How to write essay introduction

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Write an Eye-Catching Essay Introduction | Scribbr 🎓
Video: How to Write an Eye-Catching Essay Introduction | Scribbr 🎓


The essay opening is very important because you need to capture the attention of the reader. Furthermore, you need to pave the way for the rest of the article in terms of intonation and content. There's no "right" way to start your essay, but a good introduction should include the features you'll use in the essay. To start writing your essay, build an outline about what you want to write, then adjust your introduction to match the essay. If you want to improve the quality of your essay, then use popular essay writing strategies.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare an outline for your essay

  1. Write a sentence to attract the reader's attention to the article. While the essay may be interesting to you, it is unlikely to be of interest to the reader.In general, readers are quite fussy about the content. If an article doesn't immediately grab their attention in the opening paragraph, they most likely won't be interested in the rest. Therefore, it's best to start your essay with a sentence that immediately catches their attention. There's nothing to worry about in the beginning that you've tried to get attention, as long as this first sentence is properly connected to the rest.
    • Don't worry if you can't write good opening sentences at the beginning. Many people also leave the opening sentence to write last because after you finish writing the rest of the essay, you will have an easier idea to write the opening sentence.
    • To write a great opening sentence, you can present an interesting fact about a topic that is not known about, surprising statistics, quote, rhetorical question, or a Deep personal question. However, do not quote from the dictionary. For example, if you were writing about the dangers of childhood obesity around the world, you could start with this sentence: "Contrary to the popular perception that childhood obesity is just a problem. The issue of the rich, the Western spoiled children, the WHO report (World Health Organization) states that in 2012, 30% of preschool children in developing countries were obese enlarged".
    • Conversely, if it makes sense to include in your essay, you can start with a strikingly descriptive picture or paragraph. When you write about your summer vacation you can start with this sentence: "When I see the sunlight of the Costa Rican sky creep through the canopy and hear the howling of monkeys somewhere in the distance, I know I am in a very special place.

  2. Lead the reader into the "main content" of the essay. A good opening sentence will grab the reader's attention, but if you don't continue to draw them into the main body, they will lose interest easily. After the opening sentence, you will write one or two more sentences that logically connect the previous "bait" to the rest of the essay. Often these sentences will expand based on the narrow scope of the first sentence, placing the focus you originally presented on a broader context.
    • For example, in your essay on obesity, you will continue to write the following: "In fact, childhood obesity is impacting more and more rich and poor countries as well." This sentence explains the urgency of the problem explained in the first sentence and presents a broader context.
    • For your summer vacation essay, you could continue to write the following: "I am deep in the woods of Tortuguero National Park and am lost in so many directions". This sentence tells the reader where the images in the first sentence come from and draws the reader into the rest of the essay by piquing the reason why the writer was "lost".

  3. Let the reader know the main content of the essay. After reading the introduction, the reader needs to know what the essay's topic is, as well as the purpose for which you are writing it. The purpose of writing can be informative, persuasive, or just entertaining, and this should be made clear in the opening. Also, you should state why this topic is important, as well as what they get from the post.
    • In the article on obesity, you will probably summarize the following: "The purpose of the article is to analyze current trends in childhood obesity and present specific initiatives to combat This growing problem ". This sentence clearly demonstrates the purpose of the essay and there is no confusion here.
    • For your summer vacation essay, you can continue as follows: "Let me tell the story of my summer vacation in Costa Rica, a summer that changed my life despite spider bites, in times of need. eating rotten wild bananas, or intestinal infection ". This story indicates that the reader will hear the story of the author's trip abroad, while arousing curiosity about the details in the body.

