from a high shelf, help.
  5. 5 Smile. By smiling, you show people that you are pleased. Look the person in the eye and give them a little smile or a big smile - it doesn't matter which one. This creates the mood of a casual encounter and tends to encourage the person to smile back. It also makes the person feel comfortable with you. If the person doesn't smile back, don't worry, they may have had a bad day.
    • Smile at random passers-by on the street when you buy something in the store, when you go to school in the morning, or any other time when you make eye contact with someone.
    • Smile even when you are upset. Be polite even when you're in a bad mood. Why spread your bad mood to other people?
    • If you're in a bad mood and don't want to interact with people, try listening to music, drawing, or doing something else that you love. So you will not offend anyone and do not be rude (even if not intentionally).
  6. 6 Empathize. Empathy means being able to put yourself in the shoes of another.They are not born with compassion, they acquire this quality. Put yourself in the person's shoes and ask yourself the question: "How does he feel at this moment?" The goal is not to find the answer, but to understand the person, to become more caring and kind ..
    • Don't single out or discriminate against people. Be equally kind to everyone. It is not enough to be kind to teachers and friends; be kind to everyone around you, not just those who are cool and popular. Don't judge others by race, age, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or religion.
  7. 7 Don't get in the habit of discussing people behind their backs. In principle, criticizing people is not worth it, but sometimes it is completely normal to tell a person that he did the wrong thing. However, this must be done personally, and not behind the back. If you speak badly of people behind their back and do not say anything to their face, others will consider you a hypocrite. Don't want to be called a gossip? Do not discuss people when they are not around.
    • If you have a question - ask, if there is a problem - tell us about it. Discuss any conflicts that arise, do not keep them to yourself, much less gossip. No need to be afraid, talk about what worries you in person - all problems can be solved.
  8. 8 Be courteous to everyone, not just your loved ones. Holding the door to a friend is nice, but being a good person means being kind and courteous to everyone. Help the people on the street, shake hands with the elderly from the bus, help the person who accidentally dropped the papers ... help everyone. Is it a friend's birthday? Help organize a party. Do you know that your friend was having a hard day? Buy a pizza and go to his house. Be kind for no reason.
    • Ask people how they are doing. Take some time and ask someone how they are doing without being curious or intrusive. If the person is immune to the conversation, then do not force him to say more than he wants to say.

Part 2 of 3: Be Nice to People You Know

  1. 1 Be positive. When your friends turn to you for advice or just to cheer you up, you don't need to be critical. Look for the positive in any situation. Cheer them up. There are two sides to every situation: positive and negative. Good people help people see the positive side of things.
    • Praise your friends' accomplishments. If your friend did a good test or won a prize, congratulate him!
    • Compliment your friends. If you have a friend who doesn't like her hair, tell her that her hair is beautiful or compliment her on her cute smile. These words don't have to be true, but sometimes they just need to be used to cheer the person up.
      • If this is a close friend of yours, you might put it this way: "[what we're talking about] looks good, but it wouldn't hurt ... [suggest what can be changed]."
    • Sometimes people just need to let off steam. Be positive and try to understand the speaker. Don't raise your voice, listen to the person.
  2. 2 Be humble. Do you have a habit of looking down on people other than you or those you think are weird? It is not polite to think that you are better than other people. Yes, you are individual, but people have difficulties - in such moments, politeness comes in handy more than ever. Everyone is equal, and when you talk about how good you are, you make others feel less important.
    • Do not brag and do not consider yourself the navel of the Earth. If you did something special, you can be proud of yourself, but do not forget about those who helped you.
    • Don't judge people if you don't know them well. Don't make assumptions about people based on how they look or speak. You need to realize that first impressions do not always reflect the true picture. Don't judge a book by its cover.
  3. 3 Be sincere. Don't be polite just to get things done.If you want to be polite just to get some benefit, then that's not what we're talking about in this article. This is deceitful, calculating, and sometimes cruel behavior. Be polite so that you can look back on your life and know that you were a nice and polite person no matter what. Be sincerely polite.
    • Don't be two-faced. Don't judge people or gossip. Being polite to people helps you earn their trust, and when you talk about them behind their back, you betray them. Never gossip about people you don't like. This will create a bad impression and may one day turn against you.
  4. 4 Fill your day with small acts of kindness. Let it be everyday little things, for example, hold the door for an unfamiliar teacher or smile at someone who is not always polite towards you. Seems like a trifle? But in the long run, people will know that you are a kind and good person. It is from the little things that life consists.
  5. 5 Learn to share. Share lunch with your little brother or sister. Provide with another word, share time and space with loved ones and more. Do charity work. Be generous in your daily life, in every little detail. Generosity is an essential quality of a good person. Do not take more than you can give in return, and when possible, give more than you give.

