How to be a good parent

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO BE A GOOD PARENT? Best Parenting Hacks For Everyday
Video: HOW TO BE A GOOD PARENT? Best Parenting Hacks For Everyday


Being a parent is the most sacred and happy thing in everyone's life, but it is completely not easy. Throughout your life, whether your children are young or when they are grown up, you are the one who is watching and protecting them. To be a good parent, everyone has to know how to give your children a sense of respect and love, while you show them the difference between right and wrong. And in the end, the most important thing is to create a nurturing environment for children so that they can develop confidence, independence and care for the elderly. If you really want to learn more about how to be a good parent, start with step 1 below.


Part 1 of 3: Love Your Children

  1. Give your child love and affection. Sometimes the best thing you can give your child is your affection and love. A warm touch or hug can make your child feel how much you care for them. You should never underestimate the importance of such care for children. Here are a few ways to show love from parents for their children. :
    • A gentle cuddle, a little encouragement, praise, approval, or even a smile can make your child feel more confident and happy.
    • Say “I love you” or “I love you” every day. Even if you may be angry with your child about something, remember to say it every day.
    • Give your child hugs or kisses. Give your baby peace of mind with the love you give them from birth.
    • Love you unconditionally. Never force your children to be the people you think deserve your love, let them know that no matter what they are, you will love them forever.

  2. Praise your child. Praising your children is also an important part of being a good parent. You need to let them feel proud of their accomplishments and the good things they've done. If you do not give them the confidence they need to become more mature, then when they go out into society they will find themselves lacking confidence, independence, and fear not dare to challenge. So when your child does something well, let them know that you are always watching the good things your child is doing and that you are proud of it!
    • Make it a habit to praise your child at least three times the times you give them negative comments. There is no denying that it is necessary to remind your children when they do wrong, but it is more important to know to help them develop a positive sense of self.
    • If your children are too young to understand everything, encourage them with encouragement and love. Encourage them to do everything, starting with the smallest things, if they do well in those small things they can succeed in the bigger things later.
    • Avoid using cliché phrases like "Good job!". Instead of letting them be haphazardly praised you should let them know exactly what they are being praised for. For example, "You played great with your sister" or "Thank you for tidying up the toy after playing."

  3. Never compare your children with other children, especially with their own siblings. Each child is unique. Respect for the differences they have, giving them aspirations to pursue their own interests and dreams. Each failure can make them feel inferior to themselves and think they are not very good in your eyes. If you want to help your children improve, talk to them more about their goals and in their own way, instead of telling them to act like their sisters or like the restaurant kid. neighbors. This will help them develop self-awareness instead of making them feel inferiority, feel as useless as others (low self-esteem).
    • Comparing your children can also cause them to grow up in competition with their siblings. Whereas what you really want is to nurture the brotherhood between your children, not the competition between them.
    • Avoid bias. Surveys show that most parents often have a bias among their children. If your kids are arguing, don't take any side, be fair and you should be in an objective position to solve the problem.
    • Overcome the siblings' tendencies in the natural order of the family by leaving each child accountable to themselves. Make the older kids accountable to the younger when they fight over something. In addition, you should also teach your child to take personal responsibility for developing his own confidence and self-control.
  4. Listening to children. Talking with children is very important. You should not force them to follow the rules but listen to their problems. Always show that you care and are close to them in their lives. You should make it comfortable that your children can reach out to you to share their problems, no matter how big or small.
    • You should even set aside some time during the day to chat with your children. This could be before bedtime, at breakfast, or during the time you walk with your child home from school. Be appreciative of this time and avoid using your cell phone or doing anything that distracts you at the moment.
    • If your child says there is something you want to tell you, pay attention and pause from all the other work you are doing, or set up a specific conversation when you are ready to listen. them.
  5. There is time for you. However, remember that be careful, don't be too tight on that time. There's a big difference between protecting someone and making someone uncomfortable like being confined to your very demanding requirements. You want them to feel that the time you and them spend together is precious and special, not making them feel pressurized.
    • Make time for each child. If you have many children, break the time you have with each one.
    • Listen and respect your children, and respect what they do. Remember, though, that you are a parent and children need boundaries. A child who is allowed to freely indulge in doing what he likes as a child will struggle with life due to compliance with social rules. You are not a bad parent just for not allowing your child to do whatever they want. You have the right to say no but to say why not or to offer an alternative. An answer "Because the parents said so" is not a valid reason.
    • Spend time walking around the park, playing at an amusement park, museum, or library of your kids' interests.
    • Join your children's school work. Let's sit and do homework with them. Visit the teachers in the evening at their own home to learn how your child is doing at school.
  6. Always present at the turning points of your child's life. No matter how busy you have a schedule, you should arrange to be with your children at important moments in their lives, from ballet performances to day. your high school graduate. Remember that children grow fast and they will soon become independent before you realize it. Your boss may or may not remember your absence from that meeting, but your child will not be able to forget important events that you should not have been without. Although you don't have to really stop everything for the kids, it's just that you should always try to at least be with them at those turning points.
    • If you are too busy and unable to be with your child on their first day of school or their important events, you will regret it for the rest of your life. And obviously you don't want your kids to remember what high school graduation was like without their parents' presence.

