Ways to Defend

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


The difference between "turning away" and being the focus of tomorrow's newspaper is how well prepared you are to defend yourself in a dangerous situation. You can go through some simple techniques to defend yourself before and during an attack, whether it's a fight or an ambush, you still have to ensure your safety. You don't have to become like Bruce Lee to protect yourself.


Part 1 of 4: Maintaining a Defense Posture

  1. Face protection. If the bad guy tries to attack you in the face or grab you from the front, place your hands in front of your forehead in a "Don't punch me in the face" position and press your arms to the body. This pose may seem like a weak defense, but this is the advantage it gives you because it will make the opponent lose his guard. In addition, it will help protect your face and ribs, two positions you'll definitely want to protect.

  2. Extend your legs. Whether you are stretching your legs "front and back" or "sideways", keep your feet at a diagonal, similar to the standing stance used in martial arts. It will help you reduce your chances of being knocked over or pushed.
    • You will have a chance to win or easily escape if you stand upright. Avoid clashes taking place on the ground completely.

  3. Attacker assessment. Look at his hand. If he tries to attack you with his hand, he will hold out his hand first. However, if the bad guy does bring weapons, he will hide it with him.
    • If your attacker uses a knife or gun, you need to avoid confronting him and try to escape. If scuffing is inevitable, end it as quickly as possible with a single blow, then run and call for help.

  4. Running is also a defensive posture. Unless an attacker blocks your escape route, trying to escape is the only way to ensure your safety. Avoid scuffle if possible and try to run away.

Part 2 of 4: Defensive Ahead

  1. Attack on eyes and nose. If you have to end the conflict as quickly as possible by hitting first, hit hard, and as much as you can, then run for help. Being ambushed in the alley by a bad guy is not the right time to be heroic. Keep yourself safe by ending the confrontation as quickly as possible. Eyes and nose are the two most sensitive areas on an attacker's face and can be very vulnerable if you use your elbows, knees and forehead.
    • At the hardest part of your forehead, right near your hairline, hit the bad guy's nose hard by stretching his neck and banging his forehead in the center of his face. This is the fastest and most surprising way to end the conflict completely. No matter how strong, experienced, or violent your attacker is, it will be difficult to recover quickly from a strong blow to the nose.
  2. Kick or grab the male attacker's groin. Thrusting a pillow into the attacker's groin or grabbing his groin with his hand and twisting it will have quick effect and the bad guy will be knocked down. Again, this is not the time to think about whether to "play dirty" or not. If your life is in danger, attack your groin.
    • If you want to double your damage on your opponent, nudge your knee into his nose and he will fall in minutes.
  3. Footsteps. If you are attacked from behind, maybe the bad guy will wrap his arms around you. If you wear high heels or heavy heels, this is a great way to go. Move your feet closer to the bad guy's feet, lift your feet, and step hard on the bad guy's feet. If he lets you go, run away, if not, try the next one.
  4. Attack on the kneecap. For example, if you are being suffocated by a bad guy, or he covers your face with his hand, hitting his leg will loosen his arms to give you more chance to attack, or allow you to escape. This is especially effective if the attacker is taller than you and is easy to do while you're on the defensive.
    • Kick your legs and knees in a soccer ball style using the backs of your feet. This is a quick and painful kick. Also, if the bad guy's legs are close enough, nudge your knee into his inner thigh (nerve rod), outer thigh, knee, or groin. These positions will be painful to him and can neutralize him, as only 5 to 7 kg of pressure is needed to break the knee.
  5. Next. Try to push your hand or press your hand in his eyes. No one can guard against a blow to the eye, no matter how tall or small they are. Patting the ear can cause shock or, if done correctly, can damage the eardrum.
    • In some cases, you can attack the bad guy's neck. To suffocate him, avoid Hollywood-style "hand around neck", place your thumb and fingers around his trachea instead (especially if you find it easy if the bad guy has "Adam's apple" quite large). Digging, wriggling, and indenting your fingers in this position would be extremely painful and could cause him to collapse.
  6. If you fall, try to fall on top of the other person. You certainly won't want to be on the ground, however if this is unavoidable, use your weight as an advantage. When falling, expose the sharp parts of the body (knees and elbows) and aim for the bad guy's groin, ribs, and neck.
  7. If your attacker uses a weapon, knowing where to hide the weapon is an advantage. If he has a knife, try to stay out of his reach. If he has a gun, dodge left to right to avoid.
    • If you get a chance to escape safely then run. Make sure you are safe when you decide to stop using other methods of self-defense.
    • In many cases, you can get out of harm's way by handing your wallet to the attacker. This is a sensible choice, especially if he has a knife or gun. Your life is worth much more than the money and the bank card you have. Throw the wallet away and run away.

