Ways to Be Successful In Life

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
10 Keys To Success You Must Know About - TAKE ACTION TODAY!
Video: 10 Keys To Success You Must Know About - TAKE ACTION TODAY!


No matter how old you are, where you live, or what your career goal is, perhaps your ultimate goal in life will be happiness and success. Success is not only about money and fame, but also means pursuing your passion, living with purpose and enjoying the present moment.


Part 1 of 4: Building a path to success

  1. Living with purpose. To achieve your dream and become the person you have longed for, you will have to start by paying attention to your actions. Ask yourself, "Will what I'm doing get me into what I want in life?".
    • If you often feel discouraged, daydreaming about the future or the past, or counting every single hour until the day is over, it is probably because you are disconnected from what you are doing.
    • Cherish your time. Spend free time doing the things you love instead of letting the time pass in vain. For example, instead of just watching TV on weekends, you will spend time with hobbies or with loved ones and new friends.
    • Rate your productivity based on dedication instead of performance. What you do doesn't have to be traditionally productive, but everything should make you fascinated and entertained.
    • Note, you absolutely can spend a little time to sit idle and just make "lazy cat". This is really helpful for your imagination and self-awareness. Create a balance between what you want to do and allowing yourself to "relax."

  2. Identify your passion. Before you can achieve success, you will have to define success in your own way. Although it may take a few years to figure out what you want to do in life, identifying your passions, interests, and values ​​will help you set goals and make your life feel more meaningful. If you are having trouble identifying any of the factors listed above, ask a friend or relative for help. You can ask yourself the following questions:
    • What legacy do you want to leave behind?
    • What do you want others to remember about you?
    • How would you like to change your community?
    • Which field do you like in life? For example, you might think about your favorite subjects and ask yourself why you like them.
    • For example, in case you like musicals. Ask the question: is it because you like music or do you prefer working with a large group to accomplish a common goal?

  3. List your goals and what you will do to achieve them. You need to list short-term and long-term goals. Don't just be limited to your financial and career goals; Add emotional goals, personal growth goals, things you want to experience or learn from. Set a timeline for each goal that you want to achieve.
    • Set SMART goals; These are specific, measurable, achievable, practical and time-limited goals.
    • Break down big goals. For example, if your goal is to see the world, you might aim to save money and explore several countries.

  4. Adhere to commitments. Planning alone is not enough; It is important that you do what you set out to do. If you promise to do something for someone, keep your promise. Likewise, don't accept the offer if you're not sure if you can. Be honest with your limitations.
    • Avoid canceling and try not to cancel twice with the same person.
    • Follow the commitments you have made for yourself. Write down your pledge and post it where you can see it.
    • Make sure your commitments will gradually get you towards your goals. Review your goals from time to time to make sure you are on the right track.

Part 2 of 4: Material success

  1. Learn. Education gives you the knowledge, skills and beliefs to unleash your full potential. In terms of your financial success alone, statistics show that the higher your education level (such as getting a high degree), the more money you will make.
    • In 2011, in the United States, the average weekly income of a high school graduate was $ 638, while a bachelor's degree holder was $ 1053. In the same year, master's degree holders earned $ 1263 and PhD holders received wages of $ 1551.
    • You do not have to participate in formal training. Vocational training and long-term coaching programs can also help you get a higher income. Having a degree in a certain field also improves your salary.
    • Do not forget to learn because of passion. As you learn more about life, you will ask more questions and enjoy learning more.
  2. Financial management. Learning how to manage your money will help you gain financial security over time, regardless of whether you have a high or low income.
    • Track your spending. Subtract the fixed expense from your monthly income to determine how much pocket money you can use for each month. In addition, you should also keep track of your bank statements regularly and keep an eye on your expenses. This way, you will avoid overspending and make sure your statement is always correct.
    • Know your income. When calculating your income, be sure to subtract taxes and insurance payments from your gross income. Don't forget trivial things like premium premiums, savings and loans. The rest is the real income that you can hold in your hand.
    • Spending cuts. If your income isn't enough to cover your fixed expenses, reconsider and cut back on unnecessary expenses.
    • Save money. Every month, you should set aside a small amount to save. You can ask your employer to deposit a salary into your savings account.
    • Invest with caution. If your company has a retirement savings plan, set aside your balance for this investment.
  3. Time management. Delaying important tasks to the last minute can put you under undue stress and easily make mistakes and mistakes. Manage your time so you can get the job done efficiently.
    • Use a timetable to organize day, week, and month work.
    • Set smartphone reminders and use the phone's timer feature to manage time more efficiently.
    • List all the things that you need to do for the day and mark each task completed. This is a way to help you stay motivated and stay organized.

