How to become famous on Instagram

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Instagram is a fun way to connect with family and friends, and quickly share funny pictures and videos. But if you want to reach the crowd, you can learn some tips and techniques to get more followers and more likes. Learn how to use the app properly and take beautiful pictures that everyone loves.


Method 1 of 4: Get more followers

  1. Make your account public. It can be difficult to become famous if you need to allow someone else to follow your account. People will often want to see the photos you share before deciding to follow you. If you want as many followers as possible, you need to have a public account.
    • Connect your Instagram account with other social networks. You can connect all your friends with your Instagram accounts, because they are most likely to engage with your posts nonetheless. You can also connect Instagram so it updates itself with Facebook and Twitter.
    • If you're concerned about privacy, control that by not posting pictures that you might regret later. Don't post embarrassing or personal things on Instagram. Make sure you don't give out your home address and stay safe online.

  2. Follow many people. One of the easiest ways to expand and gain followers is to follow lots of other accounts. You can't expect others to find you if you don't reach out and interact with the Instagram community. Follow lots of other accounts, even if you plan to unfollow them later. Instagrm will allow you to follow about 160 people per hour.
    • Follow your friends. Connect your account to other social networking sites and invite people to like your page.
    • Follow accounts that are related to your interests. Do you like sports? Cooking? Knitting? Find pages related to them and hit follow. Search those pages' watch lists and start following others.
    • Follow celebrities. Find your favorite athletes, musicians, actors, and other celebrities to follow on Instagram. Comment regularly on their posts to make your account more popular.
    • Always follow your followers. If someone follows you, you will gain a permanent follow-up if you follow them as well.

  3. Follow and comment on famous accounts. Pick a few celebrities and popular Instagram accounts to follow and comment. Leave regular comments on their posts so others can click through to view your account and follow you.
    • Although Instagram doesn't support this action, the fact that you constantly follow and unfollow very famous people (Bieber, One Direction, Kim Kardashian) can cause your number of followers to increase rapidly. However, this can also cause your account to be disabled.
    • Don't spam famous sites. Many people like to comment like "Please follow me!" on popular sites, but this will only get you negative comments and have almost no effect at all. This action is also considered to be nothing.

  4. Try using some apps or websites that increase followers. There are tons of apps and websites created to make it easier to engage with your followers. They both allow you to accumulate points or "coins" by liking pictures and performing other quests, in exchange for gaining followers. These apps work a little differently, and some of them also require you to pay a fee. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Retaining followers

