How to calculate calories burned in a day

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Calculate: How Many Calories You Burn (Easy Method)
Video: How to Calculate: How Many Calories You Burn (Easy Method)


Whether you need to gain weight or lose weight, the most important factor determining this process is more or less calories burned through daily activity. Knowing how to calculate calories you burn on a daily basis can help you maintain a healthy weight or keep up with your exercise schedule. There are many different ways to calculate calories burned daily and this is pretty easy. Alternatively, you can rely on this information to lose weight, gain weight, maintain weight, or simply get a better idea of ​​your body's specific needs.


Method 1 of 2: Determine the amount of calories burned

  1. Calculate the basal metabolic rate (BMR). The human body is like a continuously operating engine, always burning fuel or calories (even while sleeping). The BMR is the minimum amount of calories the body burns each day to maintain vital function.
    • Your body's BMR can vary with age, sex, fitness, and genetic traits. To get the exact amount of calories your body burns each day, first calculate the BMR value.
    • Use the following equation to find the BMR ratio manually.
    • Men: (13.75 × weight) + (5 × height) - (6.76 × age) + 66
    • Female: (9.56 × weight) + (1.85 × height) - (4.68 × age) + 655

  2. Adjust your BMR according to physical activity. To get an exact number of calories your body uses every day, we also need to calculate calories burned through physical activity. Each person will need a different amount of calories, depending on the level of activity and the amount of energy spent from exercise. Multiply the BMR by one of the following activity levels (depending on your particular situation):
    • If you don't exercise or have a very sedentary lifestyle, multiply your BMR by 1.2.
    • If you have moderate intensity exercise (1-3 days / week) or light exercise, multiply your BMR by 1.375.
    • If you exercise more than 3-5 days a week or live an active lifestyle, multiply your BMR by 1.55.
    • If you exercise most days of the week and do vigorous activity throughout the day, multiply your BMR by 1,725.
    • If you exercise daily or more than once a day and your work requires vigorous physical activity, multiply your BMR by 1.9.

  3. Use the online BMR calculator. An online tool that will help you calculate your BMR based on basic information such as age, gender, height, and weight.
    • Obviously, using an online calculator can be easier and simpler than calculating math equations yourself.
    • If you want to use an online calculator, you should find a BMR calculator from a reputable website. There are a lot of health care clinics, hospitals or government websites that offer BMR calculators online now.
    • Note, you must have your current height and weight measurements in order to calculate the exact BMR.

  4. Buy a heart rate monitor. Another method of measuring daily calories burned is wearing a heart rate monitor.
    • Currently on the market there are many types of heart rate monitors you can wear for 24 hours. This machine will help you estimate how many calories your body burns throughout the day (whether with exercise or not).
    • This tool also asks you to enter age, height, weight, and gender. Each machine will use a different formula or algorithm for total calories burned.
    • You can wear a 24-hour heart rate monitor without exercise to see how many calories your body burns with normal daily activity. Then compare that with calories burned when you have exercise.
    • Note, even some emotions can increase your heart rate and can "trick" the heart rate monitor into that you're exercising and burning more calories than you really are. Although not much, it is still possible.

Method 2 of 2: Lose or gain weight based on calorie information

  1. Keep a food diary. You can easily track your total calorie intake through the food log, app or food diary website. Based on this you can estimate your calorie target to achieve your desired weight. Eating diary also helps you keep up with your meal plan.
    • Food journalism is also a great way to take a closer look at the type of food you're eating and compare actual calories with your goals.
    • Through the food magazine, you can learn which foods contain the most calories of the day.
    • Finally, a food diary will be able to help you keep track of your plans and achieve success in gaining weight, losing weight or maintaining your standard weight.
  2. Cut back on calories to lose weight. If you are trying to lose weight, make sure to limit excess calories each day. To do this, you must either reduce the number of calories you eat, or burn more calories through exercise, or a combination of the two.
    • In general, it takes about 3500 calories per week to reduce it from 0.5kg-1kg. Thus, you must lose 500 calories a day.
    • Don't lose weight too fast or cut out too many calories. Most reputable sources advise against losing more than 0.5-1 kg / week. This excess can be dangerous and leave you tired, weak, and lacking in essential nutrients.
    • Remember that as you lose weight, you need to gradually increase your exercise intensity to maintain your weight. When the weight is reduced, the BMR will decrease and the calories burned through daily activities will also decrease, which means that you must continue to gradually reduce your daily caloric intake or increase exercise exercise more to continue losing weight.
  3. Increase caloric intake to gain weight. Consuming more calories than is burned through daily physical activity will help you gain weight.
    • To do this, you can either increase your calorie intake and decrease the number of calories burned during the day, or a combination of the two.
    • Whatever the reason for wanting to gain weight, you must choose healthy calorie-dense foods to help meet your calorie goals. Choosing fried, processed, or other unhealthy foods is a completely unhealthy idea.
    • Note, exercise is essential to maintaining good health. Do not stop exercising unless directed to do so by your doctor.
    • Although the physical activity needs of each person vary, most health sources recommend that we should exercise aerobics for 2.5 hours with moderate intensity of exercise, combined with 2 days of strength training (or 1.5 hours of intense aerobic exercise).


  • Most total calorie methods are estimates, not exact numbers.
  • You may need to adjust your calorie estimation goals as you continue to monitor your weight.
  • If you are trying to lose or gain weight, you need to consult with your doctor to make sure the weight changes are safe and suitable for your body.