Part 3 of 4: Mental success

  1. Enjoy the present moment. If you often question the past or dream about the future, you are ignoring the present. Remember that the past and the future are just illusions and real life is what exists here and now.
    • Start noticing negative thoughts so you can dispel them and enjoy the present moment. When a negative thought comes to mind, identify and label it negatively, then let it go away. Meditation or a regular meditation exercise can help you do this naturally.
    • Make it a habit to notice the little things around you. Appreciate the warmth of the sunlight on your skin, the feel of your feet walking on the ground or the artwork at the restaurant you're eating. Noticing these will help you "turn off" the tumult in your mind and appreciate each moment.
  2. Don't compare your life with others. Unfortunately, many people rate their success compared to the success of those around them. If you want success and happiness, see your life as it is.
    • Many people tend to compare the downside in their life to the dominant side in someone else's. Remember that no matter how flashy someone's life is, behind closed doors everyone faces suffering, insecurity and other difficulties. Therefore, you should pay attention and limit your use of social media to keep this in mind.
    • Instead of comparing yourself to someone "superior" than you, think of people who are homeless, have a serious illness or live in poverty. This is a way to help you appreciate what you have instead of feeling inferior about yourself. You can volunteer to feel better about this. This will make you feel happier and more confident.
  3. Grateful for life. No matter how much you achieve in life, you won't be happy if you just focus on what you don't have. So, every day, take time to appreciate what you have. Don't just think about matter; You should also be grateful to those you love and cherish good memories. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Success in all aspects of life

  1. Health care. A healthy body is a healthy mind. Choose a balanced diet and make sure you are not deficient in the necessary nutrients. Find out the causes of the problems you are having, such as lack of energy or distraction, and talk to your doctor, dietitian and health professional to improve your condition. Don't forget to exercise regularly, but make sure you choose a form of exercise that suits you.
  2. Seize the opportunity. If you have a chance to shine, don't hesitate. If you are concerned that you don't have the time or energy for a good opportunity, ask yourself: will it contribute to your big goal? If the answer is yes, put aside other commitments to pursue this opportunity.
    • Remember that chance comes only once. You can't save the chance.
    • That doesn't mean you should use up all your savings or ignore your safety; instead, you need to nod at the opportunity to grow.
  3. Meet positive people. Make friends with people you admire for a reason: they are happy, kind, generous, successful at work, or successful in another way. Connect with people who are achieving what you want, or who are working towards a common goal.Don't let jealousy get in your way: the success of others doesn't affect your success.
    • When making friends, ask yourself if this person makes you feel positive, confident and energetic, or feels tired, exhausted, or inferior. You should spend time with positive people instead of people who drain your energy.
    • If you have friends or family members who make you feel bad about yourself, limit spending time with them. Also, know which relationship prevents you from getting close to your goals, making you tired, or demanding too much of your time and energy without paying it off.
    • Find a mentor among people you admire. If you think you can learn from someone, ask them for advice.
  4. Set boundaries with others. Protect your needs. You should be considerate of others, but say no to abusive behavior. Remember that being a good person doesn't mean you have to endure violent or unkind words or actions by others.
    • In addition, you should respect the boundaries that others have set for you. Listen when loved ones say they need their own space or want to do something alone.


  • Inspire yourself with things that inspire you like music, photography, fashion, ongoing events, and more. Nothing can ignite the flames of passion in you as powerful as great inspiration.
  • Having positive role models in your life will motivate you and put you in the right direction. Your role model doesn't have to be acquaintances. Learn about their life story and try to follow his or her professional ethics.


  • Not jealous of other people's work. Instead, you should work to achieve your own success.