How to be a mean girl

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why I Became A Mean Girl & Why You Should As Well| Glow Up Pro
Video: Why I Became A Mean Girl & Why You Should As Well| Glow Up Pro


Have you ever had cases when you were humiliated, used, ridiculed mercilessly? Have you suffered because of other people? Now is the time to end this and learn how to be a bad girl. But don't forget that being cool doesn't mean being cool right away. You will just be bad.


Method 1 of 2: Get Nasty Like Regina George from Mean Girls

  1. 1 Look at yourself from the outside. Regina has power. The reason why she received this strength from others (namely, she needs to be received, not taken) lies in her beautiful appearance and in the ability to always (exactly always!) Look good. This may be silly, but people will always judge you by your appearance. And if you want to get strength, to become bad, you must correspond to this image. You must learn to scare people. And what scares girls? Beautiful girls.
    • Be trendy. This does not mean at all that you need to follow all the latest trends like a lamb, come up with your own style. Choose your outfits wisely and only wear what suits you. Stick to a certain style that will give you your identity.
    • Carry a purse with you. There should be some makeup in it. Even in the gym, Regina George looked great. She is successful because she focused on details. Lip gloss, accessories - and you're done.
  2. 2 Be very nice '...but with some people. If you treat everyone badly, then you become a witch that no one wants to deal with. You have to act as if your approval is very difficult to earn, only a few are worthy of your praise, as you are too picky. When people see that they don't meet your standards, they will try to please you.
    • Be openly friendly with your chosen ones. Everyone should see that you can be really nice to those who deserve it. Choose those with whom you will be nice and friendly very consistently and carefully. These people will become your close friends.
  3. 3 Take what you want. If someone wants something, then you need to take it. After all, why not? Someone will get it, and why can't it be you? If it's a guy, great. If someone's homework is great.
    • Okay, don’t take away someone’s homework. But if you "forgot" to do your own thing, and a classmate sitting next to you will definitely get a good mark, then you can tell her that your little puppy got sick last night, and you were not up to school, maybe she will let you cheat?
    • If people don't offer anything themselves, ask them. Give them the opportunity to feel closer to you. Ask the girl about her nail polish. She will definitely like that you appreciate her image. Forgot your pocket money for lunch? Mention this in front of a nice guy - he will certainly want to help you. In short, take advantage of the right moments.
  4. 4 Hit back. Regina always has a poignant-but-not-really-offensive answer at the ready. Someone hurts you - respond in kind. But do everything subtly - there should be room for doubt whether they understood your taunt correctly.
    • If someone accuses you of being cruel, just say, "I'm not cruel - I just know how to stand up for myself. There is nothing wrong with that. You should try it too, and I'm sure you don't want to be a weakling anymore. Anyway, nobody likes those on whom you can wipe your feet. " Collect your insults to leave people in the dark.
  5. 5 Flirt. When it comes to boys, you have to be more sophisticated. You also need to be alert and able to respond, but do so humbly and with a smile. They should be proud of your attention, so don't give smiles to everyone. Which guy is even worthy of you?
    • Smile. Bad guys don't smile, do they? Be joyful at the sight of someone, communicate with them - and they will overlook your ill will behind a wide smile.
  6. 6 Play good at first. Remember how Regina George stopped a girl in an old-fashioned skirt in the school hallway and said that she liked her? And then she turned away, and her face changed to disgust. And the girl thought that she actually looked good, and Regina was very cute. This is how Regina shows her strength.
    • Let's pretend you did the same. And suddenly a girl in an old-fashioned skirt comes up to you and offers to go to the gym together, since she knows that you are in the same class. You might say, "Are you sure we're in the same class? I've never seen you before. I'm sorry ... but I've already made an appointment to go with a friend."
      • These magic words "I'm sorry" will stop the girl from grabbing your throat. Plus, you phrased your insults as a question. It doesn't sound so harsh, although you think it does.
  7. 7 Outwit the adults. If you overdo it with your habits, you can soon turn adults against you. And the one against whom the authority is opposed has many problems. You also need to behave so that they do not notice your deception.
    • Be a good student or student.If you are well-mannered and good at school, it is difficult for adults to guess that you are a bad girl. It's even more difficult if you are friendly and nice to them.
  8. 8 Expect more. Sometimes people are willing to fulfill your wishes just because you have high expectations. If people do not live up to your expectations, tell them about it. The bottom line is that no one wants to disappoint you, but will try to unconditionally fulfill all wishes.
    • Suppose you are involved in a project with girls who are not your friends. One of them said that she would bring a Whatman paper on Monday, but forgot it at home. Could you stop by after school and finish the project? No, you cannot, you are busy. She herself had to remember about whatman paper, and now it slowed down the work of the group. She needs to do the work herself and bring it tomorrow.
  9. 9 Never take the blame on yourself. To balance your dastardly essence, you need to know how to be an angel. This is a girl who never does anything bad, and if she does, she always has a reason for it. Don't take the blame on yourself, but find an excuse or someone to blame.
    • So, one of your friends found out that you told someone about her excess weight. Oh no! She didn't understand it at all. You were told that your girlfriend is getting fatter and fatter. There was no way you could stop this gossip! To stop this, you agreed that her butt has gotten a little fatter lately, but everything else is fine. And in general you would like to have an even bigger ass. And to calm your friend, you invite her to a cafe.
  10. 10 Be forgetful. Forget the names of people you've seen 50 times. Or confuse them. You may know that someone goes to math with you and attends your school from the age of 6, but they do not need to be aware of what you know.
    • It really annoys people. If they are very angry about your behavior (Are you serious? You asked me for homework last week. What's wrong with you?), Then just ignore it. Act like this is a very small moment. Your spontaneity will make them wonder.

