How To Get Over Your Old Love That You Have To Face Every Day

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: DIRKSCHNEIDER & THE OLD GANG - Face Of A Stranger


You already know that dating your roommate / coworker / classmate might not be a good idea, but six months ago whoever wanted to listen to logic. Romance can get you excited; But if you have to see the person every day after you break up, you need a strategy to manage this dilemma. A successful strategy will focus on getting out of the situation, developing a positive lifestyle, and moving on with your life.


Method 1 of 3: Escape from the Current Situation

  1. Acknowledge your losses. Relationships are important and they allow us to experience the ups and downs of our emotions, to understand ourselves better, and to learn to love and accept love. These are paramount factors for a full life. Whether you're the one taking the initiative to say goodbye or not, you have had a sad time.
    • Tell the person, “I just want to admit that it's not pleasant to end this relationship. I know it will be difficult and awkward when we have to see each other for a while. I will do my best to respect your boundaries and I would be very grateful if you do too ”. That could lead to later discussion when you can reinforce your expectations.
    • It's important to acknowledge that a relationship is important to your personal development, no matter how short or deep the relationship is.
    • If you deny your feelings after the breakup and pretend they don't matter, you won't learn from any experience.

  2. Mourn your loss. Most of us have learned to be receptive, but few of us have learned to lose. Whether this loss is a relationship, a relative, a job, a physical ability, or a belief in someone, this trauma must be understood and cared for. Sadness is a complex emotion that can be expressed in a variety of ways.
    • There are several stages of grief that can serve as a guide to understanding your characteristic experience of sorrow: rejection, emotionlessness, and shock; negotiate; depression; angry; accept.
    • Start with a melancholy diary and write down the emotions you experience at each stage.
    • Sadness is a unique stage. Everyone experiences it in their own unique way.
    • You can spend more time at one stage than at another.
    • Don't push yourself and don't allow others to push you through your sadness. This is the time to feel the pain and it is necessary for the healing process.

  3. Revive yourself. Breaking up is like an emotional step back. It requires absolute concentration and effort from you to get yourself all the way. Find a way to give yourself a starting run to meet the challenges ahead. A feeling of brokenness to a certain extent is a normal response, and each time you wake yourself up, you strengthen your confidence.
    • Tell yourself: “I can do it. I can work near him because I'm strong and I'll be fine. ”

  4. Anticipate possible situations. Imagine in your mind many possible interactions or interactions that could occur, or discuss with a trusted friend. Choose someone you trust that you will not tell others about. You don't want to add oil to the fire. Practicing before verbal or physical responses will ease your anxiety and allow you to use your practiced skills when needed.
    • Ask yourself, "What would I do if I had to run into him in the elevator?" A reasonable response would be to tell him, “Hi. It's embarrassing to ride the elevator like this, right? ”
    • You can always wait for another lift. No one forces you to do what you don't want.
  5. Don't rush this process. Your feelings won't be good when pushed or dismissed. Recovering from losing a relationship takes time, and you may feel tired or impatient. Turn that energy into an activity that helps you avoid your thoughts.
    • Participating in an activity that you enjoy will help kill time and balance out the intensity of the emotions you are experiencing.
    • Get rid of anxiety by watching movies or watching TV series continuously. Stay away from romantic comedies or love stories that can make you more difficult.
    • Try board games or join a book club to divert your time and attention.
  6. Making change by action. The most obvious and straightforward action to tackle this problem is to change jobs, apartments or school schedules. This is probably the most realistic action. However, there are people who still have to keep their job, stay where they were arranged, or attend their current classroom. Simulate a "far away" trip to create distance for you.
    • Choose a different route when you go to work.
    • Do your thing and avoid the other person's routine at the same time so that you don't meet each other.
    • Sit at the other end of the room or out of sight in the classroom.
    • Do what you need to create space between you and the other person. This action will help you see progress in adjusting to your current circumstances.
    • Don't wait for him to stay away from you. You need to separate yourself from him, so do so as soon as possible.

