How to Ask a Guy to Be Your Boyfriend

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dating Advice: How To Ask A Guy Out To Be Your Boyfriend. Sometimes You Just Ask Him!
Video: Dating Advice: How To Ask A Guy Out To Be Your Boyfriend. Sometimes You Just Ask Him!


Asking a guy to be your boyfriend can be scary, but it doesn't have to be. With thought in mind, you can have a meaningful conversation about the future of your relationship without feeling stressful.


Part 1 of 3: Decide if you're ready

  1. Determine if you are ready to make a promise. Deciding to commit can be difficult. Whether you are willing to commit or not, a stable relationship can be determined by a number of factors. Each situation will be different, and you may have certain expectations for a relationship. Ask yourself:
    • How do I feel about him? Do I feel excited when I'm with him? Do I miss it when he leaves?
    • Is there anything I can do to commit the time to a serious relationship right now? What kind of relationship do I want?
    • We have quarreled before, haven't we? If so, how well did we handle it?
    • Does he respect me? Are there any disturbing signals that I should be concerned about? Am I not sure of his temperament? Do I trust him?
    • How do I feel about monogamy? Do I want a single relationship with one person? If so, am I ready to be monogamous with this man? If not, will both sides open a polygamy relationship?
    • Am I doing this because he makes me happy? Or, are others pressuring me to have a boyfriend?

  2. Consider the length of your relationship. Asking a guy to be your boyfriend too early can scare him if he doesn't feel the same, but waiting too long can create confusion and hurt emotions. Since all relationships are different, there isn't a specific time you should wait before you confess. Trust your intuition. If you feel the moment is right, take action.
    • If you just met him, ask him out a few times before asking him to be your boyfriend. Maybe you don't want to make a promise to someone you just met.
    • Many ask the other person to make a promise or to be with them after about 6 days or 1 month.
    • Some people wait until they date for 3 months to confess their love.
    • If there is a long distance relationship, you may want to confess sooner. This will help both of you understand what to expect even while apart.

  3. Determine if he is interested in you. Be aware of some signs of his feelings for you. The only way to be completely sure of his feelings is to ask questions, but you can look for certain cues that might indicate his feelings.
    • If he does mention future plans, it could be a sign that he is planning to stick with you.
    • If he is happy to show off you to everyone, especially to friends, it shows that he is proud of being with you.
    • If he texts you through the day, it means he thinks about you constantly.
    • If you see each other a few times a week and hang out every weekend, that could be a sign that he is paying more attention to you.

  4. Be prepared to accept rejection. Even if you hope he agrees to be your boyfriend, remember that he can say no. Maybe he's not ready for a serious relationship with you, or maybe he doesn't like using titles or labels to describe your relationship. Think about how you would respond to a rejection.
    • If you want to have a serious relationship with someone who will commit to you, you may have to cut contact with this guy if he refuses. This will allow you to look for someone who is looking forward to a serious relationship.
    • If you are satisfied with your relationship, you may decide to stay where you are until he is ready to be your boyfriend.
    • If you have strong feelings for him, you will need to decide if you want to hang out with him later. You can decide to be just friends or cut off contact until you can get over your crush.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing the right time

  1. Plan ahead. It's easier if you know the right time to ask a question. You can practice the conversation earlier, or you can pinpoint the right time to raise the issue. There's no perfect time to ask a guy to be your boyfriend. Evaluate your personal situation carefully.
    • Some people plan a special day and schedule this conversation at the end of the day. Others find that conversation occurs most naturally when they go out separately. Either way, choose the right date in advance.
    • Don't ask when he feels stressed, sad, or busy. He may be surprised by this revelation and this may affect his response.
    • If you are feeling anxious, anxious, or restless, you can practice what you are going to say in advance. Stand in front of the mirror, try starting a conversation and asking questions.
  2. Directly meeting. You might be inclined to text or text a guy to ask him, but these questions are best answered in person. Talking face-to-face allows you to find many different possibilities for your relationship. If you have any questions or concerns about the guy, you can tackle them together.
    • If you are in a long distance relationship, it may not be easy to meet in person. If you are able to chat during a visit, you should wait until the end of the trip before you speak up, in case you get a denial. If you can't ask in person, calling him is the next best option.
  3. Decide on a good place to chat. There isn't a perfect place to talk about your relationship, but it's a place where you can both express your feelings and discuss your future. Consider what works for you and the guy.
    • Maybe you should have this conversation while you are alone. Ask questions while walking on the beach, park, or home of either of you.
    • If there is a special place for both of you, such as your first date spot or a favorite monument-, you can choose to talk there for a memorable experience.
    • Make sure he is not distracted. Don't ask him while watching a movie, when hanging out with friends, or when he's at work.
    • If you ask him while in the car or eating at a restaurant, he may feel awkward. Have a conversation in a place where both of you are comfortable.
  4. Open the question at the right time. When going out on your scheduled date, focus on relaxing. Wait for the right time to speak. Wait until you feel the “right time” or the “special moment”. If you have trouble with this, you can follow some basic instructions.
    • If he compliments you, you can praise him back, start a conversation about what you like about each other. This is a natural transition into going into a relationship conversation.
    • If there is a period of silence, you can raise the issue. Say how happy you are in the moment, and see how the conversation progresses.
    • At the end of a date or outing, you can say, "Hey, before you go, I want to tell you something."
  5. Consider waiting for him to speak first. If making him your “boyfriend” isn't too high of a priority, consider waiting to see if he mentions it first. This can also help you get a feel for whether he is comfortable with using a title or label to define a relationship with you. This can be a good option if you are unsure of your feelings or think he is uncertain about the relationship.
    • Do not wait forever for a guy to confess. Pick a date for yourself before you ask him. For example, you could give him a month before confessing in person.

