How to train muscles at home

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Build Muscle At Home: The BEST Full Body Home Workout For Growth
Video: How To Build Muscle At Home: The BEST Full Body Home Workout For Growth


  • Uphill push ups are beneficial for various muscles. To do this, just place your hands on a low table or chair so that your body is tilted high.
  • Downhill push-ups require your feet to be 30-60 cm higher than your hands, and then push-ups normally. Remember to raise your head and keep your spine straight.
  • Each practice 8-12 times to lift and lower. You can practice three times.

Plant a banana tree with a wall support to build shoulder and back muscles. Not for people prone to nausea, but this exercise is great for many muscle groups. To get into a banana-growing posture, you sit with your back against the wall. Place your hands on the ground and slowly "step" your feet on the wall. From there, use your toes to balance and slowly lower your head to the ground, then push back upwards to complete a beat. Try to practice three times with 10 pushes each time.
  • If you feel scared, you can deceive yourself with a tall table. Place your feet on the table with your thighs and torso across the edge of the table, enough for you to rest your hands on the ground. Then do push-ups with your head down straight to the ground. This is often referred to as a buttock pushup.

  • Do your arms with push ups on a chair. You need a sturdy chair or table, about 30-60 cm high. Place your hands on the seats behind you with your buttocks hovering in the air, knees bent 90 degrees. With your feet firmly on the ground, lower your buttocks until arms are approximately 90 degrees bent. Push back up. Repeat three repetitions, each lift, lower 15-20 reps.
  • Do the plank. Planks are great for the entire core, and you can easily adapt to challenge yourself even more. Get into a push-up position. But instead of resting your palms on the ground, lean on your forearms. Squeeze glutes and straighten spine - if done correctly you can place a broom between neck and butt. Hold this for a minute, rest, and repeat twice.
    • A side plank is a practice when you rotate your body to one side, resting on one forearm and the outside of your foot on that side. You also need to keep your spine straight by focusing on keeping your buttock high.
    • Plank to push-ups: Start in a plank with arms shoulder-width apart, feet hip-width apart. Lower yourself on your forearms, then lift back up to the starting plank. Do 12 beats each time.

  • Do abdominal crunches to develop abdominal and core muscles. Crunching is still one of the best abdominal exercises. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Use both hands to hold your neck and lift your shoulders about 15-20 cm from the floor, hold for a second, then slowly lower back down. Immediately turn it on again, look straight up into the sky and act slowly, slowly. Try to practice 3 times with 8-12 repeats each time.
    • Leg straight belly flex: Lie on your back with legs stretched out, raise your arms to the ceiling and perform a abdominal flexion, keeping your legs straight.Lower your arms, try to touch your toes and then slowly lower yourself back to the floor. Do 10 reps.
  • Use a 4-liter bottle, a heavy book or dumbbells for basic rolling exercises. The exercise method for the most part of the body requires little or no equipment, but the upper part of the body requires resistance to be effective. If you have weights, you can try the following exercises:
    • Biceps roll
    • Triceps roll
    • Shoulder lift
    • Fold the barbell
  • Method 2 of 3: Exercise your lower body

    1. Do high-intensity interruption of cardio for rapid leg muscle development. While most people don't think that cardio is related to muscle growth, there are exercises that you can combine together for strong, toned leg muscles. Choose 5-6 exercises and do each exercise for 60 seconds. Rest for 30 seconds, then move on to the next exercise. After completing all six exercises, rest for 4-5 minutes then repeat 2-3 times. Your feet will feel hot, but you will soon have healthy feet:
      • Dancing arms and legs
      • Step forward
      • Burpee - jump open arms and legs then release into push-up position. Repeat.
      • Knee-lift - bounce from leg to foot, with each bounce, raise knees as much as possible. Your feet touch the floor as little as possible.
      • Side jump - jump to the side, land on one leg, bend your knees, then bounce back and land on the other leg.
      • Twisted waist
      • Jump up box or simple plyometric.
    2. Sitting against the wall. Lean back against the wall for balance, "sit" down with knees bent at 90 degrees and buttocks lying in the air like sitting on a chair. Hold this position for a minute. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat 2 more times.
    3. Do squats. Stand with feet hip-width apart, back straight, head held high, and stretch your central muscles. Place your hands on your hips or stretch your arms in front of your face, whichever you feel is more comfortable. Lower yourself into a squatting position as if you were about to sit on a chair. You must keep your back straight and your knees straight on your toes, not leaning forward. Focus on lowering your butt. Repeat 10 reps, then do 2 more repetitions after resting for a while.
      • Standing with one leg up: Place one foot in front of you and place the other leg back on a flat surface like a table or couch. Lower back to squatting position and then lift back to original position. You can spread your arms for balance or place your hands on your hips. Do 12 beats for each leg.
    4. Do leg kick exercises. Get into a kneeling position and kick one leg back up, keeping your leg at a 90 degree angle. Do 12 beats for each leg.
    5. Do hip pushers. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your butt off the ground to form a bridge. Raise your left leg up, hold your hips up, and lower your left leg down before doing the same for your right leg. Do 10 reps for each leg.
    6. Practice the first step. The front step is a great way to build glutes, hips and hamstrings. How to do it: Take one foot forward about 1-1.3 meters. The knee bends about 90 degrees. Lower your buttocks straight onto the floor, keep your front knee directly above your toes, and bend your back knee to the floor. Push back up and switch legs to complete a beat. Do 10 reps on each side and then rest before doing 2 more reps.
      • If you have weights, you can adapt your exercise to heavier weight for faster fitness. Holding a few liters of bottles in each hand is similar to dumbbells.