Method 2 of 3: Developing an Positive Lifestyle

  1. Make the most of your situation. Change can be a good thing. Perhaps this relationship is very emotional and brings more stress than the rewards it deserves. Recognize the freedom you now have, and it will bring many new opportunities for you.
    • Feel the relief of not having to worry about your partner or the tragedy they bring to your life.
    • Spend time outside of work developing healthy relationships with friends, and potential lovers.
  2. Keep a positive attitude if you have to interact with each other. Keep everything "light and peaceful", that is: avoid deep thoughts, arguments, problems or complaints. Showing a calm and positive mindset cannot be diminished by the negativity or dilemma of the present situation.
    • Focusing on maintaining a positive attitude will protect you from getting drawn into negative arguments.
    • No one can take away your power if you keep a positive attitude. Responding to a provocative statement will cause you to lose control of someone else's hands. You take control and take responsibility for your emotions. That is an important thing.
  3. Avoid judgment. Please accept yourself. If you feel guilty or regretful about having a relationship with someone at work, at school, or with a roommate, you need to forgive yourself. This doesn't mean you forgive and "forget" what you did, and then repeat them. Forgive only with the intention of learning from your mistakes and prevent any future intentions from destroying yourself.
  4. Pretend until you succeed. Actors are paid to pretend. You may not be an actor, but there will come a time when you need to pretend you're okay when the truth is not. It is your way to protect yourself from further harm. Get yourself through awkward situations in every possible way.
    • Chatting with a trusted friend or a family member will help you deal with your overwhelming emotions.
    • Letting out your emotions is a good way to process your emotions and can also make you feel more comfortable.
  5. Use silence to your advantage. There are many people who are uncomfortable with silence. They feel they have to say something to relieve their tension. Build a comfort level with silence. When you don't know what to say in a situation, don't say anything. Choose to be comfortable with silence, and you will find less awkwardness in situations that arise.
    • Silence is not rude.
    • Remember, a lot of people are uncomfortable with silence so they may talk or ask you a lot of questions. Answer them the way you think is appropriate.

Method 3 of 3: Moving on with your Life

  1. Learn from your mistakes. If you feel like you have made a painful mistake at the beginning of this relationship, let that pain stop you from making the same mistake again. Each law of life has its own reasons. Following those rules will help you move towards happiness and away from suffering. Follow this simple yet profound principle for a bright future.
  2. Rely on yourself when working on a face-to-face strategy. Dependent on yourself will help you cope with a lost relationship. You know what makes you happy, so engage in activities that increase your positive emotions.
  3. Seek professional help to identify the behaviors you want to change, if you find it difficult to deal with it yourself. In the United States, Psychologists as well as Psychiatrists will usually be locally available, and you can locate them through the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association. .
  4. Fight for yourself as well as the life you want. You are here to live and enjoy life. Struggling for yourself will remind you that you deserve to be happy, and the world will see it. When you've reached a certain threshold in your healing after a bad experience, others will notice a positive change in you. You have sent out a fire that signals you are ready to welcome good things.
    • People will probably say things like: “You did something different, right? You look great. " You can reply with, “Thank you. That's right, I decided that I would live a happy life and that is bearing good results. "


  • Human behavior is sometimes difficult to understand. You make mistakes but you don't need to repeat them.
  • If you see him go with someone else, don't be jealous even if you really feel that way.
  • Show your ex that you are very happy and well off even without him.
  • Don't rush into a new relationship.
  • Don't try to make him jealous by dating someone you don't really like. Be careful with other people's feelings.
  • He may try to lure you back into your old relationship. Make a wise, thoughtful decision by weighing all the options.
  • Find something to do. A new hobby or activity will keep you from thinking about him.
  • Ask friends who support you to only refer to him as a friend instead of your ex.
  • Live strong and confident life to help you attract healthy relationships.
  • Empathy for the relationship of the ex.


  • If you've tried to be friendly to someone and he still dodges you, let him do it. You don't have to be friends with everyone. You will not allow your friends to treat you that way.
  • Don't be too kind and don't flirt for fun because he might think this is a sign that you want the two of you back together. Don't lead others with bad intentions.
  • Remember that alcohol reduces your restraint and increases your chances of making bad decisions that you will regret.
  • You can fail and make mistakes. People will gradually become unable to tolerate your behavior.
  • If you consistently induce dating in the company, you will eventually build a bad reputation, get fired or convicted of sexual harassment.