How to flirt with a girl

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Flirt For Beginners (9 Flirting Tips)
Video: How to Flirt For Beginners (9 Flirting Tips)


Many men are very good at flirting with girls, but often cannot explain why they do this. This article is intended to help a guy - even the least fortunate - understand some of the fundamentals of dating games and how to approach girls' nods when they first invite her out. .


Method 1 of 5: The basics

  1. Open your eyes wide. Don't keep the mindset that you will only find girls at parties or bars. You never know when and where you will meet a girl who will accept a date if you have the right strategy. As the saying goes, "There's nothing fish in the ocean", if you want to find a girl to date, open your eyes and look around wherever you go: at work, in a coffee shop, on the street, the majority of public places. However, there are a few important things to remember:
    • The supermarket is not an easy place to start getting acquainted. Often people don't go to groceries or banks hoping to find love, which is why the traditional belief is that bars, clubs and parties are the best places to stay. find a date. Don't expect a good response if you try flirting with girls in places where they have to go for a life need.
    • Instead, think about places like open-air markets, cafes, and other places where people want to go out. In such places it is probably at least that girls are more likely to get acquainted with strangers, since they don't have to be busy doing important things.
    • Unless you are hoping to be Don Juan (note: you won't be successful with this intention), pay attention to the rings before flirting with a girl. Does the girl wear a gold ring or a diamond ring on her ring finger on either hand? If so, she may be married (left hand) or engaged (right hand). Respect this and do not disturb her.

  2. Understand the mechanism of attraction between men and women (heterosexual). This perception varies significantly from country to country, but overall in the Western world (Europe, Australia and North America), a recognizable pattern is that people of the opposite sex tend to attract each other. This mechanism is very complicated, but at the most basic level, women are mainly attracted by power in society and influence; Men are often seduced by their health and fertility (that's why Western culture has always obsessed with making women look young).
    • Men have countless ways to demonstrate social authority and become more attractive in that regard. You can think of creating a style that is cool or witty or clever. Material wealth is a powerful expression of social power, so it's no wonder that many guys are trying to keep a beautiful car despite being always in need. Think about what you can do to improve your quality of life and highlight your strengths.
    • The most basic and perhaps most helpful way to demonstrate social power is to show confidence. With a determined demeanor in your words and actions, you can show that you have nothing to fear from other guys, and this will give you a strong look. So it is often said that confidence is everything in dating. Be confident, and the rest will be just implementation details; Without confidence, you won't be able to attract girls.

  3. Be yourself, but be the best version. It is important not to be fake. Women are very observant and won't take you seriously if they feel you are playing someone else. On the other hand, women also have no intention of looking for a mess to troubleshoot. One of the greatest benefits of having a serious relationship is being able to freely share your worries and fears with someone who loves you, but at this point you haven't entered a relationship yet - You are sitting next to a girl wearing a funny T-shirt with a lovely smile. Don't lose your chance. This is an opportunity for you to show your strengths, not the time for a cute girl to hear you talk.

  4. Perfect body language. Body language does not just include standing upright posture and making eye contact: it is a complete combination of gestures to communicate without words. Body language is the first method that people use to convey emotional state, and it has become the most important "language" one needs to learn if one wants to succeed in a dating game. Here are the golden rules in this area:
    • More eye contact is better.
    • Smile every time you look into the other person's eyes. Don't look away without smiling.
    • Not staring. Try not to glance at a woman's body while you're talking to them.
    • Practice keeping your posture open: don't cross your arms and cross your legs, shoulders back, keep your head straight. This will make you appear confident, comfortable, and easier to get along with.
    • Don't mutter. Speak clearly and without hesitation.
    • Lean slightly towards the other person while talking. You can tilt your head slightly forward while sitting.
  5. Never forget: body language is a very effective way of communication, but not always clear. For example, people often touch the parts of their bodies they think are attractive when trying to seduce someone. A girl who constantly touches her lips or chest while talking to you might be tempting to attract you, but she might just be itchy. So don't rely too much on the signs you see.
  6. Learn this mantra:Now or never. Assuming a girl likes you, would you like her to confess to you now or three years from now? The feeling of girls is the same. This explains why guys who intend to win the hearts of women by gradually falling in love with her never seem to be successful. Women want a man to step in front of her and confess his feelings. If you really want to date, that guy has to be willing to take risks to take chances.
    • Even the girls who really like you are not sitting there waiting for you to invite you out. They may think you ignore them and decide to give up, or they may find that you are not very attractive because you never have the courage to offer.
    • When you feel like a girl but don't invite her out on the day you realize you want to go on a date, remember that you have at most a month to ask. Don't wait for the perfect timing.

