How to treat a headache with herbs

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Headache & Migrane - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies
Video: Headache & Migrane - Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies


When you have a sharp pain in your head, you can immediately diagnose it as a headache symptom. Conventional headaches are common and include tension headaches, migraines, or cluster headaches. Although there are many headache relievers, many people still choose natural herbal remedies. Identify the type of headache you are experiencing and use herbal or aromatherapy to help ease the pain and reduce inflammation.


Method 1 of 3: Identify your headache

  1. Identify tension headaches. This is the most common type of headache, usually headaches and originates in the back of the head. The headache will "move" forward and affect the eyes. The pain is often said to be dull or laced-like.
    • Tension headaches are often caused by stretched muscles in the head and neck. These pains can be related to stress, anxiety and mood disturbances, and injury and head being in one position for too long.

  2. Migraine identification. This type usually hurts on one side of the head, but spreads to the head. The pain is usually worse with movement, lights, sounds and many other things including food, smoking cessation, alcohol, coffee or lack of sleep. When you experience this pain, you will feel severe headaches or throbbing pain.
    • Migraine headaches are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fear of sound, light, and smell. Migraine is also associated with "transient" or the warning sign of oncoming pain. This transience is related to sight (ray, blind spot), sensation (tingling in the face, hands) or taste. Migraine headaches with or without any of these symptoms have similar treatments.

  3. Identify the headache from each episode. This type of pain usually gives you intense pain. The pain comes in waves a few times a day, and can last for days, weeks or months. They usually appear at the same time of day but last up to an hour or less. Cluster headaches usually go away after a few days, weeks or months.
    • Cluster headaches should be treated at home. Although some herbs or aromatherapy can be used in conjunction with professional treatment, they should not be used alone.

  4. Find out if you have another headache. Other types of headaches include sinus headaches, which involve pain in the front of the head, usually around the cheeks, eyes, and forehead. Sinus headaches are often caused by inflammation and allergies.
    • Headaches are also associated with discontinuation of pain relievers (recurring headache), fever or pre-menstrual effects.
  5. See your doctor if you experience severe symptoms. If you have a headache that is not due to increased stress, lack of sleep, or is “different” from usual, don't be afraid to see your doctor. Sometimes, headaches are also symptoms of a serious illness. Include:
    • Brain hemorrhage
    • Brain tumors
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Encephalitis or abscess
    • Cranial pressure increased
    • Lack of oxygen while sleeping
    • Stroke
    • Brain aneurysm (cerebral vascular defect)

Method 2 of 3: Treating tension headaches

  1. Choose herbs that are soothing and anti-spasmodic. Herbs such as Kava, valerian, and passionflower are agents that help relax, relieve tension caused by headaches in just a few hours. While chamomile, peppermint or rosemary has not been shown to relieve headaches, it can help relax and relieve anxiety.
    • Note that rosemary can raise blood pressure in some people.
  2. Use the Kava-kava tree. The kava-kava tree has the ability to relieve pain, relieve stress and help you sleep well. Study the directions carefully before using it, but in general you only need 75mg of kava-kava. The main side effect of kava is thought to cause drowsiness.
    • People with kidney disease, Parkinson's, liver, blood problems or taking drugs containing alprazolam, levodopa should not use kava-kava.
  3. Use valerian root. This method has been around for centuries and works by increasing the static neurotransmitters in the brain. Normally, you should take 150-300mg of valerian. Valerian should not be taken if you are allergic to it or have liver problems. Besides, the side effects of this herb are upset stomach, headache and drowsiness.
    • Valerian should not be used with other medications, so ask your doctor for advice before taking any more.
  4. Use the passionflower. The passionflower tree has not been well studied for its function but has been used for a long time. It also increases the neurotransmitters in the brain. This reduces stress and anxiety and can provide direct pain relief. Normally, you should only take 100-150mg of passionflower.
    • The passionflower does not cause side effects, drug reactions or contraindications.
  5. Tea brewing includes these herbs. You can use tea leaves or buy herbal alcohol at a grocery store. Drink 1 or 2 cups at the first sign of headache.
    • You can add 150mg of hops. Hops is a herbal medicine like tonic and pain reliever, which strengthens the whole system and helps with relaxation.
  6. Use the Hepataplex method. If you want to take oriental medicine, ask for a prescription for Hepataplex (which includes beetroot, milk thistle, parsley, dandelion, boldo leaf, large rhizome and other basic ingredients). This traditional Chinese herbal combination is believed to be effective in relieving tension headaches by reducing inflammation and strengthening kidney and liver health.
  7. Diffuse the essential oil. Add chamomile, peppermint, rosemary, perilla, or lavender essential oils in a diffuser as soon as you feel a headache. This will help you relax and feel less stressed. Note that lemon balm is not recommended for people with thyroid problems. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Migraine treatment

  1. Take 25 to 75mg of chamomile twice daily. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic compounds that help reduce inflammation. This causes narrowed blood vessels, causing migraines. Chamomile is famous for treating migraines and relieving relapses.
    • If you are allergic or sensitive to the chamomile family, then you should not use chrysanthemum. In addition, chamomile should not be used if you have blood clots or before surgery unless carefully advised by a seasoned doctor.
  2. Take 50 to 75mg of bristles twice daily. This is one of the most highly researched herbs and proven to be effective in migraine treatment. This herb is as effective as chamomile, by reducing inflammation. Spines should not be used if you have been diagnosed with congestive heart failure.
  3. Use willow bark, clover, or ginkgo biloba. These types are often recommended by traditional medicine practitioners. Willow bark is like a natural aspirin with no side effects. Alfalfa increases local oxygen levels in the blood and ginkgo biloba as an antioxidant and protects brain cells.
  4. Diffuse the essential oil. Add chamomile, peppermint, rosemary, perilla, or lavender essential oils in a diffuser as soon as you feel a headache. This will help you relax and feel less stressed. Note that lemon balm should not be used by people with thyroid problems.
  5. Tea brewing includes these herbs. You can use tea leaves or buy herbal alcohol at a grocery store. Drink 1 or 2 cups at the first sign of headache. advertisement


  • These herbs have not been specifically tested to treat cluster headaches. Ask your doctor for advice when choosing these herbs for treatment.
  • Remember to drink plenty of water. The headache gets worse when you are dehydrated.
  • Choose herbal teas over pills. Drinking a cup of hot tea will help you relax more than taking pills.
  • No matter what type of headache you have, taking time to rest can help.


  • The above herbs have not been tested in pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, use herbal remedies only in consultation with a seasoned medical professional.
  • In addition, herbs have not been tested in children. Get the information carefully before giving any medicine or herbal medicine to a young child.
  • Check if you have sore mouth when chewing aromatherapy instead of taking pills. Chrysanthemum also causes mild stomach irritation and anxiety in some people.