How to burn fat quickly

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Burn Belly Fat EXTREMELY Fast – 5 IMPORTANT TIPS
Video: How to Burn Belly Fat EXTREMELY Fast – 5 IMPORTANT TIPS


Losing body fat has many health benefits. Losing fat can help improve or better control chronic diseases (diabetes or high blood pressure) and even lower the risk of colorectal cancer and cardiovascular disease. Not only that, but burning excess fat helps you feel healthier, more energetic, and motivated to stick to healthier activities (such as regular exercise). There are a variety of diets and exercises available to help you lose weight fast and lose body fat. The best way is to combine diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.


Method 1 of 3: Adjusting the diet

  1. Eat in moderation, a balanced diet. This is a very important habit. Skipping meals or fasting for too long can make you more hungry and harder to stick to a well-established weight loss regimen.
    • Eating in moderation helps to increase metabolism, thereby supporting body fat loss.
    • Some studies show that when you skip meals, you can suffer from nutritional deficiencies. Not only that, but feeling too hungry will cause you to overeat.
    • Should eat at least 3 meals per day. It is okay to eat 1-2 more snacks, especially if a main meal is more than 4-5 hours apart.

  2. Limit your carbohydrate intake. Certain carbohydrates are essential for a healthy diet. However, research shows that a low-carb diet helps burn fat faster.
    • Carbohydrates are found in many foods. It is best to limit carbohydrates from foods like whole grains because the nutrients in the grain group are also found in many other foods. So, you do not need to worry about missing essential nutrients when limiting this food group.
    • Focus on carbohydrates that are rich in fiber and nutrients like beans and vegetables. Avoid canned or frozen foods that contain added sugar or salt.
    • If you want to eat whole grains, choose 100% whole grains instead of refined grains. Whole grains are richer in fiber than refined grains. In addition, research has found that a diet rich in whole grains is good for heart health.

  3. Increase protein intake. Protein provides the body with energy to burn calories. A high protein content, coupled with a low-carb diet, can help burn fat faster.
    • Include at least one serving of high-protein foods at each meal. One serving is equivalent to 90-120 g or 1/2 cup.
    • Avoid fatty foods. If possible, choose lean meats like poultry, low fat meats, lean beef, or beans. These foods help reduce fat intake and control cholesterol.
    • Shake proteins are also a good source of protein in your diet. However, it is not necessary to take a shake with protein unless you are trying to gain muscle.

  4. Eat more vegetables. Green vegetables provide many vitamins and minerals to the body. Not only that, green vegetables are low in calories and rich in nutrients.
    • Dark leafy green vegetables like kale, mustard greens, spinach and kale are rich in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C and many B vitamins.
    • In addition, dark green leafy vegetables are also rich in carotenoids - an antioxidant that helps prevent cancer cells.
    • Limit your consumption of light-colored vegetables like lettuce because they are low in nutrients.
  5. Add seasoning to the dish. Certain spices can help boost metabolism and stimulate burning calories faster. Therefore, you should use spices when preparing dishes to speed up the process of burning fat and losing weight.
    • Cayenne peppers can help burn fat and suppress cravings. In addition, cayenne pepper also helps speed up metabolism to burn more calories.
    • Cinnamon also enhances metabolism.Some studies show that cinnamon also helps lower blood sugar and low-density cholesterol.
    • Black pepper has been shown to improve digestion and burn excess fat faster.
    • Mustard powder increases metabolic rate by up to 25%.
    • Ginger helps to reduce cravings and improve metabolic function. In addition, ginger also aids in digestion and reduces nausea and vomiting.
  6. Avoid processed foods. When you want to lose weight and burn fat fast, you need to cut back on processed foods because they make it harder for you to achieve your fat loss goals.
    • Processed foods often contain preservatives and artificial additives, and are high in calories and fat.
    • Take the extra time to prepare your own meals. Not only can you understand what you are eating, preparing your own meals also helps you control the processing to retain the most nutrients.
  7. Drink a lot of water. Water is essential for all functions in the body. While maintaining your goal of rapid weight loss, you must both rehydrate your body. Water is also an important component in the process of excreting toxins from the body. Not only that, but water is also essential for the liver - the body's natural filter.
    • The average person needs to drink about 8-13 glasses of water per day, or about 1900 ml.
    • When exercising, drink 2 more glasses of water. The amount of water needed depends on the intensity of the exercise because the more exercise, the higher the risk of dehydration.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise to burn fat