Method 2 of 5: Flirting with a girl

  1. Prepare what you will say. Start by preparing the first sentence you will tell the girl you are interested in. It doesn't have to be anything interesting - just one story is enough. Try talking about the weather if you are outdoors or about interior decoration if indoors. While at the party, suggest something about the party or ask her how she is familiar with the host. You should prepare the topic before you start talking.
  2. Develop a conversation. If the girl reacts coldly, you have two options: give up or flirt right away and hope everything goes well. If she responds enthusiastically, this is your chance to let your conversation skills shine.
    • Chatting with someone you just met is a challenge for both of you. If you make a girl more comfortable, she will fall in love with you for it. Try commenting on innocuous details, such as the background music there. Give her honest comments and see how she reacts. Hear what she said and ask for more details. When you express your opinion first, she will feel secure when she agrees or disagrees with you.
    • Try not to turn the conversation into questioning with intense questions like, "What do you do?" "Where do you live?", "What school did you go to before?". Instead, turn the questions into expressions (like "Looks like you came from Hanoi" or "I guess you're an event organizer"). This will make you appear more brave and give her the opportunity to respond more naturally, so she can be more comfortable and enjoy the conversation.
  3. Use a sense of humor. Humor is everywhere, and finding someone who understands your witty jokes is a wonderful feeling. On the other hand, if someone turns you off, they may not like you or are not worthy of your pursuit, so joking is a great way for you to probe without having to clumsily ask directly.
    • Even if you think your joke is a bit confusing or strange for many people, don't be afraid to speak it up in conversation. If the girl likes it, she will respond and laugh when you joke, even if other people don't laugh.
  4. Praise so delicately. Your compliments should come naturally. The key to having a good conversation is talking about things you are both comfortable talking about. If you think of a way to compliment or flirt with her without stalling the conversation, just talk; If not, keep that compliment to yourself.
    • A woman's reactions to a compliment are usually approving (she's completely herself), disagreeing (she seems embarrassed), or complimenting you, although this is rare, most likely. is when two people just started talking. You need to prove to be a more interesting companion than to say bluntly that you find her attractive, as this is obvious - otherwise you wouldn't have come to know her and flirt. is that right?
  5. Express yourself. Girls often like guys who are confident and comfortable with being themselves. Never hesitate to answer questions about yourself honestly. Almost every girl likes a guy who bravely admits that he is building robots in the basement rather than the guy who is embarrassed or embarrassed about what he does.
    • Don't be afraid to say soft criticism (in the form of questions, such as "is that silly?" Is a good way to do this) or tease gently, just don't go too much. Girls will often appreciate a guy who shows interest but doesn't dazzle at her, because that means he doesn't stick around too quickly, making them uncomfortable. On the other hand, a guy who keeps his mouth open and makes fun of it is indecent and childish.
  6. Please girl's phone number. At the end of the conversation, say goodbye when the story is exciting and ask for her phone number. Say that you were happy to talk to her, but now you have to go home, go to work, or be busy doing whatever you plan to do. If she says she doesn't want to give you her number, graciously wish her a good day. If you get her number, call within a day or two to see if you can date her on the weekends.
  7. Prepare for your first date. The first date usually doesn't need a lot of quiet moments together. Avoid going to movies or music. Instead, suggest going to a place where the two of you have space to chat without spending too much money. Have an idea and a few alternatives ready; Almost every girl likes men to decide on a date.
    • If you know something unique that you think she likes, like renting a pedal boat, suggest it to her; Otherwise, you can invite her to lunch, coffee or drink somewhere. These options will give both of you a lot of opportunities to chat without being disturbed, and if you're lucky, you may have your first kiss.
    • Offer to be paid on your first appointment, but don't insist on paying it. Some women find the notion that men always pay is insulting and prefer to share or pay their way. You should spoil her liking.
    • Give her some space. This is only the first date, not the marriage contract. Once you've agreed on a time and place, don't call her back until you meet. You will have plenty of time to talk later.
    • If she calls and offers to reschedule, think positively of her - if she wanted to say no, she would have done this before. Be patient and flexible.

