How to Turn Your Life

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
If You Are Struggling WATCH THIS! This Is How You Turn Your Life Around
Video: If You Are Struggling WATCH THIS! This Is How You Turn Your Life Around


To be satisfied with your life, you need to change and adapt to the changes. Good news? No one can do it for you except yourself. The first step is always the most difficult, but with the right determination and thinking, you will overcome it all. If you can no longer stand your current situation, what is coming up for you may (and will be) completely different.


Part 1 of 3: Problem Identification

  1. Identify the problem. Whatever is going on in your world, you already know the reason for your dead-end life. Is it your job? Friend? Relationship? Bad habit? Your worldview? All these five points and something else? Are you afraid to admit the problem really are not? You have to find out what's wrong before you fix anything. Fortunately, you have all the answers!
    • It is likely that your answer will be "everything". Each aspect of our lives is constantly involved in other aspects. Don't get discouraged. After all, you create your own life. Whether you need to fix one or everything, you can do it. Just a little more work. You need to mentally wind up, and anything can be done.

  2. Identify your mental obstacles. Getting stuck with miserable work is not the problem, it's a symptom of the problem. Too scared to apply for a new job or too lazy when the current routine is comfortable and easy. You know the saying "you are your own worst enemy"? That applies in this case. You are not responsible for the cards you have in your hand, but you are responsible for the way they are used. What is your mindset hindered you from doing better?
    • Self-awareness is the only way for you to truly change your mindset. Changing your mindset will lead to change in your behavior. Changing your behavior will change what happens to you. If you want to end a problem, you have to cut it off. It seems that the above approach to turning things around seems lengthy and unnecessary, but it really isn't (at least that way isn't necessary). Your mindset and mental block must be addressed before any changes occur.

  3. Ask questions about thoughts and beliefs that make you feel unhappy. Ready for a surprise yet? You live in a world made up of your own thoughts. Think about it. Lean back in the chair and let my mind revolve around that thought. Everything now is a work created by you, your thoughts and your mind. This fact will lead you to the following conclusions:
    • Great. You have the power to live the way you want to. If you want to believe you are the Queen of England, you can. If you want to believe that you are happy, you can too. You are the only one with the power to turn your own life around.
    • Things that are making you unhappy? Some things are just in imagination. Yes, you have a tedious job and you can't deny it. You are in an out-of-pocket relationship, unemployed, heavily addicted to drugs, wanting to commit suicide, or not knowing where you're going. But how you see your situation can rotate everything and make them better. This is understandable, sure; But doing that is not necessarily so easy. However, just by being aware of the truth about this life, you have won half the match.

  4. Put your attitude into the game. In order to get the best out of it, you need a mindset of success. Have you ever tried to get acquainted with that cute boy or girl and you are sure that you will fail? You then. Either you have never done that, or you have been in front of them, but you are extremely tense, afraid and obviously self-conscious. Life in general is not much different either. To get results, you need to have some expectation. If you are doing things in a negative attitude, you must change that.
    • Start learning to think positively. It can be trivial and tedious, so you just need to start with 15 minutes a day. When a negative thought comes up, take the time to correct it. This habit will not be natural at first, but you will get better each day. With those 15 minutes, the thought "My life is bad" becomes, "I'm not happy with my life now and I'm going to do something to change it." Try to practice this habit until you are no longer letting yourself have negative thoughts. It's a lot easier to get out of bed and act when your mind is ready and excited to get started.
  5. Allow yourself to have power. The quick news: happiness doesn't come when you get rid of your problems. There are so many poor children in the world, but every day they laugh happily. There are people in the same situation as you, but they consider themselves lucky when they are still alive. So give yourself the power to make yourself happy, to be perceived as worthy of success. Allows you to take control of your own life instead of pretending that you are an innocent roadside man. Take the reins. You know how to do it.
    • You're reading this page, so obviously you're motivated to do something about it. That's all you need and you have it! You need to decide to do something about it. When it comes to decisions, things change. They have to change. They cannot be unchanged. Pay attention to this dynamic and let it spread. Nurture that momentum until it explodes. Desire for power. Everything is going to happen.
  6. Find a passion that you can work on. It's hard to turn your life around if you don't know which path you're facing, you know? Having a passion, some goal or a dream to fight that will set the way for you, instead of searching for a needle in a haystack and not sure if what you're looking for is there. . So what is your passion? Where do you want to be in the next six months? In the next year?
    • Do you find yourself still living in your current city? Maybe another job? Working on a new project or business plan? Go to school? Have a body that fits well? There are no wrong answers. And you can have more than one answer too!

