How to get higher score on exam

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get a Perfect on ANY Test
Video: How to Get a Perfect on ANY Test


Do you want to successfully complete your upcoming exam? Would you like to improve your overall score? There are plenty of tips and practices to help you improve your chances of getting higher scores on the exam. This article will help you learn, analyze, and solve exam questions, so stay tuned!


Method 1 of 4: Acquire knowledge effectively

  1. Pay attention to lecture in class. The best thing you can do to improve your score on the exam is to pay close attention to where your main task is to learn knowledge: in the classroom! Daydreaming during class or not going to school will cause you to miss out on important information that might appear on the test.

  2. Take careful notes. This is essential if you want to study more easily in the future. Writing out information during class not only helps you gain knowledge and keep your attention, but also helps provide you with material for future reference.
  3. Do homework. Homework, for example assignments and homework will be where you find all the rest of the information that could be on the test, so doing homework is quite important. Setting specific times and finding a quiet place to do your homework will help you beat procrastination.

  4. Using mnemonics and other tricks can be helpful in memorizing specific elements such as numbers, categories, and lists. You just need to make sure you memorize them correctly and don't mix them up!
    • Memory training is the process of forming phrases that can help you remember the order of certain factors. For example, "Calling Russia to Sell Two Porridge" is a great way to memorize biological classification (Gender, Industry, Grade, Order, Last Name, Genus, Species).
    • Another mnemonic trick will help you memorize certain series of numbers. For example, instead of trying to remember 0837814920, you can split it up like a regular phone number: 0837-814-920. You can also use this method for dates. April 30, 1975 (the liberation of the South) could become the lock code number: 30-04-75.

  5. Take a mock test. You can ask your teacher or print out a mock test yourself online. The mock test will help you determine the amount of knowledge you truly understand and the amount of knowledge you think you understand. It is very important to be aware of your weaknesses before the exam! advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Study like a specialist

  1. Regularly study. Studying hard for a few hours the night before the exam won't get you high. If you really want to successfully complete your exam, you will need to review old and new documents every day, or at least a few times per week. This measure will help you take the test easily.
    • Breaks. After every 30 minutes of studying, be sure to take 5 - 10 minutes to take a break. This will keep your brain from being overwhelmed and allow it more time to absorb information.
    • During the break, you should not cram any more knowledge, even if that amount of information is mainly about the latest concert of the person you admire rather than Ho Chi Minh's way to save the country.
  2. Study in your own style. You probably already know that each person has a different learning style. Some people learn by vision, others like learning with sound, others need physical movement, and so on. You need to identify the best learning method for you and make use of it.
    • For example, if you learn better by doing physical activity, you can walk around while studying. If you learn better through sound, you should listen to music while studying. If you are a person interested in visual learning, you can chart the information that you need to be familiar with.
    • However, this idea of ​​learning style still holds true even in academic settings. If a certain subjective interest motivates you to learn, you can use it.
  3. Make use of memories related to emotions. Your brain is very good at associating smells or sounds with ideas or memories. You should take advantage of this! While studying, you can use a perfume that you rarely use (the one with a different scent) and then smell it right before or during the exam.
  4. Listening to music. Your teacher may not allow you to use headphones during the test, but at least listen to some kind of music, especially classical music, before entering the exam room. Numerous studies have shown that exposure to certain types of music before performing a stressful mental activity can be very helpful in awakening the brain and raising awareness. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Prepare the body

  1. Eat well. The most important thing is that you need to eat well. Getting hungry while on the test will distract you and make you tired. However, you shouldn't eat too early before your test as some foods can make you drowsy. Instead, try to eat lean protein foods before the test.
    • Healthy eating will also improve overall brain productivity, so make sure you eat healthy so you can absorb everything in the classroom.
  2. Get enough sleep. If you don't sleep, you won't be able to concentrate when the pressure is high! You need to go to bed early the night before your test, instead of staying up all night to study. Your brain won't be able to remember the amount of information you're trying to cram.
  3. Prepare all necessary tools. You should bring your calculator, ballpoint pen, pencil, white paper, and any other school supplies you will need. Lack of preparation will make it even more difficult for you!
  4. Drink a lot of water. Hydrating your body during the test will distract you and decrease your ability to think clearly. It is recommended that you drink enough water before the exam and you should also bring a water bottle to the exam room.
  5. Don't do something you don't normally do. If you are unfamiliar with coffee, this is not the right time to start. You should not take any action the night before the test. They just get in the way. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Do well on the test

