How to be funny

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be Funny in Any Conversation
Video: How to be Funny in Any Conversation


Being truly funny and encouraging people to share laughter can help you become famous and successful. Humor brings you exciting life experiences, fun for the people you meet, and humor is thought to help you find a job. A survey of 737 CEOs found that 98% of them prefer to hire people with a sense of humor over people who don't. Let go of your seriousness and replace it with humor. Let's find out Step 1.


Part 1 of 3: Developing Humor Cognitive Ability

  1. Recognize things that make you laugh. Laughter is a completely unconscious state. Although we can try to stop laughing (we can't always succeed), it's hard for us to laugh whenever we want, and if we try to do it. , we will make the smile "awkward". Luckily, laughter is contagious (our ability to laugh 30 times in the presence of others), and in social contexts, when others are smiling, we too laugh along.
    • Studies have shown that there are three things that make us laugh the most: feeling superior to others when they appear "dumb" than us; the difference between the outcome we expect and the actual outcome we get from something; or when we are relieved of our burden of anxiety.

  2. Learn to laugh in boring or unhappy situations. You should know that the most boring place is the one that often contains the most unexpected elements of humor. It is easier to make fun of others at the office than at a comedy club.
    • This is why the TV show The Office (Office) of NBC used the scene at the office to make fun: it was really boring. The actors even do the paperwork. What could be more boring ?! We don't often see the office as a place of laughter, so once we turn the office into a humorous place, it will extremely humor.

  3. Learn to appreciate puns and witty wordplay. Usually, comedy comes from confusion in language (accidentally) or puns (intentionally).Sometimes the misunderstanding between the words we use and the actual meaning we want to talk about is going to make us laugh.
    • "Gossip" is a linguistic error used to expose you really thinking rather than their "meaning", and are often used in "sensitive" matters.
    • Witty pun often has a more obvious intent. For example, in the following Vietnamese sentence: "The horse kicks the rock horse, the stone horse does not kick the horse". Or in this sentence, when the synonyms "white skin" and "white skin" are used to play words: "White skin pats white".

  4. Recognize the value of sarcasm. There is probably no method in comedy that can be widely used but has brought as much misunderstanding as sarcasm. Satire occurs when our expectation of a statement, a situation, or an image differs from our actual experience of the statement.
    • Comedian Jackie Mason illustrated the irony in the following joke: "My grandfather used to say: 'Don't look out for money; watch out for health'. So one day when I was watching my health. Someone stole my wallet if I was healthy. The culprit was my grandfather, no one else. "
    • This joke goes against our basic expectation: that grandparents are good, friendly and completely harmless, and that their advice is sincere. . This joke is humorous because it depicts your grandparents as dishonest, thieves, and deceivers.
  5. Trust your sense of humor. Everyone's sense of humor is different. The elements that make you funny are just for you and depend on how you see the world around you. Believe that you have a sense of humor; When we are babies, we start to laugh when we are 4 months old, and children will naturally show a sense of humor from kindergarten, they use a sense of humor to bring entertainment for yourself and for those around you. There is humor in you - you just need to find a way to show it! advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Humorous Personality Development