  4. Structure your essay. Provide the basic structure of your essay so the reader knows how you can present your arguments or points. You can provide this information in your thesis statement. Present your position as well as summarize any supportive statements for that position.
    • For your essay on obesity, you can continue to write the following: "This essay addresses three global health problems: the increasing consumption of energy-rich foods, the sedentary human being. quality, and passive recreational activities are increasingly popular. For such purely research essay, you should present the main discussion topic because it helps the reader quickly grasp the dialectical argument of the essay for the purpose stated in the previous sentence.
    • On the other hand, for your vacation essay, you can keep your tone light and cheerful. Although it is okay to write, "When I see the urban life in the capital San Jose and the rural life in the Tortuguero forest, I have changed" but you should adjust this sentence to hear with the previous sentence.
  5. Write down your thesis statement or main idea. In essay writing, the thesis statement is the sentence that expresses the "main idea" of the essay as clearly and concisely as possible. Some essays, especially the five-paragraph essay for writing exercises or on a standardized test, require you to more or less include your thesis statement in the opening paragraph. Even essays without these rules will make a better impression if you can use the power of your thesis statement. In general, your thesis statement is in or at the end of the opening paragraph, but the position may change in some cases.
    • For your obesity essay, since you are addressing a serious topic in a simple and clear way, you can write your thesis statement fairly clearly: "Curriculum Initiative Education and the Global Initiative will greatly influence the global fight against child obesity through educating the community, changing people's minds and calling for support. With just a few words, this sentence tells the reader the exact purpose of the essay.
    • For your vacation essay, you may not want to state your main idea in a single sentence. Since you are more interested in mooding the reader, telling stories, and illustrating thoughts, a simple and straightforward sentence like "This essay details my summer vacation in Costa Rica. "will sound very forced and unnecessary.
  6. Use the right tone of voice. Not only is it a place to discuss what you want to write, the opening paragraph is also a place to set it up method Presentation on the topic. The way you write (the tone) is one of the factors that motivates the reader to continue reading your article or vice versa. If the voice in the opening is clear, pleasant and relevant to the content, then more likely people will continue to read, compared to the slurry, the sentences have no alignment or are inconsistent with the topic. talent.
    • Consider the example essays above: Note that, although the essay on obesity and the holiday essay have very different voices, both have a clear and consistent wording. . The obesity essay is a serious, analytical text that addresses public health, so you should write clear sentences with a little emphasis. On the contrary, the holiday essay is about a fun, enjoyable experience that has a great impact on the author, so it makes sense if the sentences sound a little fun, contain interesting information, and convey. be surprised by the author's feeling.
  7. Get to the point! One of the most important principles when writing an introduction is that shorter is almost always better. It is better to convey all the necessary information in five sentences than six. Use simple words in everyday life instead of abstract words (eg "clear" with "vindication"). It is better to convey a message in ten words than twelve words. Try to write a shorter opening paragraph without losing quality or transmission. Remember, the opening serves to draw the reader into the body, but it's just the appetizer, not the main course of the party, so keep it short.
    • As noted above, although you should try to write the chorus, don't write it too short to be unreasonable or unclear. For example, in your essay on obesity, you should not shorten this sentence: "In fact, childhood obesity is impacting more and more rich and poor countries" to: "Above In fact, obesity is a big deal. " The second sentence cannot describe the entire context - this essay is about childhood obesity, global and increasingly exacerbated, not about being obese isn't good for you.

Part 2 of 3: Write essay matching introduction

  1. Summarize your argument convincingly. While each essay is different (not counting plagiarism), there are a few strategies that can help you get the most out of your particular type of text. For example, if you want to write a convincing essay - that is, to make an argument that supports a particular point to convince the reader to agree with you - then you should focus on summarizing your argument in the opening paragraph. the beginning (or more paragraphs) of the essay. This tactic helps the reader to quickly grasp the rationale used to support your position.
    • For example, if you are arguing against local sales tax laws, you could write the opening paragraph like this: "The proposed sales tax law is a backward and financially irresponsible step. "How to prove that the sales tax law causes an unreasonable burden on the poor and has a negative effect on the local economy, this article shows that these views are absolutely correct". This approach tells the reader immediately what your main arguments are, and shows the legitimacy of your argument.
  2. Show the ability to draw readers in creative writing style. Creative writing and emotional novel writing are heavier than other types of writing. In essays of this type, you can often use metaphors to impress in the opening paragraph. The best way to engage readers in your article is to try to write interesting or impress them. With creative writing style, you can freely use the sentence, but still should present the structure, purpose and main idea in the introduction. On the contrary, readers will have difficulty keeping track of your articles.
    • For example, if you were writing a thrilling short story about a girl on the run to the law, we could start with this delightful fantasy scene: "The sirens echoed through the pictures. "The inn's smoky wall. The red and green light looked like the light from the tabloid's cameras. Sweat mingled with rusty water on her gun barrel." This image tells the story listen really attractive!
    • You should also note that the first sentence can still appeal to the reader without having too much action in it. Consider the first sentences in the work The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien: “A tiny man who lives in a hole in the earth. Not a dirty, wet hole, full of worms and the smell of seeping water, nor a dry, empty and sandy hole to be able to sit down or eat and drink: Tiny people hole, a peaceful place ”. This passage immediately arouses curiosity in the reader: What is a little man? Why does it live in holes? Readers must read on to find out!
  3. Incorporate specific content into common themes for artistic and entertaining writing. Writing in the arts and entertainment fields (like book and film reviews ...) does not carry as many principles and expectations as technical articles, but the opening paragraph of this writing should still apply. Use comprehensive tactics. In this case, although you can write the opening in a slightly cheerful tone, you still need to take care to ensure that the overall topic or focus is described and detailed information is presented. detailed and specific.
    • For example, if you're writing reviews and analyzing the movie The Master by P.T. Anderson, you can start out like this: "There was a moment in the movie that, although very small, but unforgettable. As he spoke his last words to his young lover, Joaquin Phoenix suddenly ripped open the screen. separating them and hugging the girl with a passionate kiss. Their love is beautiful but irrational, the perfect symbol of the kind of unruly love the movie wants to show. This opening uses the movie's brief but engaging moment to highlight the main theme in a very engaging way.
  4. Simple writing in essays on engineering or science. Of course, you cannot use wild and attractive writing in all types of writing. Humor and impulsiveness have no place in the serious world of analytical, technical, and scientific writing. These types of documents have practical purposes, used to inform the reader about a specific and serious topic. Since the purpose of this type of text is to provide pure information (sometimes convincing), you should not write jokes, fancy imagery, or anything that is irrelevant. next to immediate task.
    • For example, if you want to write an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of methods that protect metals from corrosion, you could start like this: "Corrosion is the electrochemical process in which Metal reacts to its surroundings and rot over time This is a serious problem for the structure of metal structures so people have been looking to develop methods to protect metals from corroded ". This introduction is not rambling and to the point. There was no time to flaunt.
    • Note that essays in this style often have a summary on the essay that summarizes the main content of the essay in a general and concise manner. See How to Write a Summary for more information.
  5. Present the most important information at the beginning of the article. Writing in journalistic style is slightly different from other writing styles. In journalism, the writer often tries hard to focus on the facts of the story instead of the point of the author, so the opening paragraph of the article is often descriptive rather than argumentative or convincing. Journalism is objective and serious, they are encouraged to put the most important information in the first sentence so that readers know the core content of the story when reading through the headline of the article.
    • For example, if you are a journalist and assigned to cover the local fire, you can start with the following: "The four buildings on Cherry Avenue have caught on fire from electric shock. Saturday night. Although there were no deaths, five adults and one child were taken to Skyline hospital for fire injuries. " When you put key information first, you are giving the majority of your readers information they want to know right away.
    • In the following paragraphs, you can drill down into the details and context surrounding the fire so that readers living around the area have more information.

