Ways to Enjoy Your Holidays

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
My Summer Vacation
Video: My Summer Vacation


When was the last time you had a real day off? It's worrying if you can't remember it anymore, as health professionals all agree that vacations are important to keeping you happy, staying healthy and working more efficiently. Planning a day off is a great way to overcome any fatigue in your life or to get rid of all the "fears" you face every day. Whether you are alone or fortunate to have a companion during your day off, you surely find that it is not easy to enjoy simple pleasures during a day of complete rest.


Method 1 of 3: Take a break for yourself

  1. Get enough sleep the night before. Interestingly enough, to get a full day off, you have to start the night before! It is hard to enjoy the day off if you are tired of lack of sleep, if you have to take a nap in the middle of the day, it will take time to do other more important things.Try to get enough sleep the night before the day off - although everyone's sleep needs are different, adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
    • This does not mean you should only get enough sleep when you have a day off, but you should do the same on other days because lack of sleep leads to many health problems including obesity. and heart disease.

  2. Start your day by stretching your muscles. If you're like most people, when you roll out of bed, go to the bathroom or go to work right away without spending a little time. Instead, start your day more slowly today by taking the time to stretch your tendons first. Stretching will relax the body, increase blood circulation to the muscles, and help relax the mind at the beginning of the day. Plus, it merely makes you feel better so to start the morning properly don't skip this step.
    • If you like, you can stretch your tendons right in the bed before you wake up with your eyes open. Raise your hand and stretch your fingers. Flex your wrists and arms. Do the same with the other arm. Next are the toes, feet, ankles and both feet.
    • For added effect, listen to music as you contract your muscles and joints. The soothing melodies of the symphony, or the energetic fullness of dance music, will help you focus on stretching your tendons and will also help you feel better to start the day.

  3. Have a delicious breakfast. If you work an average of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. then it's very likely that "breakfast" refers to "anything you can grab before you leave the house". Make a difference today by taking the time to make a delicious and nutritious breakfast. There's no definite definition of a “perfect” breakfast - it's up to you what you want to eat, but here's a list of nutritious foods you can try for breakfast. me:
    • Two slices of toast with butter or jam you like; two eggs made the way you like; an apple or banana; sausage, bacon, or ham.
    • Don't eat a big breakfast. While you may enjoy sandwiches, toast, bacon and eggs at the same time, a full breakfast will slow down your body due to falling into a "awake coma. eat".
    • Consider having a cup of tea you like or a cup of pure roasted coffee with breakfast. A small amount of caffeine will provide you with the energy you need for an active day.

