How to alleviate Nervous Pain

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Managing diabetic neuropathy
Video: Managing diabetic neuropathy


Breast soreness is a common problem in both men and women. This can be caused by a variety of causes, including friction with clothes, breastfeeding, and hormonal changes. Luckily, there are many methods you can use to relieve nipple soreness, whatever the cause.


Method 1 of 3: Soothe Friction Painful Nipples

  1. Look for signs of nipple irritation. Friction between skin and clothing is a common cause of nipple soreness. This is a fairly common problem among athletes, and it is often called "runner's nipple" (runner nipple soreness). If this is the problem you are having, you should be able to recognize the following symptoms.
    • General soreness or soreness.
    • Red swelling.
    • Dried.
    • Chink.
    • Bleed.

  2. Wash off the nipples with mild soap and water. Like any trauma to the skin, nipple friction can cause inflammation. To prevent this, you should rinse the area with warm water and soap. Then, dry the skin.
    • It is best to let your nipples dry naturally. If necessary, you can pat dry with a towel. Rubbing will only increase irritation and pain.
    • Using an antiseptic such as alcohol can make the infection worse.

  3. Apply lanolin cream to the affected area. Lanolin is a product formulated to protect the skin. It will help moisturize the skin, soothe pain, and heal cracks and abrasions. You can find creams containing lanolin at drug stores and supermarkets.
    • As an alternative, you can apply petroleum jelly (petroleum jelly) to a wild emulsion. Mineral fats will help retain moisture and prevent the skin from rubbing against the clothes.

  4. Apply ice cubes to the skin to ease the pain. If you experience pain from dry skin, you can place an ice pack on your nipples to ease the pain.
    • Whether you use a supermarket ice pack or an ice pack that you prepare at home, be sure to wrap a towel around it. Applying ice directly to the skin can cause cold burns.
    • Do not apply ice to the skin for longer than 20 minutes. This action can damage the skin. If you still feel pain, you should allow the skin to become warm again before applying the ice to the skin again.
  5. Take precautions to prevent chipping. Once your sore nipples are completely gone, you should take steps to prevent any problems that may arise in the future.
    • Wear loose clothing when participating in sports activities. Also, choose clothing made from synthetic materials instead of cotton, as cotton can scratch your skin.
    • The moisture wicking material will also help prevent sweating in this area and prevent dry skin.
    • Women should use a sports bra that fits properly. A bra that does not fit will easily shift and rub against the nipple.
    • Apply Vaseline or petroleum jelly to your nipples. It will help protect the skin and prevent dryness.
    • You can use a special product to cover your nipples. Alternatively, you can use a bandage to cover your nipples, but removing it can be quite painful, especially if you have chest hair.
  6. See your doctor if your problem does not improve in a few days. With proper care, nipple abrasions should go away in a few days. If not, you should consult your doctor. The irritation can be caused by another health cause, such as eczema or psoriasis, or a staph infection.