Method 3 of 5: Flirting with a girl friend

  1. Understand the risks. Luckily this is a slim opportunity, but keep in mind that it is less likely that she will switch from friendship to love just because you invited her out, even if she doesn't want to date. The bigger problem is probably yours, since you are trying to get ahead by offering a date. If you put all your hopes and wishes into this, you will most likely experience a great disappointment.
  2. Wait until it's just you and her. This can help you get confused in front of mutual friends. As long as she respects you with half your respect for her, you won't be embarrassed by her after the event. If she makes a fuss, then that person is not worthy of your pursuit.
  3. Invite her naturally. Don't say something in a hurry - just invite her out. Chances are you really love your friend, but just saying it doesn't change anything now, as that doesn't convince her to date you. It's best to leave that feeling in your heart and invite her as naturally as any invitation.
    • Make it clear that you want to date her, not just hang out normally. There is no point in hiding or making clear your intentions.
  4. Practice restraint. Regardless of the outcome of your invitation, you must be mature and polite. If she agrees - that's great, but now is not the time to put any responsibility on her shoulders. Anyway, the two of you still haven't had your first date. If she refuses, don't vent your disappointment on her. Instead, excuse yourself (she will understand), go home and close the door of the room and mourn freely. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Flirting with a colleague

  1. Understand the risks. Unlike in school, your chances of interacting with the girl you want to hang out with are much higher in the work environment, regardless of whether she agrees to date. Here you cannot simply ask another girl or wait for the term to end, and neither does she. When you understand the risks associated with your (and her) feeling of well-being if things don't go as they should, you can take steps to minimize your risk and ensure that your job is not working properly. You two are smooth no matter what.
  2. Teacher's child, your wife, the agency girl... Not unreasonable that people often advise men to avoid falling in love with these objects. The closer you are to someone, the more likely it is that dating or pursuing them can lead to noisy and troublesome things. This means that, if you can't help but date at work, choose a girl who doesn't work near or meets.
    • If you work at a large company such as a department store or large corporate office, try to target girls in other departments. That way, no matter what happens, both of you can continue working without being awkward.
  3. Show respect. Of course, respect is an essential element in every (realist) dating strategy, but the office environment requires extra attention. Put yourself in the shoes of a girl: She comes to work because she needs a job, she has no intention of looking for handsome guys in job interviews. Anything that puts additional pressure at work affects a girl's life. She couldn't quit her job just because she wasn't comfortable meeting her co-workers. Never put a girl in a worse position than it was before you asked for the invitation.
    • Be short and polite, and if you are rejected, don't try to force or continue to bother her. Even if you think your demeanor is friendly, the girl may not like you to continue to interfere with your life after she has refused. Let her be comfortable.
  4. Discreet. Many employers are dissatisfied with workplace relationships, as this often leads to reduced productivity and violation of rules (from extended breaks to quarrels and other annoyances. ). If you want to pursue a woman at work, don't reveal your intentions to others.
    • If you're still working as productive, your boss probably won't mind trying to flirt with a girl at work, even dating regularly. But remember: The workplace is primarily a place to work; everything else is secondary, no matter how interesting and important that is to you.

