Ways to Become Muslim

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Convert to ISLAM and How to Become MUSLIM?
Video: How to Convert to ISLAM and How to Become MUSLIM?


With nearly two billion members and still growing, Islam is, by various indexes, the fastest growing religion in the world. In terms of the simplicity of joining new members, Islam stands quite a bit in the religious world by requiring only a sincere and simple statement of faith to become a Muslim. This statement cannot be made lightly, however dedicating yourself to a life guided by Islamic principles will be one of the most important (even important) decisions. most) that you have ever given in your life.

You should know that adopting Islam will remove all the sins you have committed in the past. As a new convert, your resume is completely clean; is almost like being reborn. You should do your best to keep your life as clean and as possible of good deeds.

Note that Islam does not support killing; For most religions, killing is a very big crime. Such extreme behaviors are not encouraged. Islam also has dress requirements that emphasize modesty, which all Muslims must adhere to.


Part 1 of 3: Conversion to Islam

  1. Make sure you understand what it means to be a Muslim and how a Muslim behaves. The first and foremost rule of a Muslim is to believe only in Allah. Allah is a saint, the Creator and the only Almighty. He is the only person you should do good deeds and be worshiped. There is nothing worthy of standing by His side. The messenger of Allah, Muhammad (peace with you) is the messenger and also the last prophet sent to earth, and there will not be any more prophets after him. Islam sees itself as the natural development of all creation. That means Islam is an original and perfect entity. So when a person "converts" to Islam, they are actually returning to their own original nature.
    • Muslims consider all people who live their teachings to be Muslims, no matter where they live or what time they live. For example, Islam believes that Jesus is a Muslim, even though he lived hundreds of years before the historical founding of modern Islam.
    • Allah, the Arabic word for God, refers to the same God worshiped by Christians and Jews (also known as Lord Abraham). Therefore, Muslims always have a respectful attitude towards the prophets of Christianity and Judaism (including Jesus, Moses, David, Elijah ...) and consider the Bible and the Torah to be accepted books. gets divine inspiration but changes over time, and from then on becomes unreliable. The Qur’an is the last book of God that affirms the truth in the previous scriptures and corrects all mistakes and changes over time.
    • Avoid attaching yourself to any sect in Islam. Allah and his prophets command unity for all of us. Therefore, Muslims should only submit to Allah and the prophets to avoid these bid’ah (innovation in religious matters). If Allah and the prophets do not give any command or action, do nothing.
      • "Indeed, those who divided religions and created their own sects, were not with those in any way.Your stories are due only to Allah; after that, He will let them know about their sins. "
      • The prophet (ﷺ) said, "Watch out! The readers of this book have been divided into seventy-two sects, and this community will be divided into seventy-three parts: seventy-two of these will descend. Hell and one will go to Heaven, and that will be the majority of the sects.

  2. Read the Islamic sutras. The Quran is the central religious book of Islam, is said to be written from the pure words of God and is the pinnacle of the Bible and Israel. Another extremely important religious scripture is Hadith, Muhammad's Sayings and Interpretations. The Hadith scriptures form the basis of a not small part of Islamic law. Reading these books will help you understand the stories, laws or dogmas that make up the Islamic faith.