    Method 3 of 3: Form a practice routine

    1. Plan a workout plan to target each muscle group twice a week. Building an effective training plan doesn't require a coach to do it. There are many simple and easy to remember instructions that allow you to get the most out of your fast and safe muscle building and training plan.
      • Rest 1-2 days between similar training regimes. If you do your chest muscles on Tuesday then don't do them until day five or six.
      • Work out the same muscle groups in the same session. For example, since many exercises in the chest muscles also move the biceps, group them on the same day.
      • Take one to two days off, when you can only go for a short jog or avoid strenuous activity. Your body needs rest and recovery time to build muscle.
    2. It's good to focus on keeping the correct posture, not doing it many times. Doing 10 push-ups in the right position is much better than 15 times not. You should perform each operation smoothly, softly and slowly, without rushing and without any rules. While each exercise is different, the general advice is:
      • Inhale as you draw strength or relax. Exhale when exerted.
      • Keep your back wave as straight as possible, without bending or sagging.
      • Hold for 1-2 seconds in your hardest position, then slowly move back to rest.
    3. Do yoga to stretch your muscles during a full body workout. Yoga is also an option for training large muscle groups, as it enhances muscle strength and endurance. Gentle and gentle exercises are good for the rest of the day, and you can work hard by working harder to disturb your routine. If you are looking for your favorite exercises that do not require professional equipment, yoga is the easiest answer.
      • Youtube contains a lot of video tutorials on yoga in many levels, you don't need to worry if you are just familiar with yoga. You can practice at home with some simple equipment.
    4. Try harder to do the last 2-3 reps of a session in a more difficult, but not too extreme, position. If you want muscles to grow, it takes a lot of effort. Your body is the best signaling clock during exercise, so keep practicing until it's tired. Try to work a little harder at the end of each exercise, and do the last 2-3 reps with intense concentration and effort.
      • Set goals in advance. If you decide to do it three times at first, with 20 reps at a time, you might be able to accomplish that goal more easily even though your body is already sweating. Then if you find it too simple then you continue to improve.
      • Strenuous does not mean taking injury. If your joints, bones, or muscles feel pain, unlike the feeling of fatigue or muscle pain, stop exercising and rest.
    5. Follow a balanced diet that is rich in protein but low in fat. This doesn't mean you have to eat a lot of protein every day or eliminate desserts altogether. A well-balanced diet focuses on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins like chicken, fish, eggs and beans.
      • A cup of low-fat chocolate milk is a great post-workout snack.
      • Replacing white bread and pasta with whole grains is a healthy switch to a healthier diet.
      • Avocado, nuts, olive oil and eggs all contain healthy fats. Foods to avoid are butter, cream, lard etc.They are always unhealthy.
    6. Consider buying some basic exercise equipment if you're serious about your workout. There are plenty of devices out there that can help you perform new exercises and challenge yourself more, but you don't have to buy expensive ones.
      • Elastic strings can be used in many exercises, manufactured with many different "weights".
      • A basic set of dumbbells is an economical way to add weight to a workout.
      • The single beam is designed to fit almost any door frame, and there are a variety of styles that can also be used for push-up and push-up push-ups.


    • Train hard, eat healthy, get enough rest and enjoy your muscles!
    • Increasing your protein intake in the form of lean meat, eggs or fish, and decreasing carbohydrates will benefit muscle growth.
    • Never give up hope!
    • Try practicing sniffing at the park or on your swing.
    • Always exercise hard before doing cardio to get the most out of your muscles.
    • Always warm up before a workout with a light jog or walk for 5-10 minutes. At the end of the session, do the same thing.
    • Always stretch your muscles after completing a workout to ensure your connective tissue and muscle flexibility.
    • Do cardio to burn fat and expose your muscles.
    • Work hard, eat healthy, rest properly, and enjoy the progress!
    • Exercising isometrics in combination with other exercises can develop more efficient muscles without the need for equipment.


    • Always heat & cool to prevent injury.
    • Always stretch after completing a workout.
    • If you have an injury or health problems, do not try to do any exercise program without consulting your doctor.
    • If there are any exercises that cause joint, back, neck, etc. pain, stop immediately and do not repeat until consulted by your doctor.