Part 3 of 3: Asking questions

  1. Start with a compliment. Tell him what you like about him. This flattering will relax him, and it will make the question of the relationship much easier. A compliment about his humor, intelligence, or kindness is a good way to express your thoughts on him.
    • You can say, “You know, I'm very funny. I've never met a funny person like you before. "
    • Another good compliment is, “You are very attentive. I was very touched by your gesture ".
    • If he smiles, thanks you, or compliments you in return, that could be a positive sign that he feels the same way about you.
  2. Express how you feel about him. Once you start off with a positive signal, it can be easy to confess your feelings for him.If you receive a positive response from your compliment, you can express your feelings more deeply. Let him know how you feel about him. Explain that you have enjoyed your time together until today, or that you are beginning to fall in love.
    • You can say, “So far I have had a great time with you. You are a really interesting person and I thought a lot about our relationship ”.
    • You should probably avoid saying that you love him at this point. He may be scared or worried that the relationship is progressing too quickly. Instead, you could say that you're "emotionally growing," or that you "really like" him.
  3. Ask if he wants to be your boyfriend. It's best to ask directly if he's willing to be your boyfriend. Depending on the situation, you can ask this question in a number of different ways.
    • You can ask him directly, "Do you want to get to know me officially? Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
    • If you are unsure about the status of the relationship, you can ask, "Where do you think this relationship is going?"
    • If either of you is dating more than one person, you could ask, "Do you want us to start dating alone?"
    • If you want to understand his feelings for me, you can say, “I want to know what I should tell others when they ask about our relationship. Would you agree to be my boyfriend? "
  4. Establish your expectations. You may both have different ideas about what a stable relationship means. Perhaps he is ready to date you, but not yet ready to meet your family. Maybe he wants to "have sex" but you want to wait. When talking, you should both be clear about what to expect from a romance.
    • You can initiate this conversation by asking, "What does being a boyfriend mean to you?"
    • Answer honestly if he asks you about what to expect in a relationship. For example, you could say, "I expect a guy to be loyal and honest to me. I'm not ready for marriage, but I want to explore the opportunities of a more serious relationship."
  5. Give him time to respond. The guy may feel pressured or uncomfortable when asked. If he is worried, uncomfortable, or hesitant, give him a day or two to think about an answer. While it may seem like he's trying not to make promises, maybe he just needs time to consider whether he's ready or not.
    • You can say, “If you need time to think, that's fine. Take some time before you make your decision. ”
    • If he requires his own space, leave him alone. You might ask, "How long do you think it takes you to decide?" Try not to ask questions again until the time has elapsed.
    • If he doesn't give you a specific time, you can ask again in a few days. Say, “Hey, I just want to know if you have any thoughts on our relationship. Have you decided yet? "
    • Don't haunt him by texting, calling, or texting him about it. If he doesn't respond to you right away, you can text him once after asking a question and again after 1 or 2 days. Give him space to decide.
  6. Handle rejection politely. If he makes it clear that he doesn't want to be your boyfriend, try to maintain positive emotions. Smile, and let him know you understand. He may be content with continuing a normal relationship, or want to end things there. Consider your own feelings before proceeding.
    • If he wants to end everything, respect his choice. Thank him for spending time together, but let's say you understand. You can say, “I'm sorry to hear that, but I was very happy to be with you. Wish you all the luck".
    • If he wants to continue a normal relationship but you want to end things, you can say, "I think it's best we stop seeing each other later." If he asks why, just say, "It seems we have different desires".
    • Maybe he said he wanted to be friends with you. Don't agree unless you're ready to be just friends. If you feel this is going to be difficult, be honest. You can say, “I'm not sure I can. You're a great guy, but I think I'll need some space. ”
    • Some guys may "ignore" you or stop contacting you. It's natural to feel sad, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. Perhaps he just feels awkward about the situation.

Advice from an expert

If you want to ask a guy to be your boyfriend, follow these tips to get to know his feelings:

  • Be frank. You may be afraid to do so, but the best way to ask a guy to be your boyfriend is to show your feelings. You could also try asking questions like "What's your intention for us?" or "Where do you think this is going?"
  • Ask about his past relationships. To ask him to be your boyfriend, try asking him how long it will take him and his ex to begin your first relationship. That can help you gauge how long it will take him to begin a relationship with someone.
  • Pay attention to his feedback. When you ask someone, remember that not answering directly to a problem is also an answer. If they say, "Oh, I'm just trying to understand myself," they may not have feelings for you, but they are not confident enough to speak directly.


  • Different relationships work based on different conditions and schedules. Don't get pressured or embarrassed if your relationship is not progressing as fast as your friends' relationships.
  • If you've just met someone you like, don't rush. Get to know him and then try something new with him.
  • Clearly state your expectations in a relationship so that no one will get hurt.
  • Spend time together after you become a couple before you develop a relationship. While each relationship is progressing at its own pace, he may not be ready for commitment steps, such as meeting his parents or moving in with you.


  • It's natural to feel sad, upset, or depressed after being rejected. Try distracting yourself with activities you enjoy and spending time with friends.
  • Don't harass or annoy a guy to be your boyfriend. If he isn't interested, the best thing you can do is move on.
  • Don't get angry if one doesn't want to be your boyfriend. There are many reasons he refused. Maybe he's not ready for a relationship, or maybe the two of you are just not right for each other.