  1. Choose a theme for your page and stick to that. People will usually follow pages with a specific and clear topic. When creating your profile, think about the content you plan to post on the photo feed feed. What are you passionate about? What's your hobby?
    • Food, drink or cooking
    • Animal
    • Nature picture
    • Photo or jokes
    • Party
    • Yoga or exercise
    • Home decoration and lifestyle
    • Fashion or style
    • Sport
  2. Personal information should be specific and clear. When someone views your page, they need to know a little bit about you right away. Connect personal information to the topic of your page in a concise and clear way. Most self-introductions will be no more than a few sentences.
    • Do you often take pictures of your food with your dog at your side? Write that clearly in your introduction: "Bim's kitchen and mischiefs".
    • Don't share private information. Your introduction doesn't need to list your full name or home address, unless you want strangers to follow your Instagram. Only post private information if your site is private.
    • You can use a variety of lines and emojis in your introduction to make it unique and engage followers. Be creative!
  3. Take a beautiful representative photo. Choose a profile picture that matches the theme of your Instagram page. If you are taking pictures of your life, post a selfie. If you are taking photos of your pet, you should use a photo of your pet as an avatar. Do you like making your own beer? Please show it on your profile picture.
    • The photos will be displayed quite small on Instagram. Choose high definition photos and shoot at close range, do not choose pictures with a messy composition.
  4. Leave positive comments on many photos. If you want to attract followers, you need to be positive about yourself on Instagram. People will appreciate the positive comments, and more people will visit your profile to find out about who complimented them.
    • Community posts with the hashtag #jj, which includes a series of conventions for getting people to interact more. For each photo tagged with #jj, you'll have to comment on two photos and like three more.
  5. Post photos regularly. Following lots of people and being friendly on Instagram can give you a decent following, but your page must have content to retain them. Keeping followers is just as important as attracting them. If you want to retain them, at least post photos every day.
    • Recent studies show that posting 2-3 times per day is optimal. Tweets are typically quite short lived, so Twitter users will post more than usual than Instagram.
    • Thursday is the day when people most often post photos on Instagram, and Sunday is the least common day. That means posting photos on both days so you can engage Instagram users on Thursday, and make your photos stand out on Sundays.
    • Do not post more than one or two pictures at a time. Do not flood your bulletin board in your photos.You have lots of great pictures, that's great, but post them one by one during the day or week.
  6. Sometimes a shoutout should be used. Shoutout is when you include the names of some of your followers in comments or tag them in pictures. This will make their site known to your followers, and will get that person to do the same for you. This is a great way to get more followers.
    • Some sites like @shoutzz or @ Pretty.GirlShoutz allow shoutouts to be exchanged for money. Instagram discourages this action, and usually they don't last long either. Paid shoutouts typically last for only an hour, while permanent shoutouts can cost much more.
    • Like everything else on Instagram, if you overdo it, you will lose followers. Shoutouts can look very impolite or rude, and many people dislike them.
  7. Engage with your followers. People love to be entertained. If you want to become famous on Instagram, you need to include content that is entertaining. Don't just post pictures and expect people to like your page. Engage with people with similar interests and engage widely on Instagram.
    • Organize the exam. Give a cool gift to your "best commentator" or to your followers when they do something. Offer a reward related to your Instagram topic.
    • Willing to be present for the followers. Ask your followers questions and answer their questions. Communicate kindly and show interest in their lives and pictures.
    • Comment in a humorous way that others feel like sharing. If they share your post, your account will be seen by more people.

Method 3 of 4: Increase likes

  1. Post photos at golden time. Studies show that the best time to post a photo on Instagram is 5pm on Wednesday. If you want more likes, you need to post a photo while everyone is viewing the phone. This means you need to avoid office hours, from 8am to 5pm, and post while everyone is awake and looking at the phone.
    • Don't post too many photos at once. If you have three or four great pictures, don't post them all as a series, or you'll get very few likes. Unless they specifically fit together in some way, you should wait and post spacing.
    • Make sure you post at a time that is right for the audience you are targeting. If the majority of your followers are living abroad, they may be in a different time zone than you.
  2. Always annotate photos. Photos must always have context. The caption for the photo is an opportunity to add a joke, or help readers understand some of the photo. Use sarcastic notes so people can like your photo in a variety of ways.
    • This is very important, but if you write the notes in the usual way, that's fine. Include an emoticon and write a few sentences.
    • Use sarcastic notes. If you have taken a beautiful picture of a sunset in the house then great, but if you note the photo, "It is so beautiful that the whole area is noisy like a market".
  3. Use popular hashtags. Hashtags are a great way to get your followers to know you. When people search for the hashtag of a certain topic, your photo will appear. Use many popular and accurate hashtags to help your photos be associated with as many search terms as possible.
    • Some of the popular hashtags are: cute, love, smile, swag, famous, instagood, beautiful photos, instamood ...
    • Use the correct hashtag. If you just took a photo yourself, write the hashtag as #selfie. If you take a picture of your buddies, the hashtag will be #bff. Don't think too complicated.
    • Mark your location. If your photo was taken at a specific location, let Instagram geotag the location for you. This will help other people in your location find pictures of the place to like.
    • Research shows that using 11 hashtags is the most sensible. You can use too many hashtags to annoy users and your page appear colored. Use a sufficient amount so that more people can find your photo.
    • Find relevant and popular hashtags thanks to sites or apps like TagsForLikes.
  4. Follow people who liked your photos. When using hashtags, you will find that there are a few strangers who like your photos. Then, click follow them. If someone is interested in your photos and personal information, you can actively connect with them. Comment or like some of their pictures. It only takes a few minutes and still has a new follower.
    • It would be great to show that you are real, not a follower-gathering machine. Please take a look and comment a little, even if it's just a thank you.
  5. Browse through the message board on the app to see what the latest trends are. Click on trending hashtags and check out the photos you find. Even very specific hashtags like # hamburger will show many different images. Which photo is the best? Which photo will you press the like button? Learn from the best photos.
    • Click the Activity button to see what your followers are up to. What photos do they like? Which topic seems to be trending?
  6. Use some apps that increase likes. Just like when you use paid apps to increase followers, you can use them to gain more likes. Each application has a different way of doing things, some of which are more effective, but you can do a few small tasks for "coins" and exchange for a quantity of likes from bot accounts.
    • GetLikes
    • MagicLiker
    • LikePotion

