Ways to increase agricultural hCG

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Human Chorionic Gonadotropin or hCG is a hormone that a mother's body secretes to prepare for pregnancy and maintain pregnancy. The test shows that low hCG levels could be a sign of an abnormality in pregnancy, due to a younger than expected gestational age, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage - but don't worry if it's just the result. of a test! If you are pregnant and have low hCG levels, talk to your doctor to find out why.Note that you cannot safely and effectively raise hCG levels on your own. hCG may also be given into the body to increase fertility in infertile women.


Method 1 of 2: Management for low hCG during pregnancy

  1. Talk to your gynecologist. Low hCG levels could be a sign of early pregnancy. A drop in hCG levels is of concern, but only a doctor can be sure. Do not worry or fear, you should discuss this with your obstetrician and gynecologist. They will ask you if there are any signs that your pregnancy is in danger, such as vaginal bleeding or painful stomach cramps and cramps. You will most likely have to have the test again.
    • Ask your doctor a few questions such as: "Is it because my gestational age is smaller than my diagnosis?"
    • If your baby is in danger, your doctor will probably ask you to stay in bed until the situation improves. You can also ask your doctor for some safe medications that you can take during pregnancy to prevent the risk of miscarriage.

  2. Re-check the hCG concentration. The hCG number is often used as a reference, and you shouldn't worry if a test is low. Ask your doctor to check your hCG levels again after a few days to see if the indicator is going up or down.
  3. Perform more precise tests. If the hCG level is low or decreased with the urine test, you can do an additional blood test - this will give more accurate results for hCG levels. Depending on the stage of your pregnancy, you may have an ultrasound to check your baby's condition. Although the fetus is only 5-6 weeks old, the ultrasound will give more accurate results than based on hCG levels.
  4. Avoid products marketed for increasing hCG levels. hCG is not a hormone that you can safely increase or decrease on your own, and for a healthy pregnancy the hormones in your body must be in balance and monitored by your doctor. "NO" arbitrarily use products that increase hCG levels. These products are not authorized by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and may adversely affect the unborn baby. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Use hCG to increase fertility

  1. Discuss methods of conception with your gynecologist. Most women who seek hCG to conceive have adopted natural methods and take the drug clomiphene (Serophene). While taking hCG, your doctor may prescribe a few more fertility drugs, such as menotropin and urofollitropin. When talking to your doctor about hCG options for conception, be sure to address the following:
    • Are you allergic to drugs, foods, dyes, preservatives or animals?
    • Are you taking any other medications.
    • Do you smoke or drink alcohol.
    • Do you have any other health problems, such as unusual vaginal bleeding, asthma, seizures, heart or kidney problems, migraines, ovarian cysts or fibroids.
  2. Injections of hCG. The dose of hCG you take will depend on your condition, the concentration of other hormones in your body, the medications you are taking, and other factors. Based on the hormone levels, your doctor will choose the right time to give you hCG. hCG is usually injected into the biceps.
    • Pregnant women with low hCG levels should not receive hCG because of the risk of birth defects in the fetus.

  3. Update information for your doctor. When starting treatment, your doctor will ask you to monitor and record your body temperature. You will also need to continue to see your doctor for blood tests and possibly an ultrasound to control the course of treatment. advertisement


  • Before having tests to check hCG levels, tell your doctor if you are taking promethazine or other diuretics.


  • Non-pregnant women with high hCG levels can be caused by several types of tumors. Talk to your doctor if you are not pregnant and have a high hCG level.
  • Do not use products containing hCG to lose weight. These products are not safe and will also be ineffective.