  3. Talk to the Imam. Imam are Muslim religious scholars who specialize in religious activities inside and outside of mosques (Masjid). Imam is selected based on knowledge of Islamic scriptures and dignity. A good Imam can give you advice when deciding if you are ready to dedicate your life to Islam.
  4. Get to know Shahada. If you are absolutely certain that you want to be a follower of Islam and fully obey Allah's will, all you need is to recite the Shahada, a brief statement of faith. Note that, once you have recited the Shahada scripture, you have accepted to commit your life to Islam. The words in the Shahada sutras are "Ash-hadu anla elaha illa-Allah wa ash-hadu anna Mhammadur rasul-Allah", which means" I acknowledge that there is only one god is Allah, and I acknowledge that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. "By reciting the Shahada, you have become a Muslim. spear.
    • The first part of the Shahada ("Ash-hadu anla elaha illa-Allah") not only about gods from other religions, but also about what could take the place of Allah in your heart, such as wealth, power.
    • The second part of the Shahada ("wa ash-hadu anna Mhammadur rasul-Allah") is the recognition that Muhammad is the ultimate messenger of Allah. Muslims must live by Muhammad's principles, which are clearly stated in the Quran and follow his example.
    • The Shahada sutta must be read with sincerity and commitment understanding. You cannot become a Muslim just by pronouncing a few words — continuous reading into words is a reflection of the belief held in your heart.
    • Never kill, lie, steal, or do anything like that, and are obliged to comply with Allah's requirements for the way He wants to be worshiped. In other words, you will have to obey Islamic rules.

  5. To become a legitimate member of the Muslim community, ask someone to testify at your first sutra. The witness doesn't have to be a Muslim — Since God sees through things, a single Shahada reading read with confidence will turn you into a Muslim in the eyes of God. However, to be legally recognized at mosques, you often have to recite the Shahada passage in front of witnesses — usually two Muslims or an Imam (Muslim religious leader) is given. right to validate your new faith.
  6. Purify yourself. As soon as you become a Muslim, you should bathe yourself as a way of purifying yourself. This act symbolizes washing away the past and reaching light from darkness.
    • No one's guilt is too serious to prevent this purification. Immediately after reading the Shahada Sutta, your past sins will be forgiven and you are a pure human being. Symbolically, you will begin a new life focused on perfecting your soul through beautiful deeds.
    • Men are encouraged to be circumcised as soon as possible after becoming Muslim. While this may seem ominous, cleanliness is considered of utmost importance and this act also shows love for Allah, seeking His reward. The mosque where you live can connect you to a nearby hospital, where the process can be done in a sterile environment at the hands of qualified specialists.

