How to Get Rid of Motion Sickness

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Motion Sickness Treatment | How To Stop Motion Sickness
Video: Motion Sickness Treatment | How To Stop Motion Sickness


The cause of motion sickness is that you are not used to the swaying movement that occurs while traveling on an aircraft or boat. It causes nausea, sometimes leading to headaches, dizziness, and vomiting. There are many ways to prevent or alleviate motion sickness as well as how to treat it if it does happen.


Method 1 of 2: Taking Oral Medicine or Medical Remedy

  1. Talk to your doctor before taking any medication. You should discuss your views, including whether you do not want to take prescription medication and want to fix it at home with your doctor before using it.This is especially important if you have problems with medications, have allergies, are pregnant, or are breast-feeding. Remember that most of these options are available to induce drowsiness, and you must drink it 30 minutes before you get in the car.
    • Gravol or Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate), derived from an antihistamine, are good options. This is an over-the-counter drug that can help relieve motion sickness. Other antihistamines including diphenhydramine (Benadryl) have the same effects, especially in children.
    • Zofran (Ondansetron) is an antiemetic medication that your doctor can give you more if Gravol or Dramamine alone is not enough. Several other anti-motion sickness medications are also recommended.

  2. Try ginger. Ginger is a natural remedy for nausea. You can drink ginger tea, take ginger pills (over-the-counter medications), or even chew raw ginger.
    • Drinking ginger soda water, or eating foods containing ginger (such as gingerbread, as long as they contain natural ginger and not artificial flavors) can be helpful.

  3. Use anti-nausea patches. This is also an over-the-counter medication called a Scopolamine Transdermal patch. It comes in the form of small patches that are stuck behind the ears and release anti-nausea medications. This patch can last up to 3 days.
    • Put the patch behind the ear for about four hours before you need it to start working. Because it works much more slowly than other drugs, you must take it a long time in advance.

Method 2 of 2: Try Precautions

  1. Eat sweets throughout the trip. Crackers, sandwiches / toast, banana, rice, apple are good options to consider.
    • It is best to avoid alcohol and drugs, as they can make motion sickness worse. Regularly drink water, decaffeinated tea, or juice to make sure you're not dehydrated throughout the journey.
    • Don't eat too much greasy or fried foods.
  2. Choose appropriate seats to minimize motion sickness. The best location is one that can look out a window with as little movement or vibration as possible.
    • In a car, sit in the front or driver's seat. Visualize the route and possible vibrations before and during the trip to prepare for turbulence.
    • On the boat, try to stand in the middle as this is the most stable place. Remember that you must always look straight ahead. Or you can stand outside where there is fresh air.
    • On the plane, make sure you have a window seat. Stay away from the rear positions of the plane (which will be very bumpy) and the bulkheads (you won't see anything if the plane is tilted). The best seat is in the middle of the plane, right near the wing.
  3. Distract yourself with soothing music. Listening to music is a distraction that can push your focus away from the movement of an airplane or other vehicle. There are also other useful ways to suck on candy (especially ginger candy) or use scented oils like peppermint, lavender.
    • Don't try to distract yourself by reading. This may even make your condition worse.
  4. Close your eyes. Motion sickness occurs when the sensory balance system (including the eyes, the inner ear, and the sensory nerves) has a collision. You may not see any signs of movement but feel a vibration in your ears (like when you're on a plane or in a boat). Reducing feelings of input - close your eyes or lie on the ground if you have space - can help ease this conflict and reduce motion sickness.
  5. Buy a motion sickness bracelet like a Sea Band or Relief Band. Similar products have been advertised that can alleviate motion sickness by stimulating another part of the body, usually the wrist. It is not clear whether they actually work or are simply a sedative product, but research shows that some people feel better wearing these bracelets.
    • Some theories suggest that when you wear it on your wrist, the bracelet stimulates the median nerve with pulses against the nausea nerve signal emanating from the stomach.
    • If you want to combat motion sickness nausea without taking any medication, this may be the option for you.