How to create green grass

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
AWS IoT Greengrass V2 | Installation and First Deployment | Michael Dombrowski
Video: AWS IoT Greengrass V2 | Installation and First Deployment | Michael Dombrowski


Grass growing is a time consuming undertaking, but the payoff is well worth it. A green lawn is extremely attractive. It provides fresh air for everyone as well as a healthy playground for the kids. If there is a space in front of the facade, a properly cared grass will increase the aesthetics of the house. The process of building a lawn can vary depending on the type of grass you plant and the geographic location where you live.


  1. Choose the grass variety that best suits your yard.
    • Different types of grass have different needs in terms of climate and environment. There are types that prefer shade, and others should be grown in sunny places. Some grow well in warm weather, and some are cold-loving.

  2. Use a soil tester to check nitrogen, phosphorus, pH and other substances in your soil. This will help you determine if your soil is nutrient deficient.
    • You may need to use some stimulant products to help your grass grow. These products are available in bonsai stores.
    • Adequate nutrition is very important for a lawn. Depending on what nutrients the soil is lacking, you can correct the problem by using fertilizers, which release nutrients over time.
    • You do not need to use harmful chemicals to fertilize your soil. Humus and decomposing organic matter are resistant to weeds, insects, and diseases, especially if you use indigenous cultivars with strong vitality.

  3. Water the grass every morning at about the same time. If you recently sowed seeds, make sure to water regularly every day.
    • The best time to water is early in the morning. At this time, the wind is light, the water will be less evaporated. Watering during high winds can cause the grass to dry out before it can penetrate the soil.
    • For green grass, you should water until the water penetrates at least 15 cm deep into the soil.
    • In the summer, consider watering as part of lawn care. You may need more watering at other times of the day to prevent the grass from drying out.
    • Grass should be watered about 2.5 cm of water per week. If you use a sprinkler, place a can in the yard to measure the amount of water in the can about an hour after you turn on the hose. From there you will calculate the rate of watering per hour when using a sprinkler for lawns.

  4. Mix one cup of ammonia (nitrogen source) and one cup of epsom salt (magnesium sulphate compound) in a bucket with 19 liters of water, then use a spoon to water the mixture evenly over the lawn. Nitrogen stimulates greener leaves, while magnesium sulphate helps leaves retain water, so the grass will look thick and green. After you water this mixture on your lawn, turn the soil into the soil to help the chemicals soak into the roots. This method is very efficient and also less costly than using nitrogen based fertilizers.
  5. Cut the lawn 1 day after watering. Grass will recover better thanks to cuts. This also prevents the tip of the grass from turning brown.
  6. Mowing the lawn regularly will help the grass become more resilient against drought and frost.
  7. In the summer, trim the lawn (don't clear the lawn) to reduce watering.
  8. Till the lawn at least once in the spring and once in the fall to keep it green. This process creates many small holes in the lawn's surface, allowing water, nutrients and air to reach the roots more easily.
    • Tilling works to reduce the strength of the flow and draw water more efficiently.
  9. The best way to prevent weeds is to plant more grass with seeds. The thick layer of grass will overwhelm and make it difficult for weeds to multiply or spread on the lawn. advertisement


  • Another alternative is to "paint" the lawn. Although this may sound like a strange idea, it has grown in popularity, especially in California and some famous arid regions like Western Australia. They use plant-harmless dyes to spray them on the grass and immediately, the lawn becomes green again. Currently, this method has not been applied in Vietnam.


  • In certain geographic areas where grass is susceptible to disease, planting and tending a green lawn can be difficult. If conventional methods do not work, you should consider hiring a local tree care service to check your yard and find a fix.

What you need

  • Grass seeds
  • Soil test kit
  • Fertilizer
  • Country
  • Lawn mower
  • Lawn mowers