How to get good grades without too much effort

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how i ALWAYS get straight A’s EFFORTLESSLY 📚(my tips, habits + college vlog)
Video: how i ALWAYS get straight A’s EFFORTLESSLY 📚(my tips, habits + college vlog)


Anyone would want to get an 8.0 GPA, but most people think that doing well takes a lot of effort. Whether you're in high school or college, studying hard is the best way to get a "10". Fortunately, however, there are many strategies to help you increase your score without too much effort.


Method 1 of 4: Plan the enemy strategically to get better score

  1. Have a specific strategy. Right now, you should be the leader so you don't have to find a way to get yourself out of the hole. You should aim to master the knowledge base of every subject in the first week, and not to spend too much time on one subject, you need to maintain an average score between 8 - 10 After that, you must work hard to increase your score on the subject you are not good at by about 95% to feel more secure.
    • Whenever possible, you should do every activity that gives you plus points and improves your overall score by around 9-10 by the last week, you should focus on project implementation and if the score is Your pretty tall, you are completely allowed to skip a few homework.

  2. Understand the school's grading policy. Learn about the school's average of the school's average for the plus of advanced class attendance, about your actual grades on your transcript, about the comma required for the grading process, and any Any other factors may affect your final score. The score is a game every student must play, and the better you know the rules, the better you will perform.

  3. Make full use of the first week of school. First impressions are important to teachers, so be sure to give them positive reasons for them to remember your face.
    • If you start the school year, you make your teachers think that you are polite, respectful, and hardworking students, they will be kinder to you and make it easier for you to grade every task you do. Making a good first impression is easier than fixing a bad one.

  4. Ask yourself questions and volunteer to answer the teacher's questions. You will probably have to learn more about the art of pretending to be smart and be prepared. Showing that you are smart and prepared is easier than actually being. Try to recall something that you think is a bit relevant to the topic at hand. Often times, a teacher will praise an idea you come up with and then provide a hint for the answer they're looking for.
    • This approach will bring 2 benefits. At first, the teacher will think that you pay attention to listening to lectures in class, and next, they will believe that you have independent thinking ability and will loosen your hand while marking your work.
    • Teachers love students actively participating in class, and sometimes, they will give students perfect grades. The score is quite flexible; Teachers can raise a 4 to a 10 and vice versa, and although the real change in grades won't be too much, anything will help.
  5. Don't hesitate to cooperate or seek help. Ask teachers, parents, and classmates to explain the knowledge you missed out on. Asking them for help is easier than taking the time to explore the answers for yourself.
    • Go to school early to get help. If your teacher offers to help you outside of class, agree. Even if you are struggling with classroom knowledge, if you show your teacher that you are completely committed to your studies, they can give you good grades.
  6. Be aware that part-time work does not affect your score. To be able to truly understand it, you have to think about your teacher. Teachers are also human. They also have a similar, if not more, busy schedule outside of the classroom. Also, keep in mind that for every page of the assignment you do, the teacher will have to grade it, and since they will likely be responsible for 100 students, they have to score pretty much. There is no other way for them to grade all of the student work at once. If you follow the 2 steps above, the teacher will appreciate you and will be more open to scoring you. You can determine that the exercise you are doing is an unimportant overtime if:
    • It was written on paper.
    • You see that the teacher is grading the same essay and taking less than a minute to read each article before scoring.
  7. Be organized and use your time effectively. Organize work in mind and on schedule. Do not be late for any assignments to be submitted as this will result in your points deduction. Don't let your grades slide just because you can't keep track of your homework deadlines.
    • Handle effective overtime. You should only spend as much time on your overtime assignments as the teacher spends scoring them! If a question includes a text, usually the answer will appear in that reading. Read each question and skim the text to find an answer. You just need to write something that looks pretty good. Many students are very adept at dealing with part-time assignments, but for others it takes practice. Once you know how to do it, it will save you a lot of time.
  8. Wrought your writing. This step is optional, but it will greatly reduce the amount of work you have to do. Try to write quickly, but in an easy to read typeface. Teachers don't give you a grade based on your writing style and good handwriting will take a lot of your time, especially when you're doing unimportant overtime assignments.
  9. Consider taking a difficult class if possible. It may sound weird to want to get good grades but not too much effort, but learning how to do well in difficult subjects will make it easier for you to excel in the subject.
    • The tough subjects will help you with the college application writing process, and after a while, you will be interested in the challenge they pose. Remember that this strategy works in every subject, including the tough ones.