Method 5 of 5: Flirting with a girl on the go

  1. Understand romantic feelings during the trip. Maybe you're on the way home to visit your family but your mind wanders off somewhere, and then you suddenly find yourself sitting in a coffee shop next to a pretty girl. Maybe you're on a journey across the country just to find out what's going on out there before settling down. Flirting with a girl on the go is okay, just remember to keep things light, straightforward, and live in the present moment. If you value flirting on the go as well as elsewhere, this will only bring disappointment to both.
  2. Honest. If you feel like you have to lie or drop some information to bring a girl down, you are wrong. Pretending won't do you any good either. Furthermore, some women find the idea of ​​dating a guy "passing by" is quite attractive and interesting, because nothing is binding on them. You won't know this until you make it clear.
    • Trips often create a lot of conversation topics, so you probably won't have to fret about finding something to say. Just say you came here for a few days and asked for some information about the locality. Most of the girls would happily respond and add ideas, so the conversation goes on.
  3. Act fast. You don't have time to be shy or hesitant. You want a girl to date, an evening out with someone you just met and have a hard time seeing you again. That girl won't know what you think if you just try to "get to know" her all night. Instead of asking for her phone number, ask her to hang out with you right now, before you leave. Ask her if she knows where she should go and offer to pay (as usual). The key to flirting with a girl for a moment is to let her know what you want (a good night out) and do it right away.
  4. Fidelity. Don't chase another girl on your travels if you have someone at home waiting for you to return. It is cowardice and indecent, and you will be troubled a long time after. Imagine how you would feel if you knew that your girlfriend was spending the weekend with a guy a thousand kilometers away on a family visit while you were alone and hugging loneliness and I can't stop missing her figure. Not a single moment of fun or heatstroke is worthy of ruining an existing relationship.
    • If you believe you are ready to end the relationship, do the right thing and settlement before. Don't sneak behind your girlfriend like a coward. Once you officially become a single, you will have many opportunities to flirt with other girls.


  • Exercise - There is a day to sharpen iron. Dispel your fear of talking to women by treating every woman you meet in everyday life like any other. Talk to them like you talk to other men until you get used to the idea that women are just human like you and it's not scary talking to them.
  • Always treat her equally. If everything you do is just to please her, you may not seem confident. If you always treat her as if she is taller than you, she will dominate. And of course, if you don't treat her well, she won't even notice you.
  • If you have a date, find her on social media to see what she's interested in. Here's a great way to start a conversation on a date.
  • Relax. Remember that no matter what, you are both human. It is okay to be nervous, but act as tactful and confident as possible instead of letting the suspense turn into fear.
  • As with a performance, it's better if you slowly probe the audience's reaction instead of constantly playing tricks until you realize that no one wants to clap. In other words, do your best and stop. No one likes a wacky and inquisitive jerk. If you make an impression on the girl, she will let you know sometime.
  • There are girls who are always surrounded by satellites. Persistence, an optimistic attitude, and a gentle demeanor will help you stand out from others.
  • Sincerely praise her and ask for her number. Women often like men who are sincere and proactive.


  • Avoid acting too urgent or lacking confidence. That won't get you any more chance. The girls don't go looking for the poor and wounded animals to take care of themselves - they go to find a lovely and strong guy to share good times with. Remember that you won't be able to get someone else to give you something just by longing for it. Give her some compelling reasons.
  • Pay attention to your eyes. DO NOT stare at any part of a woman's body, especially if she is talking to you. Remember, looking at her while talking and staring are two different things. You need to avoid staring.
  • The emergence of the so-called "girl flirting" in recent years has led to a trend of flirting with girls with disdain for women and only for brief fun. After all, that "art" is just a crappy way to keep playing games of chance until you get lucky and get on a date.It is best to avoid these tricks, because it is disrespectful to women, moreover they are useless when you want to have a serious relationship.