How to be a chef

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How To Master 5 Basic Cooking Skills | Gordon Ramsay
Video: How To Master 5 Basic Cooking Skills | Gordon Ramsay


You may decide to become a chef because of the passion for cooking and the culinary experience. Although it is a demanding profession, you will feel very content when doing what you love. Start improving your culinary skills needed to become a chef by practicing at home, applying for a job in a restaurant and listening to feedback from others. Then, take part in training at school or under the guidance of an expert to become a chef. Finally, apply for a job at a restaurant and work as a chef.


Part 1 of 3: Improve cooking skills

  1. Practice cooking at home to improve skills. Choose a recipe that you find appealing, then cook it yourself. As your cooking improves, try recipes that require new skills that you have never tried before. Don't be afraid to experiment with recipes to make them your own.
    • Study different cuisines to see which styles and tastes suit you. For example, you can cook Italian tonight, next night cook Mexican food, next thing will be hamburger.

    Tips: When working in a restaurant, you must cook quickly to serve the needs of customers. Through practice, quick cooking becomes easier.

  2. Experiment with a variety of foods to create your own recipe. Part of being a chef is making your own specialties. Once you're familiar with the popular ingredients, start researching recipes to make them your own. Take risks to create something completely new!
    • Start by modifying an existing formula to make a difference. Then try to mix the ingredients together without following any recipe.
    • Some creations will be successful, while others may not be eaten. This is perfectly normal, so don't give up!

  3. Cook for others to enjoy for suggestions on dishes. Negative comments may sound intimidating, but the feedback will help you become a more professional chef. Cook regularly for people, then ask them how they feel about their food. Synthesize feedback that makes sense for you.
    • If possible, prepare dishes for people who share the same culinary interests as you. They can offer better feedback. For example, let's say you enjoy cooking Indian food. You will get a more in-depth response from someone who loves Indian cuisine.

  4. Observe other chefs to learn their techniques. You can learn a lot from observing others. Check out cooking programs and online tutorials to see how other chefs cook. Also, follow the chefs or chefs in training you know. Try to learn how they work.
    • Don't worry about imitating other people's behavior. You need a style! However, you will observe how to perform certain skills and how to be creative with their ingredients
  5. Applying for a job at a restaurant to improve your skills and beautify your resume. It's great to start as a chef, but it takes time to advance in your career. Starting low in the restaurant will help you learn the essential skills. Apply for job applications for local restaurant jobs.
    • The first restaurant job probably won't have a lot of fame, but everyone starts with the smallest. You can work as a team leader. This will help you learn essential skills to advance in your career and eventually become a chef.

    Tips: Working in a restaurant is absolutely necessary if you have no intention of going to cooking lessons. Working in the kitchen will help you learn the skills you need to become a chef while at the same time building your resume.


Part 2 of 3: Learn to be a chef

  1. Join a culinary arts program to gain a foundation of knowledge. Although a chef does not need to attend culinary schools, this can help you find a job. Most of the culinary courses provide a diverse background of nutrition, food processing techniques to ensure hygiene, food dosing, baking and basic cooking knowledge. other. Study culinary programs, then subscribe to your top 3-5 choices.
    • Culinary programs will be offered at vocational schools, colleges and culinary academies. You can receive a culinary arts certificate from vocational schools after 6-9 months. If you want a second degree in culinary arts from a community college, it is expected that you will spend about 2 years studying. In addition, you can receive a bachelor of culinary arts after 4 years from a college, university or culinary academy.
    • Look for programs in business, management, and human resources if you think you might open your own restaurant in the future.
  2. Study at home if planning to become a self-taught chef. While studying at a cooking school will help you learn the necessary skills, you can still choose to learn what you want to know yourself. Practice cooking every day in your private kitchen. Cook for the family or host events in the house for more practice. Step outside of your comfort zone to learn the skills you need.
    • Volunteer to cook for parties and events if people buy ingredients that match your recipes.
    • Use online tutorials and cookbooks to learn new skills.

    Tips: If you study on your own it can be difficult to get a job. However, your food will say it all. If you are a talented and creative chef, you will have higher employment opportunities.

