How to Chat with a Girl on Facebook

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Talk To A Woman on Facebook | 3 Tips To Success!
Video: How To Talk To A Woman on Facebook | 3 Tips To Success!


It's not always easy to chat with the girl you like, but it's even more difficult to chat via Facebook. Even so, Facebook is a very flexible platform that allows you to share photos, learn more about the person's interests, and interact with her in public and private. By using Messenger or writing on her wall, you can increase the bond between you and your chance to talk more.


Method 1 of 2: Chat with her on Messenger

  1. Talk about common interests. Perhaps you want to chat with the girl on Facebook because you like something about her. Talk about the common interests between the two of you so that you will become closer to her.
    • You could say, “I see you wearing a Ramones T-shirt in your profile picture. He also loves this group. Which of their albums do you like? ”.

  2. Ask her questions. Most people love to talk about themselves, and everyone loves a good listener. So ask questions that help you get to know her better.

    How to ask friendly questions
    Check out her profile page to find out about her interests. You can find out the places she has visited; the person's favorite music group, movie, or sport; or her favorite food. From there, think of ways to ask questions to help you learn about her other interests, such as “I have never been to the Northern mountains. What place do you like there? " or "I'm not a real fan of volleyball, maybe you will help me learn more about it."
    Speak in a gentle and friendly voice. If this is your first time talking to her, be sure to start with a friendly greeting.You can say “Hi, I just saw you posting a picture in Da Lat and you said I enjoyed this place! How was your trip?
    Avoid asking personal questions. You two are still getting to know each other; So, don't rush to talk about private or sensitive topics, like religion, gender, politics and money.

  3. Maintain short conversations. In the beginning, your Messenger conversations with you should be short, rather than tense. A long conversation will make her uncomfortable if you are not close. Get to know each other through text messages to build a natural friendship.

  4. Start a text conversation by asking about assignments or schedules. The Messenger app allows you to send a private message to the girl you like. Since messages are not affected by other people's comments and likes, privacy is available. If you don't know how to start a conversation, try asking some casual social questions, instead of focusing on personal matters. This doesn't mean you can't have a private conversation, but it can help you feel more comfortable in the initiative to initiate a conversation with her.
    • You can say “Do you remember which English homework must be submitted tomorrow? I forgot to write it again ”, or“ What time does our shift start? ”.
  5. Use stories. To start a conversation, use open-ended questions that give you the opportunity to get to know her. However, this is not necessarily a question of "bait" or elaborated, but just a sentence that helps you shorten the distance. If the two of you have commented on each other's posts, you can continue talking about what she posted.

    Quick chat tips
    As simple as possible: Start with a gentle questioning question, like "What are you doing?" This gives her a chance to decide how to respond, making her feel comfortable and in control.
    See what she posted recently. Check out her wall updates to see what topics you can talk about, such as whether she just watched a hit movie or just returned from a great vacation. For example, you could say, "I don't like country music very much, but that concert sounded so cool!"
    Some other stories: “I haven't seen you for a long time. How have you been these days? "
    "What are you going to do this weekend?"
    “Have you seen any new movies these days? Tell me about it! "

  6. Mention general activities. Maybe you and she got to know each other through some joint activity. So, try talking about common activities like classes or work that you both do. Mentioning your shared experiences will bring you two closer together.
    • You could say, “I enjoyed today's practice very much. You run really fast! " or “The visitor to the store today was really funny. Does she think the bakery sells real cupcakes? "
  7. Respect her boundaries. If she blocks you or asks you to stop contacting, respect her wishes. She may not be interested in the type of connection you're looking for. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Write on her wall

  1. Leave a funny comment on his or her posts. If you are not close to her, first openly interact with her through your posts. This is a friendly way to interact; However, remember that what you say or share is influenced by the comments and likes of others. To keep the conversation going, make a witty comment on her posts. This shows that you want to know more about her interests and that you are a humorous person.
    • Make a polite joke and do not attack other comments.
    • If she likes or comments positively on your post, this is a good sign. You can also try private messaging, if she is interested in your writing.
  2. Share pictures on her wall. Using images is a great way to get along with the people you like. If you have photos taken with the person during a school or school trip, post them and tag her. You can also share funny photos without the two of them being present, but still fit with her post, such as a mock-up, to make her laugh.

    How to choose a photo and title
    For funny photos: Show wittyness in your headlines. You can write: "Why not share this top photo of this top" or "We look great in this photo ...". If you pose with funny poses in the photo, say: "The truth is you always look like this!"
    For lovely photos: You can subtly use lovely words, such as “You look so beautiful in this picture;)”, “That day was great…” or “Come here again… "
    For manufactured photos: The photo should be about your own joke, or something that reminds you of her. If it's a really funny photo montage, you don't have to write a title! If you want to add a title, you can write briefly like: "Can't help but share" or "This photo reminds me of someone ..."

  3. Mention their own jokes when possible. If you and her have some private joke, post it on her wall. Private jokes are often effective because they are not as boring as other jokes. Posting this joke (even in a large group) will make her smile and make the two of you closer.

  4. Always be kind. Remember to show kindness in every interaction on Facebook. Sometimes it can be difficult for others to accept sarcasm online. If your tone is not clear, she may think your writing is critical, even if it's not your intention.
    • Sentences to avoid are “I have no bad intentions; I'm just saying what everyone thinks ”.