How to twist legs

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mayo Clinic Minute: Ankle sprains 101
Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Ankle sprains 101


  • Muscle relaxants. Next, do a few stretches - try to focus on the group of organs that are most important to the stretch, like the hamstrings, hips, and if you want to stretch, stretch your groin muscles. You don't have to do as many stretches as if you want enough flexibility to be able to pry the first time, as these are just for warmth. In fact, when you can confidently flex your legs, the flexing itself is also part of the stretching process.
  • Enter the posture. After you relax your muscles and warm up your body, get in a ready position to move to a tapering motion. Depending on whether you want to swing vertically or horizontally, the preparation posture will be different. You can distinguish as follows:
    • For vertical splits, lower yourself into a kneeling position with your back straight. Extend your dominant leg forward. The front knee should be straight and the hind leg is bent so that the shin is on the ground. Make sure knees and back feet are facing the ground, NOT resting on the side. This is a common mistake that can cause serious trauma.
    • For horizontal splits, stand up straight and spread your legs wide. Extend your legs slightly above your shoulders.
    • Relax. Deep breath. Focus on your calm and relaxed thoughts. Try not to maintain any tension in your whole body. Believe it or not, there's evidence that relaxation techniques can drastically change our flexibility, especially as you get in the habit of incorporating it into muscle relaxation. Take a deep breath, and when you exhale, lower yourself a little.

  • Start lowering people. Once your body is warm, relaxed and ready, you can gently lower yourself into a slanted or horizontal position. Lower as much as possible without feeling any significant pain or discomfort - if you feel more discomfort than a slight "stretch", stop immediately. Have your hands ready to support your body as you get closer to the floor - it is difficult to support the full body mass with your legs at the same time Keep your feet relaxed at this time.
    • If you are going to swing along, place your hands on the floor and slowly slide your front foot forward until you touch the floor. Point your back toes straight because arching your toes will prevent you from sliding the correct technique. Never twist your lower back too much.
    • If you want to move sideways, keep your legs apart. You may need to lean forward and support your body mass with your hands at some point.
    • Don't try too hard. Forcing yourself into a ragged position can cause painful and will injury reduction your ability to stretch. Be pleased with the gradual progress.That means that someday you can only lower one foot from the ground while feeling the right stretch, you should not go deeper.

  • Exercise caution when continuing to lower. Surprisingly, flexing your legs on the mattress can help you stretch deeper, while also providing a clearer sensation. Once your legs are 180 degrees wide and your pelvis hits the floor, congratulations on your leg splits! The first attempts may not be successful. This is normal. Don't try to go beyond your maximum elastic limit, or "dip" the person for better results. Instead, take this opportunity to stretch and try again next time.
  • Hold your posture. When you are in a slanted position or reach the limit of flexibility in your body, try to stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then get up, stretch and repeat as many times as you want (switch legs if you're doing vertical stretches). Only continue to spread legs while still feeling comfortable, never fight back the pain to do "one more time". Or you can practice other leg splitting skills.

  • After doing this successfully, try doing more than 180 degrees of leg flexion. Stretch your legs to 180 degrees not yet must be the maximum you can do. As you continue to exercise you can increase your flexibility to the point where you can stretch your legs 180 degrees wider. However, since this is a difficult skill, you need to be careful to avoid injury. To be able to "charge more than 180 degrees" you should start with a pillow on the ground. Get into a slanted position and place your heels on the pillow. You will just stick your legs deeper a little compared to normal charging. Hold this position as you normally would with a normal splitter.
    • Since the elasticity will increase gradually, you can insert a pillow slowly to increase the angle of stretching. Be wary - never add a pillow until you feel completely comfortable with your current flexibility.
  • Method 2 of 2: Increase plasticity

