How to create an impressive email address

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Video: Email Design: How to Create Newsletters for Best Marketing Results?


Perhaps you are creating your first email (email) account and want a most impressive name. Also maybe you don't like your current email and want something more interesting. Either way, "impression" is important to many people, so you need to choose an email address that speaks for yourself.


Method 1 of 3: Brainstorming

  1. Think of different types of "impression" emails. Some email addresses sound impressive because they are strange and unique. Others are impressive just because they are simple, luxurious and professional. Besides, there are still attractive and unique ways to express your interests. Decide what you want the email address to say about you.
    • A strange email address could be made up of random words or your usual interests, or whatever. It could be "[email protected]", "[email protected]" or "[email protected]".
    • An email address that reflects your personality can be something that speaks to your deepest interests or values. For example: "[email protected]" or "[email protected]". It is our purpose to make people smile when they see you and show off what is special about you.
    • A more professional email address can use your name or your company name in a "squishy" way. If your name is Khánh Linh, you can set it to "[email protected]". If your name is Nguyễn Ly, you can use "[email protected]". Keep in mind that a professional email address should include your name or company name, and should not be as generous as your personal email.

  2. Name emails according to preferences. Think about the things you like (and what you want people to know you like), then try to combine them into email addresses. For example, if you play the guitar, you can use the word "guitar" in your email address. If you like the strawberry, you can set it to "strawberry.girl".
    • Think of a word that sounds interesting and put it before or after a hobby to combine into an email address. For example, if you choose to include your passion for guitar in your email address, you can use "guitarboy97" or "guitar.addict".
    • Remember that preferences can change. Choose something that you think you'll love for a long time, not just a moment.

  3. Consider including your name in your email address. It can be your initials, last name, middle letter, real name or even your full name. Since we need a great name, try pairing it with words that describe you like your hobby. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: More creative

  1. Try to combine two words into one. For example, "crocodile" and "rocket" can be combined to make up the word "BettyCrocker." Try to match words that have the same opening syllable with words that have a similar ending. Another good way is to take a word you like, for example "laser" or "turbo" and use this word to describe another word, such as "laserboulder" or "turbocandy." You can choose a random word to describe.
    • You can capitalize the first letter of each word instead of an underscore for delimitation. For example: "LaserBoulder" or "TurboCandy".
  2. Try not to create a generic or random email address. Limit abstract numbers or year of birth, as they are very common and take away the freshness of email addresses. However, again, you might consider using more "generic" style elements if you plan to use this email for professional purposes.
  3. Add a time or a number to make your name more interesting. If you find something that you want to stick with but the name has coincided with, consider including some meaningful or random timelines or numbers, depending on you. Such as:
  4. Try to intentionally misspell. This can be a great way to make an email address more unique, while also keeping your idea if someone has given it a name. Make sure the misspelled word looks or sounds the same as the original word; thus, others can still recognize even if the name is incorrect. Try replacing E with EE, or "au" with "ou". advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Create an account

  1. Ask someone for help. Ask someone close to you, or someone you think is good at naming. It could be friends, relatives or parents. If you don't like their suggestions, don't worry, just come up with a name for yourself.
    • Consider using a username generator if no one helps. Search the internet for the keyword "username generator" and you will be able to generate a matching email address.
  2. Choose a domain name. The domain name of the email address is in the "@" part. Any standard email provider is fine, however there are some domains (like AOL or Hotmail) that can be a bit outdated. Some sites allow us to choose a custom domain name; If you follow this step, avoid choosing a domain name that is too long, because no one wants to type a long email address. Domain names like "@" or "@" will be short, popular and easy to remember.
  3. Sign up for an email address. When you're ready, head over to an email provider, click whatever "create an account" button you find, and go ahead and create your own impressive email address. Enter the email address you have determined in the appropriate "username" or "login name" fields. advertisement


  • Add the number at the end of the name. If someone has put this email address before you, try adding your favorites number to make a difference. It could be your birthday, age, current year or just something you like.
  • Make sure you let all of your friends know your new email address to prevent them from sending emails back to your old email address.
  • Make an email address easy to remember. You don't want others, or yourself, to forget this email address!


  • Don't make your email address too personal. Maybe you might end up using an email address on a website or giving it to someone you don't know well - so don't include your home address, passwords that you use frequently on the Internet, ID number. or anything that you don't want to get into the wrong hands.
  • Potential employers may frown at candidates who provide dumb email addresses. Consider creating a standard email address for professional communication.
  • Avoid creating a meaningless long email address. This is annoying for two reasons: people will not remember your email address; And if you email someone who doesn't know your email address, they won't know who you are.

What you need

  • Creativity
  • Computer connected to the network