Part 2 of 3: Living according to Islamic principles

  1. Say your prayers to God. If you don't know how to pray like a Muslim, the easiest way to learn is to attend the five daily prayer services at church. Prayer should be a relaxing, enjoyable activity, but be aware that praying five times a day is a must for all longtime Muslims. Take time to pray. Avoid praying in a hurry for the maximum benefit.
    • Remember, prayer is a spiritual bridge between you and the entities that keep your heart beating and creating the universe. Prayer brings peace, happiness, and peace. Prayer will become familiar and improve over time. Avoid being too overly or ostentatious with your prayers — pray simply and humbly. Your first goal is to create a habit and turn it into a fun and satisfying experience.
    • Schedule five prayers daily. Make sure you allow enough time for the petitions (dua) after the mandatory prayer, as this is how Muslims ask for help from Allah. Try to get used to your habit of making requests every time you pray.
    • Send your prayers to Allah for kindness and success in life. However, always remember the following two things. First, you must perform the works required by Allah. Just praying for success is not enough — you have to do the things you need to do to achieve this. Second, always believe in Allah no matter what. Material success is fleeting, but Allah is eternal — dedicate yourself to Allah whether you succeed or not.
    • Remember, Allah is independent and does not really need human worship; instead, He asks us to pray for our own sake.
  2. Fulfill the duties of the Church (Fard). Islam requires believers to fulfill certain obligations. These obligations are referred to as "Fard". There are two types of Fard: Fard al-Ayn and Fard al-Kifaya. Fard al-Ayn is a personal obligation — what all Muslims have to do if they can afford it, like daily prayers and fasting during Ramadan. Fard al-Kifaya is a community obligation — things we need to do as part of the community, even if not all members do. For example: If a Muslim dies, several other Muslims in the community need to gather and read funeral prayers. Prayers are not required for all Muslims. However, if no one reads this prayer, the whole community will be guilty.
    • Believers in Islam are also obligated to adhere to Sunnah, which guides the lifestyle based on the Prophet Muhammad's life. Some of these behaviors are encouraged, some are mandatory. The Prophet Muhammad's words narrated in Hadith will tell you which action is required.
  3. Observe Islamic rites (Adab). Muslims are required to live in certain ways, to avoid some of these behaviors and to accept others. As a Muslim, you will have to keep some habits like the following (and many others):
    • Observe and practice the diet halal. Muslims abstain from pork, carrots and alcohol. Besides that, the meat also needs to go through the proper slaughter process carried out by an authorized Muslim.
    • Say "Bismillah" ("In the name of God") before a meal.
    • Eat with your right hand, never use your left hand.
    • Proper personal hygiene.
    • Avoid unnecessary interactions with people of the opposite sex.Remember, any form of sexual activity outside of marriage is prohibited in Islam.
    • Married women must abstain from sexual intercourse during menstruation.
    • Study and adhere to the Islamic dress code, which is known to place great emphasis on modesty.
  4. Understand and apply the five pillars of Islam. The five pillars of Islam are the obligatory actions that Muslims must take. These pillars represent the core of the life of pious Muslims. These five pillars are:
    • Confirming Faith (Shahada). You will have to do this when you become a Muslim by declaring that there are no saints but Allah and His Messenger.
    • Do your prayers five times a day (Salah). The prayers took place a day, five times, towards the holy place Mecca.
    • Fast during the month of Ramadan (Sawm) if possible. Ramadan is a Muslim holy time that is manifested by fasting and doing good deeds such as prayer and charity.
    • Giving 2.5% of his wealth to the poor (Zakat). Muslims consider helping the less fortunate as an individual responsibility in the community.
    • Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). All capable people are asked to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.
  5. Believe in the six Creeds. Muslims must have faith in Allah and his omnipotent command even though these cannot be perceived by ordinary human senses. The six creeds that compel Muslims to believe are:
    • Allah (Lord). God is the creator of the universe and the only one worthy of worship.
    • His angel. Angels are servants wholeheartedly with the divine will of God.
    • The Bible was handed down by him. The Quran is the embodiment of the perfect will of God revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (The Bible of Christianity and Judaism is also considered a holy book, with content that Allah bestows but in part. not small has changed over time).
    • His messenger. God sent prophets (including Jesus, Abraham, and many others) to earth to preach his teachings.
    • Day of reckoning. God will judge all living things on earth at a time that only He knows.
    • Destiny. God destined everything — nothing could happen without His will or foreknowledge.

