How to Write Newsletters

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write a Newsletter
Video: How to Write a Newsletter


The purpose of newsletters is to inform a group of people about a particular issue such as an event, policy, or resource, and encourage them to do so. Below are guidelines for how to write effective and easy to read newsletters.


Part 1 of 4: Writing Newsletter Subject

  1. Type the word "NOTICE" right at the top of the page. Immediately outside the text was the newsletter. Write the word “NOTICE” about 4 cm from the top of the page, bold, centered, or left-aligned. You can also choose a larger font size for this word.
    • Double spacing between lines in the title.

  2. Appointing appropriately. Newsletters are a formal form of business communication, so you should address them appropriately. Write the full name and title of the person to whom you will be reporting.
    • If you are sending a letter to all employees, you could write: “RECEIVER: All employees”.
  3. Add recipients in the CC series. The "CC" line refers to those who receive the notification in the form of "Dear Co". This is not the target newsletter object. This is the person who needs information about the policy or issue you are addressing in the letter.

  4. Write your name in the line "Sender". Subject should include the name of the writer and the sender of the message. Your full name and title are on this line.
  5. Add dates. Write the full date, including day, month, and year. For example, write: “DATE: January 5, 2015” or “DATE: 01.05. 2015. "

  6. Choose a specific paragraph for your topic. The subject line should tell the reader what the newsletter is about. Be specific and concise.
    • For example, instead of writing the subject as: "Ink", write more specifically as: "Ink Use Problem in the Office".
  7. Adjust title format accordingly. The title should be at the top of the page, left-aligned. Capitalize the words "RECEIVER:", "SENDER:", "DATE:", and "ABOUT JOB:".
    • A sample title would look like this:
      Recipient: Name and title of the recipient
      SENDER: Your name and title
      DATE: Date, month, year when the notice was written
      ABOUT THE: (or RELATED TO :) Problem mentioned by the newsletter (highlighting somehow).
    • When composing titles, be sure to double-line the items and align the text.
    • You can add a line below the header that runs across the width of the page to separate the headline and the body of the newsletter.

Part 2 of 4: Writing Newsletter Content

  1. Consider who the recipient is. For everyone to read and respond to the newsletter, it is important to match the wording, length, and solemnity of the message to who will read it. For this to work well, you need to have a good idea of ​​who is receiving the message.
    • Think about your readers' preferences and concerns.
    • Try to anticipate the questions your reader might ask. Think of some of the content of the newsletter, like examples, evidence, or other information to convince them.
    • See if your readers accept your mention of inappropriate information or feelings.
  2. Skip the ritual greetings. The newsletter did not begin with a greeting like "Dear Mr. Edwards". Instead, get straight into the issue to be discussed in the message from the beginning.
  3. Mention the problem in the first paragraph. Write down about why you want the reader to take the action. This is a bit like the introduction to the essay, ie introducing the problem and the reason for the problem.You can also think of the introduction as a summary of the entire body of the newsletter.
    • Usually the introduction takes up about one paragraph.
  4. For example, you could write: “On July 1, 2015, XYZ Company will implement a new policy on health insurance. The employees will receive health insurance and are paid a minimum salary of 6 million / month ”.
  5. Provide information on issues being discussed. The reader may need some general information about the issue you are addressing. Give some information, but it's brief, and just state what is needed.
    • If appropriate, continue the newsletter by stating the reason why the policy was implemented. For example, you could write: “The local government has voted to require all employees in the area to receive a minimum salary of 6 million VND / month”.
  6. Support the arguments in the discussion. Summarize the actions to be performed. Evidence and arguments about the solution you propose. Start with the most important information, then cover the specific facts or support. Show your readers that it is beneficial to do what you suggest or that it is detrimental to not taking it.
    • Feel free to add graphics, lists or charts, especially on longer messages. Just make sure this information is really relevant and convincing.
    • For longer messages, consider writing a shorter headline to make each section clear. For example, instead of writing "Policy", write "New seasonal employee policy". Be specific and concise in each headline so that the reader clearly sees the basics of the newsletter.
  7. Suggest action that the reader needs to take. A newsletter is a call to action on a particular issue, whether it's a new product announcement from the company, a new expense reporting policy, or a presentation of how the company is working on it. subject. Recall the action the reader needs to perform in the ending or sentence.
    • For example, you could write: "All employees must use the new accounting system as of June 1, 2015".
    • You can add some evidence to support your suggestions.
  8. End the letter with a positive and encouraging summary. The last paragraph of the newsletter should repeat the next steps to resolve the issue. This includes a reminder of organizational solidarity.
    • You can write: "I would be happy to discuss these with you later and will continue to discuss your decision."
    • You can close by saying: “We are excited about this category expansion. We believe that it will help the business grow and the company will operate more sustainably ”.
    • This paragraph is usually about 1-2 sentences long.

