How to get someone's phone number

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Types of People Portrayed by Minecraft #39
Video: Types of People Portrayed by Minecraft #39


After all, getting someone's phone number isn't difficult if you're on the right track. Here are a few tips.


Method 1 of 4: Prepare for a phone number

  1. Build confidence. A confident person is very attractive to the opposite sex.
    • Feel most comfortable by preparing clothes, hairstyles, and listening to music you like. Of course, you can only do this if you know in advance that you will ask for someone's phone number.
    • Even if you don't feel confident, act with confidence. Everyone will see that and eventually, acting confidently turns into instinct.

  2. Don't rehearse too much. If you practice forever asking someone in your mind, it will lead to 2 situations: 1) you will talk like you memorized or 2) take place differently in real life, making the practice redundant .
  3. You need to know your intentions. Are you asking for this person's phone number to call for fun? To meet them the next day? To see you in the week? Think about your purpose before asking for someone's phone number.

  4. Prepare for the conversation. While anxiety can get in the way and make real conversation the scariest thing in the world, unfortunately, there's no other way than to put the ego aside to get a phone number.
    • Don't expect to just walk in, ask for the number and leave. You will have to talk a bit before and after you reach your goal.
    • Be open and sincere. The other person may ask questions, in this case the best solution is to be brief and honest.
    • Don't monopolize the conversation. While it's easier to talk about ourselves, we should also ask questions of your potential partner and give them time to respond. Be a good listener, this factor is very attractive.
    • Know when to end a conversation. Although a bit of discussion is fine, if it lasts long then the conversation becomes boring. You shouldn't spend too much time on conversation.

  5. Don't follow them secretly. Even if you know in advance that you want someone's phone number, never sneak with them. If you are caught doing something sneaky, you will definitely not leave a good impression on the person's eyes. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Apply for a phone number

  1. Try to ask straight. The easiest option is a direct hit. Reach out to the other person, initiate a conversation, and make marginal comments like, “I love talking to you. Can you give me my phone number so we can talk to another time? "
    • If this is a stranger, don't worry about the long conversation. The other person will know that you are approaching them to find out.
    • If you have known this person before, please clarify the intentions. You do not want to be a true friend looking for help when love is what you aim for.
  2. Ask for something. Say you need to borrow something, like a pen, and ask if they can give you a phone number for you to make an appointment and return the item. This is the perfect combination of flirting and not going around in the three kingdoms.
  3. Put your choice in question. Instead of asking a yes / no question: "Can I have a number?", Give two options: "Can you give me your phone number or email?" This way, they are more likely to provide you with a specific way to get in touch.
  4. Exchange of business cards. While not very popular with young people these days, exchanging business cards is a great way to gain someone's contact. You will also know that this is the real phone number, not the virtual number given by the person because they are not interested. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Next evolution

  1. Walked smoothly. Once you have the number, don't hang around but calmly walk away or to another area.
  2. Wait patiently. You have the phone number of your partner, but don't call them right away. Please wait at least 24 hours before proceeding to call.
  3. Do not text but call. Although texting will hide your emotions better, it is quite distant and not private. For a more informal conversation, call them. Whether it's talking for the first time or for the 40th time, calling is mostly better than texting.
  4. Do not be impatient. They are human as well, aren't they? So do not sit idly by the first time you actually use the requested number. Be calm, relaxed and in control, and you will be more attractive in his eyes. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Get someone's number without asking

  1. Get their phone. If you are with the person, try taking their phone. You can go secret and conceal, or be open and flirtatious about it.
    • Text or phone you on the person's phone, then add your number to their contacts.
    • Find their phone number in the phone's settings.
  2. Ask other people. If you both have mutual friends, just ask for the phone numbers of those friends. This way, you will have them without having to meet in person.
  3. Look in the directory. If you have phone books, school registers, or an employee database, you can look up that person's number. Use whatever method is up to you to find their number. advertisement


  • It should not be too clear that you maintain a conversation with someone is trying to get their phone number.
  • Don't beg for someone's phone number.
  • You need to be aware of your relationship with your partner. If you try to use these steps with someone you are new to, it can make them uncomfortable.
  • If the person gives you a virtual phone number, don't be too upset. They might not be the right person for you!