Ways to Think Logically

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos
Video: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos


Have you ever wished you were able to solve problems easily and effectively? If so, then perhaps you need to improve your way of thinking more logical. Maintaining a sharp mind is important, as our brains are capable of rearranging themselves through a process called neurological variability throughout life. You have many ways of training to have more logical thinking, from practicing brain exercises, recognizing irrational thoughts to changing your lifestyle.


Method 1 of 3: Brain training

  1. Memory challenge. Like every other part of the body, the brain can be improved with exercise. A great way for you to do this is to use memory test exercises. Try to see how many details of a given moment, a list or tasks for a day that you can remember.
    • Try to remember every day chores. Write down a grocery list and try to memorize it. Memorize a small passage from a poem or book. Wait an hour and try again to see what you have in mind.
    • Draw a map in memory. Make a map from home to work, a friend's store, a friend's house, or a place you go to.
    • Notice the small details. Paying attention to seemingly unrelated things can be a powerful tool to help you think more logically. Have you noticed someone cut their hand because the edge of the paper is sharp? Do you count the stairs in the school you are studying? Did you spot spelling mistakes in textbooks? If the answer is “no,” then now is a great time to start. The more you practice, the sharper your mind will be. Over time, you will become a more critical thinker.

  2. Crossword. The benefits of this game to the brain are well documented. To solve the puzzles, our brain is forced to step out of its capacity a little bit, and this helps to regenerate the brain's neurons. This enhances the overall capacity of the brain and aids logical thinking. You can buy books with crossword puzzles at bookstores or do a word puzzle in the morning.

  3. Learn a new talent. The process of learning new talents requires that you actually exercise logical thinking. When planning challenging missions, you'll have to use logic and strategy to gain new skills. Try these activities to improve your logical thinking skills:
    • Learn to play musical instruments
    • Learn to draw
    • Learn foreign language
    • Learn cooking

  4. Social communication. Learning others is also a form of brain exercise. Friendships and social connections nourish the brain and motivate people to strive for a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. Spend regular time with family and close friends. Attend social events and take advantage of these opportunities to get to know new people. This can be tricky if you are naturally shy or introverted, but forcing yourself to take risks in social interactions can actually help increase your logical thinking.
  5. Change daily routine. The novelty helps the brain stay sharp and improves memory. Try finding a different route to work or cooking new dishes at dinner instead of the familiar ones. New experiences help keep your brain active, and in turn can help you become a more logical thinker. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Recognize irrationality

  1. Recognize your dramatic pattern of thinking. There are many people who exacerbate problems, especially in stressful situations. They often put out the worst possibility for something. Try to recognize when you are being too pessimistic about the situation.
    • There are many forms of drama. Let's say one day you get an email from your boss saying you need to contribute more in company meetings. If you are a tragic person, you will think your job is in danger, you are a bad employee in the eyes of your boss, you will end up being fired and unemployed, and all friends and people. Dear will despise you. If you find yourself doing this, take a deep breath and try to think logically. In this example, you might say to yourself, “The boss's job is to provide constructive feedback. She just wants to show her best, and everyone gets criticized at times. This is normal ”.
    • Minimize is also a form of tragedy when you take your good accomplishments and qualities down lightly without seeing the negative sides of someone else's life. You can admire those you think they have everything, that they are perfect and successful, and then when you discover their flaws in a certain way, you immediately remove everything. You can do the same thing with yourself - you think you are the most successful person in the world, and after a small setback, you see yourself as a pathetic loser. Try to admit that these types of thinking are flawed and understand the fact that everyone has a good side and a bad side.
  2. Avoid being pushy. The magical idea of ​​one's own importance is just as damaging as the tragic idea. If you think that you are the most important person in the office, or the best student in the class, you may not be wise in your mind.
    • Everyone plays an important role in the company, school, organization or industry. Not only does your egotistical attitude upset others, it can actually interfere with your work and life. Self-awareness is essential for you to fine-tune your interactions with others. Try to overcome your feelings of complacency by telling yourself that while it is important to feel good about yourself, you must also acknowledge the efforts and contributions of others.
    • Personalization is also a form of self-esteem when you think that something unrelated to you seems to have happened because of your presence. This can be good or bad. For example, when you see a colleague talking to an attractive person in the office, you might assume they're trying to make you jealous on purpose. If the same colleague doesn't come to your birthday party, you might think they have a grudge against you, but they may actually be just busy with something. If you find yourself personalizing, try to remember that everyone's lives are just as busy as you are. They may not have a lot of time to make decisions that involve you.
  3. Recognize magical thinking. Magic thinking is not just for kids. Adults also sometimes have superstitious ways of thinking, especially in response to a traumatic event. It is believed that taking part in certain rituals, such as praying or thinking positively, can have an effect on the outcome of the situation. While it can be difficult to admit, keep in mind that there are many situations where we have no control or have very little control.
    • This way of thinking often causes people to deny responsibility for their actions. If you have a problem, identify and accept it, then find ways to fix it or learn from it.
  4. Beware of hasty conclusions. To conclude quickly means that you make judgments about people or situations without being based on facts. Very often people rush to a conclusion without realizing it.
    • For example, when the clerk at the check-out counter talks to you bluntly, you might think, "She definitely dislikes me because of her appearance, weight, dress, etc.", in when in fact, you don't know what people are thinking.
    • It is also common to assume that others should naturally know what they are thinking, and this can lead to confusion. For example, you might assume your roommate knows you want him to let your dog out when you're late, but in fact, if you don't, he might not know. Try to pay attention to the hasty conclusions in your daily life.
  5. Recognize the "all or nothing" thinking. “All or nothing” thinking is a common form of irrational thinking. People cannot see "gray" in situations, they just see situations, people and results with a black or white color.
    • For example, you might feel like a complete failure because your email has a misspelled word without realizing that you successfully conveyed your opinion and no one commented on the error. Try to accept that almost every aspect of your life is not just negative or positive.

