How to Avoid Overreacting

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Power of Not Reacting | Stop Overreacting | How to Control Your Emotions
Video: The Power of Not Reacting | Stop Overreacting | How to Control Your Emotions


There are two types of outrageous reactions: internal and external.Out-of-mind reactions are perceived actions and behaviors, such as raising hands in the air for disappointment or angrily yelling at others. Intrinsic overreaction are emotional reactions that the other person may or may not notice. Examples of overreacting include worrying or angry feelings that you don't show. Both types of overreaction are damaging to relationships, credibility, and self-esteem. You can avoid overreacting by knowing more about what triggers your emotional response, and finding new responses.


Method 1 of 2: Take Care of Yourself

  1. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is a common cause of stress, and can lead to short-term anger and extreme emotional reactions in everyday situations. Self-care includes getting plenty of sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, it's more difficult to change your overreaction.
    • Avoid caffeine if it interferes with your sleep. Caffeine is found in soft drinks, coffee, tea, and other soft drinks. If you are drinking a beverage, make sure it contains no caffeine.
    • Fatigue increases stress levels, and can lead to irrational thinking.
    • If you can't change your sleep schedule, try to increase rest and relaxation as part of your daily schedule. Naps can be helpful.

  2. Make sure you eat and drink regularly. If you are hungry, you are more likely to overreact. Eat healthy, regular meals throughout the day. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast with plenty of protein and avoid sugary foods for breakfast.
    • Avoid junk food, sugary foods or other foods that can raise blood sugar. Sugary snacks cause stress.

  3. Exercise regularly. Exercise helps regulate your emotions, and brings more positive moods. 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 times a week has been shown to have benefits in emotional regulation.
    • Aerobic exercise, such as swimming, walking, running or cycling, lung and heart movement. Aerobic exercise is part of your daily routine no matter what type of exercise you choose. If you can't set aside 30 minutes a day, start with less time. Even 10-15 minutes will bring about an improvement.
    • Strength training, like lifting weights or doing push-ups, helps keep bones and muscles strong.
    • Flexible exercises, like stretches and yoga, help prevent injuries. Yoga helps reduce anxiety and stress, and is highly recommended for those trying to avoid overreacting.

  4. Know your feelings. When someone doesn't know their feelings until they overreact, it can be difficult to change. The trick is to know your feelings well before they get too serious. Learn to identify inside you the predictive signs of overreaction.
    • Physical symptoms, such as a stiff neck or an increased heart rate.
    • Naming your emotions means you have the ability to use both sides of your brain to develop coping strategies.
    • The more you understand your inner responses, the less likely it is that you will become overwhelmed by them.

Method 2 of 2: Understanding New Behavior

  1. Learn to be aware of false knowledge. False knowledge is a way of thinking that automatically convinces a person to go wrong - often negative judgments or harsh self-criticism that make the person feel bad about himself. Wrong knowledge affects emotions, and causes overreaction. If a person does not learn to recognize false knowledge, he will continue to overreact.
    • Examples of misleading knowledge include over-generalization, hasty conclusions, and exacerbation of the problem. They are all the ways emotional reasoning can override rational thinking.
    • When you find yourself using sentences that contain the word "should", such as "I should go to the gym ... I shouldn't be lazy," then you are likely to have gotten into a misleading knowledge.
    • Seeing only potential negative results, and regularly rejecting positive ones, is common misconception.
    • Becoming aware of deviated types of knowledge allows you to have many choices about how to react. There is one way to remember that you can get misleading through the sentence, "Don't believe everything you think!"
    • Write down your automatic thoughts in your journal. Ask yourself if there is any way to examine the causes of your misconceptions. Is this automatic thought part of a false kind of knowledge? If so, where did it start? How is it serving you? Becoming more aware of your subconscious thoughts will help you avoid overbearing.

