Ways to Gain Wisdom

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Gain Wisdom & Happiness Out of Life’s Difficulties [Occult Lecture]
Video: How to Gain Wisdom & Happiness Out of Life’s Difficulties [Occult Lecture]


Wisdom is not an innate quality, but can only be attained through experience. Anyone who likes to experience new things and looks back in the process can gain wisdom. By learning with your best, analyzing your own experiences and testing your own knowledge, you will be able to become wiser.


Part 1 of 3: Gaining Experience

  1. Do something new. It can be difficult to gain wisdom if you just hang around indoors and do the same thing every day. You will be wiser once you can step boldly into society and give yourself the opportunity to learn, make mistakes, and look back on your own experiences. If you tend to be shy, try to find ways to cultivate an inquisitive spirit and a willingness to put yourself in new situations. Every time you experience something new, you open yourself up to the ability to learn and become a little wiser when you try it.
    • Going to places you've never been before is a great way to gain some life experience. For example, booking a travel ticket to another country, or "traveling" to another city near you. Try going to a restaurant popular with locals, instead of going to a restaurant you love. Every time you get any chance, you should choose novelty instead of familiarity.
    • Social participation is also a great way to expand your world. If you tend to spend time watching sports, buy tickets to see a play. If you're a nerd, you can sign up for a hiking group or join a bowling team.

  2. Get out of your comfort zone. If you are afraid to do something, perhaps that is exactly what you should try to do. When you have to deal with an awkward or awful situation, you will be better able to equip yourself to cope with fear the next time you encounter it. As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “We gain strength, courage, and confidence through every experience we have when we stop fearing ... we need to do what we thought we couldn't ”.
    • For example, if you're afraid of public speaking, volunteer to become a speech reader.
    • If you don't like sharing your feelings, make an effort to have a conversation with someone you love so that they know how much you care. Also ask about how the person feels.

  3. Make an effort to talk to someone you don't know well. Talk to people from different backgrounds and have different perspectives from yours, and pay attention to what you can learn from them. Try not to judge them based on your narrow opinion. The more you sympathize with others, the more wise you will become.
    • Practice being a good listener, and ask lots of questions to find out more information. You should really pay more attention to what the other person is saying rather than just idle thoughts. Each conversation will give you the opportunity to get to know others better, widen your horizons and, in turn, help you become wiser.
    • You should also share yourself with the person you are talking to. Try to form a deeper conversation than usual and cultivate a new friendship.

  4. Be open-minded. Instead of judging things you don't know well, consider it from different angles and make an effort to learn about it. It can be easy to form a perspective based on the limited experiences you have had in life, but this is not the way to gain wisdom. You can't stop growing in specific situations with specific people, but you can decide to be open to learning about different things in life.
    • Avoid forming your own views based on other people's thinking, or on a popular trend.You need to do your own research and examine both sides of the issue before deciding on your views on any issue.
    • For example, maybe you think a certain type of music isn't going to be good because your friends don't like it. Before you decide to "follow" with someone, you should try going to a live performance of the band playing that music, and learn about its history. When you take the time to learn something, you can decide if you like it, not before you experience it.

Part 2 of 3: Learning from the Wise

  1. Cultivate yourself with education. If you want to learn something new, one of the best ways you can do this is by attending a class. The class you choose may link to the university, but this is not strictly necessary. You can do research to find out if members of your community offer classes or seminars in their areas of expertise.
    • Self-study is just as effective as going to a classroom. If you are unable to take a class in a subject you want to learn more about, you can look for an alternative. You can consult books in the library, interview others, and learn by doing.
    • For example, if you want to learn a new language, you can take a class or study by yourself. Find groups of people who speak that language, read books written in that language, and travel to the country that uses that language.
  2. Seek a wise mentor. Who in your life makes you feel like they are wise? Wisdom comes in many forms. It could be a pastor helping people look back on something important each week. It can be a teacher capable of inspiring others with her own understanding. And it is possible that a loved one always stays calm and discerning in all difficult situations.
    • Identify why you feel the person is wise. Is it because the person reads a lot of books? Does the person provide great advice when others need it? Does the person seem like he has discovered the meaning of life?
    • What can you learn from them? What life choices and behaviors might serve as an example for you? In a particular situation, ask yourself what the person would do when the same thing happened.
  3. Read as much as possible. Reading is a way for you to perceive other people's perspectives, regardless of topic. It will give you insight into how others think they have no other choice. Learning about both sides of the issue will give you the information you need to form the right perspective and so that you can make the right decisions.
  4. Realize that everyone can make mistakes. As you gain wisdom and experience, you will find that the person you consider to be the instructor also has flaws. Don't think of others by such high standards that their mistakes shock and upset you. Try to see who they really are, which means that you should not revere them too much, but accept who they really are both for the good and for the bad.
    • Each child will reach a time when they realize that their parents are not perfect, that they are having a hard time finding the same path as everyone else. Realizing that your parents are equal and make the same mistakes as everyone else is a sign of maturity and wisdom.
    • Forgive someone you respect makes a mistake. Try to be sympathetic to others instead of making them feel worse.

Part 3 of 3: Practicing Wisdom

  1. Be modest in new situations. As Socrates once said, "Real wisdom is when you realize that you know nothing". It can be difficult to fully understand the meaning of this statement until you are faced with a situation where you have completely fallen. No matter how smart you are, and how much experience you have, you will come across a moment when the line between right and wrong looks pretty blurred and you don't know how to choose.
    • Don't come up against a new situation thinking that you know what to do. Examine the problem from all angles, meditate or pray, and then act on your conscience's voice. Here are all the things you can do.
    • Accepting your limitations is a high form of wisdom. Know what you need to deal with and make full use of your talents, but don't pretend that you have more abilities than you actually have.
  2. Think before you act. Take a lot of time to reflect on the issue before making a decision. Think about its pros and cons, consider your own experiences and the advice of others to make the wisest choice.
    • Don't be afraid to ask others for help when you need it. You can go to someone you think is wise for advice. However, you must also consider it cautiously even with the advice of someone you trust. In the end, you are the only one who can decide the right thing for yourself.
  3. Act based on your values. Reaching out to people, religious teachings and books for advice and wisdom won't get you very far. You should not just accept certain values ​​because they are what you have been taught. Ultimately, your values ​​need to be aligned with your conscience, with your inner feelings telling you what you should do based on facts that you know well. When you need to make a big decision, summon all of your values ​​and stick to it.
    • For example, if someone in the company is being bullied, and you know standing up for him will make your boss angry. What you need to do? Think carefully and decide what is most important to you: avoid losing your job or helping someone who is hurting.
    • Stand up for your values ​​from criticism. This is not an easy task, because in life, people will ask you to do what they want. Separate your values ​​from others and do the right things in things.
  4. Learn from your mistakes. Even the most careful decision can end badly. Every time you encounter a new situation, look back at it and think about what went well and what was hindering you. Once you realize that you made a mistake, find out what new findings you can apply so you can face a similar situation in the future.
    • Don't torture yourself for making mistakes. You are a human being, and all you can do is learn from the pain you experience.
    • Be aware that perfection does not exist. The goal here is not about being perfect or like a god, but trying your best to act on your conscience's call and be a good person in life.
  5. Share your wisdom with others. This doesn't mean you should tell others what to do; Instead, use yourself as an example to guide others. Let others discern the wisdom of being open, nonjudgmental, and understanding in all situations. Think about the mentor who has helped you on your path to wisdom, and find ways to take on their roles so that others can benefit from what you have learned.
    • If someone asks for your advice, do your best to guide them along the path you feel is quite right.Don't let your desires overwhelm your advice.