How to get your ex-partner back quickly

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My NEW #1 Tip To Get Your Ex Back
Video: My NEW #1 Tip To Get Your Ex Back


Made a mistake? It's never too late to fix it. After reading this article, you will learn how to restore a relationship if you broke it off thoughtlessly, as well as what to do if your partner was the initiator of the breakup because of a mistake you made. You will learn to quickly resolve problems, avoid and avoid common mistakes.


Part 1 of 3: Find a quick solution to the problem

  1. 1 Contact your partner. If you want to get your ex back, your main task is to talk to them. This is sometimes the hardest thing to do. Be honest and act quickly. However, do not show your despair and helplessness.
    • If your partner was the initiator of the breakup because of a mistake you made, give him a chance to cool off before trying to take any action. Take your time, wait at least a day. Give your partner enough time to deal with their emotions.
    • If you make a mistake, contact your partner as soon as possible so they know you understand what you did wrong. Call as soon as possible and apologize.
    • If you are sending a text message, remember to keep it simple and short. It is better to write briefly what you think about the person than to try hard and intricate to express your deepest feelings. Just don't overdo it, one or two messages will be enough.
    • Think before you go to a person's home. It is best to avoid this behavior, as the person may think that you are stalking them. Remember, if you weren’t invited, it’s better not to come.
  2. 2 Admit your mistakes. Tell your ex that you understand what you did wrong. Talk about your fault, even if your partner was also not quite right. Now is not the time to sort things out or act harshly and rudely with your ex. If you want it back, just say, "I was wrong and I'm sorry."
    • If your partner makes a mistake, tell him that you forgive him. Try to fix this situation.
    • Be a sincere and honest person. If you don't regret what happened, why are you trying to get your ex back? Don't waste your time.
  3. 3 Show that you are ready to change. It is not enough to know what your mistake is. The ex-partner should see your first steps towards positive change.Start taking the necessary steps now. Get ready to change.
    • Unfortunately, some problems don't have easy solutions. Instead of focusing on the problems themselves, show that you are willing to change by working on what can be changed.
    • If you are a heavy smoker and your ex hates the habit, try quitting smoking. Your ex-partner needs to see this. Show that you have changed.
  4. 4 Tell your partner that he is very important to you. Also, talk about how your life gets better when that person is with you. Describe the depth of your feelings. Be open and honest, avoiding flattering words.
    • Tell your partner how your relationship has changed you for the better. Tell him what you’ve learned and what you’ve become better at because of your relationship.
    • Don't show that you are desperate. If you tell your ex-partner that you cannot live without him or that there are no people like him, your words are unlikely to be taken seriously, as they will sound too pretentious.
  5. 5 Focus on fond memories. Remind your ex-partner of the positives that were in your relationship. Of course, you can't ignore the problems you are facing, but try to focus on fond memories.
    • Discuss the positive aspects of your relationship. What were the strengths? What deserved attention?
  6. 6 Take a romantic step. Kind gestures on your part are what you need. Your ex-partner needs to see you care. This is a simple way to show how much you care about this person and how serious you are about rebuilding the relationship. Send flowers or candy, or cook your ex's favorite meal.
    • Write a love message. Take a pen and express your deepest feelings on paper. A love letter written on a piece of paper will touch your partner's heart much more than a message or email sent.
  7. 7 Put your partner's needs ahead of your own. Remember, your partner's needs and desires should be higher than your own. Be a sincere person.
    • Make time for your ex. Your loved one should know that the relationship with him is very important to you.
    • Listen when your ex is talking. Show your delight when he shares good news with you. Don't interrupt or try to change the subject.

Part 2 of 3: Work to Rebuild the Relationship

  1. 1 Consider if rebuilding the relationship is actually a good idea. Be honest with yourself. If your desire to rebuild a relationship is driven by pride or emotion, it may be worthwhile to seriously weigh the pros and cons again. Is it worth trying to mend a relationship?
    • Do not hurry. Give yourself at least two weeks to think carefully. If you find that your ex is still living a normal life, then it may not be worth trying to get him back.
  2. 2 Look at the situation from your partner's point of view. If you managed to talk to him again, do not stop there, there is still a lot of work to be done to restore the relationship. Work on rebuilding your relationship. Observe your partner's feelings.
    • There are two sides to every dispute. You know your own position well, but if you want to convince your ex to return to you, you need to understand his point of view.
    • If you lied to your ex and it ended the relationship, ask yourself how you would feel if you did this to you. Put yourself in the shoes of your ex.
  3. 3 Give your partner the opportunity to have privacy. If this person is keeping you at a distance, don't try to change the situation. Move at its speed.
    • While you may feel that the distance between you may distance you from each other, in reality it is not, your relationship will recover faster. Give your partner the opportunity to have some personal time and space to calm down and weigh everything carefully.
    • Harassment can take many forms: physical, forum, social media, or email harassment. Your ex will be sure to let you know what you need to know. Don't try to find out more. Otherwise, you will be disgusted.
  4. 4 Be a positive person. When talking with your ex about rebuilding a relationship, speak calmly and in a positive way. Never try to force a person to come back if they don't want to.
    • Show that you are serious about your intentions, but at the same time, be at ease without putting pressure on. Your ex should know that you are serious, but you are not going to pressure him.
  5. 5 Don't be limited to friendships. Of course, if there is a friendly relationship between you and this person, this is only a plus. However, if you want to restore a romantic relationship with him, do not limit yourself to talking about friendship.
    • Having a friendly relationship with your ex is very good. Be prepared to listen and support your loved one. Strong relationships are usually built on friendship, which later develops into love.
    • Don't just dwell on friendships. You will not return your ex if you are only friends with him. You need to make an effort to restore your romantic relationship.

Part 3 of 3: Avoid Common Mistakes

  1. 1 Never beg your ex to come back to you. Even if you're desperate, don't let your ex know about it. Maintain your dignity and don't let your partner act like they are doing you a favor by agreeing to come back to you.
    • Emotional strength and maturity are attractive qualities for both men and women. Begging is common for weak people and those who can be easily manipulated. It is difficult for such people to attract others to themselves.
  2. 2 Don't be spineless. Of course, your ex should know that his needs are paramount to you, but if he becomes too demanding and unreasonable, you should know when to stop.
    • Don't forget your own worth. Even if you make a mistake, it doesn't give your ex-partner the right to use you.
    • A former partner who treats you like a weak person will take advantage of you and end the relationship with you completely. Even if he comes back to you, he will not respect you, and such a relationship cannot be called healthy.
  3. 3 Don't try to sound too unhappy. Don't think that your relationship with your ex was the best in your life. Of course, it's okay to get upset about a breakup, and there's nothing wrong with your ex seeing your reaction. However, he must also see that you are capable of living without him.
    • You should not constantly write on social networks about how bad you are, so that the people around you know that you are going through a difficult period.
    • It's better to show your ex that you are ready to move on after a painful breakup. Remember, emotional strength and resilience are attractive qualities.
  4. 4 Don't worry if your ex starts dating someone else. It may seem to you that everything is lost forever, but it is not. If you panic or pressure your ex when he changes his status, it will only alienate him.
    • If your ex starts dating someone right after the breakup, chances are that the relationship won't last because that person is just trying to get away from reality.
    • On the other hand, your ex may have ended their relationship with you for the sake of another person. In this case, trying to get him back is not a good idea.