  1. Write down what matters first. Immediately after exam time begins, you should write down any formulas or other important information on the scratch paper before proceeding to review the question. This action will help you remember that information for later use.
  2. Solve problems that you know well in advance. Always remember to work on a question where you know the answer first. This method will help ensure that you will complete as many parts of the test as possible. If you feel stuck, just move on to the next problem that you can respond to quickly.
  3. Cross out incorrect answers. Once you have completed every question you know, move on to other questions you don't know. When dealing with multiple choice questions, eliminating answers that you can assert are unlikely or silly will help you make better decisions between the right choices.
  4. Seeking suggestion in another question. Occasionally, the answer may be contained or suggested in another question on the test.Seeking answers or other questions will help you recall knowledge.
  5. Never leave any question blank. Don't leave the question blank unless you are sure that you will not be able to give the correct answer. Especially if it's a multiple choice question; You will have at least a 25% chance of finding the right answer.
    • As discussed above, it is beneficial to get rid of the wrong answers in this step.
  6. Urgently do homework. This is important! Make sure you keep track of the amount of time left and try to use them in an unwise manner. You can always come back to test or improve your answers later! advertisement


  • Don't get upset by past poor grades and become depressed. Instead, you should take a deep breath every time you think about it, be optimistic and study well for the upcoming test. This will help you do well on the exam.
  • There aren't any shortcuts to success. This is the first thing that you should keep in mind. For this reason, you need to give your best effort.
  • Concentrate. When reviewing for exams, choose a place that is free of distractions. Also, remember to eat and get enough rest, otherwise you will quickly become tired and lack of concentration. Eliminate any distractions in your surroundings, unless you can use them as an inspiration to help you study (such as a clipboard that contains all the notes for the entire school year. ).
  • Eliminate all the mechanisms that waste time while studying. These include TVs, computers (unless you need to use the Internet), cell phones, tablets, or even your siblings!
  • A suitable schedule will be quite helpful. You should spend more time on the long / difficult subject and vice versa. However, you should remember that you cannot miss a subject.
  • Take notes while studying. Write a course summary if this is your first / first semester that you must study it. This measure will help your future test as it allows you to remember the content of the subject.
  • Make a list of all the elements that you need to learn for each subject, and how much time will be spent on them. You can use this information to set a timetable for the learning process. You should make sure that you have the necessary time, and add a bit of extra time per subject, to your study plan. Also, make sure your study plan has enough space so that when something unexpected comes up, you can add a few changes to your plan without losing any of your plans. learning time.
  • Try to work with the easy questions first and the difficult questions after.
  • Write your answers clearly and to the point. Do not write irrelevant information. The correct and wrong answers cannot be overlapped. Write complete sentences. Don't expect the examiner to link your sentences, fill in blanks, etc. Think of the examiner as your brother, and you are having to explain to her. Does she understand anything when you are just presenting a few specific keywords? Definitely are not!
  • Try to stay calm before the test. Do not panic.
  • Listen to your teachers, other students, and yourself. This will make it easier for you to pass the exam.
  • Never take a last-minute lesson, because this method won't work and you will forget everything you learned in the last 2 hours.
  • Study in a quiet place so you won't be distracted.


  • Do not cheat. You will get caught, and as a result you will get zero. Be confident. Believe in yourself. You will do well on the exam if you believe it!
  • Avoid overconfidence as this will cause your score to drop. For example, if you score 9/10 on a math test, and you think you don't need any extra study, on the upcoming test, your score will drop to 8/10.