Ways to Find a Good Man

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Steve Harvey’s Advice for Successful Women Who Can’t Find a Good Man | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN
Video: Steve Harvey’s Advice for Successful Women Who Can’t Find a Good Man | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN


Finding a good man is not easy for women, and actually men are not easy to find good women. This article looks from the perspective of a man to help women who are engrossed in finding the right man but always fail to the point of frustration.


  1. Be yourself. The first time you meet someone, it might be your natural reflex to play someone else to “show your best side”. There's nothing wrong with wanting to make a good impression, but you can go too far and lead to backfire away from you. This is also true of the myth of sexy dress up and over-flirtation. If you don't respect your body, you will only attract guys who also lack respect for you, and a good guy will hardly be serious with you. Be yourself, and a real man will treasure you.

  2. Have a life of her own. Hopeless, painful, and dependent relationships often stem from a longing for a man to fill life. Even if you don't respect yourself properly, do your best, and your self-esteem will increase over time. Follow your goals and focus on them, discover your passions, live an enjoyable life, do things that push you beyond the limits. Don't act tough to hide your shyness; Gradually learn to build trust in social relationships, so your boyfriend is not the only one with whom you open up and share your life. And first, believe in yourself. If you cannot trust yourself, it will be difficult to trust your man.

  3. Be comfortable and patience. Almost no man who likes his lover is sad, controlling, possessive, etc ... Learn to relax and be cheerful. We all have many things to worry about in life; so don't make a fuss about everything. Men lose interest if the woman next to them is a nuisance instead of a joy in life. Gestures like showing a sincere interest in your partner after a tiring day will gain your respect and win his heart, and a good man will return your heart. Remember that almost all men, especially good people, want to find someone they can feel comfortable around without stressing them all.

  4. Recognize the differences in communication. Men often fail to recognize the subtle cues they send with their body language. Don't judge a guy in this regard; Men usually do. Unrecognizable gestures like a smile will only make a man think that friend may like them without thinking that you really like him for fear of being seen as egotistical. To guide him, you have to step by step show "clear" body language like, playfully touching his arm, teasing, winking, telling funny stories that only insiders can understand, joke. play with, or tickle him (as he gets used to it). (Don't be afraid of such small mischievous acts - women who expect men's perfectionism will not be of much interest in their eyes.) Your flirting will not only tell the guy you like him, but it will also break physical barriers, making him more comfortable flirting with you. However, don't forget to take note of his reaction beforehand.

  5. Examine yourself. Psychological studies show that people often look for a mate to fill in an emotional void. Sometimes these gaps are unhealthy; For example, there are women who look for any man to demonstrate their "deadly charm" or just to be noticed and felt desired by a man. Examine your introspective and ask yourself why you need a man so much. Be honest with yourself, and if necessary, talk to a therapist about the problem. Problematic women will only attract problematic men, and a real man will not want to be involved in troubled women. If you want to have a good relationship with a good man, you have to make sure your psychological well-being and goals are healthy.

  6. Don't use tricks. No one likes the person next to them who always plays "wits". This behavior is false and will hurt those who trust you. Be sincere, don't play tricks, and a good man will respect you, maybe even pursue you. Do you still remember the principles of communication? This is very true here. If you like a guy, don't push him away and act like you don't like him. Please tell him. Yes, some guys like the thrill of chasing girls, but all Good men respect you and your wishes; They will not cling to bother you. Remember, men often communicate in ways direct; If you act like you don't like him, he will think it's true.

  7. Respect him in manners. This is the most important part. Men hate being around people who make them lose their “male character,” and good men won't waste time with people like that. Do not hesitate to help your man feel good about yourself. A little secret: Men as well as women, sometimes feel a lack of confidence. If you give him the chance to "be manly" in front of friends and family, you will win his heart and respect.
  8. Don't be afraid to proactively move forward. Be realistic: an ideal man won't plead with any girl; they also dream of an ideal woman. At the very least, he'll appreciate it when you praise you. But remember that compliments are usually only for acquaintances - close people tend to behave more naturally with mischievous jokes and teasers.Think about the relationship between siblings, parents and children, especially between couples - they often joke around, laugh, tease, and flirt happily. A woman who only compliments is often seen as boring and seems overly longing. Even if you're the classic type and don't want to be a "buffalo pole", you can actively talk to someone you like and arrange to be with him. But don't go too far; Unless the guy has been attracted to you before, the more you try without his encouragement, the more desperate and less attractive you will appear. You should try to create attraction first.
  9. Respect yourself. If you say "no", he will stop. If he doesn't stop, leave. Never be afraid to say "no" when necessary. Don't go against your moral standards just to keep a man. If you feel like you can't help but do that, maybe he's not a good man, or he's good but not right for you (like he has many choices at the same time and doesn't hide make up for that, but you want to find a serious and loyal relationship). Don't be afraid to nod either. If you feel the right time, believe in your own worth and do not worry that you "devalue". Respect yourself and be confident that he will love you even more! A man who does not respect you after the fun, will never respect you in the future; on the other hand, if the man cannot wait for your will, then he or she is not patient enough to be a good mate. In any case, you should go find someone else.
  10. Follow the "golden rule". This means you need to apply the same rules for yourself and for everyone else, including him. The good men are very observant; they just don't say it. For example, if a guy says he has a girlfriend and their relationship isn't going anywhere, stop! Think of it as a "test" of how you handle the situation, so take your stance and cut off contact (stick to the golden rule). For the second example, if you make fun of him and tickle him, don't be upset that he does the same to you. Don't say something like "What a man is needed!" or complain "that is man, that man" if you don't want him to treat you that way. Treat him - and everyone else - with respect, dignity, and honor. People around will recognize this, and maybe - if they know that you want to find a real man but haven't found one, they'll recommend one!
  11. No clinging. This means that you should not show your love by always sticking to your partner. He needs his own space and needs to know that you are not asking for their side at all times. Above all, he has to know that you have your own life.
  12. Find and read useful resources. If you want to learn more about how to find a good man, there are great e-books that can help: www.howtogetaman.org
  13. Don't lower your standards just because you can't find a good man. Respect yourself, and you will find someone who respects you. advertisement


  • Men often find work relationships cold and dry, but you can improve this by making yourself beautiful, graceful, and sweet. Using the art of flirting, charisma and facilitation, then there will be no shortage of excuse guys passing by every day and chasing you. Take care of your body with good nutrition, hygiene and exercise; why not? You can ask a cosmetologist and fashion stylist to improve your appearance.
  • A great way to meet someone is through other people or doing activities that interest you. One good advice: don't do any activities or join an association just to meet someone. If you meet a guy at a pub, chances are he's a binge-lover. If you meet a man in a church, chances are he is religious. The first impression is always important, so if you get the feeling that he is the kind of person who "likes to party" then that impression is difficult to change. This is similar to the first time you met him, it felt like he was the type of person who was always tense or joking.
  • Follow the "golden rule". If you want him to do something, you must be willing to do the same. Do you want him to invite you out or take me here or there or do something for you? You should also be willing to do the same, and don't expect him to do it first. Good men will value women who apply to themselves and others the same principle.
  • Listen to him and pay attention to his body language. Try to find common ground to keep the conversation going. Men like women who express themselves when around him as well as when there are many people around.
  • Your man has to trust you more than his friends. Understand that you have a good man means you have a man who trusts you more than anyone else.


  • Always set aside space for your man when he needs it - never interfere with friendships, family duties or his hobbies, like playing in a band . If you force your lover to choose - he will eventually be bored with you, even if at first he has chosen you.
  • Remember - interesting men are also looking for someone interesting. You need to make sure that you are not alone in your life.