Ways to Avoid an inferiority complex

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips to Beat Inferiority Complex
Video: 5 Tips to Beat Inferiority Complex


Feeling inferior to others stems from many different factors, and gradually develops into one's complete personality. Verbal, physical, and emotional abuse can have lasting effects and lead people to believe they don't deserve someone else's respect. However, an inferiority complex is a character that can be avoided, no matter what challenges you experience in life.


Method 1 of 2: Dealing with the influence of others

  1. Find these information is being hidden. People who have a habit of being better than others often want to hide what they know in order to achieve their goals. By hiding information or limiting the understanding of others, they feel more complete. Instead of accepting you should try to educate yourself in such situations.
    • If you let someone lose your value, your inferiority complex will gradually develop in you. You must be proud of your work and not let them downplay you or take your prestige.

  2. Against violence in thought. If a person is trying to manipulate you, then you need to understand the meaning and impact of that action. If they purposely made you feel inferior at work because you both wanted to get promoted in the next promotion, this is called ideological violence. They want to strengthen their position by pushing you down and making you feel inadequate to move up the career ladder. This situation usually happens in woman-to-woman relationships, but it can happen to anyone.
    • Examples of emotional violence include: social exclusion, spreading rumors or making up accounts, refusing to talk and threatening to end the relationship unless you do what they want.
    • If this is the case, you should keep a journal on all such situations, including the date and time they happened, the names of the people involved. You then bring the notebook to human resources so they can take action.The HR department can deal with company policies about intimidation.
    • If you are dealing with ideological violence at school, make a note of it in your notebook and take it to the principal's office or meet the staff. They will apply school policies and procedures for dealing with bullying cases.

  3. Pay attention to criticism. You may be criticized for things that you cannot change. For example, people criticize you for physical defects, sexual orientation, skin color, race, national origin, or any aspect of your life. The abuse of language often makes others feel emotionally hurt, and has a big impact on self-esteem.
    • This type of criticism makes the other person feel inadequate, creating or enhancing an inferiority complex. Since you cannot change your appearance, race or sexual orientation, there will be many negative effects when being ridiculed.
    • If this is the case with people you know, you should exclude them from your life. You don't have to hang out with people who are racially, sexually critical or discriminatory. If you cannot exclude them from your life, try to set boundaries with them. Minimize interaction with those people and let them know their behavior is unacceptable by saying, "Your way of speaking is disrespectful. If you don't stop talking like that I won't say it. Talk to me ".

  4. Coping with underground assault. Sometimes discriminatory language is made subtly, such as a simple statement about you based on race, social class, gender or other personal trait. This is called a stealth attack.
    • Examples of tacit attacks include: judging someone as a foreigner because they look different from the majority, assuming a person is dangerous based on their race, judging one's intelligence on the basis of their race or gender, negating other people's feelings of discrimination.
    • A recent study found that frequent tacit attacks put people under more stress and lead to depression. Research has also shown that actively participating in coping strategies can help reduce the incidence of depression and overall stress. This proves that even if you cannot control the behavior of other enemies, you can also control how you react to their behavior.
    • Some tactics for dealing with tacit attacks include: taking care of yourself, confronting an attacker, seeking ally support, acknowledging abuses, seeking advice from others and organizations. a public meeting on the matter.
  5. Seek social support. Studies show that the human body responds to group inclusion or exclusion, also known as group dynamics. You tend to find self-worth when those around you are optimistic and happy.
    • A group of good friends will make you realize how wonderful you are, and help fight your inferiority complex. Joining a group of happy people also has health benefits. When everyone on the team is able to help you feel like you are in harmony with them, your immune system increases its resistance to viruses and infections. Conversely, when you are separated from the group or no longer feel suitable for them, the body will increase inflammatory responses, decrease resistance to viruses and infections.
    • Reach out to people who encourage and respect who you are with all your weaknesses and flaws. Recognize their wisdom and set an example for personal growth, trying to be strong and relying on yourself during growth. You can only become better and more secure in a positive and healthy environment. More independence leads to more confidence.
    • Conversely, when you have high confidence, you will reduce dependence on others for self-esteem, which also means avoiding feelings of inferiority.

