How to approach stray dogs

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 4 July 2024
How to Approach a Stray Dog
Video: How to Approach a Stray Dog


Stray animals can be quite dangerous, and keep in mind that they may be afraid of you. If you accidentally scare the animal, it can become aggressive. To reach stray animals, you will need to follow the steps below. Your pet will learn to trust you and be able to be tamed as a pet.


Part 1 of 2: Attract your dog's attention and reach out

  1. Watch for your dog to be aggressive. These dogs are displaying aggression through body language. Behavior that may include eyes that are wider than normal, with lips showing teeth, ears raised and forward, a slow, stiff tail, erect spine, and more. . Watch for any signs of aggression and do not approach a hostile dog.

  2. Avoid prolonged eye contact. You should look at the dog's body instead of staring at it. This is a sign of domination for this animal. They see this as defiant and assume you want to go to war. In general, avoid making eye contact with your dog for this reason, and you may also frighten him.
  3. Be wary of dogs with symptoms of rabies. This is a disease that can affect all mammals, including dogs. Wild dogs are restless, fearful, and aggressive. They can bite or sniff anything they come across, such as people, other animals, or even objects. Rabies is spread by the bite of an infected animal, and an infected dog can lick or chew the infected bite. Dogs can also have a fever and have very sensitive vision, hearing, and touch. You should then stay away from the animal and call a therapist to take it away.
    • Rabies often have paralysis of their jaws and / or mouth, so they often have a bubbly mouth, a common sign of rabies.
    • A rabid dog is also often disoriented and has convulsions.

  4. Get the animal's attention. Usually, you can get the stray dog's attention by clogging your tongue to make a sound or by talking softly to it. Do not startle or fright your dog, as it will become defensive and more likely to attack you. Move slowly, keep your attitude calm, and use a gentle voice to not frighten your dog and ensure your own safety.

  5. Approach the animal slowly. After you have attracted the dog's attention, approach slowly with a crouched position to lower your body height. This technique helps the animal to be less afraid of you. As noted above, the less fear an animal has, the more likely you will be able to approach success safely and effectively.
    • Do not lower down in a crawl, as this can make it difficult to run in the event of an animal attack. Should only reach within 3-4 m range.
  6. Allow the dog to approach you. Once you get close, let the dog approach you automatically. You can encourage him to come forward by gently calling and reaching out if he is interested, like wagging his tail. Gently pat the ground in front of you, or bring a food that smells appealing like tuna or canned food to lure them closer.
    • Reach out with palm down. This behavior is less frightening for the animal, and also reduces the risk of the animal biting your finger.
    • Observe your dog's body language if he does not come close. You can walk slowly towards the animal if it is friendly but still shy. Be very careful because your dog may be scared when you get too close. They may run away, or understand your movement in a different sense and attack you, so be careful.
  7. Stay calm and step back slowly if the dog growls or bared its fangs. You must not run away because they will see this as an act of chasing, or worse, incite violence. Do not turn your back on the dog, but withdraw slowly.
    • Do not look the dog in the eye.
    • Move slowly and gently.

Part 2 of 2: Let the dog get to know you

  1. Let your dog sniff your hand. This allows them to recognize your scent, an act of shaking hands with people. Don't move around while your dog sniffs your hand.
  2. Move your hand to another part of the dog. Allow them to finish sniffing the hand, then slowly move the hand over their shoulder. Do not pat your dog's head, as this may scare or bite him. Remember that animals don't like being touched to special places, so take it slowly and let the animal let you know if your action is acceptable, etc.
  3. Checking the card. Wait until the animal is comfortable and secure, or try to leash them or put them in a yard with a closed fence, then check the identification. Speak softly and move slowly to avoid frightening or startling your dog. If your dog does not have an identification card, you should contact your local rescue center, veterinarian, or the animal shelter. Alternatively, consider bringing the dog home if it agrees to go with you or is in a friendly manner.
  4. Check the dog's implant. Nowadays dogs are often implanted with chips that include an identifier to find an owner. You can look to a vet or rescue center that has a scanner to detect chips. If the dog has a chip, you can contact its owner. If not, you can post a stray dog ​​find, post it on the internet or newspaper, or consider adopting a dog. advertisement


  • Do not put the animal in a corner. They will feel forced into a dead end and have no choice but to attack.
  • Even if the animal determines you are harmless, this does not mean that you can move suddenly without scare.Note to move slowly.
  • If you cannot trust the animal but still care about its life or safety, the best thing you can do is contact your local animal rescue. They will advise you on how to gain the trust of the animal.
  • Try using basic commands to see if the dog can understand them, like sitting, staying still, etc.If they do, this means the animal has been with people in the past.
  • If your dog has foam on his mouth, stay away as he may have rabies. Call animal control right away.
  • Do not approach a dog that is aggressive. Signs of aggression include erect tail feathers, a curled lip that growls, head bowed, tail stiff and slowly wagging.
  • Be extra careful when feeding stray dogs.
  • A strange animal that is frightened and may get sick or injured may act unpredictably. Just a sudden move, even opening the car door, can scare the dog and run away, even on the highway. If the animal appears or acts aggressively, or you feel insecure, stay in the vehicle.
  • Always be patient because dogs need time to understand that you are here to help or love and not harm them! At first the dog won't know what you want, so take small steps to express what you want and why there.


  • Make sure the dog is not sick and is fully immunized by checking the vaccination card.
  • Make sure the dog doesn't bite you, or you could get sick.
  • Be extra careful when approaching strange animals. If they go astray, they may not have been in contact with humans for a while, and will not hesitate to attack if they think you are harmful.
  • Be aware of how to build trust in animals as you could be in a dangerous situation.
  • Do not let children get near the dog.