Part 2 of 3: Seeding

  1. Make a plan of action. Once the trajectory is clearer, now is the time to formulate a basic action plan. Come up with a lot of things you can do to get started on the path you find yourself pursuing in the future. You don't have to start today, it doesn't have to be tomorrow, but you have to know where you're going and what you want to do.
    • We already know the end goal (going back to school, losing weight, quitting smoking, etc.), so now how do you do it? achieved that? This section will answer the above question.What steps - small steps, big steps, anything - that can cause a car to start shifting wheels? When the time comes, when you are ready, you will know what the future holds for you.
  2. Eliminate obstacles. Whether it's quitting smoking, quitting a bad boyfriend, or moving out of your vandal roommate's apartment, you have to do them. These things are holding you back. They also create negative thinking and turn all obstructions into truly huge mountain peaks. Overcoming them can be frustrating, but you know you can. Getting rid of a toxic friend is bad. Living alone in a shitty studio apartment is bad. Going through the detox process has also been terrible. But that's what you can do that will make you better in the future and, frankly, you know this too.
    • Things like "quitting" seem to belong to a different category. Today, you need money to survive. But practically speaking, you can quit your job and move in with someone temporarily if you have to. You can spend the weekend looking for a new job. Nobody said that this would be a smooth process. Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. You must be determined to make an effort.
  3. Find a mentor. Why? Because we all need someone who's been through the same things - to get advice, a shoulder of comfort, and warnings. If you think that no one in your life has ever been in a dead end, you must be thinking wrong. Part of human life is struggling in battles, all you need to do is ask questions. The chances you know about the shabby past of everyone you know are nearly nonexistent.
    • However, it is likely that when you read the paragraph "find a mentor," a few names have already popped up in your mind. Usually, this is a very natural process. If you have to ask someone to be your mentor, that person is not your own. This position must be for those who have experienced everything to the point of getting bored. You need to make the most of their presence in your life by opening up your heart and asking them for help when needed.
  4. Not fake. Don't feel offended, we all do. We all say "yes" to invitations we don't want to accept, we smile and nod at others when we honestly just want to stare at them. We all do what society thinks we should do and just stay there, no more questioning. Let's start asking questions. Really mind to say "no thanks" when you don't want to do something. Right now, be a little selfish and improve yourself. That's no excuse for being rude — that's a reason to do it friend want.
    • This won't hurt someone else's feelings if you're just living the way you are. Decline an invitation with the words "No thanks. I'm in no mood," is not offensive. People can ask for more, but they don't need an explanation if you don't want to. You are just yourself. If they have a problem with it, it's their own problem.
  5. Exercise, get enough sleep and eat in moderation. Your mind and body are connected — if your body is healthy, it will be much easier for your mind to stabilize. What are the three principles of having a body ready to face the world? Exercise, get enough sleep and sleep well, eat healthy. If you don't have time for these, make time for them. You owe it to yourself.
    • With exercise, try to build a "cycle" three to four times per week. Whether it's going to boxing class or going for a walk with your dog, all activities can be beneficial. Just get out and get in the habit of doing them. Doubting why is this so important? Studies have shown that exercise can make you happier.
    • Get enough sleep — your ability to make decisions depends on it. Seriously. When we are both physically and mentally tired, we don't have the energy to consider what's really good for us. Need an example? The chalupa you ate last night is a good idea. Only as far as your life is concerned does it really matter. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. That sleep will affect the remaining 15-17 hours more than we realize.
    • Your diet can also affect your mood. Eating plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and using only lean meats and low-fat dairy products will give you an advantage that you may have been lacking in the past.
  6. Motivate yourself. Little things can bring about the greatest change. Getting up from bed in the morning instead of pressing the snooze button will energize you, although the logic is the opposite. Listen to vibrant music, write small memos with positive content, reward yourself for your progress — every action will build your momentum and keep you going.
    • Change your alarm to a great ringtone. Like everyone, you wake up every morning and all you can think of is, "... No." Starting your day with a negative attitude can be really hard for the rest of the day. So start your day as actively as possible. Change alarms into music that energizes you (albeit The Circle of Life good The Ride of the Valkyries, it's up to you). "No" can be changed to "Awesome!" easier than you think.