    1. Wall rests stretch hamstring muscles. This move is beneficial for hamstring and lower back muscles. Lie on the floor next to the wall. Position your body perpendicular to the wall, lift your legs against the wall as high as possible, while keeping your lower back on the floor. Reach out to your toes - as far away as possible does not cause much tension or pain. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
    2. Stretch the muscles in the V-position. This move will target the hamstrings, lower back, and triceps if you can reach your toes. Sit on the floor with legs shaped like a wide V. Raise your hands above your head. Gently and slowly bend your upper body while reaching out towards either foot. Stop when you feel pain or discomfort, or the stretching becomes difficult. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then return to the starting position and move on to stretching the other leg.
      • You may not be able to touch your toe at first. This doesn't matter. However, when you can touch your toes, grab the foot and pull gently towards you to pull the calf muscles.
    3. Sitting frog. This movement mainly manipulates the groin and inner thigh muscles. Sit upright on the floor. Do not slouch your shoulders, if necessary you can sit against the wall. Bend your legs toward your body and press the soles of your feet together, so that your legs are a diamond shape. Move your heel as close to groin as possible without pain. You can also push your knees to the ground with your hands for more stretching, but be cautious as this is a bit difficult. Hold for about 20 seconds, rest and repeat.
    4. Stretches your quads muscles. As the name implies, this move mainly stretches the quadriceps - the large group of muscles in the front of the thighs. You need a pillow or two. Enter a kneeling position with the back knee on the pillow. Raise your back foot, straighten your back, then reach your opposite hand back and grab that foot. Gently pull your legs toward your buttocks. You should feel a stretch in the front of your thighs. Hold for about 20 seconds then switch legs.
      • Alternatively, if you are concerned about the pressure on your knees, stretch your quads in a standing position. Stand up straight with one leg up on your buttocks, then pull your foot back with your arms. You can use your other hand against the wall for balance.
    5. Muscle stretching. Lie face down on the floor. Raise into a "plank" - keeping your back and legs aligned, resting your upper body on your elbows and lower body on your toes. Place your feet together so that you are balanced on one foot. Gently push back with the weight of your body until you feel a stretch in your feet and calves. Hold for about 20 seconds, then switch feet and repeat.
      • In addition to stretching the triceps, you will also do light abdominal movements while holding the plank.


    • Wear comfortable clothes, ballet shoes or even socks. If you are not sure if you are strong enough to remove the vacuum, stand close to something for an armrest.
    • You will feel muscle pain because your body is not used to it, but if you keep exercising, the pain should go away on its own. You should practice stretching a little at a time.
    • You must regularly do stretching or you will lose flexibility.
    • Remember that all people who have successfully spread their legs have gone through a period of practice, they also have to practice deep stretching little by little every day.
    • While trying to push yourself down, take a deep breath and then exhale and relax. Your body will slowly lower. Repeat several times. Don't stress while exercising!
    • Do not lower yourself too low if you are in pain, you just need to do more flexibility exercises as well as leg splits.
    • Practice every night by bringing one leg up in the sky for about a minute, then swapping legs, then bringing both feet up into the sky.
    • After doing leg stretching and stretching exercises, roll over your muscles with a foam roller to relieve pain the next day.
    • Remember that when you bend your legs, keep your back straight, always breathe, and if it hurts, get out of the slump, then ask someone to assist. If you want to spread your legs, remember not to wear jeans to avoid discomfort.
    • Be patient. Try to do leg-splits every day, which can be very long, even more than a year
    • The first time you slide into the split leg position, you should slide down as much as you can without any pain. Then stretch a little deeper and hold for at least 45 seconds. If you stretch to an area that still feels painful, you should hold it until you feel comfortable in that position. Then exit the position, stretch and repeat.


    • If you constantly exert yourself to the point where the pain is caused, there is a possibility that the muscle or tendon will tear, or the cartilage layer in the joint is permanently damaged.
    • If you are injured, you must seek help immediately.
    • Leg stretch steadily but do not stretch beyond the limit. If you don't stretch regularly, your muscles will lose elasticity. Don't push yourself too hard if you haven't exercised for a long time, or you may strain your muscles.