How to become attractive

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Instant Ways To Be More Attractive To Women (Proven By Science)
Video: 10 Instant Ways To Be More Attractive To Women (Proven By Science)


Are you ready to be a more vibrant, impressive, and charismatic person? Are you willing to create charisma and cultivate strong relationships with your companions? Don't think that you are boring or unattractive anymore, take positive steps to increase your confidence and create a more attractive image in the eyes of others.


Part 1 of 3: Body care

  1. Healthy living. A healthy body is often seen as an attractive feature. This doesn't mean, however, that you have to be a bodybuilder or a cross country runner. Start by making healthy decisions in everyday life and stick to it. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an expression of maturity and responsibility, traits that are attractive to a potential mate.
    • Studies have shown that 12% of men and 20% of body fat in women is a good goal to strive for. A 12% body fat ratio in men helps raise testosterone levels and boost the immune system.
    • The amount of body fat in women is 20% higher than in men, so that women have more pronounced curves.
    • Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is a great way to look full of life. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants and plant-based pigments, giving the skin a radiant look.

  2. Get a good night's sleep. No matter how you groom it, how you apply makeup, many studies have shown that people who are sleep deprived tend to appear unhealthy, tired and generally less attractive.
    • Try to get 8 hours of sleep each night to restore red eyes and other signs of sleep deprivation.
  3. Keep a decent appearance. Bathing will solve almost any problem. Brush your teeth and floss regularly. Comb and trim your hair from time to time. Take care of clean nails. Keeps body fragrant. Scent is a powerful factor in attraction. Personal hygiene is very important.

  4. Find balance. Health plays an important part when it comes to attractiveness. When you are healthy both physically and mentally, you will naturally appear more attractive. In addition to diet and exercise, meditation is an effective tool to relax the mind, reduce stress hormones, improve mood and purify the skin.
    • Whether meditating (focusing on the breath), concentrating (focusing on the present), or simply paying attention to what's happening in the present moment, these forms of practice give you feel serene and peaceful.
    • This is a small change, but it has a huge impact. Train yourself to focus on your current situation and moment, and notice how others react to your charm.

Part 2 of 3: Engaging people with body language

  1. Extend your upper body when standing. Get charisma with body language. An open-minded pose can be more attractive than any outfit. You can use body language to show that you're approachable and charismatic.
    • Do not fold your arms, check the phone, hold your bag tightly or hold the wine glass close to you. Such gestures are the manifestation of a closed and distant person.
  2. Let everyone see your hands. It is often difficult to trust someone without seeing their hand. Research shows that the most attractive feature of people is their friendly demeanor. When communicating with people, show that you want to connect with them by keeping an open and approachable posture.
    • Do not put your hands in your pockets, keep your hands under the table, or put your hands in the pocket of your jacket. People are less likely to open up to you if they can't see your hands.
  3. Smile. Is there anything simple that is more surprising than a smile? When we smile, it naturally becomes easier to be closer, more interesting and friendly. Laughter is an effective tool to create attraction.
    • Smile at people you meet, most of them will reply you with a smile.
  4. Maintain eye contact. Eye contact can convey more than words. Eye contact shows that you are paying attention, listening, and focusing on the present. You can show interest in the person you are talking with by making eye contact.
    • Avoid looking down or looking away. This shows a disinterested attitude.
    • Sometimes the gaze that looks too long can also bring a feeling of fear or oddity. Practice keeping your gaze a second longer than usual and focusing on something, like the color of the other person's eye. Such eye contact will be more skillful.
  5. Impressive dress. Choose clothes that fit and flatter your charm. Studies show that red can increase the attractiveness of a potential mate.
    • Girlfriends, wear a red dress or apply some red lipstick.
    • Men with a bit of beard seem more attractive. If you have a beard, remember to take good care of it.
  6. Stand wins. Hold your head high and look straight ahead. When you walk in a confident manner, you will begin to feel more comfortable with yourself. This is one of the easy ways to become more attractive at no cost. You just need to stand a little more upright. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Communication

  1. Listen first. Encourage others to talk about themselves. Put them at the center. Show attention and respect by focusing fully on who you are talking to. By encouraging others to talk to them, you can elicit joyous reactions in that person's brain.
    • Put your belongings aside. Don't look at the phone. Do not keep your eyes on the computer screen. Don't focus on anything else, not even for a second.
  2. Respond with questions. Ask the other person about the good things in their life.When they do, ask how they feel about life. When you have a positive response after the first question, you are more likely to get a good response to the second question, and just like that, the conversation will be a fun experience for both parties.
    • Make an impression and engage people through the way you encourage others to tell you about themselves.
  3. Choose your words when you speak. The words you say can have a huge impact on how you look in the eyes of others. Do your best to avoid negative attitudes and focus on positive words. When we talk about people who have charisma, we all think of people who are happy, enthusiastic, and satisfied. Say things like:
    • "I believe you." These three concise words have a huge impact on how people feel about themselves and about you.
    • "May I help you?" Asking to help doesn't mean you have to find ways to help someone, it's that we often can't get things done on our own. This statement will let the other person understand that you are with them.
    • "This is the thing." No one wants to be left out. If you try to invite people to join, they will associate you with a positive connection. Please share the information to be more liked by everyone. You can also use this phrase to show your determination in a positive way.
    • "I will learn it."
    • "Nice to help you." From time to time we no longer express it like that, just say "nothing", or "okay". The first sentence states that you are really trying to help the person, while the following ones mean that what you do is just a chore. Use the first expression to show how much you care about.
  4. Have fun. Laugh more comfortably. Cheerful is a virtue that brings many positives to your life and that of others. The sense of humor not only reduces stress, but also makes you appear more confident and relaxed.
    • You should be careful, only play gently and be considerate of those around you. No matter what your intentions are, mischief won't be attractive if your joke hurts someone else.
    • Play at the right time and in the right place. When you are in a work environment where jokes are discouraged, save them until you leave. However, you can still show a kind and enthusiastic attitude.
  5. Speak more slowly. Slowing down your speech speed actually makes you seem more interesting to people. This will help them understand what you are saying. Moreover, the manner of talking slowly also shows confidence and comfort. Conversely, you will appear agitated, eager, or nervous when you speak quickly.
    • In particular, practice speaking slowly when you are nervous. This will help you stay calm and collected.
    • You will also stumble less often when you speak slowly.


  • Be loyal to yourself. There is nothing more appealing than someone who is steadfast in his path. Follow your goals and aspirations.
  • Be yourself. Don't completely change who you are, because it's important to keep your own nature.