Part 2 of 3: Being One With Good Discipline

  1. Set reasonable rules for your children. Setting the rules for each person to follow is aimed towards a productive and happy life, not your ideal type. That means it is important to set rules and directions to help your children grow and mature, but not so hard that they feel they can do anything wrong. Ideally, your child should love you more instead of fearing you just because of your rules.
    • Clearly state your rules. Children should know the consequences of each action they cause. If they get punished, let them understand why and how they were at fault. If you can't say the reasons and their mistakes, your punishment won't do any good either.
    • Make sure that you are not only setting the right rules, but also enforcing them appropriately. Avoid overusing punishments, or undue penalties for minor mistakes, or beatings that hurt your children.
  2. Control your anger as much as you can. Try to stay calm when you can so that you can explain rules or enforce them. You want your children to take what you say seriously, not fear you or think of you as fickle. Obviously doing this is a challenge, especially when your child is doing something that pushes you to the wall, but if you feel like you're ready to speak, relax a little, excuse me. let them know that you are starting to disappoint.
    • Sometimes we fail to stay calm and lose control of ourselves. You regret what you said or did at that time, so apologize to them, letting them know that you made a mistake. If you act as though the behavior is normal, your children will try to imitate it.
  3. Or always be consistent. It is important to always apply the same rules to all situations to avoid letting your children try to make exceptions. If you let them do things not as set out by the rules just because they are angry about something, your rules will be over. If you yourself say "Okay, but just this once ..." not next time .., then it will take you longer to maintain consistent rules for them.
    • If your child feels your rules might be broken, they will feel no urge to stick to them.
  4. Agree with your spouse. If you are married, it is important for your child to think that mum and dad have reached a consensus and will say "yes" or "no" on the same thing. If your kids think mommy will always say yes and daddy always says no then they think better or easily settle things with just one of you. As they mature, the more they understand their parents, so it can be difficult to identify yourself in a difficult situation because you and your partner don't agree on specific things when raising children. .
    • This does not mean that you and your spouse have to agree 100% of everything, but it means that you should work together to solve problems with your children, instead of fighting over how. teach together.
    • You should not argue with your spouse in front of the children. If they are sleeping, debate quietly. Your child may feel restless and anxious when he hears his parents arguing. Furthermore, they will imitate quarrels the same way you did with your spouse. Just let them know that when there are disagreements, gently discuss them.
  5. Create order and order for the children. Children need to know how to create order in the family and in family life. This will help them feel safe and at peace to lead a happy life, either at home or out in society. Here are a few ways that can help you build orderly for your child:
    • Set boundaries such as when to go to bed or when they can't leave the house so they know their time limit. By doing so, they will truly know the love and care from their parents. They can sometimes break those boundaries, but deep down they know that their parents always love and care for them.
    • Recognize responsibility. Encourage accountability by assigning them "chores" to do and the rewards after doing the chores can be a little money, kids going out, extra play time, etc. ). Of course, when they do not perform or do well in their assigned work, they will not receive these rewards. Even the smallest children can understand reward or outcome concepts. As they get older, give them more responsibility and reward more or punish them more for fulfilling their responsibilities or disregarding them.
    • Teach your children what is right and what is wrong. If you follow a certain religion, bring your children to the institutes that you follow. If you are an atheist, teach them your ethical stance in those areas. If you do not follow any religion, do not act hypocritical, or be prepared well for your child to find out that you "do not do what you preach".
  6. Be critical of your child's behavior, not who they are. It is important to comment on your child's actions, not who he is. You want your kids to understand what they can do through their behavior instead of sticking to being human. Let them feel they have the power to manipulate their actions.
    • When your child is acting unconventional, harmful, and full of hostility, let them know act this is unacceptable and you should ask them to correct these behaviors right away. Avoid saying such harsh words like "You're so bad", instead say something else like, "You're too young and can't act like that", and then explain why. That is wrong for me to understand.
    • Know how to take a stance. You need to take a stance and be kind in pointing out what your child just did wrong. Always be strict, but don't be too selfish when you talk to your child about what you want.
    • Avoid making children lose face among many people. If your child does not behave in public in a crowd, be careful to pull your child aside and scold them discreetly.

