How to overcome a migraine

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips To Prevent Migraines
Video: Tips To Prevent Migraines


Migraines can be unusually debilitating and require more attention than a common stress headache. If you have a migraine, it's best to find ways to prevent it. Since it can be difficult to completely prevent the disease, there are steps you can take to get rid of a migraine.


Part 1 of 3: Take medications

  1. Recognize your migraine. Learn to recognize migraine warning signs. Migraines often have these the precursors such as nausea, dizziness, neck stiffness and irritability. Treatment as soon as you notice symptoms can help stop migraines.
    • Other complications include appetite, digestive disorders and a feeling of depression.
    • For more information about the history of the disease, you can look for information on how to prevent migraines

  2. Act quickly. There are many ways to stop or relieve migraines, preferably at the first sign of the illness.For example, a migraine usually has an immediate reaction if the medication is taken within the first few hours, but not if the medication is too late.

  3. Take conventional pain relievers. You can take Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Acetaminophen or other pain relievers or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) at maximum safe doses at the first sign of a migraine. There is at least one study that found that taking a higher than normal dose of aspirin was just as effective as prescription migraine medications. Common over-the-counter medications include Motrin, Tylenol, Aleve, and Excedrin Tension Headaches.
    • Some pain relievers are a combination of many other medications that are helpful for severe migraines. Excedrin, for example, includes a variety of different drugs combined to help relieve migraines.
    • Conventional pain relievers may not always help with migraines, especially severe pain. You can try it, but look for other options if it doesn't work. Absolutely do not take more than the recommended dose without consulting your doctor.
    • Also, if you find you are taking pain relievers more than 2 days a week, you should see your doctor for a more effective prescription or daily preventive medicine.

  4. Take a caffeinated pain reliever. Caffeine is known for its ability to increase the effectiveness of many pain relievers. Therefore, some pain relievers contain caffeine in the right amount. Some popular drugs are Excedrin Migraine, Goody's powder and Tylenol Ultra Relief Migraine Pain.
  5. Try birth control pills. In some cases, low estrogen and progesterone levels can trigger migraines in women (increasing both frequency and severity). If you experience more migraine in the two weeks before your period, ask your doctor to check your estrogen and progesterone levels. If these two hormones are low, your doctor may prescribe supplements, birth control pills or other preventive medications.
    • Your doctor may prescribe Mefenamic acid - a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug - to help relieve serious menstrual symptoms like migraines.
    • There are many different types of birth control pills. There are drugs that contain only progesterone and others that contain both progesterone and estrogen. After checking your hormone levels, you should talk to your doctor about which medications to take.
    • Birth control pills may not work for everyone. In some cases, medications can worsen migraines. In that case, you should immediately notify your doctor.
  6. Drink herbal tea. There are many different herbs that are natural ingredients that help relieve headaches and migraines. You can find recipes online and buy herbs at the grocery store. (Hint: Teavana's Maharaja Chai / Samurai Chai Tea Blend. Tea can last for a year, depending on how often you use it. The product usually comes with a sample for you).
  7. Take a warm bath. Turn off the lights and close the doors to make sure not to be disturbed while relaxing. Close your eyes, inhale and exhale slowly. If you want, you can add some essential oils, bath salts or a “bath bomb” that doesn't smell too strong. Or you can burn scented candles to help your body relax.
  8. Talk to your doctor about prescription medications. If your migraine is severe and doesn't go away with other methods, your doctor may prescribe medication to help stop the migraine or reduce the severity and duration of the attack. Abortion pills can be given by injection, oral, topical, or nasal spray. These drugs work differently from person to person. Therefore, you should ask your doctor for the right prescription.
    • The most commonly used group of migraine relief drugs are Triptans and Ergot. Try medications like Axert, Relpax, Midrin, or Frova.
    • Your doctor may also prescribe pain relievers. These medications are more powerful than over-the-counter pain relievers. In severe cases, your doctor may prescribe a sedative Butalbital in combination with caffeine and an NSAID. Note that the drug is only used in special cases and should be cautious due to its addictive properties.

Part 2 of 3: Symptomatic treatment

  1. Take time to take care of your health. If you have a severe migraine, you should stop working. You may consider migraine to be a normal thing, but it is actually a serious health problem. Therefore, it is advisable to talk to superiors and colleagues for understanding.
    • If you have frequent migraines at work, you should find ways to reduce your triggers. Reduce your stress levels, use lights for more comfort, bring snacks in case of hypoglycemia, and schedule breaks between hours.
    • If you can't stop working, take a break between hours and go to a quiet room to sit for a while. Note that you should bring painkillers with you to work in case you have a migraine and cannot return.
    • Medical records may be used in the event that a co-worker or supervisor does not understand your medical condition.
  2. In a dark, quiet place. Light, sometimes even moderate, and noise can trigger or worsen migraine attacks. During times of pain, the patient also becomes extremely sensitive to light and noise. If so, sit in a dark, quiet room until the symptoms subside. Removing external factors will help reduce the severity of the pain.
  3. Treatment for nausea or diarrhea (if applicable). Migraines are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Over-the-counter anti-nausea or anti-diarrhea medications can help relieve symptoms. However, you may experience less pain more quickly after vomiting or having a bowel movement. In that case, avoid medication unless absolutely necessary.
    • Vomiting can lead to a migraine that peaks, but then lessens.