  4. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable with. A Vietnamese idiom says "The beauty is for silk, and rice is good for her stool". Don't wear a dirty t-shirt and dirty sneakers on this big day - it's hard to feel fresh and energetic if you look like someone just rolled out of bed. Instead, dress a little better than usual, like going on a date or meeting someone you really care about. Dressing up nicely will make you feel happier and more positive when you see yourself in the mirror!
    • Believe it or not, the clothes you wear will influence your actions and emotions. Studies have shown that wearing good clothes increases your confidence, increases your ability to attract people, and increases the quality of your work. And conversely, wearing casual clothing or disregard for personal hygiene is a sign of depression.
  5. Please exercise. Exercise is a great part of making your day look better - not only having a lasting health effect, but also improving your mood in the short term. Medical studies have shown that exercise helps the body produce happier and healthier endorphins. In fact, exercise is a remedy that is used to treat mild depression.
    • If possible, try to exercise outdoors (e.g. cycling, jogging, push-ups, etc.) Spending even a little time outdoors will improve your mood and help you feel better. respect yourself more.
  6. Pursue your hobbies. Everyone has their own things they love to do to bring joy to themselves and a sense of fulfillment. On the day off, set aside at least an hour to do things you enjoy. When you spend a little time pursuing your own interests, you will feel satisfied with your accomplishments, a feeling you might not have had in a while if you had to dwell on all day. a ton of work and life worries.
    • For example, if you love baking, try making a delicious batch of cookies. This will give you the opportunity to practice a skill you enjoy (and more importantly, be able to enjoy delicious cakes on your own). You can even try to show off your culinary creativity by altering your favorite recipe to create a new one - adding a little orange peel to your chocolate cake dough, for example. is a great taste match.
  7. Write a letter. In the age of email, smartphones, and social networking sites, handwritten letters have become quite scarce. However, writing and receiving letters will be a great pleasure. Take some time to make your day better by writing or typing a letter to your friend, relative or lover. You don't need to write anything special. Even simply writing about the feelings of your day and the things you plan to do can create a valuable opportunity for you to reflect on yourself (not only that the letter is the same). gift for the recipient.
    • If you don't know where to start, write about a happy event that you and the recipient of the message shared that will help you create the emotions for you to write. For example, when the two of you used to go fishing together, you could start with the sentence: “We went fishing yesterday so much fun. I'm trying to save money so I can go fishing with you again. ” Or you could start something like: “The fishing day was fun. Have you been fishing often lately? "
    • If you like, you can include pictures, photos or a small gift to send to the recipient of the mail. A little décor will make the recipient feel that you care about them and that you take the time and effort to email them.
  8. You can also take some time to read. This does not mean pursuing a hobby of solitude is not fun or rewarding. Spend about an hour before bed reading as a way to end a great day off. Reading at any age is fun. Make a more comfortable reading space by sitting on a sofa or in bed with a blanket and a cup of hot tea or cocoa. You can also sit with your pet while reading.
    • If you don't have a good book to read, go to a library or bookstore. Libraries are a great place where you can find any kind of book, old or new for a very cheap price, many have seating arrangements for reading or more cafes for you to have. can comfortably read new (or old).