Method 2 of 4: Do homework and write essay

  1. Pay attention to lecture in class. You might want to text or sleep in class, especially when the teacher is giving a lecture, but you shouldn't. This process has two benefits: first, you will not have to spend time learning from the basics and you will do better on the exam because you have a solid grasp of the information your teacher imparted. Pay attention is very important.
  2. Take active notes. When taking notes, think about what the teacher is teaching and write your notes in your own words. If possible, use some fun method of memorizing them (also known as recall technique).
  3. Do homework. Homework will be the easiest way to earn you plus points throughout the school year. This doesn't mean you need to spend hours every night; Try to make use of your free time when the class is nearing the end.
    • Treat each exercise one at a time. Your first choice should be to complete the assignment paper first as it will take less time. After that, you should work on any exercise that has been broken down into separate parts, such as a math exercise. This way, you can do your homework in the last minute of each class without wasting time searching for the assignment you are working on.
    • Get rid of distractions. When you are forced to do exercises that you don't want to do, you should eliminate all the factors that can affect your attention. Turn off the TV. Store your phone somewhere else. Sign out of any social networking site. Lock yourself in the room.
  4. Prioritize work based on the difficulty of the marking process. You should complete the type of assignment that will get a more rigorous score, and try to do well on your assignments to build trust with your teacher. Next, you should move on to solving the homework that the teacher won't thoroughly test and don't worry too much about the quality; Just make sure that your work is relevant to the topic and is long and detailed. If time is running out but you still haven't done some unimportant exercises, get them done quickly. The teacher will appreciate your effort and will appreciate it if you do your homework and the easiest way to get a 10 is to please the teacher.
  5. Know how to write an essay. Divide the tasks needed to complete the assigned assignment. Learn about homework. Conduct the necessary research. Outline your essay. Write and edit it.
    • Don't spend too much time thinking about the topic you're going to write about, just start writing. To save time, do the preparations you need to do after you've finished writing your essay. If your essay is long enough, there's a chance the teacher will read only half of your essay, so you will have two options. You can write a good short essay, or a long essay with lots of mistakes. After a few practice sessions, you will realize how easy and quick it is to write the perfect essay while only taking half the rewrite process you have ever done.
    • Use dictionaries to avoid mistakes using redundant words and change sentence structure.

Method 3 of 4: Study for the exam

  1. Avoid studying for the exam until you have finished the assignment. Regardless of how stressful exams are, think about the difference between taking the test and doing your homework.
    • Do homework for exam review. Usually, the key issue needed for the test will be outlined in the homework.
    • When your teacher assigns their homework, they'll also give you a few plus points that accompany them. If you work, you will get points, otherwise you will lose them. The teacher will not add points to you just for you to proceed with the exam. If the test is quite difficult, no matter how much you study, you could still get poor marks. And so, you will want the extra points that the homework brings.
  2. Learning slowly. Avoid learning rice! Your brain will be more receptive to information if you learn slowly. Studying rice will only pay off in the short term, but if you want to memorize the entire semester, it's best to study for the long term.
  3. Do not cheat. The risk it brings will be more than the reward.
  4. Relax before the exam. Take a nap, exercise, listen to music, and more. Keep yourself calm. The last thing you want to do is panic right before the exam. You will not be able to focus. Even if you can't revise, if you pay attention to lectures in class, there's a chance you'll do well. If you are overly stressed, you will not be able to remember anything and will end up taking bad grades.
  5. Eat mint while taking the test. Many studies have shown that peppermint improves memory and memory. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Lifestyle development for success

  1. Find ways to motivate yourself. Allow yourself to do some fun activity when you've finished assignments, did well on an exam, or wrote a great essay. If you are motivated, you will pay more attention.
  2. Eat a healthy breakfast. If you are not hungry when class begins, you will pay more attention in class and in your work.
  3. Get enough sleep. Staying up late to watch TV, play games, or chat on your phone will be quite tempting. However, lack of sleep will seriously affect your chances of success.
  4. Take practical measures to avoid leaving school. These may include:
    • Annual health check.
    • Get a flu shot.
    • Prepare an alternative to going to school in case you miss a bus or the like.