Method 3 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Eat brain foods. The food you eat can have a big impact on brain capacity. Eat a healthy diet with brain foods. The Mediterranean diet can boost brain energy. It is a diet consisting mainly of fresh vegetables, legumes, healthy fats, and fish. Healthy fats include monounsaturated fats found in foods like fish, avocados, olive oil and canola oil. Switching to a more Mediterranean diet can help improve your overall brain capacity.
    • Spinach (spinach) is a very good brain food. Three servings of spinach or other green leafy vegetables like kale (or more) consumed each day have the effect of slowing down mental decline and increasing overall brain activity.
    • Simple sugars like white sugar, brown sugar, and syrup-like sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup can adversely affect the brain. The saturated and trans fats commonly found in red meat and milk have negative effects on brain and overall health. Refined, bleached, and fortified flours commonly found in white bread, white rice and white pasta also have adverse effects on the brain.
  2. Improve your sleep schedule. 7-8 hours of good sleep each night can help improve brain capacity and support logical thinking. To improve your sleep routine, you need to set a bedtime and wake time and stick to it, even on the weekends. Stay away from electronic screens when it's almost time to sleep. Don't eat a hearty dinner late at night and choose relaxing activities like reading for an hour before bed.
  3. Breath. Breathing enhances brain power by increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain. You can practice deep breathing exercises in the morning and before bed. Practice yoga, meditation, Pilates, and activities that focus on healthy breathing patterns.
  4. Exercise regularly. Physical exercise has a profound impact on cognitive ability. In addition to great effects on health, regular exercise and sports habits also help improve the capacity of logical thinking for the brain.
    • Priority for sports activities. Many people do not care about physical activity in life, do not spend time going to the gym or running track. If you schedule and stick to it, physical exercise will become an integral part of your routine similar to bathing or brushing your teeth in the morning.
    • Aerobic exercise is also considered to have a powerful effect on cognitive abilities. Activities such as jogging, cycling and heart-healthy daily exercises that are done 4-5 times per week can help boost brain power.
  5. Spend time living with nature. Frequently going outdoors to enjoy nature is also an important factor. Spending time outdoors will help clear your mind and take control. Try to spend a few hours in nature each week for walking, hiking, fishing, exploring the mountains, swimming in a freshwater lake or in the ocean, or just relaxing under a tree. .
  6. Rested. Rest time is often viewed as indulgence, but it is not. Rest periods are essential for the brain's ability to process information. Let your brain rest from time to time. Set a routine to relax and do it every day. Take a day of “off” and use that time to enjoy activities that you enjoy. advertisement