How to believe in yourself

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach
Video: How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach


At times, believing in yourself is not an easy task, especially if your mind is forming negative emotions, such as when you feel you are useless, or you don't deserve it. Only when you realize that the opposite is true, can things become easier. If you have a hard time seeing yourself and realizing the wonderful qualities you possess and all the great things you can do to make the world a better place, you have may take some technique to learn to trust in yourself. You can write a list of achievements you have achieved and set your own goals for the future, you can also make friends, conduct great discussions, refresh your views on Look for opportunities to capitalize on your skills, and you can take more care of yourself to rebuild your confidence. Keep reading this article to learn how to help you be confident in yourself.


Method 1 of 3: Cultivating a Positive Perspective

  1. Make a list of your accomplishments in the past. Writing a list of your accomplishments will help you begin to believe in yourself. Sit down and make a list of all the things you feel that you have excelled at at some point in your life. Include even the tiniest activity, like setting up an IKEA furniture or organizing a party for a friend or family member.
    • After you have set up a short list, try to find patterns in the activities you did. Proceed to identify the tasks that you successfully completed so that you can better understand your own skills.
    • Once you have identified the skills that will help you get the job done, start making a list of them in a separate column. You can also make a list of everything you admire about yourself in the third column.
    • For example, if you find that you excel at taking care of a dog or a cat, this means that you are a compassionate person. In this case, look for activities where you can use your skills - like volunteering at your local animal help organization.

  2. Chat with people who love you. If you have trouble recognizing your own good qualities, you can always talk to someone who loves you. Sometimes we don't perceive good qualities in ourselves, but someone who loves us will never have trouble identifying them.
    • Say things like “Recently I feel like I'm not good at anything, but I'm trying to overcome it and define my skills. What field do you think I'm good at? ”.

  3. Find a goal you believe in. If you are trying to please others, it will be difficult for you to believe in yourself. Make sure you look for goals and plans that you love and that you truly believe in. Your passion for them will help you work harder to find out how far you can go.
  4. Set realistic goals. Setting realistic goals will help you have confidence in yourself and confidence in your ability to accomplish things. Remember to make sure that you pursue a goal that matches your skills and is feasible. For example, if you decide that you want to work towards fulfilling your long-term goal of becoming a veterinarian because you have the skills to care for animals, you can start by setting Set small viable goals such as enrolling in the veterinary assistant program. Once you accomplish it, you can move on to a different goal that can help you move closer to achieving your long-term goal.
    • Prepare to be ready to step out of your comfort zone all the time. Even though you've set realistic goals, you'll also need to do things you don't normally do in order to achieve your goals.
    • After you've set a specific goal, work hard until you achieve it. Don't give up on a goal just because it is becoming difficult for you to accomplish. If a goal seems difficult to accomplish, try to break it down and focus on one at a time.
  5. Take a look at yourself at the end of the day. Self-reflection is an important part of self-improvement. This process will help you summarize the tasks that you successfully completed and the ones where you need to work harder. Take a few minutes at the end of the day to reflect on your experiences. If one day you realize that you didn't accomplish as many goals as you hoped, try to learn from the situation you were facing to avoid repeating any mistakes you made. right.
    • For example, if you are unable to wake up in the morning to go hiking as you have planned, you may find that you often have difficulty motivating yourself in the morning. Have multiple alarms set up, and maybe position them a bit away from your bed so that every time you want to turn it off, you have to get out of bed. Or you can also plan to go hiking for a different time of day instead of trying to force yourself to do it in the morning.
  6. Always remember to be patient. Sometimes we feel like giving up because we realize the likelihood of what we are doing, however it's perfectly normal to have difficulty doing something the first time. Instead of blaming yourself for making a mistake, allow yourself to run the tests without worrying about the consequences. Some of the most successful inventors have shown that improvisation requires you to have a "flexible" mindset, as opposed to thinking associated with a single goal. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Promote Good Habits

