How to convince you that you are happy when you are alone

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kylie Minogue - Confide In Me (Video)
Video: Kylie Minogue - Confide In Me (Video)


Many people have a hard time feeling happy when alone. If you are single or find it difficult to be happy alone, you may experience negative emotions like sadness, loneliness, anger, fear, or depression. Loneliness can have many negative consequences for your mental health, physical health, and cognitive function (ability to think). To believe that you are happy and happy when you are single, you may need to know yourself, use techniques to increase your happiness when you are alone, and improve your social connections.


Method 1 of 3: Understand yourself

  1. Trust your emotions and instincts. If you are dissatisfied with being alone, there is a reason for this feeling. People may feel negative when something is not right with their surroundings. Therefore, you may be sad that you are alone and make an effort to reduce your feelings of loneliness, or you think it is better to be alone.Trying to convince yourself of something that is not true (like you are happy alone) will not work and can even make the feeling worse. Instead of trying to convince or deceive yourself that you are happy, do the things that really make you happy.
    • See your feelings as useful information. The next time you feel dissatisfied with being alone, trust this feeling. Tell yourself "I trust my feelings. I'm not happy being alone. I can try to change this."

  2. Understand your values. The values ​​you value control your behavior. If you understand your values, you can get to know yourself better. It can increase the likelihood of you being comfortable alone.
    • Pay attention to your culture and traditions. If you stick with a cultural or spiritual tradition, think about how you can do these activities while alone.
    • Make a list of the things you value in life (thoughts, material possessions). This list can include things about family, friends, home, beliefs, honesty, love, respect, culture and religion. Reflect on how you honor these values ​​even when you are alone. Are there any goals for you to work towards with regard to family, home or religion?

  3. Discover and show off your personality. To feel satisfied with being alone, you first need to accept and love who you really are. If you're not comfortable with yourself, you won't want to spend time alone and feel you need others to distract or acknowledge you. You are an interesting and unique individual. Take time to get to know yourself and increase your confidence.
    • Knowing who you are means knowing what personality traits you possess. Try writing down the positive traits you have like being sociable, kind, compassionate, enthusiastic, passionate, loving, and empathic.
    • Do something to express yourself. You can change your hair color or do something else that makes you feel different and stand out from the crowd.
    • Focus on strengths. Focus on the positive rather than the negative. For example, even though you don't sing well, you can be very good at acting. Make a list of the things you do well like socializing, painting, dancing or playing an instrument. Think about how you can participate in these activities while alone.

  4. Work out a possible goal. Purposeful living is associated with happiness and well-being. Without a goal to aim for, you may find it very vulnerable to be alone and think life lacks meaning or meaninglessness.
    • To find out what your current goals are, think about how you want others to remember you in life. Do you want people to remember you as someone who helps others, supports the poor, writes great books, is a good person or owner of a business?
    • Another way to set a goal is to meditate on and consider the values ​​you value. Your goals will help you move closer to your values. For example, if you value family, perhaps part of your goal is to have a family and cultivate a home.
    • Remember that you are not limited to just one goal in your life. You can have as many goals and as different they want. Write down all of the goals you have for a stable career, places you want to explore or travel, and the kind of home life you want (children, etc.).
    • Focus on your accomplishments and efforts. For example, if you're really concerned about your lack of ability (perhaps singing), you can take the course to sing better.
  5. Understand the difference between the two concepts: alone and alone Alone does not mean you will be alone. In fact, you don't even need to be alone to experience loneliness. Loneliness can be described as a feeling of social alienation or dissatisfaction with relationships, and is often the result of a person telling themselves, "Nobody likes me".
    • Loneliness is often triggered by an emotional outburst, from the breakup or death of a loved one to a friend not taking the call when you call.
    • If you are feeling lonely, acknowledge that you are not feeling well and ask yourself, "What can I do to stop feeling lonely?"
    • Instead of activities that interfere with social cohesion or productivity, like sitting in front of the TV, try taking a walk, creating artwork, writing letters, reading a book or playing with a pet.

