Ways to Flirt

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Flirt For Beginners (9 Flirting Tips)
Video: How to Flirt For Beginners (9 Flirting Tips)


Flirting is basically half joking, half real showing that you're attracted to someone. If you're ready to flirt with someone, know if you are attracted to them, and vice versa! Starting flirting and putting yourself to the test may sound intimidating, but don't worry - restless around your friend. really Like is very normal, it can be completely overcome in many ways to attract the person to succeed. Whether you flirt via text, chat online or live chat, it's important to strike a balance between expressing your emotions and showing your attraction to your crush. If you want to know how to flirt and get to know someone, check out the following basic tips.


Method 1 of 2: Direct flirting

  1. Eye contact. Eye contact is a great and easy way to start flirting. You can look deeply into the other person's eyes, then look away to calm things down. Consider using the following:
    • Make him / her look at you. No need to stare, you just need to give the person a light glance. Continue until the person catches you looking at them. Hold the conversation long enough, smile, then turn away.
    • Make eye contact with the person, especially at meaningful times in the conversation (for example, when you are complimenting them).
    • Wink or raise eyebrows. It sounds a bit gimmicky, but it's quite effective if used properly. You can use this when you look at the person from across the room, or when you're talking in a group and you say something really meaningful to him / her.
    • For girls: when looking at a guy, slowly lower your gaze, then look up at him again through your lashes.

  2. Smile. When talking to that person, you will naturally laugh a lot, but we can actively use this "white pearl" to dominate even when the conversation has not even started. Smile at your ex when you meet him in the hallway, or when you spot him from across the room. No need to grin; just a simple and delicate smile. Try the following variations:
    • Smile slowly. When you are just looking and not talking, you should smile instead of grinning. The gentle smile is said to be very seductive.
    • Smile when you make eye contact. If you suddenly look into the person's eyes, accompanied by a Duchenne smile (genuine smile, makes the corner of the eye slightly wrinkled), the other person will sense that you are smiling without looking at your mouth.
    • Combined with "smiling eyes". Your face will light up when you smile.