Part 3 of 3: Helping Children Form Character

  1. Teach your child to be independent. Teach your kids that things are okay, no matter how different they are from others, they don't have to follow the crowd. Must know how to teach right from wrong from when they are young so that they will be able to make many decisions on their own instead of just having to listen and follow other people's words. Remember that your child is not always an “extended version” of yourself. Your child is an individual that you can only protect and care for, not "revive" your own life through them.
    • When your child is mature enough to make a decision, encourage them to choose their favorite extracurricular activities or the friends they want to play with. Let your child detect their favorite activity unless you think the activity is dangerous or the friend you play with will have a negative effect on your child.
    • Children may also tend to contradict each other, for example: they are introverted while you are extroverted, and will not be able to get along with the patterns and patterns you choose, leaving them alone. will decide what to choose for them.
    • Your child needs to know that the actions they do have both good and bad results. That way it will help them become better decision makers or problem solvers. It is also a necessary preparation for your child to start a more independent and mature life.
    • Don't do something for the kids often, let them learn how to do it themselves. Even if you know giving them a glass of water before bed is a great way to help your baby fall asleep faster, don't do it as often as they get used to and then rely on you. .
  2. Be a good example for your children. If you want your child to have good manners, then you should be an example of the behavior and character you hope they will adopt, continue living, and follow the rules you set. Children tend to want to be what they see and hear unless they perceive themselves to make a concerted effort to break down or not follow a pattern. You don't have to be the perfect person, but try to act the way you want your kids to be like you. So do not act hypocritical to say that they need to learn to be polite to others when they witness yourself having a heated argument in the supermarket.
    • It's okay to make a mistake, but apologize or let your child know the behavior was wrong. You might say, "I don't intend to scold you like that, I'm very sad myself having to do the same to you." That would be a better way of ignoring your mistakes, because by doing so, you will also show your kids that they can follow the behavior.
    • Teach your children to have compassion for people. Take your child to an orphanage, or a charity home for the homeless and do charitable work there like free meals for those people. In addition, you should further explain why you are doing this so that they understand and why they should do the same.
    • Teach your children to do chores around the house by setting up a schedule and letting them get involved in helping you. Don't tell them to do something, ask them to do something for you. The sooner they learn how to help you, the more they will be ready to help you in the future.
    • If you want your children to learn to share, then you must be a good model to share your things with them.
  3. Respect your children's privacy. Respecting their privacy is also how you want them to respect you. For example, if you teach your child that your own room is not allowed in, you should respect the same privacy with your child's room. When entering the room, do not open the drawer or read other people's diaries. That is how you want to teach your children to respect their own space and the privacy of others.
    • If your child catches you trying to rummage through their belongings can take a long time to trust you again.
  4. Encourage your children to live a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to ensure that your children are eating well, exercising regularly, and knowing how to rest properly at night. You should encourage your children to have positive and healthy habits, but don't try to talk too much or make them feel compelled to do them. Remember that you are a mentor, not a dictator, to make them do such things. Your job is to help them understand the meaning and importance of a healthy life and then let them realize it to make their own decisions.
    • One way to encourage your child to exercise is to have them play sports as soon as they are young, so they may find a passion for this healthier activity.
    • If you go on explain too much If it is unhealthy or should not be done, your child may misunderstand and feel that you are forcing them. Once so, your child may not want to eat with you anymore and they will also feel sick when sitting with you, then sneak away the snacks and go away.
    • When you force your children into the habit of eating well, it's best to start when they are young. Giving them candies can create a bad habit, because as they get older they will get used to it and then reward them with candies, the food that can cause obesity. them. While your kids are young let them get used to eating nutritious fast food. Instead of French fries, try goldfish biscuits or grapes, etc.
    • The eating habits they learn as children will follow them as they grow. You also need to emphasize that they need to eat all the food on their plate as well as know how to split the rations at different times; they can also then take more food but they cannot leave leftovers on their plate.
  5. Emphasis on moderation and accountability with alcohol consumption. You can start talking to your kids about this as soon as they are young. Explain that they are not old enough to drink with their friends, and talk about the dangers of driving with alcohol. If they don't understand what you are saying, your failure to bring this up early can sometimes make them curious and secretly try these dangerous things.
    • As your kids and their friends reach a drinking age, encourage them to talk about the topic with you. But don't let them worry about your reaction that could put an end to something regrettable later, such as they are still driving drunk because they are too afraid to ask for permission.
  6. Allow your child to experience their own life. Never be the one to decide for them, your children must learn to live with the results of their own choices. After all, they'll have to learn to think for themselves a few times. Ideally, as soon as they begin, you can help your child reduce the negative consequences and bring into play the good sides of it.
    • They need to understand that the things they do have both good and bad results. This way will help them make the right decisions as well as solve problems to prepare them for independent and mature life.
  7. Allow your child to make mistakes. Life is a great teacher. Do not be in too much of a hurry to help your child from the consequences they have done if the consequences are not too serious. For example, a cut on the hand can be painful, but it is only a minor wound, but it is more important for them to realize that they need to avoid touching sharp iron. You should know that you cannot protect your children for life and so sooner or later they have to know how to protect themselves by taking life lessons. While it can be difficult to get behind and watch your child make mistakes, this will benefit both you and your baby in the long run.
    • Don't say, "Mom / Dad told you that" when your child learns something from life. Instead let your child draw conclusions for what happened.
  8. Get rid of your shortcomings. Gambling, alcohol, and addiction can jeopardize your child's financial security. Smoking is almost always an example of a health hazard to your child. Second-hand smoke can cause respiratory illnesses in children and may put parents at risk of premature death. Alcohol and drugs can also pose health risks or be violent in your child's life.
    • Of course you also like to drink some wine or beer a couple of times, which is perfectly fine, as long as you stay healthy with your alcohol use and are responsible for using them.
  9. Never put unrealistic hopes on your children. There is a clear difference between what you want your child to live responsibly or to be a mature adult and forcing your child to become a perfect person or someone who will live with his perfect ideas. friend. You should not urge your child to achieve perfect scores, or be a great soccer player on his or her team; Instead encourage your child to have good study habits or be a good member of the team. Let your children work hard to do everything they have to do with their abilities.
    • If you impose it and you think it is the best way, your children will feel that they never solve anything, or even turn against you.
    • You don't want to be the person your kids are afraid of, because they always feel that they'll never get over your requirements. What you really want is that you will become a child encouragement, not an army training officer.
  10. Know that the obligations of parents are endless. Although you may think that you are the one who gave them birth and raised them to be the best human beings, it is far from reality. Parenting has a lasting effect on your children, giving them love and care when they need it, even when you are far away. You may not need to be present regularly or daily in front of your children, but you should always let your children know that you care about them, and no matter what you are. next to them.
    • No matter how old your child is, your children will still need your advice and will still be influenced by what you tell them. As the years pass, not only will you improve your parenting skills, you can begin to think about how to be a good grandparent!