Method 2 of 3: Increase happiness while being alone

  1. Self-soothing. It is very important to use coping skills and self-soothing abilities when you are dissatisfied with feeling alone. There are so many ways in which you can soothe yourself, each individual will have different choices. The more ideas you explore, the more you will know how to change your negative moods and feel happy alone.
    • Try journaling. Write down whatever you want. Write about your thoughts, feelings, goals, and plans. Write down your dreams and aspirations.
    • Think about positive memories. Identify times in the past when you enjoyed spending time with others. Visualize this time and enjoy it. This can temporarily increase feelings of happiness.
    • Some people find that they are happier and less lonely when participating in spiritual activities such as prayer or religious traditions (going to temples, churches).
  2. Change the way you think conceptually alone. Enjoy spending time with yourself. Tell yourself that you have chosen to make time for yourself. If you feel like you are making a choice alone, you will automatically feel more positive.
    • Realize that you can choose to be alone and that you have control. Avoid psychology of yourself as a victim.
    • Tell yourself: "It's okay to be alone. Everyone is alone sometimes. I can cope with this."
    • If you find yourself having negative thoughts, like "I'm lonely because no one needs me," you may be falling into a negative thought path. Try to rearrange the situation with a positive mental scenario.
    • When negative thoughts come in, acknowledge them, but then remind yourself of the positives of the situation. Say things like, "Wait a second. I might be alone right now, and this isn't a bad deal. I have a lot of time to do whatever I want, time I should have. Wouldn't have been if I was in a relationship with someone else Everything changed and I wouldn't be alone and have this much freedom, so I need to make the most of my time. this ".
  3. Have quality "alone time". Whenever you think you're odd and feel sad, remind yourself that you are never alone. You always have yourself by your side. So focus on connecting and making friends with yourself. The relationship you have with yourself is the most important thing you have. How you treat yourself and think about yourself dictate how you will treat others.
    • Do everything for yourself. If you love lyrical disco music, open a playlist of your favorite songs and turn the sound as loud as you want. If you like the sea, go to the beach and take a walk in the waves as you like.
    • Engage in relaxing and stress-relieving activities. For example, have a night at a spa - relaxing baths, massages, self-grooming (nail polish, etc.).
  4. Keep yourself busy. If you feel idle when you are alone, you will feel unhappy, sad, lonely, or depressed. To increase your chances of being happy alone, make sure you have a schedule full of positive activities.
    • Try new activities. One way to keep you occupied is to try new activities outside of your comfort zone. Painting, dancing, writing, reading, playing a musical instrument, hiking, camping, taking care of a pet, traveling and cooking are all things you can try.
    • Do things that make you scared to increase self-control.For example, if you are afraid of talking to a new person, try to say hello or start a conversation with a stranger at least once a day. You may find that this gets easier and less anxious over time.
  5. Pet. People who feel lonely while alone can reap the benefits of having a companion pet. Some people may even think of their pet as a human.
    • If your situation does not allow pets, you can invest in a robotic pet, like a singing turtle, or take care of a fake pet through an online game or app. phone.
  6. Avoid harmful coping strategies. Some individuals often take negative responses to their loneliness. However, these strategies often have undesirable consequences, and can even increase depression and loneliness.
    • Don't smoke or use marijuana. Some people say that smoking is a social activity. But it can also have negative consequences.
    • Avoid drugs or alcohol when interacting with others or to deal with your own condition.
    • Try to avoid watching too much TV, playing video games, or using the Internet.

Method 3 of 3: Strengthen social circles

  1. Change the way you think about social interaction. Some people may develop poorly adaptive thinking about social interaction, which can increase loneliness and decrease the likelihood of being content alone. For example, you might be more sensitive and attentive to negative information from your surroundings, like an odd look at someone.
    • Identify negative thinking habits. For example, you tend to think that people are laughing at you or looking at you with a hostile look.
    • Find objectionable evidence. If you think someone looks at you harshly and thinks negatively about you, think about something else. For example, perhaps it is the person's normal way of looking at others or because they just had a bad day. It is not personally aimed at you.
  2. Nurture your relationships. People need social relationships to thrive. Connecting with others can help you feel less lonely and afraid, while it increases your feelings of happiness.
    • You think the quality of your relationships is an important part of how happy you are. If you believe that you have enough friends and good social connections, you may feel better. If you don't believe this, you can work towards cultivating healthy friendships and relationships with others.
    • Having a large social network can increase feelings of loneliness. Instead of having many acquaintances, focus more on the close personal relationships you already have.
  3. Spend time with friends and loved ones. Peer friendships are important in developing a sense of happiness and tolerance when alone.
    • Make a plan for social activities. Don't wait for someone else to contact you.
    • Focus on your audience and connection or conversation instead of activities that limit social connections, like watching movies or watching TV.
    • Get social support if you feel lonely or negative when you are alone. Ask a friend to spend time with you or talk to them about it.
    • Limit destructive relationships. Having a negative or abusive relationship can increase feelings of loneliness even when you are not alone.
  4. Make new friends. Social skills are important in reducing loneliness and increasing social connections.
    • To make new friends, you can increase your chances of social interaction. For example, join a group of a fitness class or book club.
  5. Stay connected when you're alone. Maintaining positive connections with others, even when you are alone can help you feel less lonely and increase your happiness alone.
    • Use websites and social media to feel connected when you are alone. This can help you increase your happiness when you are alone.
    • Be careful not to see the internet as the only means of social connection because this can increase loneliness.
  6. Know when you need help. Everyone feels lonely sometimes. However, there are cases when you need to seek additional help or seek a counselor. If feeling depressed or your time alone is the result of social anxiety disorder, a mental health professional can help you with these problems.
    • Signs of depression include: persistent sadness, anxiety, or feeling "empty"; loss of interest or pleasure in activities; feelings of hopelessness, guilt, helplessness; trouble sleeping or sleeping too much; and feeling tired or stagnant.
    • Signs of social phobia or social anxiety disorder include: feeling anxious about being around those around you, afraid of talking to people even if you want to talk to them, staying away from others. others, fear of the judgment of others, feel sick or nauseous around others, and worry for weeks for an upcoming event happening where you know many people will be there.
    • If you are experiencing these or other symptoms, contact a counselor or mental health professional for a diagnosis. They can help you find treatment for these disorders.