  1. Don't be too hard on yourself. Remember the most embarrassing moments in your life, the serious mistakes, the moments when you didn't want to make a change, the communication problems that you were the cause, and even the moments. you try to be humorous around your friends and not work as expected. These moments can be quite funny.
    • Telling people about the most embarrassing times in your life is a great way to bring laughter. Colin Mochrie, for example, once wrote in a page of his famous improvised comic book: "He has a face that only a mother can love, if she is blind in one eye. and the other eye is cloudy ... but he is my twin brother ".
  2. Put yourself under the spotlight. Using simple stories of yourself to make fun of them is often better than making fun of others. And you will make more people laugh. Rodney Dangerfield once joked with his sanity and appearance in his saying: "I went to see a psychiatrist, and he said, 'You're crazy.' I told him that. I want to hear another opinion. And he said, 'Okay, you are as bad as a ghost!' "
    • Redd Foxx once said this when discussing his time with drug and alcohol addiction: "I feel sorry for people who do not drink or do not use drugs. Because someday when they are. lying in bed and dying, they will not understand why they are like that ".
    • A famous funny quote by Henry Youngman: "I was very ugly by birth, and the doctor had to slap my mother".
  3. Find out about your audience that you want to laugh. Everyone's amusing factor is different. Many people find sensational tendencies to make them laugh; many others like sarcasm. Get to know your audience, and choose to use jokes that match many genres of humor and with many different emotions at the same time.
    • Not everyone knows what it feels like to be on a helicopter or to become a billionaire or have a baby. But most people will know the feeling of running fast, the delusion of money, and the feeling of deep love for someone. So make your jokes closer to the audience by using basic philosophies in life that can bring deep emotions to the listener.
    • When you're with a group of people you don't know well, listen to what they're talking about and what makes them laugh. Are they the ones who like witty jokes? Do they like comedy or do they just love to laugh through action? The more you know someone, the easier it is to make them laugh.
  4. Mind deception. The mind fool is what we mentioned in the previous section, it's how to create a surprise. This happens when you make a difference between the expected results and the actual results. Jokes often make full use of this element, they try to deceive your attention the way magicians use.
    • For example: "What disease does the doctor give up?" Answer - "It's a disease ... broken arm." This statement is amusing to the audience because you have to understand it in two ways, and your brain will create temporary confusion because the brain cannot associate the sentence with ordinary experience.
    • Consider Groucho Marx's short jokes, "In addition to a dog, the book is a man's best friend. In a dog, it's too dark to see a reading path" or Rodney Dangerfield's quote, " Last night my wife picked me up at the door in her pajamas, but actually, she just got home. "
  5. Take advantage of the opportunity to laugh. The right timing is really important because if you give your brain too much time to adapt to a particular situation or joke, the funny moment quickly dissipates. Perhaps this is also the reason why people don't find it funny to hear a joke they have heard before, because the brain can perceive the similarity of experiences and cognitive abilities. The level of humor will decrease. Be quick to respond and continue to laugh when the funny moment isn't over.
    • Short jokes, or responsive jokes, can be quite hilarious. When someone says a sentence that isn't funny, and you respond with a different one and make their statement funny. When you respond to their response is very important. For example, a friend of yours is thinking about hair, and for some reason, he says: "Isn't it strange that hair grows only on our heads and on our genitals while not elsewhere? ? " While the friend never expected to get an answer to this question, you said, "Look back at you."
    • If you choose a bad moment, go ahead with your jokes. The worst thing you can do when you're humorous is try to laugh when you've lost your chance. Don't worry, you will have more opportunities to make fun in the future.
  6. Recognize when times are not right for you to be humorous. Be careful not to make fun of others or make jokes to make fun at funerals or weddings, at places of worship (or at religious events), and in any situation where your humor might be May be mistaken for harassment or discrimination, or if your humor could cause physical harm to others, for example in physical games.
  7. Pay attention to observe. Jerry Seinfeld and many other comedians have made millions of dollars implementing the idea of ​​humor through the basic style of comedy known as a form of humor based on "observable," observable. about events and daily activities of everyone around.While being knowledgeable can increase your sense of humor, there is no substitute for ability recognize get humor. In fact, many people cannot perceive the element of humor in their surroundings. Look for humor in everyday situations, and find things that others cannot see. Often times, the humorous events that are in front of us that we often overlook are the ones that make the most impact.
  8. Remember a few short jokes. The short jokes "score" with everyone. Dorothy Parker excelled at using short jokes; for example, when they told her that Calvin Coolidge had passed away, she replied, "How did they know?".
    • You will need quick wits and a willingness to make short jokes and learn from others that will inspire you. Think like Calvin Coolidge; When a woman approached him and said, "Mr. Coolidge, a friend told him that you never say more than three words and I bet with her." Coolidge replied, "You have lost".