  3. Communicate. You can introduce yourself first or maintain your mystery (optional). If you don't know the person yet, getting to know the person first (either way) is a great way to build a friendship. Don't be too nervous to say something awkward. Just saying "Hello", followed by an introduction or a simple question will be more effective and less awkward.
    • If the person doesn't know your name and you don't excel, try introducing yourself at some point. It's as simple as, "Hi, I'm. What's your name?" Friend right memorize their names. To remember longer, try repeating the same name after the person answers you. For example: "Quỳnh Anh, I like that name."
    • Or, if you want to be a little bit mysterious, start talking and introduce yourself. If that person really wants to know, he / she will actively ask questions or follow you.
    • If the person you like speaks a different language like Spanish, find out a few words of that language before starting the conversation.
  4. Start a conversation. Whether you already know each other or not, a conversation is the best way to flirt. Your ex will be impressed by your courage and confidence. Here are a few suggestions:
    • For someone you do not know: start a conversation. Perhaps the best way to start a conversation is to say something and end it with the question: "It's been so beautiful, I can't believe it has rained so hard afterward" or "This place is beautiful. huh?" What you say doesn't matter - you're essentially eliciting the person to talk to you.
    • For people you know: find common ground. If you have met the person, initiate a conversation based on common experiences or interests. For example, you could talk about a class you are both in. Again, the topic of the story doesn't matter - the important thing is that you are inviting them to interact with you.
    • Capture feedback. If the person responds happily, continue the conversation. If they don't respond or seem indifferent, then he / she may not be interested in your flirting.
  5. Keep things light. Don't bring anything too personal to chat. You can talk about the environment or TV program you just watched, and so on. Refrain from including personal information (such as religion, money, relationships, education, etc.) in the story unless the person prefers to argue in a peaceful intellectual manner. In general, it's best to avoid debating on topics that are personally relevant to each person (such as your own religion or that person), discuss topics where no one has a profound opinion.
    • There are more flirting opportunities if you talk about fun and engaging topics, such as pets, reality TV, or your two favorite spots. You don't have to be frugal, but be comfortable and avoid talking too deeply in the first place.
    • Be witty. Witty is to show a bit of innocence, such as teasing the person or saying something irregular and full of surprise, generally not taking it too seriously and not putting too much pressure on your own. force yourself during the conversation.
  6. Use body language to communicate what you want. Non-verbal languages ​​can actually express more of emotions than verbal ones, so don't forget to use them. Try the following expressions:
    • Hold the "open." Don't cross your arms or cross your legs, these are signs that you want to isolate yourself from others.
    • Point your body towards the person. Stand or sit with your face facing the person you are flirting with. Lean toward the person or point your toes in that direction.
    • Break down the "collision barrier". Start by touching the other person's arm while talking or "accidentally" getting too close and bumping the person lightly.
    • Play with hair (if you're a girl). Hair playfulness is a sign of anxiety. When talking to that person, if want He or she knows you're confused (meaning you care about them), roll a few strands of hair around your fingers one after another.
  7. Break the collision barrier. If this is your first physical contact, be careful not to let the person think you "meant". Maintaining moderate exposure longer than just chance at the same time does not embarrass the person. Don't hold your hand or arm, and instead try "inadvertent" gestures like pretending to brush the stain off the person's arm, touching the person's legs or knees (not stroking).
    • While they are not intentionally humiliating or embarrassing, they may refuse these touches, so if he / she is not ready for these types of communication, do not make them explicitly reject you. clear.
  8. Praise the other person at the start of the conversation. It may seem too early, but letting him or her know you are interested in dating before a close friendship begins is the easiest way to get around the "friends zone". Always confident and are not to miss an opportunity - because we never know whether it will ever come again. Here are some techniques you can apply:
    • Maintain eye contact while complimenting. Looking away while complimenting can make you seem insincere.
    • Lower your voice and speak softly. Compliments in a lower voice than your usual voice make the compliments more intimate and sexy. Also, since you speak a little too quietly, the ex will have to come closer to hear you.
    • Take your significant other's interests to your advantage. If you know the person is dating (or is interested in) someone else, you can use this as a basis for compliment.
    • Inserting compliments into the conversation. For example, if the girl you like is complaining about a bad day, you could say, "I hate seeing someone as pretty as you have to be sad. Can I do anything for you?"
    • Use good looks with caution. If you compliment her on her eyes, she will be happy. But if you compliment her on her curves, you run the risk of turning into a bad person in her eyes. So choose to be safe and praise based on her characteristics:
      • Eyes
      • Smile
      • Lips
      • Hair
      • Hands
  9. Keep your interactions short and sweet. Remember that the key to generating demand is scarce supply, so try to limit your interactions with your audience. Don't talk to him every day. Make it a special event that happens only a few times a week.
    • Don't let the conversation last more than 5 or 10 minutes. The longer you talk, the more likely you are to fall into a silent space.
    • Let the person take the initiative. After you start engaging and getting excited, take a step back and see if they're looking for engagement. friend or not. This can be a great way to motivate and gauge the person's interest.
  10. Finish the speaking. If everything has been going well so far and you want to get to know the person better then now is the right time to suggest an appointment. Here are a few approaches:
    • Ask him what his plan is for the next day. For example, "So, what are you going to do this Saturday night?" Try to ask this open-ended question instead of a "yes" / "no" question - you'll get more information that way. Don't ask the person about their plan right away tonight or even tomorrow. Try to schedule your appointment a few days apart so they won't see you being too eager.
    • Suggest a specific event and ask the person to go along. This is the best approach if you're trying to schedule a group outing. You could say, "We're going to the movies on Friday, would you like to come? I would be happy if you come with us."
    • Be frank. If you feel confident enough, go straight to the point without running around. For example: "I really want to date you out. When are you free?"