Method 2 of 3: Enjoy Your Day With Your Lover

  1. Spray some perfume. If you want to take the day off to meet your lover, mark this special occasion by using some perfumes, or body deodorants, or post-beard lotion - especially if often. days you don't use these. A little scent makes subtle (but noticeable) differences that your partner will appreciate. Be prepared for things to come as studies suggest that scent plays a very important role in attracting the opposite sex.
    • To use perfume properly, spray a small amount on the wrist and a little behind the ear. Other locations, especially those with a lot of blood vessels, such as elbows or knees, are also good places to apply perfumes. Be careful not to overuse as you spray perfume rather than perfume baths.
    • Remember that many body deodorant sprays, especially those for men, often have a lot of heavy fragrance ingredients. In this case, do not add perfume after using deodorant. Too many odors will make the other person "stunned" with the smell rather than because of you and then there is nothing to be proud of.
  2. Let's go for dessert. Try browsing the local cafes or ice cream parlors to enjoy this sweet time. There's no need to have a snack before - as Ally Craig puts it in the movie "Remember Me": "I don't see the importance of waiting. I mean, what if I die while eating the main course? ” Eating together something you don't normally eat every day is a great way to mark this special occasion. It's fitting too - today is a "dessert" day for you and your partner to enjoy.
  3. Go explore. Enjoy the freedom by going to a place you've never been. Be it a simple place like going to a park or a wildlife sanctuary - with the right attitude, the two of you have a great chance to explore together. The singing of birds, the glimmer of sunlight behind the trees, and the smell of young grass will immediately cheer you up and give you the opportunity to relax and have conversations that flow from the bottom of your heart. What's more, walking has been shown to be a stimulating, mood-enhancing exercise that the two of you have a chance to share together!
    • If you live in a city or somewhere where there are no wildlife reserves close to home, you can still explore by walking around your neighborhood. You can greet the neighbors with a smile or enjoy this private time, it's up to you.
  4. Fruit picking. Going to the orchards (or into the forest) to pick fruit is also a great thing to enjoy. Pick the fruit by yourself, it will save money, make sure the fruit is fresher and more fun than going to buy fruit from the supermarket (not to mention that you can have an extra snack to take out). Fruit picking together is a great activity for couples, for example, you can compete to see who gets the most fruits or use the fruits you both pick to do together. a cake for example!
    • Depending on the region in which you live and depending on the time of year there will be different types of fruit to choose from. You can check ads or previous information to choose which fruit you will be picking this season - for example in an apple supermarket, which is sold all year round, but apple ripe for cumin is in the fall. .
    • Be careful - some of the plants you encounter in the forest can be poisonous, so if you're not 100% sure what you are picking, don't eat it. Wild berries, for example, are usually black in color, small in size, with a shiny shell, and look delicious but can be lethal if eaten in dangerous quantities.
  5. Collaborate on an art project. If you have never done it before, now let's explore your artistic ability with that person! Drawing, writing music, or making a little movie on your own is an intellectual way to spend the afternoon together. You might also discover something new about someone you love that you never knew before! For example, you never knew that your lover has a higher artistic eye than director Standley Kubrick. Even if the finished piece doesn't work out as you wish, the two of you will have happy memories to laugh at each other when it comes to the future, so let your creativity show through!
  6. Indulge in the spa. If the two of you have never been to a spa together, try it out together on the day off even if you don't normally go. Relaxing massages together or relaxing together with the sauna service are sure to make you feel fresh and youthful, especially good for you if you're feeling stressed. Even the world's most powerful man can go to a spa so don't be afraid if you've never tried it before!
    • You do not need to go to expensive spas to relax. If you don't have a lot of money, you can create a spa at home. Turn on the hot water in the tub, use the best soap and prepare body moisturizers and you are ready to have a private spa at home for two. You can light more candles for a more romantic atmosphere!
  7. Go shopping for antiques and clothes. Going to an antiques store together and paying the price to buy something is also a fun experience. You may not be able to find something you like (and sometimes you will even find "awful") but you will definitely find in a store a really beautiful outfit. Looking for antiques will be a lot of fun if you open up and you won't know what you'll find if you don't go looking!
    • There are many benefits to buying antiques or clothing, for example you won't be afraid that someone else might wear the same outfit as you - because you're the only owner of the shirt in the whole area! The shopping process is also more fun and attractive than holding money in the mall and buying designer goods.
  8. Sunset. If you have time, head over to a place where you'll be able to watch the sunset with your lover. Sometimes the happiest time is when both of them are silently hand in hand watching the sunset. This is a great choice if the two of you have had a long day full of fun activities. You don't always get the chance to be completely silent for a few minutes so remember to make the most of it!
    • You can go online to find out exactly what time the sun will set where you live. Usually just type in the area where you live and the date and you will know exactly what time the sun will set.
  9. Go dancing. You can end the day off by enjoying it together on the dance floor. Depending on your preference, you can choose the type of dance you want - rock or traditional as long as you like it! It's easiest to dance with people in a club or dance floor. If you are brave, you can dance at the park, at street crossroads, or in the backyard. You can also light candles indoors to dance if you want a more romantic atmosphere.
    • No matter how silly you look while dancing with your partner! Close your eyes, feel the music, and dance. Remember that you only want to attract the person you love, not the people around you.
    • If you're afraid to dance, don't worry! Many dance centers have nights dedicated to the amateurs or you can also go to dance classes to learn the basics. You can also learn to dance at a gym, gym, or school so check out the specific online information first if you want to learn.