Method 4 of 4: Take better photos

  1. Take a variety of photos. Diversity is key. If you want to be famous on Instagram, you need to find a lot to post. Take a look at the pictures you just took and find ways to diversify the topics, then you can group each similar content into a group.
    • If you like to take pictures of food, that's great. Having themes is good, but if you like hamburgers, no one will want to see three hamburger photos every day. You will lose followers if the photo content is duplicated.
    • Instead, take pictures of empty plates, pre-made dishes, the exterior of the restaurant you like, the menu you like. Be creative.
    • Don't re-post the same picture, especially on the same day. If you don't get a lot of likes on the first post, don't repost that picture.
  2. Use photo filters wisely. Instagram stands out in the filter options you can apply to photos. Using them is to control the pictures you take better, helping you gain more likes and followers. It will show off your good taste.
    • "#nofilter" (no filters) is a common hashtag. If you can find a real, non-artificial, natural beauty scene, people will love it. It could be a sunset, or a colorful, high-contrast night scene.
    • Photo filters can't make a bad photo better. You can experiment with many filters, but make sure the photo looks great from the start.
    • Upgrade your camera if possible. High-resolution photos are always better.
    • Willow is considered to be the filter that attracts the most likes, but you should experiment and find out which filters are most effective for your followers.
  3. Tell stories with pictures. You can combine photos together to create interesting photo sets, or combine multiple photos into a frame to tell a funny story. Take photos before and after a certain event and post them slightly apart, depending on the content of those photos.
    • Take a picture of the hamburger you're about to eat, along with some comments on how hungry you are. Half an hour later, another photo was taken of an empty plate with the caption "#no."
  4. Use a photo editing app. There are a ton of other photo-only apps designed specifically for Instagram. You can add many other filters and frames or funny effects, split photos or combine them with other pictures. Thanks to them, you'll have more creative content to share with your followers. Here are some popular photo editing apps:
    • Snapseed
    • Camera +
    • VSCO Cam
    • Photoshop Express and Photoshop Touch
    • Noir Photo
    • ColorSplash
    • Afterlight
  5. Keep the account clean. Your account must have healthy content, otherwise it will be locked. When you're looking to get popular on Instagram, the most sensitive content you post should be PG-13. In some cases, it is true that sex-related things will be very attractive, but you cannot post nudity or violence on Instagram. advertisement


  • Comment on other people's photos. This way, your name will be known to many people and they may want to follow you.
  • Do not force others to follow you or shoutout your name.
  • Do not post more than three photos a day because your followers will get annoyed with your photos.
  • Avoid bullies and do not follow them.
  • Always be kind and don't disturb your followers, which could cause them to report mistakes or block you.
  • Consider the best time to post, when your photo or video is most likely to get the most attention. For example, lunch break or late evening.
  • Instagram is a community. Treat others respectfully and interact with them. That way, they will do the same to you.


  • Do not act maliciously and / or post malicious comments or you will be seen as a bully.
  • Do not post inappropriate, racist or impolite photos.
  • Do not follow inappropriate pages.