Part 3 of 3: Maintaining Inspiration

  1. Learn from people with a sense of humor. You can keep your eyes open by listening to other funny people. Whether they are professional comedians, your parents, your children, or your boss, learning from the funny people in life is the key to becoming a comedic person. Take note of the humorous statements or actions they say. And seek inspiration from them. Even if all you do is build your own sense of humor based on collecting individual humor scores, you will quickly improve your ability to laugh. Regularly gathering ideas from others will help you develop skills you can use to make people laugh.
    • In recent years, comedy has made headlines on radio programs. You can search for a comedy radio show featuring Tran Thanh, Hoai Linh ... online and their shows often include humorous interviews, jokes, and stories. that you can download to mobile devices. Listen to them while sitting on the bus and you will be able to confuse everyone around by suddenly laughing out loud at your headphones.
  2. Watch comedy shows. There are tons of funny TV shows and movies to choose from. For example, British comedies are often witty and often talk about cultural issues, while American comedies are often portrayed in the form of antics, or comedic acts. and often revolve around the subject of sexuality or race. Studying both genres will help you to understand the humor of different cultures.
    • See improvised comedy. All good comedians are good at improvisation, but comedians choose improvised theater for a living, and the experience they give the audience can be quite humorous. Try to get to the improvised comedy show as much as possible - you'll get a chance to laugh a lot and watch how they turn vague, obscure situations into pretty funny things.
  3. Cultivate factual knowledge so that you can turn them into amusing material. It's easy to find funny moments in environments you know well - your attitude at work, your excellent understanding of 17th century poetry, your familiar experiences with fishing trips bad fish, etc Whatever the resources you use, they should be close to your audience, meaning that your ability to concisely express a 17th century poem will not make any impression on the audience. if they never knew about them!
    • Expand your horizons so that you can capture your audience's interests, no matter who your audience is. For example, if you can find physics keep humor and Paris Hilton, you are on the right track. The bond between two completely contradictory objects can bring laughter to the audience if done properly.
    • Use your wits. In other words, humor is simply showing people that you're smart enough to come up with humorous nuances that other people may not notice. Comics often use this approach. Comic books, for example, often refer to clerical hygiene habits, or chimpanzee habits, and naturally associate them with something in life that everyone can perceive. and understand their meaning.
  4. Read, read, read. Read funny material, and absorb it as if you were learning your mother's teachings. Chemists can become what they are now because they constantly read and practice chemistry; Sports book writers get where they are because they read and write a lot about sports; You will become a happier person if you keep reading and practicing jokes.
    • Read works written by James Thurber, P.G. Wodehouse, Stephen Fry, Kaz Cooke, Sarah Silverman, Woody Allen, Bill Bryson, Bill Watterson, Douglas Adams, etc. (Don't forget children's books written by famous writers; they can be great sources of humorous material!)
    • Read funny stories. You can memorize a few good jokes. Hopefully reading funny jokes will inspire you so that you can start creating your own jokes and wits. When reading, keep in mind the factors that turn them into humorous stories. Likewise, try to figure out why some jokes don't make the audience laugh. Just because you wrote it yourself doesn't mean it's good; it is difficult to give objective opinions when reading works written by one's own hands; so seek feedback from people who don't know you well (as they won't be able to flatter you).
  5. Be a person who actively listens and makes the most of your ability to learn about comedy. Listen carefully to others, truly listen, and understand what they say. There's nothing more humble than admitting that you can always learn from others so you can be more humorous. When you're busy focusing on others more than yourself, you'll become more aware of how humor can affect others. It will also help you increase your ability to observe and relate to the small pleasures of life - making your sense of humor more believable and empathetic. advertisement


  • Regularly refresh the jokes. Talking too much about a topic quickly becomes boring; Learn how to switch to new topics to keep your humor fresh!
  • If you stop talking for too long, even the funniest statement can lose its laughter effect. For example, if someone tells you something and you come up with a witty answer after two hours, you'd better keep it to yourself. Your answers won't be funny anymore, and you will look like a sluggish or dumb person.
  • Hand gestures will also make you laugh. Facial expressions are also important.
  • Humor also depends a lot on culture. For example, something funny in America can turn out to be strange in France. Keep this in mind, and look for popular stories that can be amusing everywhere.
  • Avoid using statements that you know will make people feel uncomfortable. One common form is nonsense, for example, if you are a man and you say "One Direction: downhill". This is a pun using the name of the famous British - Irish boy band One Direction and the meaning of the phrase `` one direction '' to laugh, but this way of saying will surely make many girls. get angry at you.
  • During test time, if someone in your class looks at you from afar, make a bad face when the teacher isn't looking.Depending on their personality, this will make them laugh.
  • Avoid laughing at your jokes. Not only does this make you look like you're trying your best to be funny, it also spoils the funny moment and no one will want to laugh. Avoid giving the audience "canned smiles".
  • Practice your sense of humor. Things will improve through practice but it's important to practice in a low-risk environment first and once your sense of humor has improved, you can progress. to a broader audience. Friends and family will be the most forgiving of your mistakes, while your staff will be quite scared if you suddenly turn into a funny person, and a large audience will look forward to it. you do well from the very first step. Practicing with people you trust and who can give you positive feedback is a good place to start.
  • Practice evoking stories. You may find that many comedians will often tell a joke and then repeat it one way or another, and often the story that is repeated the second time will make the audience laugh a lot. than (or laugh louder) at first. This is called the story recall, and you can also use this technique. If you observe your audience laughing at a joke, subtly repeat it again next time. And remember there is a general rule for this technique is not to repeat a joke more than 3 times.
  • Remember to do things that are amusing without using words when possible, such as a funny dance, or make a funny sound.
  • Gender is also a factor. Men tend to tell more jokes, make jokes and ridicule (hostile humor), and they often prefer to use improvised humor, while women tend to tell stories, often with inferiority. , inspired by the responses of other women. Interestingly, the roles of both will be reversed when you put men and women together - men will decrease their teasing level while women will begin to target men for them. tease, and their low self-esteem diminishes in the process!
  • Remember to be yourself. If you are not yourself, all of your personalities will become false. Don't be mindful of what other people say about you like you are stupid, stupid, naive, etc. Cherish yourself and that will help make people laugh.


  • Examine carefully to see if your current environment is suitable for telling jokes. Avoid focusing on teasing someone too much, spread interest to the entire audience.
  • Be careful when using images of sacred oxen for laughter, both in the religious and political realm. Everything around can be used to laugh, but sometimes, if someone's eyes are "over" the limit, they will cause you trouble.

What you need

  • Books, DVDs, humorous TV channels
  • Tickets to comedy and comedy shows
  • Humorous personality