Method 2 of 2: Flirt by texting or chatting online

  1. Approach naturally. Don't let yourself be so nervous that you forget about basic communication skills. Instead, try to stay calm and gently initiate a conversation. If you've never chatted with this person online before, you can still find a reason to start a conversation, like asking about homework or talking about a sports team you both enjoy. If you are going to send the person your first text message, make sure they know who you are and don't feel awkward. Here are some ways to start a text chat or online chat:
    • "Hi ___, what are you doing?"
    • "Did you hear / know about?"
    • "How was your week?"
  2. Don't talk about yourself too much. We often feel most comfortable talking about ourselves because it's a topic we know well. Instead of chattering yourselfEncourage others to talk about themselves. However, from time to time you can insert some personal information about you in the direction that the person is speaking so they can ask a question about you. The key to communication here is to leave some interesting information that will make them want to get to know you.
    • You will achieve two goals: not only to keep the conversation going, but you can also get to know the person better.
    • You don't have to know the person first to use this tactic. If you do not know each other, you can ask:
      • "How was your day?"
      • "What do you usually do in your free time?"
    • If you know the person, focus on their passions or interests that you know. For example, if he is really into basketball, you might ask, "Did you watch last night's game?". Or if she loves reading, ask, "Have you read any good books lately?". These will be great start.
  3. Know when to push for more information. You can keep the conversation lively and interesting without going too deep into individual topics. You should only stop at general topics, such as asking his views on the charity run. Refrain from talking about topics like their family or close friends as it seems too deep and too early. You can have a funny conversation, flirt with the person, don't make them feel like you're getting into an interview or acting too serious. Here are a few ways to flirt for more information:
    • "So what are you going to do at home online or tonight?"
    • "What books are you going to buy at the weekend book festival?"
    • "I see a cute cat that often appears in your pictures. How old is it?"
  4. Praise the person at the beginning of the conversation. Don't skip this step - it may not seem easy, but it is extremely important. A tacit compliment tells them that you want to date and doesn't put you in the scary “friends zone”. If you ignore the compliments and keep the conversation friendly, you will miss your chances. Here are some basic compliments you can apply:
    • If the two of you do not know each other and are currently getting to know each other, please rely on this to praise. Say something like "It's easier to talk to you than I thought" or "I can't believe I'm getting to know someone as interesting as you."
    • Incorporate compliments into the conversation. For example, if the girl you like is talking about how bad the day is, you could say, "I hate seeing someone like you sad. Can I do anything for you?"
  5. Become courageous. If you don't have a suggestion that works for you, just give it a compliment. Refer to the following sentence patterns and choose the adjectives that best suit the person:
    • "Did you know that you are amazing / beautiful / smart."
    • "Sorry if this is too sudden, but I have to say you are amazing / amazing / beautiful ..."
  6. Don't be too eager. When you first meet, don't compliment the person too much. Leaving when they are not sure how much you love them will increase your attraction, giving you a mysterious curtain. It's not about making them wonder if you like them or not, it's about making them wonder how much you like them. how much. If you keep saying "I like you" or "I always find you attractive", you will become less attractive in conversation.
    • Instead of constantly complimenting your crush, send a note or a text that says something like, "You looked cute today in that sweater" or another kind and humorous comment. picture without clearly showing anything.
  7. Find a way to reverse the situation. Even though the purpose of flirting is to let your crush know that you like them, don't try too hard. Instead, give them enough praise to let them know you care, but they'll still wonder how much you care about them. To do this, express everything in an objective way rather than subjective. The following are examples of objective and subjective compliments:
    • "I really like your eyes, they're beautiful." On hearing that, the compliment sounds positive and can be appreciated. However, a common flaw in describing a romantic compliment is the constant use of the phrase "I like / love * add features here *", as such is like declaring to the person that they have succeeded in capturing your heart. This is great if the two of you have built a strong relationship, but if you are just getting to know it, it might make them think you're "too easily conquered".
    • "You have very beautiful eyes, they are very attractive." Although technically both sentences convey that you like the person's eyes, this one makes compliments more observant than personal. It implies that you find the other person attractive but does not immediately claim it. The listener will feel both proud and curious to know how attractive you find them.
  8. Gentle teasing. The downside of texting or online chat is that you can't use body language to express your emotions, so you'll have to use words to keep the atmosphere active. In the first place, make use of the implied jokes (based on the facts the two of you have been present) to tease ("Ah, it seems I saw a panda in the morning)", and exaggerate (" You do ten times better than me, if it were me, it would be much worse ").
    • Make it clear that you are joking. Limit the use of text to chat because we cannot always understand the feelings behind the letters. If you use teasing to flirt, make sure they know you're joking. You can use more emoticons, symbols or exclamation marks to confirm this. Just don't overdo the emojis or they'll start to feel ridiculous.
      • If you send them content that is more likely to be misinterpreted, make it clear. Add parentheses to captions like “(I'm kidding!)”.
  9. Makes the person want more. Of course you want to text them all day, but it's best to stop before the conversation becomes boring (since all conversations have a certain stop). The best way to avoid that is to stop first. Leave a cue about the next time that the person looks forward to the next chat.
    • Set up your next interaction before leaving. Say something like "See you tomorrow, okay?" Or "I'll talk to you later."
    • If you're chatting online, emphasize that you enjoyed the conversation before saying goodbye. It doesn't have to be complicated - it's just "Fun!" or "We've talked for a good time" is enough. If you are texting, you can skip this part.
    • Do not give too much praise. Your compliments will make more sense if you give them enough and appropriately. Instead of complimenting every single detail, focus on what matters to the person important, such as complimenting on a skill they are proud of.
  10. Don't make everything important. The spirit of flirting is fun, and if your efforts don't work, don't fail - not everything in the world is what we want it to be. Go over the negative and try again with someone else.Every skill will improve if we practice a lot, flirting is also a skill like that. Sometimes, people just flirt for fun, not dating.
    • Flirting can help you meet new people, feel more comfortable, and learn to socialize. You don't have to pressure yourself that flirting is serious or successful.