Part 3 of 4: Complete Newsletter

  1. Format newsletters properly. Use standard format to make messages easy to read. Use a Times New Roman or Arial size 12 font. Left, right, and bottom margins are 2.5 cm.
    • Align paragraphs. Split paragraphs, double spacing and margins or not.
  2. Review Newsletter. Review and edit the message to make it clear, concise, convincing, and free of typos. Check for consistency in wording. Types of academic words or professional words.
    • Check for spelling, grammar and content errors. Pay special attention to names, dates, or numbers.
    • Check if the message is too long and cut out unnecessary content.
  3. Signatures. The newsletter has no signature line. However, you should prepend the header and next to your name. That proves you have confirmed the newsletter.
  4. Use letterhead. You can create a special letterhead specifically for newsletters or use regular business letterheaders.
    • If you are drafting electronic documents (for emailing, for example), you need to create a separate letterhead in Word that contains your company logo and basic contact information. Use that title as a template for newsletters you send.
  5. Choose how to send your mail. Decide the best way to send newsletters. You can print it out and distribute it to everyone. You can also send by email.
    • If you send the message by email, you can format the HTML for the email. If not, you can save the message as a PDF and attach it as an email.

Part 4 of 4: Using the Newsletter Template

  1. Find available letter templates. Consider whether you want to use sample letters instead of writing in the first place. If so, the first step is to find good mail templates online. Microsoft Word also has letter templates. The templates often use the same basic format, but different fonts, font sizes, and layout.
    • Download the right template for your needs.
    • Be sure to read the terms of use before using any template online.
  2. Open the message template that has been downloaded to your computer. After pressing the download key, the letter template automatically downloads to your computer, or a few steps can be taken before the download starts. The letter template is downloaded as a zip file, you need to unzip and open in Microsoft Word.
    • It is recommended to use the latest version of Microsoft Word to ensure that you are not experiencing unforeseen software problems and that the message template might not work as designed. If you have an earlier version of Microsoft Word, update the software before downloading the letter templates.
  3. Create header (header). Remember that the body of the sample message is subject to change. You can customize parts of the sample message as you like. For example, you can add logos and copyright symbols in the header of letter templates. Click on the header and enter your company information.
  4. Fill out the sections in the header of the letter form. Remember to fill in the fields "TO" and "FROM", as well as "CC" and "SUBJECT". Be careful when filling out these fields to avoid omitting them, leaving them blank, often make mistakes while typing.
  5. Enter the message text. Write the introduction, reason, discussion, and summary in the body of the newsletter. If you want, you can use bullets or create lists to organize your information.
    • Keep the format of the letter template. This ensures paragraphs are aligned, with correct margins, and font size.
    • If needed, you can even customize the newsletter to use the table. Sometimes it's a good idea, especially if using bulleted or similar lists makes messages confusing or difficult to read.
    • Make sure to delete any text from the template. At the same time, check your mail carefully before sending it.
  6. Remember to check the footer. The footer is the blank area at the bottom of the page for additional information. You can add corporate or personal contact information to this site. Taking the time to check the accuracy of the information is very important. The last thing you don't want to happen is when the message is perfectly written but has the wrong contact information or missing information.
  7. Adjust the appearance of the message. One of the most attractive things about sample messages is that you can change the color of the text. This helps you show some personality and makes the text stand out more. You can also choose the right color for the situation going on to make sure your newsletter looks outstanding, not just professional.
  8. Save newsletters as consistent text. Be sure to save a copy. You will have backup electronic documents to facilitate the exchange of information.
  9. Save the template for later use. Whenever you need to use a sample message with a changing subject, you just need to customize the items to match the specific subject of the message. This will save time, help you create a consistent, professional newsletter that catches everyone's attention, so it will be read immediately. advertisement


  • Don't give too many reasons. Explaining why you want something done is important, but don't write too much.
  • The newsletter should be short.