Part 3 of 3: Becoming a Better Person

  1. Build a daily work routine. Many studies show that successful and happy people stick to their daily work habits. That habit wasn't lying in bed all day devouring buckets of fried chicken, it must have been. But what's more important is that the habit allows them energy conservation. When you have a daily routine, the automatic mode will help you focus mentally to relieve and eliminate problems. You can only make as many decisions a day and this routine allows you to stay energized for important tasks.
    • Your routine should include all of the three things mentioned above (eating, exercising and sleeping properly) and anything that makes you happy. Work a little, play a little and some time to improve yourself, of any kind (meditate / find work / go back to school, etc.)
  2. Make the most important decisions in the morning. Why? Most likely you won't be emotionally and physically tired at that time. Decision fatigue is real, like a bad decision about a late night chalupa. When night falls, you do too many things during the day, you let go of the caution and let the present person make bad decisions for the people of the future. Don't do that!
    • So, when something important happens, wait after you wake up. You need as much energy as you can to decide the best moves. There is also a reason for that expression!
  3. Do acts of kindness spontaneously. One of the easiest ways to live a great life is by focusing on others. It's easy for you and you'll feel comfortable, not to mention you're making the world a better place. And for a while, you forget about your problems and care about the problems of others. What's not to like?
    • Helping others gives us a different comfort. By doing this, we will escape from the normal path when we do not have enough energy for ourselves. So whether it's donating to a second hand shop or taking advantage of your volunteer time at a local charity house, give it a try. There should also be good karma for safety!
  4. Put yourself in the framework. No one can go from 0 to 60 km in 3.5 seconds, and you should not expect this from yourself. We all need the support and push needed to stay in the right direction. No Olympic athlete starts the race in a sitting position, you know that? Whatever you need to do, do it.
    • So sign up for that class. Find a therapist. Seriously with my job search. Accept online dating.Join the Anonymous Association of Alcoholics. Call your mother and make up for her. Go to the gym that you drive through every day when you get home from work. The first step will always be the hardest and everything will be smoother from there.
  5. Do what you've always wanted to do. Now that you have the right mindset and a healthy body, now's the time to do what you've always wanted to do. Something you're always afraid to do. You have to be brave. Take it step by step, no matter how long the path to turn life around.
    • Which class did you take? Go there. Therapist? Schedule a schedule. Apply for a job. Dating. Join the meetings. Family lunch initiation. Climb on that treadmill. The surprise of yourself and the things you can create will be so great that you can't stop.
  6. Do a periodic assessment. Consider this the diet for your soul. Ineffective diets need to be eliminated, so routine assessment is essential. Are you feeling better? Are things slowly but surely going into orbit? Can you improve your current efforts? Similar to increasing the intensity of your exercise as you progress, you also need to boost your brain.
    • What works right now may not be enough for the next few weeks. Once you understand your initial efforts, increase and increase. There are very few things in life that you can suddenly give up, and this is not one of them.
    • Likewise, what you think will be beneficial may not work at all. If that's the problem, talk to your counselor and get their advice. Is it something you need to try to pursue, give up completely, or is there another strategy you can work on?
  7. Do not accept to give up. You are in a very precarious position: one step wrong and it's easy to get back on track. So right now, focus on pushing yourself. Focus on positive thoughts. Focus on breathing. Focus on being true to yourself. If you don't accept giving up, guess what will happen? You will not give up.
    • Obstacles will appear. They appear unexpectedly without warning and sometimes cannot be changed. Broken cars, bad relationships, addictions worsened. Knowing this in advance is important because you will be more or less prepared and don't blame yourself. They happen to everyone and are part of life. You have to face them.


  • If you don't believe in the supernatural, take the time to enjoy nature. The key is to slow down, relax after the usual days, and focus on something bigger than yourself. A beautiful leaf and has its own function. Observe how the leaf catches the sun or vibrates in the wind. If science is your love, consider the laws that fascinate you, the equilibrium and chemical reactions, the stars or the beauty of each number. Mental and physical tranquility will benefit you.
  • Be happy. Life's troubles are normal, but grief is not okay. So, keep a smile on your face when facing any bad situation.