How to Search by Date in Gmail

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Search by Date in Gmail
Video: How to Search by Date in Gmail


If you want to search for emails or chats by a specific date on Gmail, perform a simple search below. If you feel that that is not enough, you can check out some other advanced search terms.


  1. Go to Gmail search. On your computer browser, the search bar is at the top of the screen on any Gmail page. On mobile devices, you may need to touch the magnifying glass icon to open the search bar.

  2. Search for emails after a certain date. To search for emails after a specific date, type after: YYYY / MM / DD in the search bar, replace YYYY with year, MM with month, and DD with date. Example: Type after: 2015/03/29 to search for emails written as of March 29, 2015.
    • You can use words newer instead of "after".

  3. Search for emails before a certain date. You may have guessed that if you type "before: YYYY / MM / DD", you will search for all emails before that date. You are allowed to use words older replace "before" if desired.
  4. Combine the two ways to narrow your search. You can use both of the above searches in one search. Example: If type after: 2015/03/29 before: 2015/04/05 then the device will list all emails sent from the early morning of March 29, 2015 to before April 5, 2015.

  5. Try other related search terms. For more recent emails, no specific date is required. Instead, you can type older_than or newer_than. Here are some search terms:
    • older_than: 3d = email from the previous 3 days to the previous one.
    • newer_than: 2m = email in the past 2 months.
    • older_than: 12d newer_than: 1y = email from the previous 12 days to the previous point in the past 1 year.
  6. Add another search term. You can add regular terms and advanced search terms to the same search. Here are a few specific examples:
    • after: 2015/01/01 before: 2015/31/12 rock climbing will list the emails containing the words "rock" and "climbing" (leo) in 2015.
    • newer_than: 5d has: attachment will list all emails with attachments sent in the last 5 days.
    • before: 2008/04/30 from: Jenna dance will list all emails by April 30, 2008 from sender Jenna, including the word "dance".


  • Don't use the wrong date format. Example: If you type the date at the end instead of the beginning, no results will be displayed.