Method 2 of 2: Find the Mean Girl Inside You

  1. 1 Be confident in yourself. You are talented and beautiful, despite what others think. You don't have to be perfect - perfect people don't exist. Learn confidence, play it, feel and look confident. You will be very surprised at how much strength the confidence game gives you.
    • Think of it this way: when minors want to go to the cinema, who will not be admitted? Someone who giggles, looks around and moves erratically? Or someone who is cold, calmly walks in without asking questions? And all because they look appropriate... Simply put, when you are confident, you can get more.
  2. 2 Defend your independence. Learn to do everything yourself, ask for help when you really need it. You don't need anyone. When you depend on someone, you need him, and this should be avoided.
    • By becoming a confident and independent person, you will no longer need to be judged by other people. And when you are not interested in the opinions of others, the world opens up for you, and you can do what you want.
  3. 3 Say what you want and always express your thoughts. People may not like it, but they will respect your honesty. As long as you speak the truth, it will be difficult to argue with you.
    • Be prepared for similar behavior towards you. If you don't follow the rules of decency or etiquette, others will immediately see it and it will be more comfortable for them to attack you the way you did. You can say: "You did not pass the test, because your intelligence is below average" (which may be true), but the person will be hurt, and he can answer with the same coin, for example, "I better not pass this test, but I will not to have a face like yours that only a mother can love. " Be prepared for violence in return.
  4. 4 Make friends with bad girls. They will reveal your confidence and show you how to stand up for yourself, unlike shy girls who take on all the bullying. You will need help as it is very difficult to comply with new changes.
    • The hardest part is being consistent with such friends. They need to know that they have your approval - but only for the moment. If they go from bad girls to good girls, they will have to be squeezed out of the company. Be strong with them, but keep on your side. "He called you fat? Then you need to lose a couple of pounds, but so do I, so let's do it together."
  5. 5 Do not be afraid of other witches. Everyone knows who they are and how destructive they can be. You don't have to be nice to them, you better just ignore them. Let them know that you don't like them or are afraid of them.
    • You do not need to be frankly cruel to them if you do not realize the possible consequences and they suit you. But if you go too far, you can fall low and they will win. Ignore them whenever possible. Indifference to people is worse than hatred, to which you spend a lot of attention. If you ignore them, you don't care if they exist. And this is very annoying.
  6. 6 Be unpredictable. When you change your mood and choices, people will become afraid of you. But they can get tired of it, so do it at the right time, in the right place. This is what it means to be really bad and nice at the same time.
    • Do not forget to show yourself from the bright side from time to time - this will completely confuse people, and it will be funny to watch their reaction. Stop the girl in the hallway and tell her that you liked her talk. Another tell her that her volleyball game this Thursday was wonderful. This will only be a short comment, but if the rest of your comments are negative, then these will look simply amazing against their background.
  7. 7 Don't be a sweet girl. Giggling, pink clothes, and preschooler behavior won't work. Do your best to keep people aware of your ability to be a bitch. You are a bad girl, not a sixth grader with sudden mood swings.
    • All of this will work if you act like an adult. If you are a talker, then you are not a bitch, but simply stupid, and people will not understand this. But if you are mature, confident, honest and suffer from fits of stupidity, then it will be more difficult for others to find a hole in your armor. Be smart about your newfound aggression.


  • Always be on the lookout. Be consistently tough, otherwise people will understand that you are pretending.
  • Try to make friends with the boys. They can become additional protectors when needed.
  • Treat your friends the same way you treat yourself. They will respect you for it and love you more.
  • Bad girl doesn't have to be wrong. You want to be strong and assertive. You need to know the difference.


  • A bad girl can't be a bully! Don't always be cruel to people; just try to be more confident. Use cruelty if hurt by someone; stand up for yourself and don't give up.
  • Regina George was not a good person. She manipulated people and had no real friends. Be prepared to feel lonely.
  • Don't confuse "bad" and "moody". Smile, laugh, and appreciate things.
  • Despite the fact that you become popular, there will be people who will despise you for your actions. Try not to use your popularity, otherwise you can become a hooligan - and this is not at all popular!