Ways to cleanse the kidneys

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Ways to Detox and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally
Video: 7 Ways to Detox and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally


The kidneys filter and remove waste products from the body, while balancing the concentration of salt and other essential nutrients. Kidney health is extremely important to our overall health. However, hereditary predisposition and use of toxic substances can impair kidney function. Renal cleansing basically means cleansing the kidneys.If you want to cleanse your kidneys, there are a few steps here to help you do this safely and effectively.


Method 1 of 3: Eat a kidney-healthy diet

  1. Stay hydrated. Long-term dehydration can impair kidney function. Drink water whenever you feel thirsty, and be sure to drink enough fluids so that your urine is light yellow or colorless. While it cannot be confirmed that drinking more water than baseline is effective in clearing the kidneys, this will help prevent kidney stones in some at-risk groups.

  2. Balance your diet. What you eat has a huge impact on the health of your kidneys. During kidney cleansing, you need to pay special attention to your diet. We should always eat healthy, but this is even more necessary when you are going through the purification of an important organ like the kidneys. A healthy and balanced diet will help prevent high blood pressure and diabetes, two main causes of kidney damage.
    • Watermelon is an excellent addition to your diet. Watermelon contains a lot of water and acts as a diuretic, helping to flush toxins out of the kidneys.
    • Eat more berries. Cranberries and blackberries are especially effective in helping the kidneys get rid of waste products.
    • Pumpkin seeds contain many effective antioxidants that help improve kidney function. Consider adding pumpkin seeds to your daily diet as a snack.

  3. Reduce your sodium intake. Diets high in sodium increase the risk of high blood pressure. This can put extra pressure on the kidneys. Reducing sodium in the diet is a very helpful way to improve overall health, especially good for the kidneys.
    • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Fresh foods contain less sodium than canned foods.
    • Read the product label. You should make it a habit to check the ingredients on the packaging to make sure the foods you buy are not high in sodium. Canned soup is clearly something to avoid. Compare products to choose the one with the lowest sodium content. You should also look for products that advertise as low in sodium.

  4. Drink natural drinks that have a diuretic effect. Because it is the body's filtration system, the kidneys are the place where waste products can accumulate. Drinking natural juices with no added sugar is a great way to stay hydrated and transport nutrients to the body.
    • Cranberry juice is one of the most effective options for kidney purification, as it helps reduce calcium oxalate - which is at risk of forming kidney stones. Look for juices that are all natural with no added sugar.
    • Beet juice is also very good. Beetroot contains betaine, which helps to remove many accumulated waste.
    • The natural acidity in lemon juice helps to purify the kidneys. You can dilute the lemon juice with water to make it less sour.
  5. Take herbal supplements with caution. Many herbs have been used since ancient times to treat kidney problems, but overuse or in combination with other drugs or herbs can be detrimental. Always consult your doctor before starting any dietary supplement.
    • Milk thistle extracts and grapefruit seeds are two examples of natural remedies for kidney treatment. Herbal products are usually most effective when taken as a tea. Make a tea by steeping herbs in hot water for 5-10 minutes.
    • Supplements pose a high risk if you have kidney disease or are taking other medications. Even beneficial supplements like vitamin C or cranberry pills can have the opposite effect if taken in large amounts.
    • To avoid contamination of supplements, you need to choose products that are stamped by an independent organization, such as Consumer Lab, NSF International, or the U.S. Pharmacopeia.
  6. Try the purification. Kidney cleansing is an effective way to "reset" the body and create new, healthy habits. Healthy and appropriate change is safer and more effective than extreme change, so you don't have to pose yourself a tough challenge. A few days, even just one day of purification can yield good results.
    • During the purification process, you will use only certain foods and beverages. These include fruits like cranberries, and herbs like the marshmallow root. Find a recipe that allows you to incorporate these into your meal.
    • Going through a cleansing routine also means avoiding certain foods that can burden the kidneys, especially alcohol and caffeine. If you are at risk for kidney stones, you should also avoid chocolate, nuts, tea, wheat bran, beets, strawberries, beets, rhubarb, and spinach.

Method 2 of 3: Kidney Support

  1. Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help you avoid weight gain and high blood pressure, two factors that increase the pressure on your kidneys. Maintaining a healthy body is one way to keep the kidneys functioning properly. Try to set aside at least 20 minutes a day to exercise.
    • Choose activities that interest you. For example, if you are interested in walking, you could invite a friend and schedule a date in your schedule to explore the neighborhood. If you enjoy swimming, look for a local public swimming pool.
    • If you have never exercised before, consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.
  2. Caii for cigarettes. If you have a smoking habit, quitting smoking will not only improve your overall health but also benefit the kidneys. Smoking will interfere with blood flow to vital organs, including the kidneys. This means that the kidneys will not be able to effectively remove the toxins from the body.
    • Quitting smoking is a difficult process, but there are plenty of resources you can find. Ask your doctor about detox drugs or nicotine products like patches or gum.
  3. Take medication according to the instructions. Medicines, while there are many benefits, can also cause side effects. Some prescription drugs are very harmful to the kidneys. Talk to your doctor about this when prescribed.
    • Over-the-counter pain relievers - especially nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, Aleve, and Motrin - can also cause kidney damage if taken regularly. It doesn't matter if you start using it every now and then, but it's important to ask your doctor about alternative medications when dealing with chronic pain that is concerned with your kidney health. Acetaminophen is an NSAID that is safe for the kidneys.

Method 3 of 3: Understand kidney health

  1. Understand the importance of kidneys. You will take better care of your kidneys when you understand why kidneys are so important to your health. The kidneys get rid of waste products from your body - imagine your filtering system. Without kidneys, sodium and potassium levels can rise dangerously.
    • Try to create healthy habits. For example, try limiting your caffeine and alcohol intake. You will find that this has many health benefits, in addition to being good for the kidneys as well.
  2. Know the risks of kidney disease. Chronic kidney failure is the most common kidney disease. If it persists for a long time, the disease can cause loss of kidney function, meaning the kidneys cannot filter waste products. Symptoms of chronic kidney disease are fatigue, nausea, increased or decreased urination, fluid retention (which can lead to difficulty breathing), and increased potassium levels.
    • Chronic kidney disease is usually caused by diabetes and high blood pressure. If you have these conditions, you should see your doctor to have kidney function checked at least once a year.
    • Kidney stones are also common. Kidney stones are hard particles that are usually made of minerals and can be very painful. Symptoms include: pain (sometimes severe and cramping) in the back, flanks and stomach, and difficult and painful urination.
  3. Talk to your doctor. If you suspect you have kidney disease, seek medical treatment. Be sure to describe your symptoms as specifically as possible. You can also ask your doctor for information about preventing kidney disease. advertisement


  • Consult with your doctor before starting kidney cleansing with over-the-counter products, especially if you are at high risk for chronic kidney disease. Your doctor can recommend you a trusted and controlled product.


  • Uncontrolled diabetes can also cause kidney damage, in some cases kidney failure; Therefore, it is important to properly treat diabetes with the help of a doctor.