How to do the reverse movement

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


  • Jump as high and as fast as possible, perform repeatedly. This exercise helps you figure out what you need to do upside down. You must jump upright, not back, and keep your head forward.
  • Roll over: do some exercises to roll your body backwards.Try to roll upside down on the bed and fall to the ground, roll upside down on the ground, or get into a reclining bridge position.
  • Roll your arms back with your support person: initiate a pose with one person on the left, one on the right. Ask one person to place their hands on their lower back and the other to place their hands behind their thighs, then both of you will lift you up so your feet off the ground. Raise your hands above your head while the two supporters lean you back so your hands touch the ground. Then they have to throw your feet over your head. This move familiarizes you with the feeling of upside down and upside down.
  • After a period of upside down with your arms back (supported by someone), try to push your legs harder each time you turn. Once you feel comfortable with this move, continue using your feet but not your arms (the assistant still has to hold you upside down).

  • Prepare body and mind. The human body and brain are not naturally accustomed to reversing, so you will be scared when trying to turn upside down. This scares you and tends to stop in the middle of a fluff, and it can be traumatic. To prepare for a smooth jump, first prepare your body and mind.
    • Practice chin-up hangers: hang yourself on the crossbar and slightly lower your chin, bend your knees up close to your head. Then tighten your core muscles and turn your body back as far as you can.
    • Practice jumping box: jump on a plane as high as possible, focus on jumping, not jumping down.
    • You can also stack several pads on top of each other to form a thick sheet, then fly over the mattress with your back to the ground. It helps you realize that your constant fears (that you're going to hit your back on the ground) aren't as painful as you might think.

  • Jump up. Many believe that you have to dance Come back to be able to turn upside down, but actually what to do is just dance up as high as possible.
    • Jumping backwards (instead of jumping) will make you lose focus so you can't jump high. Meanwhile, the jumping height is a very important factor for successful reversing!
    • If you are not strong enough to jump yet, there are many types of surfaces you can practice to increase your strength: trampoline, pop-up mattress or a jump board.
  • Part 3 of 4: Complete the flip

    1. Hips rotation. The hip, not the shoulder, is the place to provide swing movement for the bounce.

    2. Squeeze your legs. At the highest point of the jump, bring your knees to your chest and bring your arms back to your feet.
      • The chest is almost parallel to the ceiling by the time you finish retracting the knee to the chest.
      • You can use your arms to hug the hamstrings (the back of your thighs) when your legs are pressed against your body, or grab your knees if you like.
      • If you notice your body pivoting to one side while retracting the knee, this may be caused by the fear reflex. You will need to do more of the above exercises to eliminate this fear before you can successfully perform the flipback.

    Part 4 of 4: Landing on the ground

    1. Arm stretch. You should be on the ground with your arms parallel and straight in front of your body. advertisement


    • It is recommended to stretch the muscles before turning upside down to prevent injury.
    • Work on a soft surface like trampoline first before working on a hard surface.
    • ALWAYS find a good coach because they not only keep you safe but also help motivate you.
    • Most successful reversals happen when you pull your knee to your chest, which is a really good technique to do the swing easier and faster.
    • Try practicing up front on the pool jumpboard to get used to the feeling of plugging and the movement of the swing.
    • Flipping, like many other gymnastics, can enhance flexibility, body control, spatial awareness, and many other benefits.
    • It is possible to go upside down with fully straightened body, but this is a much more difficult move and should not be done before you have mastered the normal upside-down.
    • Don't turn upside down on the ground if you're not sure you can.


    • When you turn, make sure the area is dry and there are no objects in the way.
    • Never turn upside down while alone. You will not be supported if you accidentally injure your neck or back.
    • When making a jump on the jumpboard in the pool, make sure you have plenty of room to keep your head from hitting the board. Also make sure the water level is deep enough not to hit the bottom of the pool head. Never turn upside down in a swimming pool with shallow water.
    • While you don't have to be a professional athlete to be upside down, there are some simpler skills (like acrobatics or roll back) that you should learn before doing a move. As complicated as upside down. There is a great risk of injury if you perform the upside-down directly without the proper preparation and training.