  • Taking care of your child's needs is to be loved, but the value of your child's needs should also be placed above others. Because of your child's loving concerns, never give them up. Give them the most favors when you are in a relationship and don't put them in danger by introducing a stranger to work in your home. Your child needs to feel safe, secure and loved. If you forget them all of a sudden and don't care about their need to find your friend, your baby will grow up feeling insecure and neglected. Everyone needs love, but not at the cost of the psychological health of your children. This is no different for older kids.
  • Listen to what your child says
  • Reflect on your childhood often. Get out the mistakes due parents you inflict never repeat it for the next generation. Every generation of parent / child has both new successes and / or mistakes.
  • Don't live your life for them. Let them make their own choices and live the lives they want.
  • Children are a teenager when they need the support of their parents more than ever. Don't think they're close to 18 or 21 years old and you can let them see for themselves. However you also don't Should interfere with their affairs if not necessary and let someone else's affairs take care of.
  • Encourage self-examination by sharing your own personal assessments with your children.
  • Don't underestimate your child's friends' choices. Try to maintain their friendship instead.
  • If you are trying to let go of a bad habit of yourself, think about groups of friends that can help you overcome it. Always be open to support and have someone you can talk to when you begin to break the habit. Remember that by doing this you not only help yourself, but also your child.
  • Don't share your past mistakes with your kids because they'll compare themselves to yours and then have less hope for themselves. They will also wonder, "So mom / dad was like that too!"
  • Use positive phrases when they do what is right, instead of always imposing harsh penalties on your children, and never use violent acts to hurt them.
  • Don't judge your friends. This may make your child feel like you are not fond of their friends. So always be open and open to all of your child's friends.
  • If you are angry with your children, try to calm down, including yourself and your children.
  • Improve your child's social skills.


  • Never overly indulge your children. That can only make them stubborn and irresponsible.
  • Don't worry too much about it parents. Simply do your best, be friends with your children but never let them forget that you are their parents, not cooperators.
  • When complimenting your children, don't look at the results, but see how they worked hard to avoid over-praise.
  • As your children mature, your role as a parent remains. As a good parent, you need to maintain your role for life. But remember that once they are grown up, they will make their own decisions and are fully responsible for them.
  • Don't follow your parenting rules too tightly because of your culture, race, ethnic group, family, or other unique factors. Don't believe there is only one way you can raise your children.