Part 3 of 3: Use the tactic of writing introductions

  1. Try writing your final introduction instead of first. When it comes to writing essays, many authors forget that no rule is required by them right write your first introduction. In fact, you can write any part of the essay first for the purpose of the essay, including the body and the conclusion, as long as you connect the whole essay eventually.
    • If you don't know how to get started or don't know exactly what you're going to write about, try skipping the introduction for now. In the end you will still have to write your introduction, but once you have finished writing the rest, you will have a better understanding of the topic. Start your essay with what feels easiest to write, then write the rest.
  2. Brainstorming. Sometimes, even experienced authors run out of ideas. If you're having trouble writing your introduction, try brainstorming. Take out a blank sheet of paper and write down your ideas as soon as it comes to mind. It's not necessarily the best ideas - when reading ideas that definitely shouldn't be used, sometimes you will be inspired to come up with certain ideas. Candlestick use.
    • You should try a technique called free writing. When you write freely, you will start writing anything and keep writing your thoughts continuously to get your ideas flowing. The end result doesn't need to be clear. If inspiration starts to sprout while writing rambling, you're successful.
  3. Correct, retouch and correct. People rarely or often cannot write an essay without editing or reviewing. A good author never submits an article without reviewing it at least once or twice. Review and edit help you detect spelling and grammatical errors, correct unclear statements, remove unnecessary information, and more. This is especially important for a preamble, as minor bugs can reflect negatively on your entire work, so you must double-check the introduction.
    • For example, suppose the first sentence of your essay has a slight grammatical error. Although the error is small, but it appears right in the prominent position, which may make readers think that the author is careless or unprofessional. If you write to make money (or get points) then absolutely avoid this risk.
  4. Ask for someone else's opinion. Nobody writes in an isolated environment. If you don't have the inspiration to write, talk to someone you respect to get their point of view at the beginning of the article. Since your essay doesn't have much to do with this person, they can take an outsider's point of view, and point out things that might not have happened to you mainly because you are focusing on writing an opening. perfect.
    • Don't be afraid to ask for the support of your teachers, professors, and the person who assigned you to write that essay. Most of the time, they will think that asking for advice is a sign that you are serious about your essay. Besides, since these people almost certainly know what the final product looks like, they can teach you how to write your essay exactly how they want it.


  • Try to write complete ideas about your topic and mix sentences with diverse structures. There is nothing worse than reading a lot of boring articles. Interesting is the key to success. If you are not interested in the topic then most likely the reader will not like it and you will get a low score.
  • When you ask others to edit, you should be polite and respectful. The best person to edit is the teacher who delivered the topic.
  • If you ask your friends to edit, remember to save the article to avoid having to rewrite the entire essay. Posts with good content and layout are easy to correct - no matter how badly the semicolon, spelling, or grammar is.


  • Avoid writing off topic.