Part 3 of 3: Developing Faith

  1. Continue to read the Qur’an. You can learn many things from the translations of the Qur’an. Some versions will be more difficult to understand than others. Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Pickthall are the two most popular translations of the Qur’an, but try reading Sahih International if you are having difficulty understanding Old English in other translations. However, seeking help from people trained and researched about the Qur’an is often better than just relying on yourself when studying the Qur’an. Mosques near where you live will be more than happy to give you guidance and assistance in learning about Islam and many also host novice research groups, which is often a good place to start. Be careful, but always feel free to find people you feel good with and that you believe are knowledgeable enough to help you.
    • Many Muslims spend most of their time memorizing the Qu’ran scripture in search of valuable “treasures”. As your Arabic language improves, try to memorize some of your favorite surahs. You can reread these verses when you pray or whenever you need spiritual help.
    • Study and study "genuine" hadith collections (sayings or actions of Prophet Muhammad), such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. Visit Sunnah.com to read these series.
  2. Study Islamic Law and choose a school (you can choose or not). In Sunni Islam, the religious code is divided into four schools of thought. Read the different schools carefully and choose the one that you find most appealing. Registering with any school will get you an explanation of Islamic Law as revealed in the origins of Islam. Note that all schools are of equal value. While Shariah laws may be strict in the beginning, laws and punishments are the gift of Allah to ensure a safe and just society. Do your best to get acquainted and try to bring what you learn into life. The officially recognized schools are:
    • Hanafi. The Hanafi School, founded by Imam Al A'dham Nu'man Abu Hanifa, is the most widely practiced and most informative in English, stretching from famous mundane regions like Turkey. Go to Ultra-Orthodox Deobandis and Barelvis. Most Hanafi people live in the Indian subcontinent, Turkey, and a lot of non-Muslim countries.
    • Shafi’i. The Shafi'i sect, founded by Imam Abu 'Abdillah Muhammad Al-Shafi'i, ranks second in popularity and majority of Muslims in countries like Egypt and East Africa, as well as Yemen, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Shafi’i school is known for its extremely complex legal system.
    • Maliki. The Maliki school was founded by Imam Abu Anas Malik, a pupil of Imam Abu Hanifa; this is the main school of the North and Northwest Africa region, with a relatively small number of practitioners in Saudi Arabia. Imam Malik gets ideas for his school from the Madinah; One famous Maliki scholar is Hamza Yusuf.
    • Hanbali. The Hanbali school was founded by Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and is practiced almost nowhere else but Saudi Arabia, with a few apostles in Western countries. The Hanbali school places great emphasis on religious and ritual practice, being the most conservative and strict.
    • Friend are not required one of the four schools of thought must be practiced. These do not exist around the same time as the Prophet Mohammad, and are simply different interpretations of certain actions such as prayer. Don't worry if the people around you follow a different school; Islam always gives a warning to those who seek to divide this religion into many sects. Just listen to what is written in the Qur'an and Sunnah, you will never get lost.
  3. Most importantly, become the best you can be. Regardless of what makes you angry, sad or disappointed, it is your duty in this world to be the best possible human being by serving Allah and seeking His reward. Muslims believe that Allah created man for us to live a happy and happy life through acts of obedience to Him. Use your talents to help others and improve your community. Open your mind. Never harm others. Take the propaganda of Islam as your duty, and make it clear that Islam is a religion of peace.
    • Like many other religions, Islam's advocates abide by the "Golden Rule". Follow the advice of the Prophet in Hadith as follows:


  • Try to get as much knowledge as possible with devout Muslims — they are the people who are able to answer your questions more often.
  • You are never alone — there are many convert to Islam around the world. You can meet them at the mosque where you live.
  • If you realize that you have made a mistake, sincerely repent, pray for forgiveness and Allah will listen to your prayers.
  • Don't be in a hurry to accept a Muslim life. You will need to have a deep understanding of the laws that make a Muslim exemplary person before becoming Muslim. Although there is much to learn, these laws should be felt natural, since Islam is a religion of the "natural state".
  • Take evening / weekend classes at local churches to learn more about Islam.Islam is not just a religion — it is also a way of life, giving the believer guidance from birth to death.
  • Take time every day to read the Qu’ran and study Islam — research is a lifelong obligation and the more you know about Islam, the more beneficial you will be.
  • It is extremely important to perform baptism before salah.
  • Always try to read books about the prophets. This will increase your understanding of Islam and help you feel better.
  • Remember Allah at all times, not just when you are in need or trouble.
  • Not all Muslims wear a veil, it depends on their understanding of the Quran. If they choose not to wear it does not mean that they are not modest people.


  • Like all religions, Islam has its extremists, who think they are trying to perfect this religion that harms the community, in favor of hateful and violent actions. force. Be careful of the sources from which you get information about your religion. If you read something that claims to be Muslim but sounds outrageous or extreme, listen to the opinion of a moderate pious Muslim you know.
  • You may come across people who are hostile to their beliefs. Unfortunately, Muslims sometimes become the target of ugly comments and personal attacks, such as being called terrorists. Live strong and steadfast, and Allah will give you the rewards.
  • There are so many misconceptions about Islam, so please confirm what you hear with the Quran and the traditional activities of the Prophet. If you need help understanding a certain aspect of Islam, ask a scholar or an Imam at the mosque where you live.