Ways to Learn a Woman

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways to Touch a Woman without CREEPING her out!
Video: 10 Ways to Touch a Woman without CREEPING her out!


Couple's time to learn is different from dating because it is a more traditional way of getting to know a woman, based on spending time with her in public, getting to know her, and finally giving Decide whether to get married in the future or not. Learning time is not required, however it is related to unselfishness, friendship, and commitment. Even though getting around time is more serious than dating, it still embraces the fun benefits of dating and helps you get to know the girl you like effectively.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare for learning time

  1. Study the differences between dating and learning time. Dating and learning time are vastly different, especially in modern society. Most dating can be very casual, and end without any serious commitment. You can date someone privately or date several women at the same time and many times just for fun. Research time is the serious commitment you make when you get to know a woman with the intent that this relationship will lead to marriage.

  2. Determine if you are ready. Since learning time is different from dating, it's not a whim but a serious step towards chasing a woman. Most of the time boys and girls learn to try to determine if they will get married in the future, so if you are not ready for this commitment it is best to date or single. .

  3. Understand the benefits of study time. While the time of inquiry may seem "outdated" or out of date, it is an opportunity to chase after a woman without worrying whether the two of you are a fit. Maybe you're tired of dating and ready to take the next step. Couple's time is a great way to do that.
    • You may not think that a relationship without physical intimacy would be uninteresting, but the benefit of time to learn is that you will truly get to know the woman without being distracted or confused about the something that usually happens when dating or having sex with someone. Getting to know a woman helps you have a lot of fun with creative ideas and understand her thoroughly through conversation and activities together, that will be a solid foundation for marriage.

  4. Get to know her based on a buddy background. Since a couple's time is more serious, do not rush to get to know a woman before determining that you like her. Go out with her with your group of friends, learn about her personality and personality, and determine if you like her.
  5. Get to know her family. Boys and girls' time to learn has many relationships with family and community, mostly because it is prevalent in the religion that promotes healthy relationships. Getting to know the girl's family will help you decide if you want to be with her. Research her family's values ​​of life and determine if you are the right piece of the puzzle for her.
    • Families will be different, and some families will not need to know much about you before you get to know their daughter, but others will value men's participation in the family because they want to. know if they can trust you before allowing your daughter to spend more time with you.
    • If you are older and she has moved out of her own home, participation in the family will no longer matter. However, you will need to talk to her to make sure you don't go beyond any limits.