  3. Find internships at a restaurant to build a personal resume. While the internship is not that appealing, it can open up many opportunities for work that you enjoy. Contact local restaurants to inquire about available internships. If you find a position, ask your local chef or restaurant owner about considering placing you in a short internship. During this time, observe the chef, vice chef and team leader to learn new skills. Also, follow all their directions strictly.
    • Some culinary arts schools will link up with local restaurants to provide internship opportunities for students.
    • Your internship may not be paid. However, consider it a daily job to get a good certification when applying for a job.
  4. Get certification if you focus on a specific area. Usually, there is no need for any certification to become a chef. However, you may choose to obtain your own certification if you have expertise in the field you are planning to pursue. If you have training in a particular field, take the certification exam to strengthen your resume.
    • For example, you might be certified as a master pastry chef, dish decorator or a side kitchen.
    • If you are in the US and meet the requirements of education and experience, you can take the certification exam from the Research Chefs Association, the American Culinary Federation, the American Culinary Institute and the Chefs Association. US individuals.

Part 3 of 3: Working to become a chef

  1. Apply for apprenticeships in the kitchen at local restaurants. When you start your career in the restaurant industry, get ready to take any position. Search for jobs in local restaurants, then send them resumes, cover letters and resume sheets. Submit multiple job applications at the same time to increase your chances of getting a job.
    • You can start as a kitchen assistant or garde manger, who prepares appetizers, soups and cold dishes. The next step is the team leader, then the deputy chef, which is the active position under the direct command of the chef. Finally, you can become the main chef of a restaurant.
    • If you've worked in the kitchen before, you might find a better job than a beginner.
  2. Interact with other chefs and restaurant owners to build relationships. Relationships can help you advance faster in your career. Chat with other chefs, meet restaurant owners and attend industry events to interact with peers. This will help build relationships with people who can help with your career.
    • When attending an event with a set of food, ask to speak with the chef.
    • Chat with people you meet in the courses.
  3. Switch to another restaurant to improve skills and get a better position. Do not spend your whole life in the same restaurant. Instead, you can switch to another restaurant to continue advancement in your career. Always look for new jobs and apply to positions that will help you achieve your goal of becoming a chef.
    • For example, if you are currently working as a team leader, apply to be the deputy chef at other local restaurants.

    Variant: You can decide to open your own restaurant. However, keep in mind that this requires business skills.

  4. Apply as a chef to learn skills to become a chef. The chef will work under the direct command of the chef, helping you to improve your skills and resume. Find a deputy chef job after taking the position of leader. Plan to work in this position for at least 1-3 years before advancing to the chef position.
    • Usually, you will have the knowledge and skills necessary to become a chef when taking the position of a deputy chef. However, you may not have the experience and expertise to become a chef in the capacity of a deputy chef.
  5. Promote to chef when the opportunity arises. Once you are a chef, look for the opportunity to become a chef. Keep track of newly opened restaurants and promotion routes by chefs in your area. Socialize and meet potential work relationships - people who can help you become a chef. When job opportunities are available, contact the restaurant owner or the hiring manager and show them your skills.
    • It can take a few years to become a chef.
    • Making friends in the restaurant industry is the best way to get noticed in your work. Be nice to everyone you have met as you won't know who can help you achieve your ultimate goal of becoming a chef.


  • Check out culinary programs at community colleges in the area. A growing number of schools are offering night classes, certificate and culinary degree programs.
  • Be kind to everyone in the kitchen. The dishwashing staff, waiters, and guests you meet today may open fusion restaurants in the future.
  • Don't be afraid to experience in the kitchen! You may experience failure, but you will also learn new skills.
  • Invite many people to try your food. Your favorite dishes can be too spicy or too salty for someone else.
  • Some culinary schools do not require any cooking experience, so don't think you can't pursue a career as a chef if you've never worked in a restaurant.


  • Use caution when handling a knife as it is easy to cut hands.
  • You can work for long hours as a chef, including holidays and weekends. This is not a big deal if you love your job, but it can be difficult if you do not like to cook.