How to increase penis size with herbs

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you want to increase your penis, there are many herbs you can use to stimulate blood circulation to this area and temporarily help the penis to erect completely. The only permanent natural solutions to increasing penis length and diameter are changing your diet, exercising more and losing weight around your abdomen. This is simpler and safer than surgery, right? See Step 2 to learn how to make your penis bigger without using drugs or surgery.


Part 1 of 3: Use herbs to increase blood circulation to the penis

  1. Use ginseng. Korean Red Ginseng is believed to strengthen the nervous system thanks to ginsenoside, a natural ingredient in ginseng. While there is no scientific evidence to conclude that ginseng can help a larger penis, in a Korean study some men who took ginseng extract noticed better sexual function after weeks. experiment.
    • Ginseng interacts with many drugs and can cause negative side effects in patients with cancer, heart disease, insomnia and other disorders. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking ginseng on a regular basis.
    • If you plan to take a ginseng supplement, choose the one labeled "Korean ginseng root" and take 500mg daily.
    • Since the FDA does not regulate supplements, there is always a risk of consuming it. Remember to buy supplements from a reputable company and never take more than the recommended dosage.

  2. Consider using ginkgo biloba. This herb is often taken to enhance memory, but is also beneficial for blood circulation and improves blood circulation to the penis. According to a study conducted at the University of California, Ginkgo is most effective in treating depression as the cause of sexual dysfunction. Another study found that Ginkgo had no effect. Scientific data are inconclusive, but Ginkgo improves memory and has few side effects so you can try it.
    • Ginkgo can be consumed as a tea or as a supplement. Both types are commercially available.
    • Do not take ginkgo biloba supplements if you have a history of epilepsy or are taking anticoagulants. Consult your doctor to make sure this supplement is safe for you.

  3. Consider taking a maca supplement. This powder is an aphrodisiac. It contains the photochemicals macamide and macaene, which are thought to boost vitality and help men maintain an erection. Since no scientific studies have been conducted on maca yet, it's best to use it with caution. Be sure to consult your doctor before using maca powder daily.

  4. Consider taking L-arginine. This is an amino acid that can increase blood circulation, making the penis bigger during an erection. A study conducted at Tel Aviv University demonstrated an improvement in men after taking L-arginine for 6 weeks. The recommended dosage of L-arginine is 1 gram three times daily.
    • L-arginine should not be taken if you are taking nitroglycerin for heart disease as it can lower blood pressure. Ask your doctor if you should take L-arginine.
  5. Eat watermelon. Watermelon is not an herb, but has properties that increase erection size and duration in a similar way to L-arginine. Watermelon contains the amino acid citrulline which is converted into arginine and leads to dilated blood vessels. The fact that watermelon contains citrulline is a relatively new finding, so no studies have been done to evaluate how effective it is, and how much watermelon to be consumed for results. However, since cucumbers are considered a superfood when it comes to men's health, you won't go wrong with eating lots of watermelon.

Part 2 of 3: Apply natural solutions to increase size

  1. Give up smoking. Penis size, whether soft or erect, depends on the amount of blood it contains. Using tobacco products causes the arteries to narrow, thereby reducing the amount of blood flowing to the penis. If you smoke, you are suppressing your penis from being as large as it could be.
  2. Exercise regularly. Body movement helps blood circulation better, enhancing the health of arteries, which are the blood routes to the penis. If you do not exercise at all, the penis may not reach its maximum size. Try to get about an hour of exercise each day, whether it's swimming, walking, jogging or cycling. Any exercise will help blood flow to the penis better.
    • However, there is no way of exercising the penis alone to make it bigger. The penis is composed of smooth muscle, which is the muscle that cannot develop mass during exercise.
  3. Exercise your pelvic floor muscles. You cannot increase penis size by exercising on its own, but if you increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles, the amount of blood in the penis can last longer. The pelvic floor muscles press against the veins and restrict blood leaving the penis during erection. You can strengthen your pelvic floor muscles with the Kegel exercise. A trial conducted in the UK concluded that men who practiced Kegel achieved better sexual function than those who made other changes but did not do Kegel.
    • The pelvic floor muscle is the muscle you contract in order to hold your urine halfway.
    • Tighten and relax this muscle 8 times. Rest and practice 8 more times, continuing to repeat until you have made 3-4 cycles.
    • Practice 3-4 cycles per day (8 times each cycle) for best results.
  4. Reduce belly fat. The penis will look smaller than it really is if it is partially occupied by the overflowing abdominal skin. Losing belly fat is not an easy task but can make a big difference when it comes to penis size. Start weight loss measures and you will see the effect in the other sections. According to a Harvard University report, men with a waist circumference of 105 cm have a 50% higher risk of erectile dysfunction compared with men with an 80 cm waist.
    • Regular exercise will help you lose weight. Try to do exercises that increase heart rate as well as lift weights.
    • Eat whole foods like lean meats, whole grains, beans, legumes, vegetables, fruits, and healthy oils.
    • Avoid refined, processed foods, and avoid high amounts of sugars, starches and hydrogenated cooking oils.
  5. Use a penis enlargement tool. There are some simple non-invasive tools that you can use to help develop your penis and increase the length of your erection during sex. If your goal is to have a larger, stiffer penis without the use of medications or invasive treatments, use one of the following tools:
    • Penis rings. This device works on the principle of keeping blood in the penis when it is congested during erection. Your penis will be temporarily larger and harder.
    • Penis pump. This is a vacuum device that fits the penis. When you operate the pump, it draws blood into the penis and maintains a temporary erection.

Part 3 of 3: Knowing what to avoid

  1. Stay away from products marketed as penis enlargement. The desire to have a large penis is quite common, so there are many scammers making promises that cannot be proved. There is no dose of elixir for penis growth. It completely depends on genetics.Don't waste money or endanger your health by being prey to companies that promise to make you a bigger penis.
  2. Be cautious with the product "herbal Viagra". There are countless herbs that are thought to increase blood circulation to the penis, but since the FDA does not regulate this product, it is difficult to know what side effects are. It's best to try only one herb at a time and control the dosage so you don't accidentally overdose.
    • Avoid ordering products online even if the site looks professional.
    • If you accidentally buy such a product, you should be cautious. Be sure not to try any of these penis enlargement products before consulting your doctor.
  3. Do not pay attention to stretching or hanging heavy objects. These two techniques are thought to be able to elongate the penis and in some cases work, but the longer the penis, the smaller it will be. Both methods reduce the circumference of the penis when it stretches. The only time to stretch your penis is after surgery, as you need to prevent scar tissue accumulation.
  4. Think carefully before deciding to surgery. Penis enlargement surgery has a number of undesirable side effects. The penis is elongated but you must sacrifice its function. After the enlargement procedure, the penis cannot protrude from the body, hang between the legs, and sometimes an erection is not at all. Taking the natural method is definitely the safer way.
    • Penis enlargement surgery works on very small penises, which is then necessary. However, when performing surgery on a penis of medium length, erectile dysfunction, scarring and deformity can occur.