Part 2 of 3: Learn a woman

  1. Be honest with her. Before you start getting to know a woman, you will need to let her know that you like her and that you are serious about future marriage. Make sure she thinks like you do, and ask her what she wants in the relationship.
    • Not all a couple's time is serious and sometimes it feels like dating, except that it's unique and more serious. If you're not ready to pursue marriage, make sure the woman you're looking at has the same mindset to avoid disappointment or confusion from either of you before you begin investigating.
  2. Ask her father's permission. This is an important part of her time to learn if she takes it as a serious commitment. Since research time is often related to a relationship with a family or counselor, getting her dad's permission so you can get to know her is essential to gaining family trust and approval. her family.
    • Maybe you need to make sure she really likes you before asking her father's permission, as you'll need the courage to go to her dad and tell her you like their daughter. It would be a shame if she says she doesn't have feelings for you.
  3. Get to know her in public or in private. Depending on the type of inquiry, you will want to spend time with her in a place where you can truly get to know her through appropriate conversation and activities. Some sort of research between a couple is only done around people, meaning you will only spend time together with groups or family. However, other cases are done privately, meaning you still spend time in public like a coffee shop, but only the two of you date.
    • Outdoor activities will be interesting ideas for dating in public, such as kayaking on a lake, picnic at a park, watching a movie with a group of friends, visiting tourist attractions in town , learn a new hobby or sport, or go to a local theme park or zoo together.
  4. Romantic and flirting with her. Just because research time often involves mentoring and interacting with other people doesn't mean you can't be romantic with the woman you explore. Create a creative idea for your date, praise her, and show that you love her personality and personality.
    • Romance for a woman is also related to how you treat her in front of others and your desire to please her. Some women want to do everything themselves, but one of the best ways to show that you care about someone is to help them. Caring for her by doing many things and helping her during difficult times will be one of the most meaningful ways to convey your feelings.
  5. Refrain from expressing strong emotions if you don't already have those feelings. Emotional intimacy is just as strong as physical intimacy in a relationship, so it sometimes needs limits. Before you say "I love you", think about whether you really feel it. Don't lead or make a girl believe you are in a different emotional phase when the truth is you aren't ready.
  6. Decide your body exposure limits. If a couple is more serious about dating and looking towards marriage, they will often be more cautious about rushing to have sex. Discuss with the girl you are trying to find out what she thinks is the right body exposure limit. Remember that the time to get to know a couple often comes before sex.
    • Some studies do not even allow kissing, meaning that the couple has decided to save their first kiss for the wedding day. However, in other cases it is more normal and allows physical touch when getting to know each other. It is important to discuss this with the girl you know as you need to make sure that you are on the same page.Don't go too far and let her down, but don't let her wait and wonder when you'll come to touch her.
  7. Make friends with her friends. Since some group appointments happen, you need to get to know her friends, and show that you want to be a part of her life.
    • This does not mean becoming her best friend. Get to know her friends and be friendly, but understand the appropriate limits. If you become best friends with her friends and when the time for getting to know is over, it will be awkward for the two of you to continue your friendship.
  8. Seek guidance for the relationship. A couple's time is serious, and you will need advice from wise people on how to maintain a relationship and care for each other. Having a relationship counselor or support person will also help you to be responsible and ensure that you are acting on the original intentions you told her.
  9. Inform her of the state of inquiry. One of the worst things is to make a girl wonder what you are thinking or feeling. Make sure you have conversations about your relationship intentions and your feelings from time to time. This will give her a sense of security and help her enjoy the affair without worrying about the next step. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Deciding if marriage is the next step

  1. Talk about your future goals. Now that you've taken the time to get to know her, it's time to determine if you will be together for the time being. Talk about your wishes for years to come. You need to make sure that the two of you have the same mindset so that you won't be surprised if she wants to have her own life in the future. Let's focus on a few questions:
    • Do you want to spend time focusing on your career?
    • Do you like to earn high income?
    • Would En want a large family, or just a small family?
    • Do you want to travel or settle in one place for a while?
    • How much time do you hope to spend with your family?
  2. Discuss your wishes with your family. Humans have desires and values ​​that they hope to have in their future families, so it is important to discuss this to find out if the two of you are suitable for marriage. First, determine if you two want to have children, what you hope your family will be like.
    • Some of the important things to discuss are how many children you want to have, whether one of you wants to stay at home to care for the children while the other is working, or if you want your children to be raised in any religion Do you want to be the kind of indifferent or overly concerned parent.
    • It may be difficult to ask this question, but you need to talk about your views on divorce. If you feel that a divorce is okay but the woman you are investigating doesn't agree with or the two of you have contradictory thoughts, this may be a signal that you shouldn't marry. You need to make sure that the woman you are marrying has the same values ​​of life as you, in order to minimize marriage conflicts.
  3. Take a financial harmony course. This may seem strange, but money and finances can be one of the most stressful things in a marriage, and it can be really helpful to learn about your partner's financial habits before marriage. you can speak up of any problems or concerns. You can usually find these courses at your local church or regional organizations.
  4. Decide if the two of you are suitable. Hopefully some of the topics above will help you determine if you are suitable for the woman you explore, but the match may also lie in personality and personality. If you find that during your time of research, your opposing personality causes you two to quarrel a lot, or if you don't like her way of life, marriage won't be the best route for you.
    • Even though a couple's time of learning happens with the intention of marriage, not all research has a beautiful ending. If you are straightforward in the relationship and realize that marriage is not for the two of you, you will need to end your research time. Have a nice conversation, explaining why you think you are not a good fit in the future, and you appreciate your chance to get to know her. Make her understand that it's not all her shortcomings, it's because you two don't match.
  5. Ask her father's permission. If you have considered and discussed any of your potential concerns with her and have decided you want to pursue marriage, the last step is to ask her father's permission to hand her over to you at the ceremony. This may seem outdated, but in general, when you get to know a girl, asking for her father's permission is seen as a symbolic gesture that shows you respect him and want his approval. advertisement