Ways to Treat Lice

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports
Video: How to Treat Lice Without Chemicals | Consumer Reports


Head lice or lice (as it was called the South) are small parasites that inhabit the surface of a person's skin and live by sucking on the person's blood. Head lice can cause itchy itchiness and red bumps on the skin of the person. It is not difficult to treat lice and in most cases the common treatment is to keep personal hygiene, thoroughly wash clothes and bedding. If you are suffering from lice, take action today to destroy them from your home and your life.


Part 1 of 2: Elimination of Lice

  1. Wash all used bedding and towels. Head lice can hide and multiply quickly in bedding or on old towels that an infected person has used. By washing towels and bedding lice lose shelter and be destroyed in the process.
    • Use hot water when washing bedding. Temperatures should be at least 55 ° C.
    • Avoid spreading lice by keeping bedding or towels away from bedding and other clean clothing.
    • Make sure you wash your bedding and towels at least once a week.

  2. Change and wash clothes often. Poor personal hygiene will contribute to the spread of lice. Changing soiled, soiled clothing regularly, can also eliminate lice and prevent future infection. You can kill lice and prevent them from coming back by washing your clothes and bathing properly.
    • You should switch to cool clothing at least once a week, as often as possible.
    • Always wash and dry lice-contaminated clothing at a high temperature, about 55 ° C.

  3. Proper hygiene. An easy and simple way to prevent lice infection is to bathe regularly and maintain proper hygiene. By keeping your body clean you will lose your ideal habitat, remove them and prevent future infection.
    • Try to shower at least once a day.
    • Wash and clean hair at least once a week.
    • Use soap and clean water for every area of ​​the body.

  4. Consult a doctor in case of severe lice infection. If you or someone else has a severe lice infection, it is important to see your doctor for medication or prescription medication to treat lice, usually Permethrin. Using lice medicine will directly kill all lice that reside on the skin's surface.
    • Your doctor will prescribe a lice medicine for you.
    • Always follow the instructions when using a lice killer.
    • All clothing, towels, and bedding that may be contaminated should be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

Part 2 of 2: Identifying lice

  1. Watch for any itchy or irritated spots on your skin. You are more likely to have lice if you feel itchy and have blisters on your skin from the bite of the lice. If you notice unusual light, red, and itchy bumps on your skin, you most likely have lice.
    • The lower back, or places where the clothes rubbing against the body, are usually the most itchy.
    • The red bumps when they heal, scab will cause itching.
  2. Check out your clothes. Although lice live by sucking the blood of their host, they usually live in the folds of clothing. It is not easy to find lice on your body, it's best to check your clothes to see if you have lice.
    • Use a magnifying glass to make your search easier.
    • Check for places where the clothes are the closest to your body, such as your underwear.
  3. How to recognize lice. It is difficult to see lice because they are very small and easily move around the body. It is even more difficult to detect lice because they often hide and live in clothing. However, if you examine carefully for lice infection, you can still find lice and nits.
    • Adult lice are about 3 to 4 mm long.
    • Head lice have 6 legs.
    • Lice can be brown or gray in color.
    • Nits are usually small, oval in shape, and light yellow in color.


  • Thoroughly wash all lice-contaminated clothing and bedding.
  • Don't just wear one set or shower for more than a week.
  • Finding lice on clothing is probably easier than finding on human skin.
  • Within five to seven days after falling from a human body, the lice will die.


  • Head lice can spread many diseases. Get rid of lice as soon as possible.
  • Head lice can be spread by direct person-to-person contact.