Method 3 of 3: Enjoy Holidays with Friends

  1. Go on beach! The way to have a great and free day out is to go to the beach with your friends! If the weather is fine, the sea is the perfect place to swim, play volleyball, surf and other activities. Even when the weather is not very nice, you can build a fort on the sand or take a walk around the beach!
    • If you don't live by the ocean, you can also enjoy these activities elsewhere. For example, you can go swimming in the pool, fitness center or at school or you can play volleyball at the park or any other open space.
  2. Play sports. Soccer, basketball, volleyball or any other sport you enjoy. Pick up the ball, or the gear of your choice and head to the park with your friends and start a friendly match, for example. Or you can even create serious competitions, depending on the likes of you and your teammates!
    • Sometimes in casual games you also need to improvise your own device. For example, if you play soccer, you can use old pieces of cloth or put your shirt on the ground to mark the goal position.
  3. Watch a musical show! There is nothing better than going to a live music show. For a good night out, invite your friends to a concert near you, pay your tickets if needed, and enjoy! You will be able to experience the right performances while supporting the arts at the same time!
    • Music shows featuring famous singers are often quite expensive. So, if "your budget doesn't allow it," choose the cheapest or the free programs in the area. Film theater schools, city theaters often have cheap music programs that you can watch. While you may not be able to meet famous singers, at least you will have a good time with friends, save money and may fall in love with some new local singers.
  4. Go camping. Going camping for a day or two with friends is a great way to enjoy some time outdoors. Often the process of planning, preparing, and moving to a campsite is the best. Campfire, late night ghost storytelling, jungle trekking and other activities will be all the fun you can get while camping.
    • How you prepare to go camping depends on where you live. If you're not sure if you have enough tools, check out more information online.
  5. Do a craft project together. Building or drawing a picture, or making puzzles are fun things to do, even when you work alone or with friends. For example, join your friends for a day to complete a home remodeling project you planned for months ago. Or a fun project - you can check out the following ideas:
    • Decorate the meeting room
    • Build a small wooden house on the tree
    • Make clothes or make jewelry
    • Make your own skateboard (you can find the wheels and gear you need in grocery stores)
    • Gardening (pruning, shaping trees)
    • Car decoration
    • Make a five-star quality dish
  6. Do nothing! Sometimes the best day is when you don't have to do a thing. If possible, don't be afraid to lie down on a gaming chair or chat with friends if you have nothing important to be done. Almost everyone can benefit from enjoying simple pleasures without having to think too much - pleasure doing nothing.
    • Of course everything will pass very quickly. You don't want to rely on this method too much to have leisure time. The world around you has so many interesting things, and there are so many cool things you can do, but you won't get any experience if you spend all your time lying on the sofa. Please use this method properly!
  7. Open a movie screening at home. This is a great idea for cold nights. Although at any time of the year you can. Pick a movie that everyone agrees to watch, then invite them over at night with some food or drink of their choice. You can make extra snacks to share with friends at home such as popcorn. If you follow the suggestions above in this article that are to take the time to bake or cook, this is the best chance for you to share your achievements with your friends.
    • Ask your friends for a movie or two they like to watch so you can easily choose one of the many movies that you synthesize. Of course, you won't be able to show all the movies your friends would love to see unless it's only the two of you. Choose from movies that show the interests of most of the group.
  8. Be open to new people. What's better than hanging out with three friends? That is to find a fourth person. Don't be afraid to start talking to new friends you meet while hanging out with your friends - chances are you'll find a like-minded friend. Some activities will give you the opportunity to meet more new friends than others, but you can meet interesting people anywhere, so open your heart and mind and don't be afraid to recommend the Your relatives and friends with newbies!
    • For example, if you go to a concert with friends at a certain dance center, there may be times when you have to wait for the band to change clothes or prepare equipment before performing. In the meantime, this is a great opportunity for you to make friends with people who share your musical interests.


  • Please give a lot of compliments. If you praise others, you will surely receive many surprises; However, the biggest reward of giving is that you make the other person feel better, and that will make you happier.
  • Try to stay away from alcohol and tobacco. A little fine wine is a way to enjoy life; however, drinking a lot and getting drunk is an act of losing your dignity and showing your insensitivity to the world. Face the facts and seek joy from within. As far as tobacco goes, the better it is to avoid it, and it won't do you any good.
  • Don't eat junk food. You will feel better if you eat more fruits, beans and fish instead of junk food. Start your day off by eating foods that nourish your body and mind instead of those that make you weaker.
  • Know how to say please and thank you. A proper life is one in which you give your respect to others.
  • Anything must be slow. Always ask yourself for specific reasons whenever you are in a hurry or are in a hurry to do something except save a person.
  • Have a nice day everyone. Wish them a sincere smile and attitude.
  • Let's simplify all matters. Don't make inferences and don't make things complicated.


  • The suggestions in this article are a synthesis of ideas that you can choose from for implementation. Don't think that you have to do all of the above for a day unless you think you want to do the same and unless you are able to do them! It is recommended that you only choose one idea that you find most appealing, other ideas to save for next time.