Part 3 of 3: Be Nice to People You Love

  1. 1 Offer help. If you see that your mom or your dad is torn between several things, then offer your help. When you have free time and energy, think about other people first. Your good deeds are bound to pay off in the long run, so don't be selfish.
    • Don't wait for someone to ask you to help. Learn to set aside time when others need it.
    • Find creative ways to help! Help your siblings with lessons, listen to your spouse's idea of ​​a new project, prepare breakfast for your family, take your dog for a walk, take your sister to school, and so on.
  2. 2 Be reliable. Being good for your family and those you love means being there when they need it. Answer emails and phone calls, don't mess up plans, and don't keep talking when the person asks to listen to you.
    • If someone leaves you a message, be sure to call back. It is impolite to keep you waiting for days.
    • If you promised to come somewhere, be there at the appointed time. If you said you would do it, then do it. Insecurity undermines people's trust in you, and it's not a good thing to do that.
  3. 3 Be available to people in difficult times. When a person feels bad and is experiencing an emotional shock, the least he wants is to cook and eat alone! Prepare a casserole and go to a friend - spend the whole evening with him. If your best friend is just going through a tough breakup, offer to help him collect things from his ex - it will be much easier for him. Best friends and good people are those who do not turn away from loved ones at a difficult moment, but provide all kinds of support.
  4. 4 Behave with dignity. Sometimes it's not easy to be nice and polite. There are situations when people are literally tested. Even the people we love can be unreliable, subjective, and selfish. Don't stoop to their level. Don't go from good to cruel just because someone is testing your patience.
    • When anger covers you with your head and you understand that you are about to explode, do whatever you like, but hold back. Go for a run, hit a pillow, or play a video game.
    • Treat people the way you would like to be treated. Respect others, and people will begin to see you as a good, caring, reliable, and considerate friend. Everyone wants his views. ideas and hobbies were respected. Respect others and you will be reciprocated.
  5. 5 Goodbye people. If a person asked for forgiveness, do not continue to punish him, do not hold grudge against him - forgive him. Remember, to forgive is to let go. When a person forgives, there is no more room for jealousy, anger, and other negative emotions. No, this does not mean that a person immediately needs to open his soul. This means that you need to let go of anger and resentment as soon as the person asked for forgiveness. In addition, forgiving is an integral part of goodwill.
    • Even if the person who offended you does not ask for forgiveness, live on. If he does not consider it necessary to apologize, then he is not worthy of your anger or your concern.


  • Be kind all the time. If you are kind and polite one day and the other way around, people will think you are insincere.
  • If a friend has offended you, don't reciprocate. Ask him what is wrong. Others also have difficult moments in life.
  • When you see a person sitting alone, sit down next to him and get to know him better. Perhaps he will become a good friend to you.
  • Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
  • Give compliments to people. A simple compliment can lift a person's mood, especially if something is not going well in his life at the moment.
  • Encourage the person, praise him for his merits - this is especially true in the work team. Perhaps when you need support in the future, he will provide you with it.
  • Remember to be kind to animals. If you really want to be a kind person, take care of animals. Love animals, respect them - they deserve it.
  • Try doing something good every day. Anonymous or not. It will lift your spirits and make someone else's day better. It is much easier to be nice and polite when you are happy.
  • Don't laugh at other people's mistakes or point out their flaws too harshly. Of course, you can laugh it off, but with common sense. What doesn't hurt you can hurt another.
  • Don't judge people by your own standards. What is good for one person may be bad for another.
  • Take care of the feelings of other people, and they will respond in kind to you.


  • You should not smile and say hello to those with whom you have been in conflict before.

People may think that you are being cunning, and their reaction will be unpleasant to you.

  • Being kind, good, and polite doesn't mean you cave in. Compromising is good, but seeking justice is even better. Stand up for the truth and protect people. If you are being tactful and the person is not doing the same, take your leave and leave.
  • Don't let others take advantage of your kindness, friendliness, and humility. Defend your opinion with dignity and courtesy, which will make life easier for you and others.
  • You've probably heard the phrase: "It doesn't matter how a person looks, it is important what is inside him." This is partly true, however, what first impression you make makes a big difference. If you act like a barbarian for the first time, you will be remembered as a barbarian. Be friendly - people will remember you as a polite and kind person.