  4. Drink enough water. Dehydration can cause migraines. When the pain occurs, drink water to see if the pain is less. Dehydration can get worse if you are vomiting or have diarrhea, so the lost fluids need to be replaced. Avoid drinking fluids that make symptoms worse. You can drink sports drinks to help replenish your electrolytes.
  5. Apply ice. Once the pain starts, you can apply cold compresses to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. This will help numb the pain. If symptoms recur, wait a moment for the skin to warm again, then apply ice again. Applying an ice pack to the back of your neck may also help.
    • Ice should be wrapped in a towel to avoid cold burns on the skin.
    • Showering with warm water or a compress may also help relieve symptoms. This will help reduce muscle tension - the main cause of migraines.
  6. Rested. You should rest when you have a migraine. Resting and reducing external factors often helps reduce the severity of the pain and even dispel the pain. Besides, when you sleep, you will no longer remember the pain. So although it may be difficult to fall asleep with a migraine, you should try.
    • Resting (not sleeping) can also help. However, some people experience more pain while lying down.
  7. Massage. Massaging the head, face, shoulders, back, and neck may help relieve symptoms in some cases. Massage relieves muscle tension and helps you relax. Although not 100% effective, research shows that massage helps reduce the severity and frequency of pain.
  8. Try acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to be very helpful in migraine cases. Small studies suggest that acupuncture helps relieve migraines and relieves migraine headaches. Despite this, doctors still recommend continuing other treatments besides combining acupuncture.
  9. Use lavender essential oil. Some small studies have found that lavender helps with migraines. You can buy lavender essential oil at an herb store, health food, or supplement store. Apply the essential oil to the sore area or massage the temples. In addition, the essential oils can be burned to allow the aroma of the oils to be released in the air.
    • Ginger and peppermint essential oils are also helpful.
  10. Recognize the consequences of a migraine. Symptoms can appear after a migraine, like "getting drunk" after a migraine.You may feel tired, have mood swings, are weak, or have trouble concentrating. If so, you may need more time to recover, or you may need to stop working and stop activities that require a lot of physical or mental energy. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Preventing the disease from recurring

  1. Get adequate and moderate sleep. According to many studies, sleep plays an important role in migraine prevention, reducing the severity of pain. Therefore, you should practice the habit of getting enough sleep and getting enough sleep (usually 8 hours per night).
    • If you have trouble sleeping, find a way to relax before you go to bed. Stay away from your computer screen, turn on the night light, and don't do irritating things like watching TV.
  2. Exercise regularly. Exercise helps to reduce the severity and frequency of migraines. New research shows that 40-minute, 3-weekly Cardio exercises are just as effective as medications and other relaxation methods for preventing migraines from coming back. However, if you are not used to it, exercise can still trigger a migraine. Therefore, you should start with light intensity exercise and exercise moderation. Once your body gets used to it, you can walk or jog to relieve pain and even prevent it from returning.
  3. Stop drinking coffee. Drinking coffee regularly can cause migraines. The paradox is that caffeine can both cause headaches and help relieve headaches. This is due to the addictive and detoxifying properties of caffeine. Caffeine induces migraines by stimulating a neurological stimulation to it. This makes patients more prone to headaches if caffeine intake is delayed. Then, caffeine helps relieve pain again by reducing the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.
    • If you do use caffeine, the withdrawal symptoms of caffeine can be the cause of your migraines. Since caffeine is believed to be the cause of pain, you should avoid consuming it.
  4. Avoid consuming foods that trigger pain. You should determine which foods cause migraines. In some cases, migraine headaches can be reduced by 30-50% by eliminating irritating foods from your diet. Foods that can trigger migraines include chocolate, cheese, alcoholic beverages, and citrus fruits. You need to identify the right foods that cause irritation and avoid consuming them.
    • Avoid consuming foods that trigger pain. You should determine which foods cause migraines. In some cases, migraine headaches can be reduced by 30-50% by eliminating irritating foods from your diet. Foods that can trigger migraines include chocolate, cheese, alcoholic beverages, and citrus fruits. You need to identify the right foods that cause irritation and avoid consuming them.
  5. Check out the light that is causing the irritation. Fluorescent light can cause migraines. Therefore, you should test yourself if you are sensitive to light by avoiding the light for a few days and then re-exposing it. If you feel nauseous or anxious after a short exposure to light, or have migraine symptoms after a few hours, light may be a trigger for the pain.
  6. Keep a migraine diary. A diary helps you identify potential triggers, while also evaluating the effectiveness of different treatments. You should start recording from what you ate, when the pain occurred, where you were when you had your migraine, what did you do to relieve the pain, how long does the pain last. A detailed diary helps you track your pain and find the best pain relief. advertisement


  • If you suspect you have a migraine, you should see your doctor for a diagnosis. It is also possible that you have a secondary headache caused by an illness or disorder.
  • The article is a general guide and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a professional. It's best to talk to your doctor if you suspect or have a migraine. Do not take any medication without a prescription without a prescription.
  • Overuse of pain relievers, even over-the-counter medications, can cause pain to recur, and you must always increase the dose to relieve it, making the pain more recurring.
  • Relax in a dark room, don't read anything for a few hours. Turn off all the lights until the pain goes away.
  • Applying lavender oil to the sore area can help relax your muscles and help you calm down.