  2. Determine how to think "all or nothing.""This kind of automatic thought, also known as" black and white "thought, is the main cause of overreaction. Automatic thought is not based on rational thinking, but on the reaction of fear and cold. Excessive exposure in stressful situations.
    • Thinking "all or nothing" may seem perfectly plausible, but it is really misconceptions. Training your mind to recognize this kind of thinking requires conscious effort and attention on your part.
    • Learn to seriously listen to your inner voice, and pay attention to what you are saying. If your words are filled with misleading knowledge, you will benefit from pushing it aside and taking a few deep breaths.
    • Replace overreaction with rational thinking. Consider alternative responses from the people inside of you.
    • Consider affirmative training to follow automatic thinking. Affirmation allows you to correct negative, "all or nothing" thoughts with positive statements that reflect your new beliefs. For example, remind yourself, "Mistakes are not failures. Everyone makes mistakes. I am someone with many skills and talents."

  3. Take a deep breath before reacting. Breathing pauses allow you time to consider alternative responses. It can help you get rid of the automatic thought pattern. Breathe in through your nose while counting to 4; Hold the breath for 3 seconds, then slowly exhale through your mouth for 5 seconds. Repeat as needed.
    • When your breathing is fast, your body believes it is engaged in a "fight or flight" battle, and increases the level of anxiety. You will be more likely to react in heightened emotions and anxiety.
    • If you breathe more slowly, your body will believe that you are calm, and you will be more likely to have sensible thinking.

  4. Determine your overreaction type. Most people have "buttons," which can cause overreaction. Common causes include jealousy, denial, criticism, and control. By learning more about your causes, you will be able to control your emotional response to them.
    • Envy is when someone takes what you want, or what you feel you deserve.
    • Rejection happens when someone is not rejected or rejected. Removal from a group activates the same receptors in the brain as physical pain.
    • Criticism allows someone to engage in misconception of over-generalization. The person confuses a critical reaction with someone who is not liked or appreciated, not just a single act of criticism.
    • Control issues cause overreaction when you worry too much about not having what you want or losing what you have. This is also an example of exacerbating the problem.
  5. Get foresight. Ask yourself, "How important is this? Will I remember it tomorrow? Or a year later? What about 20 years from now?" If the answer is no, then no matter how you react now, it doesn't matter. Allow yourself to return to the situation, and admit that it may not be that important.
    • Is there any part of the situation you could do about it? Is there a way you can work with others to make a change that works for you? If so, try them.
    • Try to be willing to accept the parts of the situation where you cannot change.This doesn't mean allowing others to hurt you or that you shouldn't set boundaries. Sometimes this means accepting that you can't change the situation, and deciding to quit.
  6. Train your brain. When someone is constantly having difficulty regulating temperament, the brain has a weak connection between the high emotional response center, and the part of the brain responsible for rational thinking. Building stronger bonds between these two brain centers helps avoid overreaction.
    • Behavioral therapy (DBT) is a treatment that has been shown to be effective in people who have difficulty adjusting to emotions. It works through increasing self-understanding and requiring cognitive reorganization.
    • Neurofeedback and biofeedback are two treatments that have been shown to be effective in healing people with emotional correction problems. The patient learns to monitor psychomotor reactions, and thereby control his overreaction.
  7. Meet an expert. Overreaction can be the result of long-term problems, there is a treatment that can help you sort out. Understanding the underlying causes can help you control them.
    • If your overreaction affects your relationship or marriage, consider seeing a therapist with a companion or spouse.
    • A good therapist will have practical suggestions for current problems, but will also look for problems from your past, which can manifest through emotional responses.
    • Please be patient. If your emotional overreaction is the result of long-term, hidden problems, treatment may take a while. Don't expect results overnight.


  • Not all strong emotional reactions are outrageous. Don't underestimate your emotions simply because they are intense.
  • If your overreaction causes legal problems, get help right away.
  • Sometimes overreaction can be a symptom of mental illness. If this is the case, you will need to seek psychiatric help while dealing with overreaction.