How to Write Solid Text

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SOLIDWORKS Text Tutorial - Quick Tip
Video: SOLIDWORKS Text Tutorial - Quick Tip


Maintain an appropriate position and angle. As you feel that it becomes easier and easier to write solid lettering, you will begin to notice that some letters don't look as good as others. The main reason is because the position as well as the angle at which your hand is placed when writing is altered.
  • Choose an angle that feels most appropriate to you and keep it as you write. If the results still do not work what you want, you can practice writing a new page and constantly change positions. Experiment with different strategies until you find the one that works best for you.

  • Find out your writing rhythm. There are days when handwriting feels smooth and easy, but others feel the exact opposite. The following little experiment will help you find your rhythm:
    • Try writing with a pen or marker. Hear the sound of the pen when writing up and down. Are they different? If so, find a way to write the sound they make exactly the same.
    • Most importantly, find your own rhythm. Your handwriting does not have to be identical to the sample charset, which is often glued in classrooms, but only needs to be written in a seamless and non-discrete manner. Find out the simplest and most effective way for yourself.

  • Practice regularly. Try to write a paragraph every day. But remember that practice will help us to build our writing habits, but we cannot perfect our writing. So let's practice in the right way.
    • If you don't feel motivated enough to practice on your own, the following information might come in handy: In a recent study, the Admissions Board said that, in the written test of an SAT, students Students using solid writing usually scored higher than students using lower case letters. They argue that the speed and efficiency of solid handwriting allows for a better focus on the content of the test.

  • Please be patient. You've been writing in print for many years, so changing this habit takes incredible effort. Calm calm and relax. Then gradually everything will get better.
    • If you feel hand fatigue, stop. Making an extra effort will only make you feel more uncomfortable and anxious. Take a break and return to practice later.
  • Advice

    • Instead of boring and rigidly writing the entire alphabet, you have the option of writing a few short sentences that include all the letters of the alphabet. This can make your practice much more enjoyable than writing Aa, Bb, Cc, ...
    • Feel free to write, it helps your writing look more natural.
    • If you are in a journal, try to use solid writing when writing. You can also practice writing while taking notes in class.
    • Alternatively, you can buy writing notebooks in bookstores. This type of notebook has pre-printed dots according to the lettering so you can practice the exact angles, lines as well as the spacing between letters. Don't think that using a writing notebook is a shame. They can help you practice the most beautiful and accurate seamless handwriting.
    • Buy a book, watch other people's writing, then follow suit. You may find a font that suits you better than the standard typeface.
    • Find a friend or someone who can write straight letters. Ask them what features and notes when writing different handwriting, such as where the hook should start and where to end, how to connect certain letters (like Ch or Tr).

    What you need

    • Paper or white board
    • Ink pen, marker pen or pencil
    • Documents written in a solid line.