Part 3 of 4: Defense Behind

  1. Deflect. If your attacker tries to grab you from behind to suffocate you, press his forearm against your collarbone instead of trying to lift it off your body, because if he is bigger than you it will be difficult. towel for you. Place one hand on his elbow (above the forearm) and the other hand below (so that both hands will grab the sides of his elbow). Then, in a quick and strong move, step up, use the bad guy's arm as a hinge so you can turn and fall the opponent.
    • This will prevent you from suffocating and will allow you to launch your next counterattack on his head, ribs and legs. When the attacker is behind you, his shin will be right behind your feet, which is an important place to kick and step.
  2. Sit down. If the bad guy tries to lift you up from behind, lower your hips as fast and hard as if you were "falling off" on the sofa. This will make it difficult for him to lift you up and will give you some time to attack your opponent and defend yourself by kicking his shin or changing his posture to switch to defense from the front.
  3. Don't be afraid to "play dirty". If the attacker is trying to suffocate you by placing your arm around your neck, swing your foot vigorously between his legs or in the groin like a soccer ball. This will break his leg or paralyze him.

Part 4 of 4: Avoid Confrontation

  1. Understand the conflict phases. Preparing for each stage can help you avoid physical aggression. Your main goal is to avoid serious conflicts, so you need to be "one step ahead" and be aware of the situation in front of your opponents.
    • Stage "spark". This was the initial stage of controversy before a real war broke out. It can start relatively harmlessly but grows suddenly and rapidly.
    • Verbal threats. When controversy begins, there is a tendency to threaten fights. "I will _____".
    • Pushing or other provocative attitudes. The provocative behavior you want to scramble for usually doesn't start with punches or kicks, but with tactics of provocation and pushing. At this point, you can still "step back" without having to fight.
    • Real conflict. When you stop arguing and start fighting.
  2. Use words and distractions to avoid confrontation. A move in the wrong direction will start a real fight. One will lead to another unless one gives up. Please try to hold it. Shoveling is the last self-defense option you want to use.
    • If you are in an argument, ease the situation by lowering your voice. Pub aggressors often like to make a big deal, but they are more than willing to give you a hug and offer you a drink if you apologize and distract them. If you're calm, they'll stay calm too.
    • If you are ambushed, you need to run to a crowded place to call for help. If you get to busy street corners, there is a low risk of you becoming seriously injured. Encounters in public places have little chance of becoming serious.
  3. Avoid going alone. If you have to walk a long way home from work by yourself, find a friend to accompany you. Group travel is the safest way to avoid bad situations.
    • If you have to go alone, join a group of people walking and accompany them. You don't have to get to know them in order to find safety in the masses.
  4. Equipped with self-defense weapons. Sticks and pepper spray are handy self-defense weapons that you should have. Many people believe that knives and other dangerous weapons are quite useful. However, if you don't know how to use them, they can be used against you. Be careful and wise when choosing to carry weapons with you and take prestigious training classes to learn how to use them. Illegal weapons should not be used.
    • Take self-defense classes if you live in a dangerous area and you fear for your own life.


  • If this is an internal situation, you may wonder how bad things are enough for you to be justified in self-defense.By law, any improper contact will be treated as an attack. Even though she / he will only "gently push" you, this is also considered an attack because it could endanger you and you are allowed to defend yourself.
  • Find weak spots where the bad guys can't block your counterattack. (For example, if he has legs, you can kick the area under his feet with it.)
  • Find points of injury. In men it is in the groin. A kick in the groin would be very painful. In women, pulling the hair or nudging the armpits causes pain.
  • Keep calm. Don't panic if the bad guys are hostile. Because doing so will make him think you are weak.
  • If you are attacked, and you are right and the other person is wrong. His motive is usually to steal money, property or usurp you, while you are just self-defense. You have the right to find ways to protect yourself and protect your loved one. But remember, the first definition of self-defense is running away! In court, if you have to go to court, you can justify your behavior as a single "act of self-defense" only if "you used all available opportunities to avoid confrontation and to escape. exit. If you have a clear chance of escaping safely but you did not do it, this is not self-defense, it is harassment and assault. And you will be held accountable for your actions. Being attacked does not mean that you can kill or injure a person when you can obviously use other justified self-defense.
  • Remember that your attacker is more likely to have done the same thing before. Avoid confrontation. If that fails, use what's available to get out of the situation as quickly and safely as possible.
  • Don't be someone who starts to scuffle in the face of a bandit, attacker, etc. They may have weapons and have been trained.
  • Always carry the phone with you so you can call for help.
  • One way to take down the opponent is to put your hand on his neck and kick his back leg.
  • If you are afraid of encountering gangs in the city, learn more martial arts like Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu or Judo.


  • It's not a good idea to use knives or other dangerous weapons to intimidate your attacker, unless you fear for your life. It is not worth going to prison for murdering others or being murdered for a wallet. Remember, most attackers will be stronger than you and more experienced than you because otherwise he will not select you as a target.