Method 2 of 3: Soothe Nervous Nipples Sore Breastfeeding

  1. Apply a warm, moist compress to your nipples. The warmth from the gauze will help soothe the nipples. Using this method right after you breastfeed will not only relieve pain, but also help clear your nipples.
    • Do not replace warm compresses with other heating methods such as hair dryers or heaters. These remedies have been shown to be damaging to the skin.
    • Sore nipples are the most common reason women stop breastfeeding, so it's important to take care of your nipples to relieve pain.
  2. Rub a few drops of breast milk into your nipples. Natural nutrients present in breast milk will help you alleviate the pain associated with breastfeeding. Breast milk also has antibacterial properties, so this method will also help prevent infection. Let your nipples dry naturally after rubbing your breast milk to give your skin time to absorb as much nutrients as possible.
  3. Apply lanolin cream to your nipples after you breastfeed. To protect your skin and prevent soreness between breastfeeding times, you can apply lanolin cream to your nipples. This will help moisturize the skin and sooth the sore area. You can find this product at most drugstores and supermarkets.
    • Alternatively, you can also apply mineral grease to your nipples. It will help retain moisture and prevent the area from getting rubbed with the clothes you're wearing.
    • Whether you use lanolin cream or mineral fat, you should leave it on your skin until you need to breastfeed to maintain nipple protection. Before breast-feeding, wash the nipples with water.
  4. Apply ice cubes to your nipples before you breastfeed. If your nipples are sore before breastfeeding, you can apply an ice pack to your skin to ease the pain.
    • Whether you use a commercially available ice pack or prepare it at home, be sure to wrap it with a towel. Applying ice directly to the skin can cause cold burns.
    • Do not let the ice sit on your skin for more than 20 minutes. This action can damage the skin.
  5. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever. If you feel too much pain, you can take a pain reliever. Make sure you combine pain relievers with other remedies designed to help your nipples heal, otherwise you will only make the pain worse and not solve the problem. subject thoroughly.
    • In this case, acetaminophen is your best bet, but nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers (NSAIDs) will also be effective. Either or these can be used during breastfeeding, but you should consult your doctor before taking any medication.
  6. Adjust your posture. If you experience a lot of pain while breastfeeding, adjusting your position may help. You can refer to this guide to learn more details about the different breastfeeding positions.
  7. Consult your doctor if pain persists. It's not uncommon for long-lasting and unbearable pain, and you may have another problem of finding moisture. You should go to the hospital to have your doctor see if your pain is for any other reason, or if you just need to adjust your breastfeeding position. Chapped nipples may require topical antibiotics.

Method 3 of 3: soothe Nipples from Hormone Changes

  1. Check your hormones when your nipples are sore. Hormonal changes in the body can cause the breasts and nipples to become swollen and painful. Usually, an imbalance in the amount of estrogen and progesterone is the culprit causing this problem. Fluctuations in hormone levels are normal in the following cases:
    • During pregnancy, especially during the first 3 months.
    • Before or during your period.
    • When women begin to enter menopause.
    • Men can also experience this. This is often caused by an imbalance in estrogen and testosterone levels. Although men don't have to go through the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause, fluctuations in hormones are quite common.
    • Sore nipples can be due to obesity or peripheral metabolism of estrogen in fat cells. This can cause gynecomastia in men.
  2. Apply cold to your nipples. If sore nipples are caused by an imbalance in hormones, topical creams may not be effective. The best way to ease the pain is with a cold compress. Be sure to wrap a towel around the ice pack and hold it against your skin for no more than 20 minutes. If your nipples are still sore, you can apply cold compresses again once your skin has warmed up and the aches and pains continue to return.
  3. Take a pain reliever. To deal with painful nipples caused by hormonal changes, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever. This will help relieve pain and make you feel more comfortable.
    • Acetaminophen is the best choice for you. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) will reduce inflammation, and in this case, inflammation is not the cause of your nipples pain. However, NSAIDs can also be effective. You should avoid aspirin if you are under 20 years of age because this increases your risk of Reye Syndrome.
  4. Opt for bras for better support. If your nipples and breasts are sore, a more supportive bra can help ease the pain. This is especially important if you are pregnant to prevent stretching of your bra.
    • You can also use a sports bra when you sleep. If your breasts move while you sleep, it can make the pain worse.
  5. See your doctor if the pain persists. If the pain persists for more than days to a week, this could be a sign of another health problem. You should go to the hospital to see if you have any other moist condition that is causing your nipples to ache.
  6. Ask your doctor about danazol. If the pain persists or is beyond your tolerance, your doctor may prescribe danazol for you. This medicine is used to treat many different medical conditions, but it can also be used to treat swelling and soreness of the breasts and nipples. However, it has the side effect of masculinizing it, which may require you to limit its usage. You should consult with your doctor to see if this medicine is right for you.


  • Eliminating caffeine use and adding Vitamin E and evening primrose oil will also be effective in reducing chest pain.
  • Avoid using honey or Vitamin E on your breasts while you are breastfeeding as this can cause poisoning in the infant.
  • Diet and exercise have a huge impact on nipple pain. A diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates has been shown to relieve cyclic chest pain.


  • See your doctor any time you experience persistent or unexplained nipple pain. Chest pain is usually not a serious problem, but it could be a sign of another medical condition such as breast cancer.