Method 2 of 2: Work with yourself first

  1. Don't think too much. Increase confidence and strive to rise optimistically on the path of success. Don't let yourself get caught in the lack of confidence and conflicting opinions that others try to impose on you, making you feel weak.
    • As you sit and reflect on past situations and events that you wish you should have acted differently, you will only hurt yourself. Pensive thinking has a direct effect on your physicality and stress levels, which contributes to low self-esteem complexity.
    • If you can't stop thinking, distract yourself for at least 2 minutes at a time. You will gradually have a more optimistic view of the world, stop paying attention to negative, unhelpful things. All you need is 2 minutes of intense focus on something else, but that is also of great value in the long run.
  2. Let go of negative thoughts. When you spend too much time thinking about the past or doing regrets, you can get caught up in the stream of pessimistic thinking. This can be difficult to do if the other person is always negative or willfully demeaning you. Overthinking only lowers your self-esteem and you cannot release them from your head, which only creates a feeling of inferiority to them.
    • Learn how to ignore negative or destructive comments, especially if it is you who made the comment. On the other hand, you should understand that people have the right to give their opinion, so instead of thinking a lot about those comments you should filter out and forget the negative comments directed at you, always remember that you are a great person. how.
  3. Love yourself. Having compassion for yourself is the foundation for accepting yourself and defeating low self-esteem. Treat yourself as kind and compassionate as you would to others. Remember that flaws, failures and obstacles are a part of life, and no one is perfect or always gets what he wants. Instead of reacting with self-criticism or demeaning, you should be sympathetic and be kind to yourself.
    • Don't ignore or try to dig into the pain. Acknowledge that you are having a hard time and ask yourself what you can do to take care of yourself. It could be lying warmly in a blanket, crying loudly or going to dinner with a few close friends.
    • Make a change in your life for yourself, not for a lack or to fit into an idea of ​​perfection.
  4. Learn to accept yourself - including your strengths and weaknesses. Understand your value and respect your individuality, along with your achievements and hope to achieve. Know your limitations and strengths. Stay away from anyone or any situation that creates negative feelings or makes you doubt your personal abilities, as well as creates feelings of inferiority. If there is an area in your life that you can improve on, try to be optimistic, as overcoming your weakness is the best way to avoid feeling inferior.
    • Weakness can be the source of your inferiority complex, especially if you let the views of others influence your own values. Learn to be content with yourself. Don't change yourself to make others happy.
    • You can never be exactly someone, so don't try. Live with who you are and learn to love that version of you. That way you won't feel inferior, especially if you can learn to never compare yourself to others.
    • Look for signs of cognitive distortion. Cognitive distortion is when the views of the worldview are falsified by wrong information or reasoning. Personalization is a common case of cognitive distortion, when you turn things upside down to assume it's a personal comment directed at you.
    • If you find that a weakness is causing you to worry, try to deal with it, not to let it downplay you or make you feel bad about yourself. Instead, you have to deal with your flaws if possible, and understand that it's just a small part of who you are.
    • Some ways to help you accept yourself include: making a list of your strengths, making friends with positive people, learning to forgive past mistakes, and being assertive.
  5. Let through anger and bitterness. Anger and bitterness only make you feel bad about yourself.These negative emotions consume a lot of energy and frustrate you, destroy your self-esteem and waste valuable effort. If your anger is rational and reasonable in the hostile circumstances, use it to motivate you.
    • Try to forget about it and be determined to be a better person than the person who makes you angry, showing restraint and a positive attitude. In addition, convey the energy of real achievement to prove them wrong. Reshape your thoughts every time you are angry or bitter, and try to focus on another starting point, namely, to succeed and move forward.