Ways to Focus on Learning

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Build Focus and Concentration - College Info Geek
Video: 5 Ways to Build Focus and Concentration - College Info Geek


Learning to prepare for the exam or test will be difficult and stressful. In fact, many people find it stressful to focus on the task they are trying to accomplish. However, there are some very simple and quick tips to help you focus on your studies, such as finding a quiet study corner and avoiding music.


Part 1 of 2: Things to do

  1. Find the right learning environment. The bedroom or classroom is not always the best corner to study. Find a quiet and suitable place with a comfortable chair, like the living room, preferably away from a television, computer, or phone.
    • The library is always the best place because it is quite quiet. Your parent's office can also be a potential place, quiet and less distracted.

  2. Prepare review materials before you start studying. Don't waste time looking for pens, pens, ruler, etc. while studying. The time it takes to find supplies is distracting, so have all the supplies you need beforehand.

  3. Find classmates. Choose a friend who is in the same program as you but who has the same sense of learning and concentration as you. Do not always choose your best friend, as you may disagree, and see many problems with different perspectives from yours.
    • For some people, having someone learn with will cause "distraction". If you are an extrovert and you love to talk, finding a partner is not a good idea. If you are an introvert, and you prefer to be alone and a bit reserved, then having someone learn with you is better. However, if you study with an extrovert, they will try to talk to you while you are concentrating on studying.
    • Choose a learner better than you. It sounds simple, but many people do not care. If you really want to learn, choose someone who is smart, sophisticated and is not afraid to guide you. The learning process will be more effective.

  4. Choose the right snacks. Don't use energy drinks or coffee as sooner or later you will feel tired and sleepy. Pancakes made from oat seeds, fruit and water are the right choice because they are simple and effective in discharging carbohydrates.
  5. Take a short break. After studying for 45 minutes, take a 10-minute break and do something else. Try to resume your studies after a break, and don't take it for more than 20 minutes.
    • Plan to set a timer to rest. If you have a break plan in place, you will be less likely to miss your break the first time, and more importantly, not "accidentally" take more breaks than necessary.
    • Why do we need a break? The brain takes time to recover after processing a lot of information. While studying, taking breaks and walking will help you improve your memory and grades in many subjects.
  6. Needs motivation. If you have studied well and prepared well for the test, you will do well. Set a goal during the revision process, and you will feel comfortable taking the test.Do not think the test is anything too serious, simply think this is just an opportunity to challenge your learning process.
    • Set a goal, even though it may not be realistic. Forcing yourself to be more effective than you think is, and who knows, you might be surprised at yourself.
    • Motivate yourself with a reward. Take control for yourself, and ask someone in power to help you if you need help. Reward yourself if you study hard, feel well prepared and will do well on the test.
    • Tell yourself that studying is important. This means different things to each person. Maybe you're interested in getting a perfect score of 10. Maybe you're really interested in the subject material. Maybe you bet with your dad and you can't lose. Whatever it is, remind yourself why you are studying so hard and tell yourself that it is worth the effort.
  7. Sit down and start studying. You've got everything you need ahead of you and there's nothing worth putting off. Just have friends and books. OK? So what are you waiting for?
    • Use flash cards and notes if you find them helpful. A flash card is very effective for many people because it contains important information in a small piece of paper. Use it if you find it working for you too. Order the cards or arrange them as you like if you want to make more sense.
    • Use memo tools. "Memory tools" is a wonderful term that describes the act of remembering. Put some information into a funny song, put it into an acronym for the initials (remember what a club (club) is?) To help you remember the necessary information .
    • Surely you must first grasp all the important information before moving on to the rest. Let's learn and understand all the key points before expanding them. It helps you to understand the basics of knowledge that you need to learn and then develop.

Part 2 of 2: Don'ts

  1. Don't panic! When you panic, you will make mistakes, so keep calm. If you can plan your revision successfully, you don't need to panic when the test comes. Take a deep breath, tell yourself "I can do it," and calm down.
  2. Minimize use of the computer. Especially the internet. You will learn better if you write it yourself. You should also refrain from using your cell phone as you will inevitably reply to messages, and that will distract you.
    • Turn off the internet if you know you will be tempted. Turn off the computer and ask a friend to keep it. Basically, make sure you don't waste any time on the internet once you plan to study.
  3. Don't listen to music unless it helps you learn better. Some people need to listen to music to learn, but don't let your brain focus on something else while you're studying. Adding an element of distraction, even soothing music, causes your brain to process more than the information you are learning.
  4. Don't be distracted from the main topic. We always distract ourselves from the main topic. Sometimes the information we are learning is so insignificant, sometimes the information we don't need to know is so interesting. Whatever the reason, wait until you have learned more deeply then explore other topics.
    • Ask yourself: How will this information be reflected in my test? If you are really focused, you can sort the information from most important to least important, focusing most of the time on the most important information and the rest of the time. .
  5. Don't get discouraged. Taking the exam can be frustrating, especially when you are just starting out. Organize your knowledge into manageable chunks, and don't worry about making everything perfect the first time around. Remember, you are studying, not necessarily getting the highest test score. Try to understand the "big picture" if you are having difficulty learning something. That makes it easier for you to understand the details. advertisement


  • Get enough sleep and plan your day. Remembering you need to rest every hour or two will help you motivate yourself to work hard. Concentrated learning makes time pass faster.
  • Try to think about your parents' joys when you have a good result.
  • Don't be negative. Think of how happy people are when you have a good result.
  • Before you start, ask yourself three questions - Why do I need to learn, What will be the results and I'll be successful. Only when you think carefully and find the satisfactory answers to those questions, get to work.
  • Never fall into a panic! Instead, focus on the work in front of you and complete the lesson. Then move on to the next step, think positively and be determined to achieve high scores.
  • Always study in a quiet room.
  • Try taking a little practice test when you've finished reading a topic.
  • Do not worry. If you feel yourself panicking while studying, take a deep breath, reread your notes, and work to process and understand the information.
  • Please take note. Re-read the information and whether you are confused or understood, write down the necessary information. It helps you remember faster.
  • Don't think of friends or compare yourself to others. Instead, think that learning is great and study with your imagination or with the spirit of vision.
  • If music helps you learn better, try songs without lyrics. With this kind of music you won't sing along, but you can still enjoy the great music that keeps you focused.
  • Sitting in a closed room increases productivity and reduces distractions.
  • Remember that your grades cannot be self-boosting and the time spent studying will have a big impact on your test or future assignment.
  • Set a study timetable and time slots for each subject (e.g. math from 6:30; English 7:30; etc.)
  • Imagine how far your friends and / or competitors have gone. It helps you regain focus!
  • Eat brain foods to keep you focused.


  • Don't let last-minute revision. Plan ahead. Remember, the earlier you start, the less stress you can get. Always review every day after you go home. Review each part one by one.