  • Do not complain while flirting. Remember, this world doesn't revolve around you. If you complain too much, other people will find you annoying and stay away from you. This is like self-disdain, which is not humility but a form of self-depreciation.
  • Limit your phone use (meaning don't text) while you are flirting with someone. This shows that you are interested in chatting with other people or that you already have a lover.
  • If you are flirting with a girl and thinking of breaking boundaries, try her reactions. For example: hold your hand out when she needs balance, when she gets in / out of a car, when she walks over a puddle or any other slippery surface. How does she respond to you when you reach out your hand? Grab or dodge?
  • Don't flirt with someone you don't really like, or know that person isn't interested in you. Otherwise, the two of you will have awkward time and uncomfortable interactions in the future.
  • Flirting is not possible everywhere. Funerals are not a place to be joking. Workplace also does not. If you flirt with someone at work, do your best and don't put it off if the person doesn't like you.
  • Should not arise any need. Needs are the precursors to phobias, and phobias are terrifying. Poor people are unbalanced and unsteady because their happiness is not a sure sense of self-worth but depends on others. If you get the feeling that you will be devastated if someone doesn't want to be your friend or lover, the mindset makes everything important and stressful.
  • Flirting must be appropriate to the circumstances. For example, it is difficult for you to converse much if you meet at a library or large hall. In this case, just smile, show a gesture of concern, and wait for a natural opportunity to talk such as when you go to get a drink or go out in the hallway. If you are so nervous that you do not dare to start a conversation and just follow them, you will look very weird. Go to chat as soon as you seize the first opportunity.
  • Try giving the person your contact information if you are afraid to ask for his or her information.
  • If the person really cares about you, they will call you. You can also give them an email address.


  • In some cases, flirting can become undesirable behavior, even considered sexual harassment. This behavior is illegal or at least violates your school or workplace policy and hurts the victim mentally.