  1. Measure heartbeat. Sit comfortably, place two fingers on the middle of your wrist to feel your heartbeat. You can use a chronograph or a watch with a second hand, count your heart rate for 15 seconds. Multiply the number of beats by 4 to get your heart rate per minute when you rest.
    • The maximum rate of heart rate (MHR) is about 220 minus the age. For example, if you were 30 years old, your maximum heart rate would be 190.
    • The heart rate needed during intense exercise should be around 70-80% of your maximum heart rate.
    • These numbers help you gauge exercise intensity.
  2. Start with low intensity exercise. It is better to practice gentle exercises when starting. Research has also shown that the body burns the most calories from fat when performing low-intensity exercise.
    • Aim for 20-30 minutes of mild physical activity per day.
    • Light intensity exercise does not cause your heart rate to increase significantly. So this is the best form of exercise for beginners.
    • The required heart rate for low-intensity exercise should be within 40% of your maximum heart rate.
    • This low impact activity can be a brisk walk or gardening exercise. You can incorporate them into a daily schedule for 1-2 weeks before moving on to a new exercise regimen.
  3. Combine moderate and heavy intensity exercise. After about a week of low intensity training, you can start speeding up your training.
    • Jogging or going for a quick walk are both great intensity exercises. Alternatively, you can practice cycling on relatively flat terrain.
    • The required heart rate should be within 60% of the maximum heart rate. You should notice rapid increase in breathing and sweating 10 minutes after the exercise.
    • When you find that moderate intensity exercise doesn't tire your body too tired, you can start moving on to intense exercise.
    • The required heart rate for intense exercise should be within 80% of your maximum heart rate.
    • Jogging, mountain biking, boating, and competitive sports like basketball or table tennis are all forms of intense exercise.
  4. Exercise in the morning. If possible, try to exercise in the morning. Some studies show that the body burns more calories from fat in the morning, before breakfast.
    • Morning exercise often helps to create a more regular exercise routine. Exercising before going to school or work helps to keep you from being influenced by other jobs. Not only that, but exercising in the early morning also helps to recharge the body throughout the day.
    • Exercising too close to bedtime can make it difficult to fall asleep because the heart rate is still high.

Method 3 of 3: Control fat loss

  1. Keep a food journal. This diary helps to keep track of calorie intake and calories burned. From there, you can adjust your diet to maximize weight loss and help you lose weight consistently.
    • Every day, you should keep a record of what you eat, when and how many calories you eat. Note which group of foods (if any) make up the most of the meal.
    • At the same time, make a note of how much you did the exercise, for how long and how intense. Likewise, the calories burned should be recorded. The amount of calories burned varies from person to person, but you can look up charts that show average calories burned.
    • Keep track of your weight during the day. This helps keep track of your overall fat loss and gives you the motivation to continue.
    • Consider keeping track of your exercise routine in a journal.
  2. Eat in control. Taking time to eat, focusing on the dishes and actually enjoying the meal will help you eat less.
    • Sometimes, eating too quickly or distracted from eating can cause you to overeat. When it comes to meals (either main or snack), stay away from distractions like the TV, phone or computer, and spend at least 20 minutes enjoying the food. This helps send signals between your stomach and brain when you have eaten enough.
    • Eating when bored is also a mistake many people make. Instead, try chewing gum to keep yourself from thinking about the food and remind yourself that mealtime is coming.
    • Do not snack while watching TV. Snacking while watching TV is a habit that many people love, but it is best to replace the cakes with an apple. We rarely eat while watching TV because of hunger, but usually because it has become a habit. Therefore, you need to realize and quit this bad habit.
    • Avoid late-night snacking. Eating before bed increases the amount of calories you consume during the day and the body cannot burn. What you eat before bed doesn't convert directly to fat, but it will slow weight loss.
  3. Stress management. Research shows that chronic stress causes you to secrete more cortisol, which in turn makes it easier for your body to gain fat tissue and lose fat.
    • Stress management is not only good for weight loss and fat loss, but it's also good for your mental health and overall well-being.
    • You can journal, listen to music, chat with friends or go for a walk to relax and relieve stress.
    • If you are having trouble managing your stress, see a lifestyle counselor. An expert will teach you directly how to manage stress.
  4. Track your fat loss results. Keeping track of how much weight or fat you lose is a fun habit and will motivate you to persevere in losing more fat.
    • When you lose body fat, your weight will also decrease over time. So, a regular weight will help you keep track of fat loss.
    • In addition, you can measure your waist, hips, thighs and arms to see how much fat you've lost.
    • You can track body fat in percentage. A doctor or staff member at the gym can help you measure and track body fat percentage.


  • Always consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise. Let your doctor see your plan and ask for advice on how to adjust diet / exercise regimen based on specific needs.