  1. Connect with people. New perspectives in neuroscience emphasize the importance of relentlessly motivating and re-establishing relationships with others to support brain function. As such, we will not be able to change our habits without being aware that our behavior is limited, or dependent on, by those around us.
    • If you find that people often turn to you for advice, but you rarely find someone you can talk to when you are unhappy, in this case, you are acting as a nurturer in the your group of friends. It's not wrong to help others, but you also need to take care of yourself.In fact, sometimes we help others more than we help ourselves because we are so used to it. Think about why you are inclined to help others and see how this action affects you.
  2. Build yourself. Learn to think positively about yourself and your own behavior. Deal with the negativity by identifying two of your strengths each day.
    • Make sure you deal with any ineffective thought that comes to mind. If you find that you are starting to have negative thoughts such as "I am a loser", "Nobody likes me", and "I can never do something right", stop and confront your own thoughts. The more you practice to think positively, the easier it will become.
    • For example, if you find yourself having a negative thought such as, "I'm really bad at math," reframe your thinking in a more positive direction, like, "Math is hard, but I'm trying hard and making progress ".
  3. Find ways to constantly develop yourself. Sometimes you can feel bored and not sure how to go on. When you encounter this, take a deep breath and try to focus on reality. People often focus too much on the negative things that make us forget the good things in life. All you need from time to time is to change the scenery, or perhaps change your daily routine.
    • If the fear or despair persists, see a therapist or psychiatrist.
    • Find ways to change your usual habits or behavior. For example, if you feel that you are surrounded by negative people, you can join a sports club or other clubs in your area to meet new people.
  4. Actively. Procrastinating, or procrastinating on a task just because it's difficult will make you more likely to fail. When you don't have much time to complete a task, you will rush and miss a few details. Instead, get things done on time as this gives you more time to get them done best! Completing small tasks can help you believe that you can achieve greater accomplishments.
    • For example, you may need to wash a lot of dishes after a meal but decide to put it off to watch your favorite TV show. But before you can watch TV, some other needs may arise, such as needing to go out and fix the TV or the bill you just received goes wrong, and these will leave you behind. the longer you have to delay washing the dishes.
    • Instead of allowing everyday tasks to pile up, work on them as soon as you think about them. This can be difficult at first, but after a while, they will become instinctive and you will be able to get through your daily tasks quickly.
    • If you have chronic procrastination, you may need to see a therapist or psychiatrist. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you get rid of this procrastination.
  5. Focus on the positives. Psychologists have shown that we often focus on negative comments about ourselves and ignore the positive ones. We also tend to think that other people pay more attention to ourselves than they are. Try to remind yourself to focus on the positives rather than the negatives. If you find that you or the people around you are getting too harsh on yourself, make a few changes.
  6. Perform difficult tasks. If we just like to choose the easy path, we will easily think that we are not able to do the harder things. You can show yourself that you are ready to take on the challenge simply by: accepting the challenge. Take on commendable tasks, even if they can be difficult. You can do it! Remember that you can always break a difficult task down into smaller, easier tasks to tackle.
  7. Practice expressing your own thoughts. When things are going on around you, and you have an opinion or know a better way to do something, speak up! Don't simply accept everything. Actively participate in solving the situation. This will help you show people that you are able to control and express your needs or passions to them. Expressing your thoughts will also help you get acquainted with people who have similar aspirations and interests to you. These are important for you to feel more comfortable with your surroundings, and scientific research has also shown that this is a necessary step towards developing confidence in your practice. according to your own needs and wants.
    • For example, if one of your coworkers often tells inappropriate jokes about women, find a way to express to him your concern about his jokes with an attitude. fit. You can just say, "Your jokes offended me because they joke about serious matters." Your discussion can get quite heated, but if you keep practicing how to express your views on important issues, such as gender equality, things will turn out. easier.
    • If you often feel anxious about how other people will understand what you say and this often causes you to not express your thoughts, try to break the habit. Practice expressing your thoughts and feelings without worrying about how others interpret them, which means you may have to deal with misunderstandings that arise when communicating with. others.
    • If a misunderstanding occurs, don't hesitate to talk about your personal growth, especially about the times when you learned how to communicate with people due to cultural differences. It is important for everyone to realize that misunderstanding arose not because of anyone's fault, but rather an opportunity for people to develop and learn more about how to express unique emotions. of each person.
  8. Helping others. By helping others, we will form a better view of what we can do and help us feel better about ourselves. Helping others through volunteering or daily acts of kindness will bring you a sense of fulfillment. It will also give you the opportunity to use and develop your skills. Helping others will help you feel more confident than ever. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Take care of yourself

  1. Pay attention to appearance and personal hygiene. You will be able to trust yourself easily if you feel confident about your appearance. You can ensure that you look and feel your best by maintaining personal hygiene and daily grooming. You need to:
    • Shower
    • Hair styling
    • Cut or file your nails
    • Shave or keep your beard neat (for men).
    • Brush your teeth (2 times a day)
    • Use deodorants, scented lotions, and fragrances to keep your body fragrant.
    • Wear comfortable and respectful clothes
    • Make up in a way that highlights your best features (for women)
  2. Nourish your body with healthy foods. The food you eat every day will affect your body and mind. If you take the time to prepare a delicious meal for yourself, you will feel better than just eating a bag of chips and a can of soda for dinner. Remember to contribute to improving your overall health by eating healthy foods.
  3. Exercise every day. Exercise has long been known for its ability to reduce stress and make people feel happier, but few studies have also shown that exercise can help increase levels. your confidence. Remember to exercise for 30 minutes a day so you can take advantage of the health and mental benefits it provides.
  4. Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can worsen shyness and other negative emotional tendencies, so it's important to get enough sleep each night. Being shy and negative will make it difficult to trust yourself. Try to get 8 hours of sleep each night to avoid these harmful effects.
  5. Relax every day. Remember to take a moment to relax each day. Incorporating methods such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, aromatherapy, and other relaxation techniques will keep you away from negative thoughts and you will be able to easily believe in yourself. Find what works for you and add them to your daily routine.
  6. Maintain a comfortable living environment. Your surroundings can also affect the way you feel about yourself, so it is important that you maintain a clean and comfortable living space. Keep your home (or at least your room, if you live with someone else) clean and attractive. Organize meaningful objects around the room to encourage yourself. advertisement


  • If you find that you still have problems with your self-esteem despite all the efforts you have made to improve yourself, consider seeing a psychologist for help. You will probably need more help than you think.